October babies due dates and bump colours

Yay for the new baby! Congrats to the new mommy. How early was that?

No leaking boobs here either! Hmmm.

Zb- hunny brought home a celebratory cake the night we found out no diabetes, actuallY! Funny you mention cake:)

MA- It is a good thing for you to just be at peace with no matter what route you have to take to get your baby. I didn't expect a c section with my daughter and had to just go with the flow!

Nai- an ultrasound with no picture?! Gasp. How could they? What are you being monitored for again? I dont recall....
Natalie hasnt had her baby yet :shrug: .... her sister has had a baby girl :/
Natalie hasnt had her baby yet :shrug: .... her sister has had a baby girl :/

:rofl: False alarm everyone. The announcement of her niece was posted on her facebook. She's told me she's still team yellow and has been announcing babies all week with one more on the way and everyone keeps thinking she's had her little one.

She gave me a laugh! Okay, so nobody go early! I'll try not to announce false excitement! :rofl::winkwink::haha::thumbup:
Oh my gosh, that had me confused! Gash, glad your baby's still on the inside. :) Let's nobody go too early now!
Oh my gosh, that had me confused! Gash, glad your baby's still on the inside. :) Let's nobody go too early now!

Yeah I know. She was in the hospital for awhile there. I knew she left but when I saw the pic and everyone saying congrats I got excited! :rofl: :wacko: Now the poor girl will go two weeks over because I jinxed her. :wacko:
Hello everyone! Just a quick post to tell you all I am home from our lake vacation. It was wonderful but I am very happy to be home. Travel was not good on my irritable uterus. I had many many braxton hicks and a few full blown contractions while flying there and back so now I will be taking it as easy as possible until Ali is ready to come.

I will do a full update after I read through all the pages I missed. Im off to do the dreaded unpacking of our stuff now.
Grrr.. I'm so annoyed with some people here.. no naming names but there I feel better having typed that.

Welcome back Yourstruly!

I have been cleaning like a mad woman for the past two days and yet have barely done much. I am constantly taking a break so it takes forever to get things done. Bah! My room is almost completely decluttered with the exception of the walk-in closet which is hopeless for now. The twins room got some adjustments and additions. Need to hang curtains this weekend after putting up the new rod and start working on the artwork. I cannot find anything sticker-wise to decorate with so I'm painting some paintings for decor. FX it works out! The upstairs hallway is nearly clear of clutter and DD's room is clean. On to the main floor next week!

Tomorrow DH has us signed up for some lame thing. It's a "free" lunch or dinner (we went with lunch) that includes a massage chair, meal made in front of you and some fancy coffee and creme brulee for dessert. Thing is, I looked them up and it's not "free" because the whole time they are trying to pitch all the things they are using on your meal. Snore zZZzzzzzZZzzz the food better be something I want to eat (I'm a picky picky eater) otherwise I'll walk out. I'm so not looking forward to this.
now I feel like the oddball-- because I've been leaking for at least 8 weeks or so! I hate wearing bras at night-- so I always wake up with spots on my shirt in the morning.. sexy :/
It's sort of a cloudy, clear liquid... not white, but not clear either. From what I've heard, leaking is no indicator for how likely you are to be able to breastfeed, though... my boobies worry me a little, because my left boob has been in lots of pain throughout this pregnancy, and especially all this time since it started leaking. It's just sooo sore... I know that's normal and all, but it's definitely not fun.

The dinner doesn't sound like much fun, LittleStars.. I wouldn't want to go either! I hate it when people try to sell me something...

I spent all day on my feet, planting flowers in front of our house and then making curtains for our living room (I know, stupid.. but I couldn't find ANY I liked!).. so now I'm just completely beat and my legs are killing me. This Sunday, we want to invite our families to our house for dinner-- and I'm kinda getting myself in over my head, trying to get a whole bunch of things ready... on top of having to prepare all the food! I'll be glad when it's over.. lol
Hi ladies,

Just a quick update. Had our appointment for Amelia. She's in the 50th percentile for her gestational weight and isn't Big as they keep suspecting she'll be because of diabetes. I was quite proud to hear that. She weighs in at 4 lbs 4 oz and everything seems to be on target.

I don't have a yeast or BV infection so that's a plus and the stress test came out excellent thus far.

Wanted to say that the exercise I did to help spin her turned her position from breech to transverse with spine up and head down. She's headed to birthing position it seems. HOPEFULLY she wont turn again. I plan to keep up the babyspinning exercising as it seems to be working. :thumbup:

Here's a pic of her 3D. She has her brothers facial features and thus it looks like daddy's genes take over. It's a spitting image of her father and our nieces and nephews. :cloud9:


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MA, that is great news about her starting to turn! What do you think helped the most? I'm happy with baby's position right now, but I want to get an exercise ball to bounce around on anyways. :) Cute pic as well. Look at those lips!

Completely off topic, but I'm wondering about giving babies and toddlers baths. Our new place has a shower over the tub with those sliding glass shower doors. I know they look nice and are supposed to be an upgrade over a regular shower curtain, but is it a pain to give a baby a bath like that? That's what we've got in our current place and it is such a pain to clean the tub because it's hard to reach in all the way because the glass doors can only ever open halfway. Anyone with kids already have experience with it?
Welcome back Yourstruly. Hope you had a good vacation.
Wow, MrsK and Littlestars! You both sound so busy right now! Try not to overdo it!
Great news, MA, that Amelia is starting to turn!
Sorry zb5, I have no experience of bathing babies...

AFM: had midwife check up yesterday, and our little girl is presenting head down! yay! seems like she's getting herslef ready to make her arrival (hopefully not for another 8 weeks though).

Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)
Nai- an ultrasound with no picture?! Gasp. How could they? What are you being monitored for again? I dont recall....

i know :wacko: it was this portable one just in the consultants room :( so no piccies :( DH was a bit gutted but he actually quite likes that i saw LO on my own for one time too :)

i've got pernicious anaemia hun - vitamin b12 deficiency - i can't absorb it through my stomach. I've been on injections for years for it now but because my levels can be pretty erratic and because i was so ill with it before diagnosis they want to keep a close eye on me (I was undiagnosed until 24 and it had done a lot of damage - it causes problems with your nervous system, heart etc. :dohh:) and it can cause the red blood cells to become misshapen and clog up the placenta etc. TBH i'm over the most risky bit because i have an over-active immune system so there was a huge risk my body would attack LO during implantation etc. as a "foreign object" and that obviously never happened, but they just have to keep monitoring everything. I'm more than happy with that though :thumbup:
Wow Nai I'm so glad your little one fought through that time that your body may have tried to reject it. It's nice to be closely monitored, nothin wrong with that!

Zb, I actually found it easier to wash baby in a baby tub on a counter or table than the big tub at first. But yes, eventually when they are in a big tub those glass doors sound like they could be q huge pain. I've only ever had tubs with curtains so not sure what to do to make that easier. Get in with the baby, perhaps?

Ma what an adorable little face picture! Glad she's listening to mommy and moving.

Mine is being a circus acrobat right now and woke me up at 5 am with amazing movements in there! Lots of painful ones in the ribs. Wish he waited to do all this fun moving for a few hours, we have our last 4d ultrasound, now he will probably sleep during that:(

Hope everyone can relax for a little bit this weekend, we are far enough now to really need it!
MA, that is great news about her starting to turn! What do you think helped the most? I'm happy with baby's position right now, but I want to get an exercise ball to bounce around on anyways. :) Cute pic as well. Look at those lips!

Completely off topic, but I'm wondering about giving babies and toddlers baths. Our new place has a shower over the tub with those sliding glass shower doors. I know they look nice and are supposed to be an upgrade over a regular shower curtain, but is it a pain to give a baby a bath like that? That's what we've got in our current place and it is such a pain to clean the tub because it's hard to reach in all the way because the glass doors can only ever open halfway. Anyone with kids already have experience with it?

You can bathe baby in a little plastic tub outside of the bath for quite a long time. We were doing renos untill DD was almost 2 years old and she was using the big (cheap) white tub we had that whole time. It can get heavy trying to empty it. If you have a counter you could place the tub on then you could empty with a hose into a sink as long as the sink is lower, like how you would empty a fish tank or steal someone's gas in the tank. You suck up the water into the hose and when almost at the tip pop your thumb on it and place into the sink and let go. Or you could just not fill it up so much so you can handle lifting it to the sink or tip it in if you are skilled.

Sometimes I used the tub in my shower stall which is a small opening like your bath would be. It's snug but you kinda get used to it.

I also taught my daughter to have a shower with me (time saver!) after she learned to consistently not fall over from sitting. And I sometimes had a bath with DD, again after she was sitting properly.

You can even get special wraps that are more like a gauze for showering with babies when they are tiny infants.

As for cleaning it. (TMI warning!!!) I clean my shower stall like this.. first I spray nasty strong chemicals and leave for a little while and then I strip down , scrub the walls and glass enclosure in the buff, rinse down and then have a shower myself. Don't tell my DH though, I don't want him having nekkid maid fantasies. lol

Okay, off to get ready for this lame lunch thing.. will report back on how lame it really was. In the meantime, today is day 4 of my headache and I'm so sick of it. I'm max'ing my Tylenol allowance daily and it's not working. I just want an Advil, I just know it would work. :(
MA, so glad to hear Amelia is beginning to turn! That's great!!

I haven't ever tried to give a bath to a baby/toddler in a glass-enclosed tub, so I'm not much help there, sorry... I know my sister-in-law has one of those tubs, and her son is 16 months old now... I haven't heard any complaints.. dunno. :shrug:
Not sure if we will have enough counter space for bathing baby on the counter. Although we could do it in the kitchen maybe. Maybe bathing/showering with baby is the best plan. I love hot baths and showers though, I may freeze if I have to use baby-safe temperature water! Next summer maybe I will just hose him off outside. :haha:

LittleStars, I really don't clean our tub often enough but that's about what I do too! It's easiest from the inside and if you wear clothes they will just get the cleaning chemicals all over them. If DH saw, there would be absolutely no maid fantasy... it's definitely not attractive!
MA, that is great news about her starting to turn! What do you think helped the most? I'm happy with baby's position right now, but I want to get an exercise ball to bounce around on anyways. :) Cute pic as well. Look at those lips!

Completely off topic, but I'm wondering about giving babies and toddlers baths. Our new place has a shower over the tub with those sliding glass shower doors. I know they look nice and are supposed to be an upgrade over a regular shower curtain, but is it a pain to give a baby a bath like that? That's what we've got in our current place and it is such a pain to clean the tub because it's hard to reach in all the way because the glass doors can only ever open halfway. Anyone with kids already have experience with it?

The inversion technique by far. She went from breech to transverse with spine up head down to the left. I'm hoping this means another few days and she'll be in position. We'll see in 4 wks. Go to babyspinning.com It's very helpful.

Keep in mind though that most babies turn on their own. I'm doing this because I have an added issue that could keep her from turning (the heart shaped uterus). This is a crucial time for her to move when she has been constant in breech position. There are some funny things you can do. Moxybustion is something that an accupuncturist can do or you can do at home with an incense stick kind looks like a cigar. Light it and put it close to the baby toe on each side for 5 minutes. 10minutes a piece on each toe which will be 20 minutes total. It's been known to turn babies. My husband IS NOT a fan of that one. He just looked at me skeptically. :rofl: I mooned the neighbors the other day with the inversion (I bet that was a site). Wasn't sure if it would work, but it "DID" move her.

My only concern is she'll start to move back again. :wacko: It'll be interesting. I'm continuing with inversion for 30seconds twice a day and then when I see the sono at 35wks, we'll know for sure if she's moved into place. 35wks if she hasn't moved, I'll try the moxybustion and if she doesn't move by 37wks into place, I'll go to the prenatal/pediatric chiropractor for adjustment.

I'll try whatever may work. I got a glimpse of what it would be like for the Dr.'s office to manipulate her movement. They barely did anything at all...they were just trying to confirm which transverse position the baby was in with the sonographer and it hurt like the Dickens!:wacko: That's ONE procedure I WON'T do if it comes down to it. It'll hurt like a son of a gun!

If at the end of my alternative measures Amelia doesn't turn....I'll know I did everything I could with exception of the medical manipulation, to move her into place and I'll be at peace with a c-section. At least I got a little insight through littlestars as to what takes place so I won't go in NOT knowing.

Now, as far as the shower issue. That could be a problem. I obviously don't have experience with that aspect but I DO have to share that I could a neat looking bathing item for baby.

First of all, if your REALLY hard up not to use the bath and are not on a budget, I found this: Spa Baby bath and changing station

This one can go in an actual sink:
Puj Tub

This one can also go in sinks, tubs or on a stand:
Comfy Cushion
Not sure if we will have enough counter space for bathing baby on the counter. Although we could do it in the kitchen maybe. Maybe bathing/showering with baby is the best plan. I love hot baths and showers though, I may freeze if I have to use baby-safe temperature water! Next summer maybe I will just hose him off outside. :haha:

LittleStars, I really don't clean our tub often enough but that's about what I do too! It's easiest from the inside and if you wear clothes they will just get the cleaning chemicals all over them. If DH saw, there would be absolutely no maid fantasy... it's definitely not attractive!

I hear ya on the attrative thing.. and yet somehow I think DH could turn into something perverse. It's amazing how good guys are at that kinda thing.

So I just got back fromt he lunch thingy. There were two different massage chairs to try out, each for 15 minutes. The second one was awesome because it can apparently sense where you need it most because it's medical grade or some sort of crap. We got appetizers that were like a coleslaw and garlic dried toast thingy.. tasted very good. Then we had chicken in a tomato based sauce and rice and baby carrots. After that I had a hot chocolate instead of coffee and everyone got a creme brulee. Overall it was good food. The atmosphere was relaxed enough and there were two other couples so it wasn't as weird as I thought it might be. They showcased some really awesome goods that if I were ridiculously rich I'd totally buy. But that being said and done after all the food comes the sucky part. They cart you off as a couple to a room with a consultant (salesman!!!!) to do a survey (begin a salespitch!) And then they go hardcore trying to sell you on anything, in packages preferrably because of course you would save more. What's that? Can't afford it, we can finance you! The stuff was soooooooooooooooooooo overpriced that even with the deals it still was crazy. We declined and declined and declined but eventually got out of there with our wallets still intact. I picked up some referral cards though. No reason my friends and family can't enjoy a free massage and dinner/lunch as long as they understand they'll have to dodge the salespitch.

Unfortunately, the massage did nothing to alleviate my headache. Boo.
Not sure if we will have enough counter space for bathing baby on the counter. Although we could do it in the kitchen maybe. Maybe bathing/showering with baby is the best plan. I love hot baths and showers though, I may freeze if I have to use baby-safe temperature water! Next summer maybe I will just hose him off outside. :haha:

LittleStars, I really don't clean our tub often enough but that's about what I do too! It's easiest from the inside and if you wear clothes they will just get the cleaning chemicals all over them. If DH saw, there would be absolutely no maid fantasy... it's definitely not attractive!

I hear ya on the attrative thing.. and yet somehow I think DH could turn into something perverse. It's amazing how good guys are at that kinda thing.

So I just got back fromt he lunch thingy. There were two different massage chairs to try out, each for 15 minutes. The second one was awesome because it can apparently sense where you need it most because it's medical grade or some sort of crap. We got appetizers that were like a coleslaw and garlic dried toast thingy.. tasted very good. Then we had chicken in a tomato based sauce and rice and baby carrots. After that I had a hot chocolate instead of coffee and everyone got a creme brulee. Overall it was good food. The atmosphere was relaxed enough and there were two other couples so it wasn't as weird as I thought it might be. They showcased some really awesome goods that if I were ridiculously rich I'd totally buy. But that being said and done after all the food comes the sucky part. They cart you off as a couple to a room with a consultant (salesman!!!!) to do a survey (begin a salespitch!) And then they go hardcore trying to sell you on anything, in packages preferrably because of course you would save more. What's that? Can't afford it, we can finance you! The stuff was soooooooooooooooooooo overpriced that even with the deals it still was crazy. We declined and declined and declined but eventually got out of there with our wallets still intact. I picked up some referral cards though. No reason my friends and family can't enjoy a free massage and dinner/lunch as long as they understand they'll have to dodge the salespitch.

Unfortunately, the massage did nothing to alleviate my headache. Boo.
:rofl: Oh my goodness. I couldn't have done it! I would have gotten stressed and irritated after the first no. I think my husband knows that it would be more worth his time to splurge at our Italian restaurant than submit him and the sales people to a hormonal mad woman. You'd never know what would come out. :rofl: :wacko:
I hear ya on the attrative thing.. and yet somehow I think DH could turn into something perverse. It's amazing how good guys are at that kinda thing.

LOL. So true.

The lunch sounds nice. Probably one of those things that is worth it if you just go in ahead of time prepared to say "No" 78 times in a row and don't let it bug you. :) I never really liked those massage chairs. Maybe I never tried a ridiculously overpriced one though! :winkwink:

As for baby bath, we got one at our baby shower already but I'm not sure if it will fit in our sink at our new place. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. If not, hooray for gift receipts! :) This is the one we got: not very fancy but it looks like it would be fine if it weren't for the shower door issue.

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