October 2017 testers - Having an Oktoberfest - 9 BFPs and counting

Aww Aligator (hugs) I'm catching up on your story! I haven't gone back extremely far to catch up on it all, as I really only have time to read a little then hop back off while i'm at work. I hope you get some answers today. Do you get your blood work results the same day or does it take a day or two for them to come back?

I'm just going to say a prayer for us all today that no matter where we are in our ttc journeys, that we find peace and happiness as we come in to the weekend!
It’s a bit complicated, my doctor will have to send me for blood work and I’ll have to go to the lab - I probably won’t be able to get that done today because you need an appointment (you can drop in but it can take up to a few hours just waiting if it’s not an emergency and you don’t have an appointment). I will try to get an appointment for the weekend or Monday if I can. Then it takes a day or two and I have to go back to my doctor for the results... it’s kind of annoying and a weird quirk of our healthcare system but it’s all paid for so that’s good hah. It will be days before I find out, most likely.
Awe that has to be hard on the emotions. We have walk in clinics here that will do it right away, but beings it's friday, we wouldn't get any results back until the next monday or tuesday.
I work in the medical field, and I completely dislike how complicated it is. All the same, i'm still very grateful to have it. So you're in to your next cycle now. Are you guys going to be trying this cycle. I see your fertile days are coming up?

Afm- i'm not necessarily cramping full on. Just little twinges here and there. I'm going to keep busy this weekend to keep my mind off of it. Having ttc since 2009, we had our son in 2013, a mc feb 2016 and nothing since. Its apparently very hard for me to get pregnant. Im thinking about buying some preseed this next cycle if we don't get it.
I’m sorry you’ve struggled and I’m sorry for your loss. It’s so tough.

We will try this cycle, unless I hear otherwise after the blood test. I don’t want to miss a cycle and I’m ovulating, confirmed by temp rise and OPKs so I know something is working right!
Yay!! Well theres always the chance that you can be super fertile right now anyways! Fxd tight for you girl!

I'm not sad about our struggles, i'm a big believer that God gives us what we can handle, when we can handle it. SO we weren't meant to have kids that young. I was 25 when we had our son, and I'll be 30 if we can concieve in the next couple of months. I'll just take what I can get. lol i finally got hubby on board to ttc again. so i'll just take whatever and pray for healthy happy babies for us all!
That’s a great attitude! I just turned 31, and I know that isn’t old but it’s later to be starting... I hope we don’t have to wait long for our rainbow babes!
Fingers crossed for no long waits!! when I first joined BnB back in 2010, there were women who I met ttc #1, and by the time I got my first BFP in 2013, some were trying for #2 & #3 lol. SO everyone's journey is different. I'm all about PMA. Just having nice ladies to talk to during the wait means everything <3
I just turned 29 in August. My hubby says we can try until I'm 30. So fingers x'd that we get it before then lol
Well DH was out of town most of my fertile week. I don&#8217;t O regularly so it was hard to guess when it would be and we had bad timing this cycle. I got a positive opk Tuesday night and all day Wednesday. Thursday opk was negative, no temp rose and I got significant ovulation pains Thursday afternoon (when DH returned) so we may have been lucky and caught it in time. Today I got my temp rise. So I am just going to wait until AF is due, so go ahead and mark me for 10/26
I believe God does give us more than we can handle sometimes, thats why we can and need to depend on Him. If we could handle everything, then there is no need for God! Its definitely hard to give it all and trust in his timing and peace with whatever His will is. Easier said than done!
Heather I love that. &#10084;&#65039; And you&#8217;re so right!

Af cramps have come and gone this morning off and on. Still feels like twinges and my bbs are back to being full and sore. They look almost bruised. Definitely feel bruised. Monday couldn&#8217;t come soon enough for me!

Leave it to me to obsess in the tww again. With our son I obsessed for years then finally the first month we stopped trying full on, I got pregnant. Agh the wait is hard! I wish there was a clear sign from the moment the Baby implants to know for sure!!!
I know mrs. The tww is awful i even find myself waking up before my alarm because im anxious what my temp will be (luckily my temps dont seem to change if i wake up early, get up to pee a little before my alarm, or if im hot or cold, or dont get the full 3 hours sleep beforehand). Its hard not to ss. What is that cramp? Or that discharge? Ive been pregnant 3x before and this is still hard! Hope we get our bfp! This month seems a little low for bfps.
So hard not to symptom spot you’re both right! Especially when you want it so badly. I wish I could just let go and be casual about it but that almost makes me more anxious? I think if we aren’t successful in a month or two I will try a cycle without testing and temping... at that point I’ll have a decent idea when we ovulate and can try and time it, without obsessing. Fx it happens for us before then, of course!
Agree with you Alligator, its as if tracking calms me...
I have to say that ive had 2 cycles where i tried to not track and just go with the flow and be relaxed, but it was just super stressful for me. Trying to get through the tww without knowing whether bd timing was good, and without knowing if im a day early or a day late for af turned me into a monster:blush:

But then again, there are many success stories with relaxed cycles. It really is different for everyone.
You’re right it’s so different for everyone. Everyone (well my mom and best friend) keep saying to relax and it will happen for us but tell me - how do I just relax?! It’s impossible.
Alligator, I get that all the time too. I *hate* when people tell me "oh well you just have to relax and it'll happen when you least expect it"... I was "relaxed" about it for a year and nothing happened, and the reason that I am NOT relaxed about it now is exactly because it didn't happen. People just don't get it.
I started spotting today :( Right on time. I will probably start AF tomorrow.
I may not join the November thread. I feel like this all stresses me out. With my other pregnancies I wasnt part of any TTC group etc. so I feel like I was a bit less consumed with TTC. And although I honestly love coming on here and seeing how everyone is doing, I think for me it causes too much stress! I find when I stay away I can kind of see the bigger picture and not freak out over each cycle that doesnt result in pregnancy. I am headed into month #4 so really it hasnt been that long, but just focusing on me and not everyone else helps me see that! That this is normal. Soooo, here is to me trying my best to stay away for cycle #4, especially during the 2ww! Good luck everyone!! I literally pray for you all to get your BFP's!
Littlemiller you’re so right! I’m sorry you’ve been struggling for so long. For me, after a miscarriage, I just want to shake people and be like ‘don’t you know what hell I’ve gone through?! I can’t be calm I lost my baby!!’ It’s so infuriating.
Littlemiller you’re so right! I’m sorry you’ve been struggling for so long. For me, after a miscarriage, I just want to shake people and be like ‘don’t you know what hell I’ve gone through?! I can’t be calm I lost my baby!!’ It’s so infuriating.

Thats exactly how I feel :hugs:
Well said :thumbup:

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