October babies due dates and bump colours

Hi Ladies!! :dance:

Nypage, I do not know a lot about GD but I have heard that it is pretty common to get a false positive. If you do not have any other symptoms, weight gain is low, and baby is not overly large.. is it possible it could be a false positive? Did they do the 3 hr test or just the 1 hr test? IDK but just a thought!
Sorry to hear about the GD results. I agree with what lys said. my doctor told me false positives are very common. She even suggested to me that I not eat 3 hours before the test even though its a non fasting because she has found that her patients who eat before are the one's who got the false positives. With both my girls I didnt eat for 3 hours before and passed the first time and never had to do the 3 hour test. I was afraid it i didnt eat it would scew the results but she told me it just lowers my chance of a false positive. If I have GD it wouldnt change the results.

Have you done the 3 hour fasting one? If so and it still came back positive I hope just diet will be enough to keep it under control for you.
NYpage, sorry for the outcome. I'm type II diabetic on Insulin pump. If you do have GD, you can control it with diet and exercise. Pretty much changing from white pasta's, white rice, white bread to whole grains. Anything that says 100% Whole wheat not just wheat or you won't be getting 100% and it will still affect your sugars.

Everything in moderation. When you have a carb, pair it with a protein. If you decide you want chocolate, pair it with peanut butter.

It won't be too bad. Berries are low on the GI as are pears and apples. Greens are all good...potatoes are high on the Glycemic Index and will carry your bloodsugars to high points. Again, you could do half a baked potato and pair it with a protein. The key is balancing your proteins with carbs.

If you need any help, I'm here. :winkwink:
Hi October Mummies/Mommies! :hi:

So, I went for my 4D scan yesterday, and WOW! it was amazing to see what my little girl gets up to in there. She was trying to snuggle up and sleep, and didnt seem too impressed that I was waking her! and she had her foot up by her face, and was trying to suck her big toe! She's just so pretty, and so funny!
I got loads of pics, but just thought I would share my favourites with you.


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Beautiful scan pics! So cute:)

Thanks everyone for info about the GD and the test and such.....I dont have to do the 3 hour test but am now thinking I should. My doctor said my numbers were 186. I read about it after and thats not that high, so that should warrant 3 hour test, but they are jumping to sending me to consults and classes.....I dont have a consult until wed so I bought a blood glucose reader and have checked OFTEN to try and find a pattern and keep a log. Well- looks to me like the test was wrong. I've not gone over 105 for 2 days now and once it was even after a candy bar because I was seriously so confused and wanted to push my levels. I think something may have been wrong with their test. Surely, if I hadn't had sugar in 2 days, and had a candy bar, that shold have spiked my levels, right? MA- you would know that answer the best I believe.

The normal range for me is 80-100. Isnt this normal? Grante, i've not had much sugar and been good abot everything- but shouldnt the candy bar have done something? Also, for dinner last night we went and had a super greasy cheeseburger and I snuck some fries...and even after that meal I was like 88. What do you think MA?
Beautiful scan pics! So cute:)

Thanks everyone for info about the GD and the test and such.....I dont have to do the 3 hour test but am now thinking I should. My doctor said my numbers were 186. I read about it after and thats not that high, so that should warrant 3 hour test, but they are jumping to sending me to consults and classes.....I dont have a consult until wed so I bought a blood glucose reader and have checked OFTEN to try and find a pattern and keep a log. Well- looks to me like the test was wrong. I've not gone over 105 for 2 days now and once it was even after a candy bar because I was seriously so confused and wanted to push my levels. I think something may have been wrong with their test. Surely, if I hadn't had sugar in 2 days, and had a candy bar, that shold have spiked my levels, right? MA- you would know that answer the best I believe.

The normal range for me is 80-100. Isnt this normal? Grante, i've not had much sugar and been good abot everything- but shouldnt the candy bar have done something? Also, for dinner last night we went and had a super greasy cheeseburger and I snuck some fries...and even after that meal I was like 88. What do you think MA?

Okay, first of it, it doesn't sound all that high. A normal reading from a healthy person per my own Dr. is between 60 and 100 fasting.

When and how often are you testing? My suggestion is to test your morning "fasting" before breakfast. Then 2 hours after breakfast. From there test before meals and 2 hours after meals.

That should give you a reasonable idea of what your sugars are. Ideally for someone that's diabetic, they want their numbers in the 120's 2 hours after meals. I believe a healthy woman should be under that 2 hrs after.

The 180 number you received would be considered borderline or Insulin Resistant. IF in fact it was accurate. So they didn't give you a 3 hr GTT? They basically gave you a HGA1C which gives a 3 month average of your blood sugar levels? Hm. My Endocrinologist is working with my husband who is having issues right now and he mentioned that the specialists have been given new guidelines and they will be taking from HGA1C's over GTT but I'm still unsure as to the accuracy of diagnosis without a GTT.

Check your sugars before and 2 hours after meals to see what they're running. Another thing, why did YOU have to go out and buy a monitor? Dr.'s have them in the office and give them for FREE. My husband got one, though I've given him one of my monitors as I have a stock pile of them. :lol:

I'll be interested in seeing what happens. In the end...don't stress too much. It will cause your sugar levels to spike and will defeat the purpose. Go about your day as you usually would and just do the testing as I have suggested. You can go from there. Just don't stress too much. It is possible it's a false diagnosis.:winkwink:
Thank you MA!

I bought a monitor because I found out friday my test results, and couldn't schedule my consult and my class until wed so thought I needed to monitor before then. Nope, no 3 hour test....thinking I should have gotten that....but its better to just be careful with my diet anyways and keep testing. I was testing 1 hour after eating but will try the 2 hour after and see what it comes up with. 1 hour after eating I am always like 100 so not high at all. Highest i've gotten was 128 this morning after breakfast. I had special K cereal so guess that was something that made it go higher. Im trying not to stress, just afraid of the health risks for my baby now. And kinda feel guilty that I got GD...seems hard to not see it as, I got too big and ate too horribly...but I know inside that's not why I got it. Just being a mom and feeling that guilt that we are good at!

I will let you know how it goes after my consult on wed....see what they say. I will show them all my numbers and data and see if they think I need the 3 hour test to confirm, as the highest i've been was 128 and that was a fluke. Im always 80-100 otherwise. Even 1 hour after food. I am so glad I know you on here, as you are so knowledgeable and I will come to you with questions!
Nypage, sounds like you need to find out more info! Either at the consult or with the 3 hour test. My friend who recently had GD said they told her to throw out all her breakfast cereal as it is really bad for your sugar. Even the supposedly healthy types. :shrug: Her DH actually lost weight because he had been eating so much cereal before that! :haha:

Well, my househunting trip is going well so far! We submitted an application today, and hope to hear back tomorrow. :) Stupid pregnancy brain made me forget to bring my checkbook though. :dohh: I feel pretty stupid but then again my DH didn't even think about it either... oh well. Fortunately we have some really close friends in the area who came with us to the realtor's office to submit the application and wrote two checks for us. Now those are good friends! I just hope we get the place. If not, we have a second choice that we'd be happy with too. I just want to have this all figured out soon!

Now... soooo tired. I think we have walked through 15+ apartments over the past two days. Zzzzz....
Zb- thats crazy about cereal! Yea, I think even the stupid Special K was too much for me. And 128 isn't even THAT high, but yep stupid special K! So yummy though....thats what I will have for my first meal in the hospital after I give birth:)

So nice about your friends! They are good ones......Fingers crossed for you and getting the place....get some rest!
Thank you MA!

I bought a monitor because I found out friday my test results, and couldn't schedule my consult and my class until wed so thought I needed to monitor before then. Nope, no 3 hour test....thinking I should have gotten that....but its better to just be careful with my diet anyways and keep testing. I was testing 1 hour after eating but will try the 2 hour after and see what it comes up with. 1 hour after eating I am always like 100 so not high at all. Highest i've gotten was 128 this morning after breakfast. I had special K cereal so guess that was something that made it go higher. Im trying not to stress, just afraid of the health risks for my baby now. And kinda feel guilty that I got GD...seems hard to not see it as, I got too big and ate too horribly...but I know inside that's not why I got it. Just being a mom and feeling that guilt that we are good at!

I will let you know how it goes after my consult on wed....see what they say. I will show them all my numbers and data and see if they think I need the 3 hour test to confirm, as the highest i've been was 128 and that was a fluke. Im always 80-100 otherwise. Even 1 hour after food. I am so glad I know you on here, as you are so knowledgeable and I will come to you with questions!

First of all 128 isn't bad at all. It's around the normal numbers you need after meals. Second, the only way you'll hurt baby is if your numbers are in the upper ranges for a LONG period of time. Mine are in the 200's sometimes thanks to the 17P injections and second trimester high's. The good news is that they don't STAY there for long periods of time. Once I catch them, I bolus and the numbers go down.

The main reason they don't want your levels too high is because you have potential for a bigger baby upon birthing. Most major issues happen with people who have HIGH bloodsugars in the beginning and don't do anything to keep them at bay. That can bring on birth defect. Also as you get into the second trimester with uncontrolled HIGH sugars (we're talking 200's and I've seen some REALLY high in the 300's) without bringing the numbers down have potential side effects for heart issues.

It's why I was asked to go to the pediatric cardiologist. Turns out we have VERY little risk but most diabetics HAVE to have this done in the second and sometimes 3rd trimester to detect early.

I wouldn't even worry too much about your numbers. They honestly seem normal to me. Now if you were talking 190's or 200's I'd be concerned. You don't want those levels uncontrolled for long periods of time. THAT'S when you can potentially harm baby. With your levels....Well, lets just say many type II's ESPECIALLY those who are pregnant would LOVE to have those numbers! :winkwink:

My suggestion is before you diagnose....be sure to have that 3 hr fasting. You can test 2 hours after your meals....in most cases your number should be going down. If it goes to the 130's I'd say your borderline Insulin Resistant or as they like to put it...GD.

Right now though, I see no proof of GD.

Also, While it makes sense to control your diet right now. By doing so, IF you decide to get the 3hr GTT your potentially causing the test to come out inaccurate. I would eat what you normally do so that when you have your testing whether GTT or HGA1c you find out for sure if your GD or not. If you fix the problem before the testing you won't know for sure if you actually have a problem or not.

On cereals. They can be an issue. My diabetic counselor recommended the Special K Protein Plus cereal if your going to have any cereal at all. My endocrinologist recommended extend bars to replace meals and keep blood sugars level for up to 9 hrs if you decide you have to skip a meal or are on the run those are good.

As I said, pairing protein with carbs is the way to go. FIBER is good too. Oatmeal is excellent and if you add a side of scrambled eggs, you have a healthy meal with fiber/complex carb paired with your egg protein.

It's honestly moderation is the key. You can have a piece of cake once in awhile and not have to worry. You won't hurt the baby unless you keep your levels high and eat the whole darn cake.

Let me know if I can help further.:winkwink::thumbup:
Nai- glad you're feeling better.
Nypage- i had that injection in my bum 2. Sucks bout GD glad you have mommys angel.
Shelleney- Thanks for sharing your pics, she's very cute and likes her foot like my little man hehe.

Has anyone used a birthing pool or planning 2?

I had 5weeks of holidays to use before end of year so i've taken it now before maternity so i'm done woo hoo. Work was getting me down as was too hot and my legs were achy and kept me awake at night from sitting around all day. Hmm what should i do today :happydance:
thanks adele :hugs:

Quick update for me - we got our #1 choice of house! The tenants who were causing so many problems FINALLY moved on sat and we got to view it on sun morning and again in the evening and it is wonderful!!! :cloud9: we've got 3 double bedrooms - the 1 bedroom has a little enclosed attic storage space in that is accessible via the wall so we're going to turn that in to a den for LO when she's older! Got lovely sized rooms downstairs and a lovely garden and plenty of parking. Only problems we found were needing a bannister rail (easily fixed) just to be on the safe side and the garden is overgrown and needs fencing to keep our two furbabies in - other than that, it's PERFECT!!

We're not sure about getting the 4d scan anymore... we keep thinking there's much better things to spend the money on (as is £140 where we are) and we're a bit peeved because we bought 2 scans with them already and they said they'd do it for under £100 but now they're saying they never said that so we feel like we're being ripped off! :nope: also i really want the surprise of not knowing what she looks like until we meet her.. but then i see all your pics and i want one so bad at the same time!!! lol decisions decisions...

I am absolutely now dreading my GTT next week after all this talk of it and GD... :cry: I know it's best to be safe, but i'm already feeling so groggy from the low bp and i'm sure it's going to make me pass out or vomit.. :haha:
I thought about a swimming pool and I'm gona write in my birth plan that I want the option open to me if possible but OH's aunty is a midwife and suggested as a first time mum I don't use it ...

I don't think I would want to actually give birth in it ... just labour :flower:

Had our 4d and baby is 2lbs 8oz :smug:
It behaved very well ... a little too well I wished it had done a few flips or something lol

We found out teh gender on the DVD ... but we haven't watched that bit and ooooh I'm so tempted! :haha:
We're thinking girl still from what we seen but when we asked if they could make it out teh woman was very enthusiastic "Oh yeah!" making me think boy :dohh: :haha:

Hope everyone is well, I know I'm a bit of a pop in, pop out on this thread lol :flower:


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Nai i also dont think im getting another 4D scan as theyre just too much and even though i really really want one , I can spend that money on other things :nope:

20102001 - beautiful photos!! :thumbup:
Nai i also dont think im getting another 4D scan as theyre just too much and even though i really really want one , I can spend that money on other things :nope:

20102001 - beautiful photos!! :thumbup:

Thanks hun ... I kinda wish we'd had it done a little earlier so we could of got more of baby in the pictures than just it's face but it was so lovely and I had a little happy cry :D

Did you have one earlier on in your pregnancy? :flower:
Yehh I had one at 21 weeks it was fab!!! I really wanted another tho to see baby looking all chubby but cant afford it & in a few weeks time it will be too late as baby will be too big :(

Never mind we will be meeting her soon xx
MA- thank you. I am still just going to eat, monitor myself and wait until my appointment on wed to see if they'll give me the 3 hour fasting test. Seems like I could have GD lightly, but not bad so im surprised they're being so careful without verifying! Either way, I did eat some sweets yesterday at the baby shower that I threw. A few chocolate covered strawberries, perhaps? :) You are a huge help and thanks for telling me so much and putting my mind at ease a whole lot! I needed that!

Nai- YAY for the house! Congrats! And dont worry for the GD test. Honestly, it has been brought to my attention that this is NOT the worse thing in the world that can happen to me:)

2010- those pics are sooo cute:) Yes, earlier they see some more movement sometimes, but yours are super adorable and the face is a bit more filled out.

Sorry everyone that I turned this into the diabetes forum temporarily! I will try to not talk about it ALL the time....just a question here and there for the lovely MA:)
Happy 3rd tri to the last of us October ladies!! https://i54.tinypic.com/14boke1.gif

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