October babies due dates and bump colours

Mrs. K, he looks cute! I think he looks like a normal baby. :lol: Thanks for the input, I have to put air in my birthing ball and start that tomorrow.

NYPAGE, So frustrated. You honestly shouldn't have had to pay for ANY of the things you had. Dr.'s get free monitors and strips. Those could have been free for you. I also can't understand why your insurance isn't covering at least 80% of the supply costs. I thought that was the norm though much of mine is covered complete.

Nai, sorry to hear about everything going on. Last night was my first night I slept 5 hrs straight. I too have been having issues with positions. I ended up sleeping at the foot of the bed with the fan blowing on me so I could breathe. It's worked with exception to the bathroom trips that have left me tired throughout the day. I have terrible acid reflux and have been prescribed zantac. Is it possible that you could get a prescription to relieve what your going through? I also found out that a small glass of water with a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in it helps relieve it too. Slowly but it goes.

Praying you find some relief. :hug:
MrsK - That is one cute little boy! But holy cow on the weight! hehe.. Don't spend too much money on the newborn sized stuff. He might just right to the next size.
I spend the last week working on the nursery and we started getting the house cleaned for my baby shower here this weekend. I have a lot of out of town guest staying with us this weekend. So it should be very interesting.


photo 5.jpg

photo 2-2.jpg

In the last pic, are the two teddy bears that I had made for the twins right before I found out that we had lost Baby A. I put both of them in there because she will always have someone watching over her.
Mommy- Cute nursery! Do you have a room for all of your children?!?!

Mrs- wow, what chubby little cheeks he already has! Cute, but holy cow, how much more will those cheeks fill out in 9 weeks? haha. I have my 4D this saturday, I will post some we will hafta compare cheeks!

MA- hope your baby turns on its own. I heard the way they try to do it can be slightly painful! My insurance didnt cover it all because supposedly I had not reached my deductible?

SO I guess I am now out $300 from GD stuff, but I did learn about diet and stuff and will be trying to watch it either way. Just a little. Except for the cake for breakfast and cotton candy for lunch today.....LOL. Im more upset that the doctors didn't go about this right at all....telling a lady she has GD and doesnt really have it is horrible. Then they didn't even call me today to tell me I dont, in fact, have it. My OH called and gave them a bit of an earful today...he is NOT happy and actually wants me to find another doctor. Idk what im going to do. I hate confrontation and issues....sigh.
Mommyof3girls: BEAUTIFUL nursery!! I love the decorations on the wall!! :D
Mommy- Cute nursery! Do you have a room for all of your children?!?!

Mrs- wow, what chubby little cheeks he already has! Cute, but holy cow, how much more will those cheeks fill out in 9 weeks? haha. I have my 4D this saturday, I will post some we will hafta compare cheeks!

MA- hope your baby turns on its own. I heard the way they try to do it can be slightly painful! My insurance didnt cover it all because supposedly I had not reached my deductible?

SO I guess I am now out $300 from GD stuff, but I did learn about diet and stuff and will be trying to watch it either way. Just a little. Except for the cake for breakfast and cotton candy for lunch today.....LOL. Im more upset that the doctors didn't go about this right at all....telling a lady she has GD and doesnt really have it is horrible. Then they didn't even call me today to tell me I dont, in fact, have it. My OH called and gave them a bit of an earful today...he is NOT happy and actually wants me to find another doctor. Idk what im going to do. I hate confrontation and issues....sigh.

For right now, the older 3 are sharing a room. And my 16 month old and the baby will be sharing the nursery. I have enough rooms for 3 older ones to have a bedroom to themselves but when we bought the house last year the girls asked to be in the same room. So for the time being they will share. My 16 month old are sharing the nursery until my MIL moves out and then the 2 of them will have their own room too.
Love the nursery! I haven't had time to even start on ours yet, paint it or anything. I so wish I had more time. I'll have to do it when I stop working 3 weeks before.... if I'm in any state to do it. I haven't even managed to go shopping coz I'm out of the house at 6am and back at 7.30pm when everything is closed :-( feel so disorganised compared to you lot. hee hee. No family near either to help out.

I am 29 weeks now and starting to feel quite uncomfortable with my size, so big that some days I feel like I can't breathe for all the weight and hurts to sit down. It's all pushing my rib cage out I think. Do you know if that is that normal? I am very small though 5 ft 3" and a 'small' in clothing (well I WAS lol not now!) so prob not so much room to grow as on a normal sized person!

Lys - wow from San Diego! Love it there. Where do you live? We've been for the last 4 years running for an October holiday just when the weather gets really horrible here. But not this year as I'm due end of October hee hee.

Love to everybody xx
I just said yesterday I think my ribs are bruised. I can't sit up I need to lay down. I am only 5'2 and none of that is torso length its so short. So head guess its what we have to deal with:(
MrsK - Beautiful scan picture!! He looks like hes going to be a real cutie!

Mommyof3 - Wow your nursery is looking great! :)

Well i cant believe im 30weeks today........ Its flown in :shock: 7weeks till term & 10 till d-day!! xx
Mommy - love the nursery! My sister bought the bedding that matches the stickers on the wall.. I think she might have bought the stickers too! I remember when I was young, my sister who is 5 years younger than me and I chose to share a room. We loved it for a few years even though we could have each had our own room. A few years later though we were oil and vinegar while we went through the teen years. lol We're the best of friends now!

Peeker - sucks that the shops are all closed by the time you get home from work. You just might need to take a vacation day to get some shopping done! I am so spoiled living in a city with 24/7 shopping available and stores that are open until at least 10pm. I love going shopping after DD has gone to bed and just roaming all by myself, alone with my thoughts. Very relaxing.

I keep getting hot flashes. They are killing me. Ah!

My neighbor next door got me a present for the twins! It's a $50 gift card for ToysRUs. Woohoo! Gotta bake them some cookies to say thank you today.

My other neighbor who backs on to me is doing 'something' in their backyard and I fear what it is. They have contractors in the yard. They cut down a beautiful maple tree last week and moved their shed. I really hope whatever it is it isn't something that will ruin my enjoyment of my backyard. I keep looking out of one of the upstairs windows but I can't see enough and the men are speaking Quebec french which isn't easy to understand. I think I might have to 'drive-by' on my way to return a movie in a little while. lol
thanks MA :)

Gorgeous scan pics and nursery pics ladies :thumbup:

I finish work on friday, have a wedding to go to on saturday and can't WAIT for a lie in on sunday!!!! :dance:
Welcome TLH and Peeker- I'm 5ft 8 and think it would be alot harder if i was shorter as not as much room to grow.
Littlestars- my nursery is painted, need to chose carpet, put up stickers and fill it :baby:
Ny- woo hoo on diabetes and yum cake
Nai- bless you, i hate indigestion,i'm constantly burping makes me feel ill, fit haha
Mrs k- i love your little chubster he's adorable
Mommy of 3- i love your nursery its gorgeous, and your bears lovely place to put them and i agree :kiss:

i went to a aqua natal class this morning thoroughly enjoyed it
I think I've figured out the neighbors are putting in a professionally installed above ground pool. *jealous* Thankfully they have no kids so I won't have to listen to that 'crap'. With all luck DH adn I will buy a really big above ground pool but not professional grade. Just like the biggest we could afford from a store like walmart. We priced the professional ones and were looking at $4000 versus $600. Yeah think i'll my money thanks. Especially since we know we will most likely move in another 3 years due to DH's work.

Nai - awesome that you are almost done with work. I couldn't have made it this long if I were still in the work world.
love the nursery! I really need to get to work on mine... it's painted and I have the crib and dresser in there, but no decor whatsoever.. not even curtain's up! Since we just moved into our new house a few weeks ago, most of our house is still looking sparse and undecorated, and it's hard to get it all done now that I'm so much more tired and heavy.

I can only imagine how cramped you shorter girls are feeling! I'm 5'-10", so I've only recently begun to feel those little legs in my ribs.. and it's still rare... I can usually get him to move them if I just push in the right place ;-) Despite LO being so big and fat (lol) already... my fundal height is actually several weeks behind... I guess that's mostly because of my height giving the baby more room inside my torso. I'm thankful for it, when I think of how much more uncomfortable some of you girls must be!!

Unfortunately, though, I think I've got SPD :-( I've been feeling lots of aches in my hips and thighs since probably about 20 weeks or so.. but always put it off as a normal part of pregnancy... but now, I sometimes feel like i can hardly walk, my hips and legs hurt so much. It's getting very uncomfortable... especially sleeping, because I just can't seem to find any position that doesn't make my hips or back ache :-(

Oh well, just 9 more weeks.. I guess I'll have to suck it up and deal ;-)
Hi ladies! Love the nursery pics. We won't be getting started on ours until after we move, which is coming up now in 2 weeks 2 days. Eek!

I had a little bit of a scare this week because at my non-stress test on Monday they picked up a lot of my Braxton-Hicks contractions on the monitor. They got concerned and decided to check my cervix to make sure I wasn't going into labor, and I am 1cm dilated, although not very effaced yet. That got them more concerned and they gave me a shot of terbutaline to stop the contractions, which freaked me out because it made it seem pretty serious. Finally they sent me home when the contractions stopped and they saw that I wasn't dilating any more. I guess starting to dilate slowly at this stage can be completely normal, or it could be a sign of preterm labor, and it's hard for them to tell which is which.

Anyway, today I got a fetal fibronectin test which tests your risk of preterm labor, and it was negative, so it's extremely unlikely I'll be going into labor anytime in the next 2 weeks. Hooray! I really don't feel like my Braxton Hicks were abnormal (I've been having them for 6 weeks now...) or that anything was going wrong, but of course it's good to check these things and it makes me feel better having the negative test.

We also had a growth ultrasound today and baby is already 5 lb 1 oz! 74th percentile. His head is measuring almost 4 weeks ahead. :shock: This also had me feeling better about the tiny chance of him arriving early.

In fact, now I am hoping he does arrive early, but still full term of course. I'm guessing by 38 or 39 weeks I'll be feeling pretty ready! I am feeling bad for the shorter ladies, as I don't think baby can reach my ribs yet. I'm 5'9" and my torso is pretty long. I can't imagine how cramped things would be if I were smaller!
Hi ladies! Love the nursery pics. We won't be getting started on ours until after we move, which is coming up now in 2 weeks 2 days. Eek!

I had a little bit of a scare this week because at my non-stress test on Monday they picked up a lot of my Braxton-Hicks contractions on the monitor. They got concerned and decided to check my cervix to make sure I wasn't going into labor, and I am 1cm dilated, although not very effaced yet. That got them more concerned and they gave me a shot of terbutaline to stop the contractions, which freaked me out because it made it seem pretty serious. Finally they sent me home when the contractions stopped and they saw that I wasn't dilating any more. I guess starting to dilate slowly at this stage can be completely normal, or it could be a sign of preterm labor, and it's hard for them to tell which is which.

Anyway, today I got a fetal fibronectin test which tests your risk of preterm labor, and it was negative, so it's extremely unlikely I'll be going into labor anytime in the next 2 weeks. Hooray! I really don't feel like my Braxton Hicks were abnormal (I've been having them for 6 weeks now...) or that anything was going wrong, but of course it's good to check these things and it makes me feel better having the negative test.

We also had a growth ultrasound today and baby is already 5 lb 1 oz! 74th percentile. His head is measuring almost 4 weeks ahead. :shock: This also had me feeling better about the tiny chance of him arriving early.

In fact, now I am hoping he does arrive early, but still full term of course. I'm guessing by 38 or 39 weeks I'll be feeling pretty ready! I am feeling bad for the shorter ladies, as I don't think baby can reach my ribs yet. I'm 5'9" and my torso is pretty long. I can't imagine how cramped things would be if I were smaller!

ZB, you've had quite the day. Well, the good news is that right now you have a high survival rate for baby. ESPECIALLY now that's he's 5lbs. That's an AWESOME weight for premature babies and if anything puts your mind at ease it should be that you have several positive things in your favor.

First, those of us with incompetent cervix know all too well about dilation, funneling,etc. What I DO know from my IC thread is that women can go for WEEKS at just 2cm's. So you being at just 1cm is good.:winkwink: While I can tell you that you don't have IC because IC usually takes place between 16-20wks, your medical care specialists are right, it "could" be signs of PTL. The injections that you had work to stop the contractions...just be aware that you could have high or low blood pressure as a side effect. I can't remember if this was something you were struggling with already or if it was another friend on bnb so I thought I'd throw that in there.

Right now the best thing to do would be to drink lots of water and moderated bed rest. Contractions cause the dialation in women with IC and PTL. Which means that if you take on too much physically, you could be causing more contractions which could lead to more dilation.

Did they say they would be seeing you again soon to check for more dilation? I'm assuming they'll be keeping a close eye because they'll have to give you injections to mature the babies lungs once you get to about 2 or 3cm.'s

Again, it could be signs of PTL OR it could just be a fluke. Every woman is different and dilation can start in many women during the 3rd trimester...as I said, usually women with 2cm's last a couple weeks or more and your just 1cm.

I'm glad though that he's 5lbs and by the grace of God is measuring bigger. It's a good thing and you have a cushion. While it's not the greatest option because he'll more likely be in NICU until what would be your due date, it could be that because of his weight, he may not be in as long.

I'm looking forward to hearing more when you have your next appointment. So glad things are okay right now. 31 wks almost 32 is good. Those of us High Risk always try to shoot for 28wks so your at a place where there's a high mortality rate and baby can safely be born even though he'll be preterm in nicu. His weight has me jumping for joy more than anything. There are two women I know whom have had triplets and they were born at 4lbs and are doing EXTREMELY well. So if women can get to that point, it's a celebration.

Thanks for keeping us posted and please let me know if you need anything dear friend! Sounds like you have some great medical staff who caught things early. It's why they always do the stress test now. It keeps them very updated on mom and babies stats.:winkwink::hugs: :flower:
Scary! I have braxton hicks all the time, sometimes it takes my breath away!
Glad you are fine zb- now watch, you'll be like 1 week late!
I know, if I go overdue after all this, I will get pretty grumpy! :haha:

It just goes to show that there are so many things doctors still really don't know. There is such a wide range of normal. My mom and grandmother both had a lot of Braxton Hicks with their pregnancies, so I am just hoping this is normal for ME. My doctor didn't recommend bedrest, but she did say not to do anything too strenuous. At this point I kind of know what my limits are, and there have been certain days when I know I've just overdone it. So no more of that for me! DH, time to clean the bathtub! :haha:

But at this point, with the negative fetal fibronectin test, and a 5 pounder in there, I am feeling pretty good. :)
I know, if I go overdue after all this, I will get pretty grumpy! :haha:

It just goes to show that there are so many things doctors still really don't know. There is such a wide range of normal. My mom and grandmother both had a lot of Braxton Hicks with their pregnancies, so I am just hoping this is normal for ME. My doctor didn't recommend bedrest, but she did say not to do anything too strenuous. At this point I kind of know what my limits are, and there have been certain days when I know I've just overdone it. So no more of that for me! DH, time to clean the bathtub! :haha:

But at this point, with the negative fetal fibronectin test, and a 5 pounder in there, I am feeling pretty good. :)

I was just talking about that with Doug. The wide range of normalcy. I was talking to Doug tonight while he's working at the hospital and telling him about your story. Since I have both IC and PTL issues I kept asking him how they know these contractions I'm having aren't affecting my stitch and her ability to come if it was time. I keep hearing the stitch would wrip and I'd start to bleed. That I'd KNOW...but nothing has been normal about my body. how would the contraction monitor above my belly tell my contractions I'm having on my lower back and lower pelvic area? What if they're wrong?!:shrug: :rofl We were going on and on with each other and I told him I wish there were a regular normal so I could always tell when something wasn't right. :haha:

As for where you are, it IS a good place. So that can at least put your mind at ease. As I said though, women can go for weeks at 2cm's so it all depends on your body. Start doing strenuous work though and you'll have yourself a baby early. So just be careful of that. I'm assuming they won't mention bed rest because one. your in wk 31 and its a safe place to be frankly. 2. most Dr's even with IC don't recommend bed rest. They just don't believe it works...however there's enough of us that have seen it work wonders. It's especially good though for those women like me with IC who are in their 12th week up to 28wks. The baby's are small and when your fighting for a stitch and they won't give them....bed rest is THE BEST place to go.

In your case though, they've given you an injection to stop things and seems as though they're closely monitoring you. PLUS you have the factor that your not REALLY early. Honestly I think it's a blessing the little one is at 5lbs and measures bigger. I do think I'd chuckle though if you ended up to term or over term. :hugs::flower:

Again, I'm SO glad everything is okay with you both. I wondered what was up since we talked about your stress test and we both figured all would be well. Did you run a marathon or what that day?? :haha:

Well, keep us posted on everything. Your doing good and seems like everything is on track for where you are. Honestly with the crap Dr.'s we have here...you have some pretty awesome Dr.'s over there that caught it early and went a few steps further. That's great medical care!:thumbup:

By the way, I was born 5lbs 11oz. So I suppose I can be an example of a 5lb'er being okay. Um, erm, maybe I shouldn't have announced that. :rofl: Am I really okay?! Hmm...gotta think about that one. :haha:

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