October babies due dates and bump colours

Have u tried taking benadryl at night to help you sleep? It is approved for use during pregnancy and my doctor suggested it to me when I was having a hard time sleeping. You can also take Tylenol PM, which is just tylenol with benadryl added to help you sleep. It takes away some of the aches at night. I would ask your doctor if they are OK with you taking it, it definitely helped me when I was having a bought of insomnia.

Yeah, they're actually okay for me to take but they both have something in them that get me wired like I'm on a ton of caffeine. So I don't end up sleeping but have the shakes all night instead. :dohh: My body has to be difficult for some reason.:wacko::haha::blush:

Thanks for sharing though. Was a great thought:thumbup:
Mommy's Angel ~ You can take Tylonal PM during pregnancy. My OB told me to take some cause I wasn't sleeping and it was making me near crazy and making my anxiety attacks worse.

2 puts me in to a near coma and I can't even get up to pee in the night lol, 1 does the trick nicely, puts me to sleep and keeps me that way for about 8 hrs and I don't feel groggy in the AM like I do with 2 (but then I am a real lightweight with drugs)
Have u tried taking benadryl at night to help you sleep? It is approved for use during pregnancy and my doctor suggested it to me when I was having a hard time sleeping. You can also take Tylenol PM, which is just tylenol with benadryl added to help you sleep. It takes away some of the aches at night. I would ask your doctor if they are OK with you taking it, it definitely helped me when I was having a bought of insomnia.

Yeah, they're actually okay for me to take but they both have something in them that get me wired like I'm on a ton of caffeine. So I don't end up sleeping but have the shakes all night instead. :dohh: My body has to be difficult for some reason.:wacko::haha::blush:

Thanks for sharing though. Was a great thought:thumbup:

Thats no good! I'm sorry that doesn't help u :(
Benadryl also makes me wired! Or it just doesn't work. I tried Unisom the other night, it's also on my doctor's "safe" list and is similar to Benadryl I think. Anyway, it definitely but I felt real groggy the next day and then slept even worse the next night. But, you could try it. All the different antihistamines work a little bit different for different people I think. I used melatonin for a while but it says on the bottle not to use if you have an endocrine problem (like my thyroid problem), so once I read that I stopped using it. For now I am mostly dealing with just getting very little sleep. :wacko:

MA, glad you got checked out and Amelia looks nice and healthy and ACTIVE!! :)
Benadryl also makes me wired! Or it just doesn't work. I tried Unisom the other night, it's also on my doctor's "safe" list and is similar to Benadryl I think. Anyway, it definitely but I felt real groggy the next day and then slept even worse the next night. But, you could try it. All the different antihistamines work a little bit different for different people I think. I used melatonin for a while but it says on the bottle not to use if you have an endocrine problem (like my thyroid problem), so once I read that I stopped using it. For now I am mostly dealing with just getting very little sleep. :wacko:

MA, glad you got checked out and Amelia looks nice and healthy and ACTIVE!! :)

Good thing you mentioned the endocrine issue because I have type II diabetes and hypothyroid.:wacko: Good grief! :haha:

Well, ((sigh)) I was doing some research on Amelia's breech position today. There's a website a friend of mine gave me called spinningbabies.com

The website is supposed to help women understand their baby's positioning and gives ways to help them prep baby for proper positioning in time.

At any rate, I was looking up breech on there to see different methods of turning Amelia and at which stage I should start to get concerned. In the process I found some information on heart shaped uterus'. It was then that I learned with bicornate uterus' usually have issues with breech babies. Some turn, some need assistance and many often are delivered by c-section.

I was a bit frustrated reading this as my Dr. and Nurse know I have a bicornate uterus. Why didn't they let me know this could be an issue with breech babies?:shrug: Had I known this earlier I may have been able to work on methods for repositioning her during the second trimester. It turns out that the best time to do this is in second trimester up to 30wks. Well this wk I'm 30wks.:dohh::growlmad::shrug:

The article said that if the reader is at 30wks you can try...also a chiropractor could help (Well lucky for me good ol' NY State Chiro's aren't allowed to touch pregnant women I was told).

What WAS said is that where cases of c-sections are concerned, advocating to wait on scheduled c-sections is a positive thing. It is said that waiting until actual labor will produce pregnancy hormones both mother and baby will need. So waiting for a c-section at time of labor is beneficial.

This is NOT good news for me as I wanted natural as I had with Jackson. Nothing about a c-section was what I wanted unless of course it was in Amelia's best interest in which case I'd have no problem.

I knew something was up because Jackson was breech the whole time (though it was still early) and Amelia seems to LOVE this position and while she's wiggly, she doesn't really move from breech much. The heart shaped uterus is making sense as to why she hasn't moved. It will only be worse as she gets bigger because there won't be a whole lot of room in there.:wacko:

SO, Now I have some answers in my own research however I'm trying to keep a level head that maybe she'll be one of the ones that turns quickly before it's too late. Just going to take a whole lot of prayer!

It's not the end of the world, but I had hoped for a more positive pregnancy for me that could go somewhat smoothly. :lol: Who am I kidding?!:shrug::blush:
Hi ladies not been on here for a bit! Hope you are all well. Mommy'sAngel I hope your little girl turns and you get the natural delivery you want x
MA - i read that website too as LO is transverse and is refusing to budge! lol she hasn't moved since our 12 week scan and i don't know, i've just got the feeling she's staying like that for the long haul, although i may be wrong of course! :shrug: i have barely any bump, i had abs of steel before falling pregnant, and they say that makes it much harder for a transverse baby to turn if you have well toned abdominal muscles :dohh: so i've resigned myself to the fact that a csection may be on the cards anyway, and we're ok with that now - whatever brings her out safely! I've been doing pilates and lots of the positions encourage turning babies, but nope, no turn as yet! Now i'm a few weeks behind you so just coming up 28 weeks so she's still got time to budge, but just wanted to let you know you're not on your own worrying about awkward baby positions! :hugs:

i've been sleeping okay-ish.. lots of tossing and turning, but last night i had such bad trapped wind and it made for an awful nights' sleep :nope: very painful :( still got it this morning so going to try some fybogel see if i can get myself sorted out! Guess it's all the hot weather, i've been drinking LOADS but i guess we need even more than you think and it can stop you functioning right very easily!! :dohh:
MA - sorry to hear about your trip to the emergency unit. Glad that baby is okay though!! :) I was told with twins that I had until 32 weeks before they would make any decisions about the position of the baby and worry, I think for singltons it's more like 34 weeks? Also there is a chance that the doctor might be able to assist with turning the baby. That being said, even if baby was in proper position right now it wouldn't necessarily mean she's stay that way! It'll be what it'll be. I figure they go where they are comfortable and that while one can attempt to encourage movement perhaps the baby knows best!

I had my doctors appointment yesterday and it went well. The ultrasound showed they were growing on schedule and the doctor was pleased with the progress. I was a tad shocked at my weight gain since 2 weeks ago, especially since I know I really have been eating less than normal but since the previous appointment I had lost 3lbs then I guess it averages out over time. One of the babies is still breech and the other flipped into delivery position. It's baby B though and unless baby A were in position I wouldn't be allowed to deliver naturally anyway. Good thing I'm 95% set on a c-section. I've told the doctor that if both babies are in position and I went into natural labour then I *might* have a rubber arm enough to convince me to attempt delivery naturally. Both babies weight came in at 2lbs 15oz. Fat babies!!! lol While I was on my back having the US done I nearly threw up or passed out.. I dunno.. It was freaky, I started getting really hot and sweating and then cold and I was really uncomfortable having the tech scan my upper belly. I started panicking, trying so hard to hold out and be a trooper but meanwhile I was thinking how aweful I felt and I hated it and just wanted to run away. I finally, abruptly sat up telling her I didn't feel well. Things returned to normal a short while later and the nurse thinkns that I was laying on the big vein thingy on my spine and so I was losing oxygen to my brain. Awesome. Anyway, blech, I didn't like it. Might try to do the US slightly on my side next time. I was also told at the appointment that I'm very anemic and need to supplement my iron asap. Guess that explains why I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat and have no energy to do anything at all. I'm guessing you ladies with insomnia don't want to hear that eh? But I had my fair share of insomnia so I feel for you, it sucks!!! Perhaps a more semi-sitting positon to sleep in might help the back?

Anyway other than that all is well with the babies so I'm a happy camper.

I'm officially no longer allowed by order of DH to buy any more baby stuff until I can fully inventory what we have. Boo! lol
Littlestars, glad both babies seem healthy! And big! :haha: I have a growth ultrasound next week, I wonder how big baby will be? I'm guessing a big one...

I have heard so many things about not lying on your back while pregnant but so far it's never bothered me and I still lie on my back occasionally. I guess with twins in there you're twice as likely to compress a vein? I figure my body will tell me if I shouldn't be lying on my back anymore - like yours obviously did!
Littlestars, glad both babies seem healthy! And big! :haha: I have a growth ultrasound next week, I wonder how big baby will be? I'm guessing a big one...

I have heard so many things about not lying on your back while pregnant but so far it's never bothered me and I still lie on my back occasionally. I guess with twins in there you're twice as likely to compress a vein? I figure my body will tell me if I shouldn't be lying on my back anymore - like yours obviously did!

I used to lay on my back all the time with my DDs pregnancy, but this time around if I even lean or slouch in a chair it makes me feel really sick and dizzy. Sucks cause I love laying on my back!
i'm still lying on my back :shrug: i just wake up sometimes on my back :dohh:
Ye me too girls - I always fall asleep on my side (the wrong side!!) and wake up on back BUT can't stand it for too long, as I cant breathe XX
So I pulled the ol' crib out from the basement in prep for today since my mom and dad are coming over with the other one and were going to help me set them up. For some reason I have NO BOLTS!!! None. Zip. Zero. How in the world am I going to get this thing put together? Bad enough I didn't keep the instructions. I had suspected I might have been missing one or two of them and would have to go to a hardware store and try to find matching bolts. But to have none means taking an entire piece of the crib into the store just to find ones that will match. How embarrassing!!

Anyway, that's what's on the table for me today. Then I get to pack up and go to MIL's trailer for the night and all of tomorrow. Oh Joy.. *sarcasm* At least I won't have to cook. Tomorrow will be a wash so hopfully I can get a substancial amount done on the nursery on Sunday. I'm just running out of energy to do anything.
Eugh LS i know how much you hate that trailer :hugs: still can't believe you keep visiting lol i'd have made my excuses long ago.. A little bit of well timed sciatic pain/SPD/heartburn/sickness that requires you to be tucked up at home in your own bed.. :winkwink:

shouldn't laugh at the crib bolts but :haha: that's totally something that would happen to me - but i'd be stupid enough to take the whole crib down with me, in bits, just to find the bolt - not just take PART of the crib like a normal person... :dohh: i'm so practical like that! lol

So for me.. we are off this evening to pick up our "new" sofa, we got it off ebay, it's as new never used but is old stock so we're getting it for £100 instead of £500 (half price value - so £1000 full price value but it's a DFS sofa and we all know what that their "half price" value is the REAL value of the sofa!! :haha:) :dance: it's chocolate brown and will look gorgeous in our newly painted lounge (we've gone with a soft green colour to brighten the walls and a sage coloured soft feature wall so will decorate with neutral furnishings)

Tomorrow we've got a bbq AND a wedding to go to :wacko: starting from 2pm, wedding at 7pm.. can't really be bothered with the bbq so might not go :nope: everyone will be drinking and smoking.. just don't like leaving places smelling of smoke even though i've dodged the smokers!! :dohh:

And sunday we'll be packing.. joy! :nope:

hope everyone elses weekends planned are a little more relaxing than ours! :thumbup:
I'm only going to the trailer to make sure DH doesn't smoke since I don't trust MIL not to offer him some. He was good all week and I want to encourage the behavior by making it difficult to cheat! lol

Quick update on my end. Got both the cribs up today!! Woohoo! My mom's wasn't exactly as I remember it and honestly the two don't match in the least but a free crib is a free crib. We found that the bolts from my mom's crib were the right width but too long so we went and got the new ones without having to drag the crib with us. Phew! Only thing I'm still missing is the rubber bumpers that go at the bottom of the drop side. While I am tall and don't drop it down all that often, it's nice to have the option and when the baby is asleep and you are trying to pick them up or put down it really is a blessing! Anyway.. another trip to the hardware stre, another day. I also got a new curtain rod for the room. Now just have to make DD's new curtains and pilfer the white ones from her room. Mon dieu!

Nai- hope the food at the wedding and the cake is better than the ones I've been going to! It's the only reason I even agree to go to these darn things. :)
I'm only going to the trailer to make sure DH doesn't smoke since I don't trust MIL not to offer him some. He was good all week and I want to encourage the behavior by making it difficult to cheat! lol

Quick update on my end. Got both the cribs up today!! Woohoo! My mom's wasn't exactly as I remember it and honestly the two don't match in the least but a free crib is a free crib. We found that the bolts from my mom's crib were the right width but too long so we went and got the new ones without having to drag the crib with us. Phew! Only thing I'm still missing is the rubber bumpers that go at the bottom of the drop side. While I am tall and don't drop it down all that often, it's nice to have the option and when the baby is asleep and you are trying to pick them up or put down it really is a blessing! Anyway.. another trip to the hardware stre, another day. I also got a new curtain rod for the room. Now just have to make DD's new curtains and pilfer the white ones from her room. Mon dieu!

Nai- hope the food at the wedding and the cake is better than the ones I've been going to! It's the only reason I even agree to go to these darn things. :)

Sounds like your are the drop down sides. U.S. recalled of our drop downs. Did Canada? There were numbers on the cribs you were supposed to call for the safety parts or they would give you a voucher for new ones. I bought mine two years ago for my son and we had to up and buy new ones. There was no number on the crib for us to actually call and we didn't have enough time to mess around.:wacko:

Just thought I'd give you a heads up on the recall in case those were the ones you had. Not even sure Canada recalled any of the cribs we did.:shrug:
I dont even think it matters whether or not it was just a certain recalled crib, they are banning all drop downs here I guess. Like, its illegal to try and sell your crib on craigslist or anything if they drop down at all~
I dont even think it matters whether or not it was just a certain recalled crib, they are banning all drop downs here I guess. Like, its illegal to try and sell your crib on craigslist or anything if they drop down at all~

Yeah, I couldn't believe that. 2 years I've had that crib and I didn't even get to use the darn thing because Jackson was lost by preterm birth. It was heart wrenching throwing his crib away a couple months ago.

Doug threw it out on garbage day and in my head it was just like a piece of garbage. In my heart it was my sons and he too is gone.:cry: Luckily I've been able to move forward, I know our son is being well cared for in heaven and it helps to know I'm moving TOWARD him and not away. It's just these little things that creep up and tend to get the better of me.
I bet he had an even prettier crib where he was resting MA. I know its tough especially since that was an actual object you had of his, but objects are nothing compared to what you have in your heart:)

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