October babies due dates and bump colours

Yep, my first non-stress test was totally normal! I had it in the morning so I hadn't done anything really that day yet. The second non-stress test was on Monday afternoon. AFTER I had gone into work for the morning, had two meetings, walked at least 2 miles with a backpack full of laptop and papers... :wacko: I know they say that B-H should go away when you sit down and rest, but for me it takes several hours of rest for them to really calm down. So. I'm going to try to work from home as much as possible from now on, when I do have to go to the office I'll try to figure out the bus system, and I'll use my roller bag instead of a backpack.

I am really relieved they didn't put me on bedrest. I believe it can help in some cases, but it sounds really unpleasant! I am definitely impressed by your patience MA! Still, I definitely believe that overexerting myself is a problem, so I'm just going to try to be reasonable and know my limits.
Oh my goodness! That IS a lot. Though it's honestly hard to know what's overdoing it until something happens. As you said, there's a drastic line of normalcy and each person is different. it's SO hard to know what our bodies can take during pregnancy. Mine of course is all over the place. Haha

Well, I think I have another infection. Whether it's yeast or BV I won't know until they test me on Friday but I'm itchy. BV I itch too so there's no way of knowing until the testing.

Well, keep us updated on everything. I cant wait to see your little guy when he's finally here! :happydance:
It's so hard to know, especially because everyone says walking is supposed to be so good for you. Maybe I'll start doing more walking again once I hit 37 weeks and want him to pop out. :haha:

Hope you get your infection figured out. That's no fun!
Littlestars - Happy 30 weeks today!!

Nyp - Great news on not having GD!!

Nai - Sorry to hear about your house, and that you're feeling uncomfortable. But great news about you finishing work on friday.

MrsK - aww, your little boy is totally gorgeous!! and great news about your placenta moving! but sorry to hear about the SPD.

zb5 - sorry to hear about your stressful time. but wow, isnt he a big boy already?! im sure he will be just fine, whether he comes out now, or at term. FXd he stays put for at least a few weeks though.

Mommyof3girls - lovely nursery, and what a sweet idea to put both teddies in the cot.

Mummy2tyler - Happy 30 weeks for yesterday!

Adele - glad you enjoyed your aquanatal classes. I love mine!

Peeker - I am also 5ft3, and im starting to struggle abit now.

MA - sorry to hear about your infection. Hope its cleared up soon.

Talking about what is normal and what is not, I failed the one hour GD test badly and ended up low side of the 3 hour one. No explanation. Our bodies are just crazy!

Shell, happy 29 weeks.
So i was just putting on moisturiser and clear liquid starting leaking from my nipple :haha: anyone else? made me excited hehe not long now woo hoo
Im not leaking yet...... maybe my boobies dont work :shrug: haha xx

I did leak with my 1st pregnancy but not till alot later on & only when i went in the bath for some reason! lol xx
nope no leaking for me - does it randomly start one day cos i've had no hint of it at all - not complaining though! :haha:

had consultant appt this morning - all looks good - LO was looking beautiful as always on the scan although i couldn't get a piccy cos it was a portable machine that didn't print :brat:

so i've got to stay under consultant led care because of my bloods but i prefer that if it means LO is in safer hands :thumbup: also i don't want to be ill after if possible so will be quite happy if they've got some blood on standby for me if need be! :haha:

oh and FAB news - LO is trying to make a move for it out of transverse! She's now on the diagonal, face towards my right hip, bum towards my left side up in the air but not straight. Consultant said if i keep up my pilates there's a good chance she will head the right way and not end up back transverse! AND that explains my one-off agonising pain i had out shopping last weekend - consultant said it was most likely her shift out of transverse (can be painful apparently) so SO happy!!!! :dance:

GTT tomorrow :trouble: :cry:

zb5 take it easy! working from home sounds like the best idea right now :hugs:
Good luck for the GTT tomorrow nai & good news about baby making a move down :thumbup:

Glad am not the only one not leaking! :)
Yeah was quite random i was putting on mosturiser on my breasts and noticed clear stuff was coming out not loads tho. I didnt think it happened til after you've had baby obvs not ha.
That's fab news about your baby moving :happydance: shame about not getting another pic but least you saw her again :thumbup:
i know.. it was quite nice to see her all on my own for once.. just me and her :cloud9:

poor DH though missing out and not getting a piccy.. oh well always next time!

i heard it can come in early and that after you leak in the shower all the time lol not looking forward to that bit!!!
Nai - both mine were transverse and it definitely is something you notice when they start to make major movements. The both (unfortunately) went breech but still sort of transverse and now one is completely breech and the other that was flipped and is head down. Each time they've made a big move I literally have to stop what I'm doing and catch my breath. So glad that your baby is starting to try and move and give you the chance at a vaginal birth.

shelleney - happy 29 weeks to you!

zb5 - I'm so glad your little chubby baby is sticking in there for the long haul! :)

Mummy2Tylerxx - no leaking here for me. Makes me wonder if BF'ing will be hard again. Darn it! Leak! lol

No Braxton Hicks for me either.

Nothing exciting at all going on with me really. Boo. Boring! Just getting really fat and slow and useless really. :)

Today I clean the house, tomorrow DH is on holidays until university starts up again. He is going to drive me nuts! I just know it.
wow i haven't been in this thread for ages and there is so much to catch up on! lol! all those women who aren't leaking yet, don't worry, im probably leaking enough for all of us lol! i have to wear my breast pads already and they get pretty damp lol!
i got diagnosed with PGP im in agony! its a struggle to do anything but iv just received my birthing ball in the post so il be spending the next however many weeks until baby decides to be here on that lol! cant believe its single figure weeks for me now :D how exciting! iv done my nursery, packed hospital bags (apart from clothes for me) and have the moses basket in its space in our room all ready, i think im well and truly ready for baby :) tho im sure iv forgot something... like the buggypod i still haven't ordered! aaggh i best get ordering that next lol! hope everyone is doing well :D xxx
I'm not leaking either ... :(
I really hope this doesn't mean I won't be able to breastfeed!
I'm glad I'm not the only one panicking about no breast leaking. I'm reading "The Art Of Womanly Breastfeeding" by LLLI and I was trying to express the other night and "NOTHING". It did say that it takes the right spot and technique that takes practice. I decided I wouldn't try it again though until closer to 37wks because I felt like I was having contractions. Nipple stimulation can cause preterm labor.

I didn't have any milk come in after I gave birth to Jackson. He was 22wks gestation so I'm not sure if it was because of that but I DID have a natural birth with placenta and all so I would have thought I would have had something...maybe that would have needed to be extracted by pump to know?! :shrug:

There's so many things up in the air for me. I'd LOVE to breastfeed, yet I hear there are a handful of women with PCOS that are "dry". Though my boobs are HUGE and feel different as well as look different. I DO hope I have milk.

As for the color of it, I thought the first was supposed to be a thick milky substance? I didn't know it was actually clear??

Today I'm putting more air in the birthing ball and will sit on it for awhile each day to see if Amelia turns. Tomorrow is our ultrasound and hopefully by the grace of God She'll cooperate to see her and I'm PRAYING she turns to spite that I have a heart shaped uterus.

Goodness, I'm sort of at peace that there's a possibility I'll have to have her via c-section. I'm not happy about it, but does it really matter how she gets here? I only ask that she be safe and healthy. :thumbup:

I had just hoped that some things would go smoothly like I had planned. :cry: Turns out nothing has happened that way. Tis a part of life, but one I have SUCH a hard time with when things are out of sync with plans. :rofl: I MUST learn to be flexible...ESPECIALLY with a baby on the way.

Speaking of C-sections...I don't know what to expect. Can anyone shed some light on that for me please? How long does it take? What med options do I have? Which is best to keep me awake?? How long does it take to recover?? When will I get to see my baby?? How much will it hurt?? I'm REALLY scared! I'm not a fan of the spinal since I had it for the stitch. I just don't like not being able to walk. It's an odd feeling...one that I think has more to do with the inability to control my movement, etc.

I'm a bag of emotions the past few days. I hope I can get it together soon! :cry:
I am not leaking either! My mom said she never leaked, not even much when she was breastfeeding. :shrug: It would be nice to know I've got milk, but maybe being less messy later will make up for it. :haha:

I'm rooting for all those babies to turn head down! Mine is head down but I swear he spins around in circles from back to front every hour or so... I just hope he isn't wrapping the cord around himself too many times. :dohh:

nypage, that is funny about coming out low on the 3 hour test! Off to have some cake? :D
I had some leaking about 5 weeks ago but mainly from my left nipple, then it stopped so I'm assuming they're all ok.

My baby is currently transverse, which is how I thought she was, mw said not to worry til 36 weeks and they still have plenty of time to move.
Speaking of C-sections...I don't know what to expect. Can anyone shed some light on that for me please? How long does it take? What med options do I have? Which is best to keep me awake?? How long does it take to recover?? When will I get to see my baby?? How much will it hurt?? I'm REALLY scared! I'm not a fan of the spinal since I had it for the stitch. I just don't like not being able to walk. It's an odd feeling...one that I think has more to do with the inability to control my movement, etc.

When I had my emergency c-section I already had an epidural in my back so they just pumped up the drugs to completely numb me and off we went. The proceedure is kinda weird. Your husband will go off and get his gear on while the nurses take you to the surgery and move you to the surgical bed. Then it's about prepping your body. Cleaning up you belly and your private area (they don't shave you anymore in Canada, not sure about USA or UK). I was REALLY REALLY fat last time around so they fudged around taping up my excess skin/belly to their satisfaction. I was embarrassed but you just really don't care anymore at that point. Thankfully this time around I weighed a lot less before getting preggers. Anyway. Ummm the anesthesiologist sat by my left ear and told me that if I needed any more meds because I was feeling uncomfortable to just let him know. I was also hooked up to an automatic BP machine that he was watching. DH was on my right ear, holding my hand and reassuring me. They basically explain what they are going to do and then put up the curtain so you cannot see things. You don't want to. My husband peeked and it freaked him out. Then they are off to work. You feel pressure and know kinda what they are up to but no pain per say. Eventually you feel relief of the pressure and seconds later a nice crying baby. They quickly showed DD to us, went to weigh her and do the medical stuff and a few minutes later they brought her back for another quick visit. Meanwhile they were already stitching my layers back together. They asked if I wanted to try BFing right away or just to have a bottle. I opted for the bottle because I was shaking violently from shivers. DH went with DD to feed a bottle and they finished up with me. Then you go to a recovery room and they monitor you for a little while. I was still numb when they were giving me a sponge bath (I was embarrassed during that part but thankful since I'd been in labor for 22 hours or so and knew I wasn't going to bathe that day by myself). DD came in with DH before that part even started. Baby was then placed in my arms since I was still a fair bit numb and a little shaky and we had pictures taken by the nurse and we hung out together for a little while until my room was ready and they were satidfied I was good. then off I went to my room like any other new mom.

My understanding is that if it is a planned c-section their preference is to give a spinal block which has a specific amount of time it works for. I don't think it's all that long though sicne my friend who had triplets told me hers was wearing off as they were pulling out the third baby. It's probably something they cater to the surgery itself.

It is also my understanding that with feeding the baby, a newborn doesn't actually NEED to feed for the first 2 days or so and the initial feeding right after birth is just to help establish the suckling response by baby while you are still in the hospital so they can help you if there are problems. So if you want to BF right after birth but don't feel quite comfortable doing so you can decline having a bottle being given to the baby. that being said my DD didn't have a problem with BFing after having a bottle, it was my milk supply that was the issue for me deciding to FF.

After a section, at least in Canada, you get an extra day in the hospital for recovery. So for me that was 3 days. Another bonus is you are ahead of the vaginal ladies for a private room availability and can have baby stay in the nurses' nursery for the first night if you want (which is reserved for only special cases where there is an issue with the baby or parent, at least in the hospital I delivered in). I was very sore and felt like the incision was on fire, literally. BUT despite that feeling I could still walk slowly and move around as needed and lift baby. I will also point out, I was on nothing stronger than extra strength tylenol because there was a mix up and blah blah. So despite that I survived but you can be sure I will get the good stuff this time around! lol

The extreme pain for me started to relieve itself after a few days and after a week I was sore but very functional and taking care of baby. I just had to be careful of sudden movements.

By three weeks afterwards there was very slight pain left but don't tell my husband that. I plan on milking things again! Muhahahaha!

How long did the surgery take? not long.. probably 15 minutes but with another 15 minutes of prepping. Medication options before, during and after can be discussed with the doctor. I know I'll definitely talking about pain management with him this time around. Also am going for an anesthesiologist consult next week regarding mild scoliosis and a bone spur on my spine. Both the epi and spinal will have you staying awake. I would doubt that you could get put under general anesthesia unless there were extenuating circumstances because it's more dangerous. You won't want to walk anywhere for the first day with the exception of going potty, and even then I fought to keep my catheter in extra long because I was scared to try. Also, I was put on a liquid/soft food diet for the first 48 hours.. I don't it was longer than that. But I was loving the pineapple juice so that was okay with me.

Despite having been through all of that I am opting to have a c-section even if the twins are in position because I'd rather have a planned section than deliver one vaginally and then have an emergency section anyway. Kinda like 'the devil you know'. Thus I can understand your apprehension because your delivery previously was natural.

Moral of my story: C-sections kinda suck on the recovery end but it's totally manageable and doable and you'll survive and be stronger for it. :)
Just wanted to let everyone know that the author of the thread had a little :pink: I think she's the first to go early!

Congrats Nat on your baby girl! I think you were convinced it was a boy :rofl: I'm so glad you have a little boy AND girl now darlin!:hugs::kiss::flower:

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