October babies due dates and bump colours

Well girls, I just spent my morning catching up and I don't know where to start! lol

To those who posted pictures - loved them! I'm jealous of the 4D US's! They are all so beautiful, I tried t convince DH to let me do it but he just wanted to wait until we meet the babies in person. Boo!

Nypage - sorry to hear about the GD results. Don't worry if you want to talk about it on here. I doubt any of us mind and we sure don't hesitate talking aobut what is concerning us during our pregnancies ;) I'm interested to see if they will do the 3hour test or not.

Nai - congrats on the new house! When do you move in?

Everyone else, I missed you ladies while I was on vacation. It wasn't the same talking about pregnancy stuff with my sister despite us being at the same point. I was so frustrated with her. She seems to think that everyhing will be just like in the books her and her DH are reading. And it was so not fair how perfect her bump was. Grrrr! lol

The cottage was really nice and we got our pick of the rooms beside the master bedroom since we were the first to arrive after my parents. There was a den so DD ended up sleeping on a cot in that room instead of in our room so that was nice. There was a huge mountain of sand the owner had had delivered on the beach and DD was thrilled to play in it. The weather mostly cooperated and we did a lot of swimming which was a nice relief on the weight from my belly. I got sick the first few days in for 36 hours with some stomach virus which included a rotten sore cramping belly and running to the toilet a LOT. When I was feeling better we decided to head into the local village and ended up with a flat tire after running over some weird piece of bent metal we're pretty sure that 3 boys on the side of the road had placed on the street. The mechanic was closed (literally just closed) by the time we got there so we went back the next day and thankfully were able to have it repaired for $20. DH and I left DD at the cottage and left a day early to go to a wedding. The meal was horrible and I was so sad plus my ankles and feet blew up so fat and I was so uncomfortable. Yesterday DD came home and we wisked her off to a birthday party and wasted some time shopping and then went back to pick her up and again my ankles and feet were swollen. Bah! I'm hoping to take a little more easy today and just relax but I know myself and I will likely end up grocery shopping and then sitting in the car as DH and I go visit some trailer vacation park (I really don't want to go) because our friends told us about one they love and it's better than his moms and he has a dream we would buy one. Personally it doesn't make sense to me to buy vacation property since DH is in the military and we could get posted to another city, province and even country.

Anyway, blah blah blah.. I could babble all day but I shall shut up for now. :)
thanks littlestars :thumbup: we should be in by 21st august at the latest :headspin: SO excited and we've decided on an apple green and soft pink palette for the nursery colours as it already has a lovely green carpet in the room we've chosen for LO :cloud9:

sorry you were sick over your vacation :nope: i'm inclined to agree with you on the vacation home.. doesn't make much sense? :shrug: oh well.. take it easy! :hugs:
Nai - that's the exact colour palette I had with DD and it was so beautiful. I'm sure your nursery will look fantastic once you finally get in to do it up.
Quick update from me......

At my 28 week appointment last week the doctor notice that I was measuring 5 weeks ahead. So he ordered me another ultrasound. I had my ultrasound this morning and it was great. I made the comment that I was sad that it was my last ultrasound ever and the girl doing it loaded me up with pics. They were all 3d/4d ones. :) ANyway, I was laying there watching the screen when she was measuring the head and I seen it say the head was measuring 31 weeks and 3 days. She measured it 4 times to double check and each one was the same measurement. So I asked if I was seeing that right and she said "I wasn't going to say anything but your baby has a big head". That is almost 2 weeks ahead. Then she measured the belly and the femur and they too are measuring a week ahead. With that the baby's rough weight is 3 lbs 5 oz. I got told to be prepared to have a big baby. I'm more shocked about having a big baby than I was when I was told in the beginning it was twins. She is very healthy and cute as can be. I can't wait to meet her.

THis is different for me because my girls were only: 6 lbs 2.5, 5 lbs 4.9 oz, 6 lbs 2.8 oz and 5 lbs 14.1 oz. They were all born around 40 weeks give or take a couple days. So the thought of a big baby scares me.





mommyof3grls, Congrats. I wouldn't be too concerned. I've heard that sono's can be off a pound or two at times. I have two friends who ended up being induced because they're babies were supposedly big and they ended up being about 8lbs.

I'm wondering if our little darling will have her daddy's big head too. :rofl: Our son was a picture of his daddy. The long legs, long torso, big head. We'll see what our little girl will look like. So glad you got a 3D. I'm hoping to have one in a couple weeks IF Amelia will cooperate. She hasn't to this point but hopefully she'll start changing positions.

Littlestars, how horrible about the metal in the road. Glad you were able to get it fixed. I feel for you with the swollen feet and ankles. I have it too. I've had to drink TONS of water and literally stay in bed with my feet up for them to finally come down. I'm watching the salt intake too. They hurt terribly when they're swollen.

NY, talk away. We all have our moments with issues and it's good to have people you can talk with. We're here to listen. :winkwink:

So far no news is good news. I'm starting to receive gifts from my registry. My cousin who is getting married the week before my shower sent me the Medala bf'ing package, a Medala storage unit and some bibs. Was SO excited to see them! I also saw where ppl are purchasing the AOI cloth diapers 2 and 4 at a time. :happydance: They run pretty expensive per diaper for up front costs but honestly save in the longrun. The fact that people are purchasing them makes me REALLY HAPPY! Can't wait to see everyone at the shower. I love to mingle and having all the people in the room is going to be quite fun for me.

Nothing else up. No news is good news they say. I'm 30wks 1 day and with each passing week am SO excited to have made it and know I'll be holding Amelia this fall. I still miss Jackson terribly and wish they could meet each other, but it will happen in heaven one day.

Love to you all. :hug:
Nai- wow a den thats cool, glad you're finally getting somewhere and house sounds perfect. Ur furbabies will love it 2. Grr how mean about scan.
2010- Yeah i'm not sure about having birth in pool but def going for a dip for labour. Loving ur baba v cute.
I don't mind you talking about diabetes think it's great u have someone to help with questions but u make me hungry with ur food talk and choc strawberries mmm :)
Welcome Laura and Welcome back Littlesstars.
Mommy of 3 fab you got some amazing pics she might of had a growth spurt but slow down?
we're going to put bets on how big ours will be i reckon long and gangly like her dad :)
Mommys angel- glad you're being spoilt with pressies. Not long to go now. I think Jackson will be looking after Amelia making sure she is safe x
Mommy - the pictures are wonderful! Hopefully your baby won't be big afterall and it just a long/tall baby. My sister's DH has a HUGE head so I often wonder if she'll have a hard time delivering her LO. hehe

MA - yay for presents! So did you decide to go with the Medela pump afterall or just some of their accessories? I found a place that carries Ameda and it's a way better price with great reviews (pretty sure that was one you suggested) so I'm likely going to buy that one afterall my grandstanding wanting the Medela.

I bought the last two 5packs of AIO diapers for the twins. So I now have 40 AIO diapers, hoping it'll last a 2 days span for laundry on alternate days. DD averaged 7 disposable diapers a day. I have no idea what I'll do after they hit the weight limit of 22 lbs but I got the diapers on half price so YAY! I know for sure I'll be using disposable diapers until the twins hit the minimum since I have no idea how premmie they will or will not be it's just easier this way. I definitely hope I'll be able to sell the diapers once I'm done with them and recover some of the expense, even at 50% off they still cost me a bundle! Bring on the savings!

I realized that I'm starting to go a little crazy buying clothing here and there wherever I go and I really need to stop for at least a week until the nursery is done so I can do an inventory and see what I have so I don't overbuy. I just keep finding wicked deals on clothing and I buy buy buy! How could anyone pass up baby jeans for $3?? I even bought a bead runner toy (the bend metal on a stand where you push around the beads) for $5 yesterday. Stop me!!! lol And to think a few weeks ago I was the one who hadn't bought anything new!?

Anyway, off to turn in the car to the bodyshop and get it fixed, pick up a loaner and then finally pick up my cats from my mom's house before returning home and starting to clean up the house. After all the painting and then packing for the cottage and general neglect I feel like I live in a 'Hoarders' house. Ahhhhh!!!
LS - we packed up all the baby stuff for our move in a couple of weeks on the weekend... we have 9 HUGE boxes of baby stuff packed... and DH packed away our DVD collection and i've done our photos/ornaments from the lounge and hall, and that's only 3 smaller boxes.. :rofl: think we've got a problem with buying for baby!! :haha: we thought we didn't have much, oops!!

I decided that since I have PCOS and there's a chance no milk will come in at all, that I would wait on buying any bp. I thought what I'd do is put the Medala stuff on my registry list because I can interchange it if needed. Once in the hospital I'll be able to use their pump to see if anything will actually come in. After that I'll rent the hospital grade from babies R Us and see if it's worth me purchasing the pump. Like you, I may get the Ameda since I've seen great ratings over the medala.

I guess before I spent the money, I wanted to see if my milk would actually come in. At any rate, it would help us to get those medala products because it would cut the cost for us. So hopefully I'll be fine with the milk end. My boobs sure feel full these days.

Oh, forgot to mention I started using the Lansinoh cream on my nipples like you mentioned. Hopefully that will soften them up so it won't hurt as much. :winkwink: Thanks for the tip! :thumbup:
wait a second.. pcos stops milk production? I must google this. My doctor never warmed me about this darn it! I know there are medications you can take to help with production along with herbal supplements but the prescription ones are not advisable if you are starting to show signs of post partum depression if I remember rightly. Must google stuff... lol google my best and worst friend. I am desperate to BF simply for the cost savings of it with twins. If it were a singlton I'd be fine with FFing if it was needed since they are so much better than they were 30 years ago and my daughter did well on them. Twins though.. whole other matter.. soooooooo expensive!!!
Good luck getting that apartment zb5!

Adele - great news on you being finished work now. me too! its a great feeling, isnt it? also, I am hiring a birthing pool for my homebirth.

Congrats on getting your house Nai! and I know 3D/4D scans are sooo expenisve, but i justified that you only get one chance, and you cant go back if you change your mind, so just to go for it! we decided not to get eachother birthday presents this year, and to use the money to pay for the scan instead (my bday was last month, OHs is this month).

20102001 - lovely photos of your baby! are you staying team yellow then?

No need to apologize Nyp. Its important that you ask questions and get the answers you need. Good luck!

Welcome back, Littlestars! sorry to hear that you were unwell, and damaged your car during your vacation. and wow, you really are getting all your shopping done now, arent you?!

Mommyof3girls - what beautiful pics of your little girl! im sure her growth will sort itself out before she arrives.

Big hugs Mommy's Angel. I kinda know how you feel, as I lost a baby last year (although I wasnt as far along as your were). I like to believe that my first baby sent me his little sister, and will be looking over her. and I believe the same for you - Jackson sent you Amelia, and is looking down on her. Stay strong :hugs:

Hi to everyone else :hi:
Thanks ladies for all the sentiments on the GD issue! I am really working it out pretty well. Doesn't seem that i've got it that bad as i've monitored very very closely and never gotten very high numbers. Have even snuck in some chocolate in there. Tee hee. But there are still things im holding back quite a bit on. No juices, I miss sugar and cream in coffee, pancakes, pasta....sigh. All for the good of this baby!

Little- its nice that you've gotten so far with the shopping! I am slowly getting the necessities done also! Are you having a shower with the twins? I was going to have one, but now im not so sure. I kinda dont want to. What way of washing the reusable diapers are you going to go with? I have heard of different ways to clean them and things you can put on the toilet and stuff.....

Nai- you too! 9 Boxes?!? Whoa. Thats a lotta baby stuff! So cool that you are moving. Hope to see some pics of your nursery.

MA- I hope your milk does come in, its wise though to wait to buy the expensive pump just to be sure. I was thinking to wait also, but if I can nurse i'd like to start pumping right away to start freezing it...so idk whether I should buy one or not! So expensive though. Yikes.

Does anyone have any opinion or advice on sterilizers? I see they have microwave sterilizers for bottles ad for pacifiers and just wondering if everyone will be using one or not?
Littlestars, Don't panic yet! While I have several friends with PCOS who couldn't get milk in, there are a whole lot more who DID with no problem. I think it just depends on the hormones and the person's body. I'm going to try EVERYTHING before I give up. I've heard Guinness has properties in it that produce a whole lot of milk. I'm not at all a fan of Guinness. I'd try the herbal supplements first before I do that. :rofl:

Don't panic though. There are more who do produce milk than those who don't. I'm just preparing myself in case I don't. I won't feel defeated if we have to go to formula but I would LOVE to bf'd Amelia. As you said it saves money and the bonding is priceless!
Ladies, I'm excited, we signed a lease on our new apartment!! We move August 26. I'm really happy. It's been a long trip - we've been dealing with apartment stuff for 4 full days and just now are finally done. And we got permission to paint the nursery, as long as it's not too dark a color so it could be painted over easily. :D Funnily enough, the room that will be the nursery is already painted a nice pink and green with flowers - it would be great for a girl's room! I'll be a little sad to paint over it... oh well.

As for breast pumps, I heard that there was a recent report that some of the Medela pumps were growing mold inside of them? And there was no way to tell if yours was moldy without breaking it to look inside. One of my friends is replacing hers with another brand for this reason. This is still all word of mouth though so don't take my word for it. I'm looking at the Ameda too, but I think we'll also wait until after the baby to buy it as well. I won't plan to try a bottle with pumped milk until baby is 3-4 weeks, and by that point I think I should know if bf'ing is working or not for us.

As for milk coming in or not with PCOS... I don't know, I just know of a LOT of ladies who have various bf'ing issues, unrelated to PCOS. So I'm not taking it for granted, although I think and hope it should work out for for us.
Ladies, I'm excited, we signed a lease on our new apartment!! We move August 26. I'm really happy. It's been a long trip - we've been dealing with apartment stuff for 4 full days and just now are finally done. And we got permission to paint the nursery, as long as it's not too dark a color so it could be painted over easily. :D Funnily enough, the room that will be the nursery is already painted a nice pink and green with flowers - it would be great for a girl's room! I'll be a little sad to paint over it... oh well.

As for breast pumps, I heard that there was a recent report that some of the Medela pumps were growing mold inside of them? And there was no way to tell if yours was moldy without breaking it to look inside. One of my friends is replacing hers with another brand for this reason. This is still all word of mouth though so don't take my word for it. I'm looking at the Ameda too, but I think we'll also wait until after the baby to buy it as well. I won't plan to try a bottle with pumped milk until baby is 3-4 weeks, and by that point I think I should know if bf'ing is working or not for us.

As for milk coming in or not with PCOS... I don't know, I just know of a LOT of ladies who have various bf'ing issues, unrelated to PCOS. So I'm not taking it for granted, although I think and hope it should work out for for us.

I've seen a whole lot of negative comments on the Medala which is why I decided on the Ameda when we actually purchase. I like the Medala gift packages though so I figured it wouldn't honestly matter if I got those. I could still use them OR if I wasn't able to breastfeed I could return them. I asked for a couple different types of bottles too in case we went to formula feeding. I know the nipples are different so I got the MAM for a closer to nipple choice which also has the colic thingy with it. I was also told that Dr. Browns were good too so I put those on our list.

I figured one could never run out of too many bottles and burp cloths. :lol:

Forgot to add on your blog that I was excited you got the house!:happydance::hugs::flower: My mind is like Jello. I forget things alot. :haha: Can't wait to see what it looks like and how you'll decorate!:winkwink: Congrats on getting that issue settled. Now you can focus on more important things once the papers are signed at the new bank.:thumbup:
Ladies, I'm excited, we signed a lease on our new apartment!! We move August 26. I'm really happy. It's been a long trip - we've been dealing with apartment stuff for 4 full days and just now are finally done. And we got permission to paint the nursery, as long as it's not too dark a color so it could be painted over easily. :D Funnily enough, the room that will be the nursery is already painted a nice pink and green with flowers - it would be great for a girl's room! I'll be a little sad to paint over it... oh well.

As for breast pumps, I heard that there was a recent report that some of the Medela pumps were growing mold inside of them? And there was no way to tell if yours was moldy without breaking it to look inside. One of my friends is replacing hers with another brand for this reason. This is still all word of mouth though so don't take my word for it. I'm looking at the Ameda too, but I think we'll also wait until after the baby to buy it as well. I won't plan to try a bottle with pumped milk until baby is 3-4 weeks, and by that point I think I should know if bf'ing is working or not for us.

As for milk coming in or not with PCOS... I don't know, I just know of a LOT of ladies who have various bf'ing issues, unrelated to PCOS. So I'm not taking it for granted, although I think and hope it should work out for for us.

I've seen a whole lot of negative comments on the Medala which is why I decided on the Ameda when we actually purchase. I like the Medala gift packages though so I figured it wouldn't honestly matter if I got those. I could still use them OR if I wasn't able to breastfeed I could return them. I asked for a couple different types of bottles too in case we went to formula feeding. I know the nipples are different so I got the MAM for a closer to nipple choice which also has the colic thingy with it. I was also told that Dr. Browns were good too so I put those on our list.

I figured one could never run out of too many bottles and burp cloths. :lol:

Forgot to add on your blog that I was excited you got the house!:happydance::hugs::flower: My mind is like Jello. I forget things alot. :haha: Can't wait to see what it looks like and how you'll decorate!:winkwink: Congrats on getting that issue settled. Now you can focus on more important things once the papers are signed at the new bank.:thumbup:

I got the 'Medela Pump in Style Advanced Breast Pump' with my DD, still have it. The milk never goes anywhere near the motor or machine so I'm not sure how it would cause it to go mouldy inside? It's extracted straight from the breast and dropped directly in to a bottle, there is about 2 ft of tube between the part that comes in contact with the breast and the actual machine.

It's not a bad little pump, more so if you need to go out for the day, plugs in to the car and everything. Got some odd looks as we were driving down the motor way, hubby driving and me pumping haha.
NYP - yep!! 9 boxes!!! but that's got everything packed in it so far and we've got some large items (baby gym, rocking caterpillar, nappy bin, steriliser unit etc.) so they take up lots of space in the large boxes - i've got probably 3 boxes full of clothes though :haha: and i still don't feel we have enough but i'm not buying ANYTHING else until we move, i wash everything and we put it all away because i don't want to waste money :thumbup:

zb5 - fab news on your lease! exciting times for us all ahead! :dance:

MA - good plan with the bf/ff and not feeling like a failure if you physically can't bf. I saw DH's cousin on weekend and she managed 6 wks and her milk just disappeared and she said it's just one of those things.. I'm going to adopt a very similar attitude to you, will try bf'ing - taking a couple of classes before and one after to learn different ways to do it etc. but if it all fails i will be ff'ing too
I can definitely say that even if you have to FF you still bond with the baby. I kinda think it's a load of crap the BFing community insists that BFing = bonding and thus FFing doesn't = bonding.

MA - I won't freak out yet.. promise!

Another wasted day today, have yet another doctors appointment at the hospital. They take so freakin' long. From leaving my house until getting back home it takes approx. 4+ hours and I do NOT live all that far from the hospital. I really want to get more cleaning and orgnanizing and setting up done but each day just wastes away. My whole weekend is getting booked up by DH who wants to go to the trailer friday night until after dinner the next day. I asked to come home early but then he freaked on me saying he'd just go without me. Tempting! But I need to keep an eye on him because he's supposed to be quitting smoking (again) and I don't trust his mother not to give him a smoke or ten. Then Dh wants to go to some free dinner package thingy that is basically a sales pitch for all the items they use during the cooking of your meal and the shiatsu message chair etc. I REALLY dread this. It's weird but I'm finding myself really just wanting to be left alone the past little while. I don't want to really spend time with anyone doing anything other than what I want to do. Unfortunately no one seems to want to leave me alone. It's so frustrating.

Anyway, one the bright side, I put together the baby swing (haha messed up priorities I know) and it's so cute! And since it's a travelling one it folds to nearly nothing. Awesome.
Hi ladies. Came back from the Perinatal Center on an emergency visit. My husband insisted I go in because I had back cramping similar to what I had with my son. I kinda figured all would be well because if it wasn't, there'd be obvious pulling and bleeding from the stitch I have placed.

I went in though and got to see my baby girl. She's pretty rambunctious in there which is why not only am I feeling heaviness on my bladder but my lower back is in constant pain. She's HILLARIOUS! Her head is at my belly button which is why I feel an odd bump there once in awhile. Her spine is just curving to my left side and her bum down from that. Her feet are over toward my lower right side which I've been getting some swift HARD kicks. When the nurse put the sonogram over her bum, she used her bum to push up because she was NOT having any of it! :rofl: Kicked me a few times in the lower corner of the pelvic area as well.

THEN, when they put me on the contraction monitor (which I new would come out fine because it's above the navel and my lower back is the issue) they also put her on the stress test for her heart. She kept moving around and hitting the nurse again. :haha: Her heart rate is excellent and all was well but we found it quite comical that she was pretty rambunctious. Oh how I think she's taking after her mother. My own mother said I was an only child, but she felt like she had 6 kids at once with me. :rofl: Will I be able to keep up with our little miss Amelia?! :shrug:

I also begged for some sleeping pills but they won't budge. :rofl: I'm DYING from lack of sleep. I'm just a BEAR. Today I went to the grocery store and the idiot at the cash register for wheelchair access turned his light off after we got in line. My husband showed him I was in a hover round type of buggy and he told us to get in another line. Got stuck TWICE and it was a mess. It's bad enough people stare at me like I need to get up and exercise OR like I'm causing them to be late. They'd rather run me over than let me move. Then to have that.....Most of the people in his line were normal healthy people walking up to the register. "I" was actually in a unit needing accessibility because I have a stitch keeping my child in and I get told to get out of line.

My mood, I waltzed up to the customer service desk and asked for the manger....who said the guy didn't know better BUT also said that we could have fitted in all lanes with exception to two. :wacko: Isn't the point CUSTOMER SERVICE? Isn't the point that you have a wheelchair accessible lane with one person who actually needed it and your associate pretty much told the customer to beat it?!

I may go over their heads and just write the company. I know it's stupid, but I was quite affended. I'm tired, my back hurts and after all that, I had to try to figure out how the heck to pay for my groceries while trying not to back into anyone or hit things within a tiny lane. :shrug: I was just NOT in any mood to deal with these idiots. If I had some sleep, maybe I'd be a bit more patient. Just downright RUDE in my opinion!
Have u tried taking benadryl at night to help you sleep? It is approved for use during pregnancy and my doctor suggested it to me when I was having a hard time sleeping. You can also take Tylenol PM, which is just tylenol with benadryl added to help you sleep. It takes away some of the aches at night. I would ask your doctor if they are OK with you taking it, it definitely helped me when I was having a bought of insomnia.

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