Aww Katie sorry you're all sick! hope you feel better quick!!
I've been eating absolute crap too, stupidly bought cookies, and I've been eating way too many Lindor chocolate truffles! they are so addictive!! I had a horrible headache last night and like antsy feeling and couldn't get to sleep til 3 am, plus DD was up twice for no reason then got up earlier than normal. Ugh tired today!
Got my blood work results back, not the most perfect news but nothing too bad. Test was at 17 dpo or 4w+3d. Progesterone a tad low at 19.23 and she said they want it over 20, so i have to go back in next week for a 2nd blood draw to see if it has gone up. She said it may just be that it was too early and it may have gone up by now. If it hasn't then i have to go on a progesterone cream. Didn't have this happen with DD so I'm not sure where that came from!
Then my Thyroid results aren't great, TSH was 5.02 when they want it below 2.5 ugh, so i have to go back on medication. I'm glad we found out now though because it can cause birth defects in the first tri. So i'm going to get that prescription later today. I have been wondering if it has been struggling because i gained back about 20 lbs since i stopped breastfeeding dd at 6 months old. I had lost all but 5 lbs of my baby weight and then gained a lot of it back again in the last year and a half or so. And i've been so super tired, especially now that i'm pregnant. Absolutely no drive whatsoever!
And lastly they did test my HcG, and it came back at 118.1. She said that's normal, i looked at it on Betabase and it's less than the median of 417 but hopefully it's ok. We're going to retest it next week when i do my progesterone test to make sure it's doubling well. With DD it was super high (5923 @ 20 dpo & 13,841 @ 22 dpo!) so maybe I am having a boy this time! lol