He's home!! 18days in the NICU Daxten James is finally home!!!
Congratulations on going home!
Well it's finally single digits days til my baby girl will be here! After being admitted for a second time for high bp they brought induction closer and it's now Thursday night, she will be here latest by today week! I'm so nervous now! She will be born exactly on 37 weeks..
Good luck Redrose! 37 weeks is great! Keep us updated
Ruskie, that would get you to 36-37, which is good! Fingers crossed that everything goes well!
I am 2 days away from 36, little one is still baking, phew. More contractions, and what not. Finished packing my hospital bag. Today I am 4 weeks away from my due date, so tomorrow we'll go drop the hospital pre-admission forms. That way it'll be done already!
Nursery all done and settled now.
It includes the folded up blanket I knitted for him
All that's missing is the little one!
NDH, you are a brave woman! I'm glad everything is going well with the twins and I really admire you. I'm terrified to have one in a hospital... haha!