October babies due dates and bump colours

at our shower we got this tub. Its completely self contained with a sprayer attached to it. it is so cute and hopefully it works!

at our shower we got this tub. Its completely self contained with a sprayer attached to it. it is so cute and hopefully it works!


I thought that was the cutest tub, but for some reason on all the sites it's not getting very good ratings at all.

I kept a tub off my registry list. Target doesn't have ones I like and I think I may go with a sink bath for now. My gram used to bathe me in the kitchen sink and I LOVED it with little splashy toys. It would help my back too for awhile. :rofl:

Please tell me how you end up liking that tub. I thought it was SO CUTE!
I will let u know :D I didnt notice all the bad reviews till today (i got pressured into making my registry very day and early by hubbys family) so I didn't look at reviews for everything, just the larger stuff. I think now that I have read them we are going to test it out now and return it if we dont like it, just so we dont get stuck having to go out and buy a new one once the boys are here.
I will let u know :D I didnt notice all the bad reviews till today (i got pressured into making my registry very day and early by hubbys family) so I didn't look at reviews for everything, just the larger stuff. I think now that I have read them we are going to test it out now and return it if we dont like it, just so we dont get stuck having to go out and buy a new one once the boys are here.

Some reviews can be a bit much. I think it all depends on the experience. I'm having trouble figuring out what I'd like too for tubs. I LOVED the one you have. Thought it was REALLY cute. I didn't like the ones at target. They just look kind of uncomfortable. So I thought I'd get the one for the sink since I bathed in the sink as an infant. I don't know. I've had a TOUGH time with my registry. That registry stuff wasn't the most fun in my opinion. Have to keep checking to make sure things weren't taken off store shelves and replaced with other things. :wacko:

Let me know what you think. I really think it helps to get others opinions on the products. You honestly can't tell on ratings...I just happened to notice it had a lot of negatives because I had looked into that one myself. It's confusing for me to pick many of these baby items out. There's SO MANY to choose from.
That looks like a nice tub! Let us know how you end up liking it. I also wasn't sure what tub I wanted, so I registered for the very simple one thinking at least if I change my mind I won't feel bad. :shrug: We'll see!

We got some more baby gifts today and I think I'll have to make a trip to Babies R Us to do some returns/exchanges. One outfit is super cute, but is a winter outfit in newborn size. With our new weight estimate, I'm not sure baby will wear newborn clothes EVER, but definitely not in winter! Plus we need to exchange a baseball-themed item for a soccer-themed item or DH will have a fit (hugs soccer fan). And a third item still had the security tag attached. :dohh:

But I got a Boppy pillow, yay! Everyone I know says they love them so I'm excited. :) I wonder if there is a way to add it into my current bedtime pillow setup. So far I've only got about 4 pillows surrounding me, I could use more! :haha:
I was excited that my boppy was like my first purchase ages ago! I just recently bought a new cover for it also. What is everyone having baby sleep in right away? I know the moses baskets are common in UK ,but here I read not to use them.....and some basienttes get HORRIBLE reviews for comfort of the matress so I just cannot find anything good!
My baby tub that I used initially was a small one, self contained, where baby was in a semi sitting position. After DD out grew that she was already near to sitting on her own so we switched to a $6 white tub and used it with a mesh sling until DD was able to sit up. After that, like I said, that tub worked until nearly age two BUT only because we literally had no nathtub for her to go in because of slow renos. If you've got a big kitchen sink then any sort of seating helping should work for the first few weeks/months until you start getting the hang of it and then just a plain old sink will be fine until they get to big. You really don't even need the seat helpers, just nice to have since it can be a little daunting trying to wash a newborn when you've never done it before. Rubber duckies are a must though! I insist! :)
nypage - I'm getting two moses baskets from my mum to use but I think I plan on putting a playpen in my room for the twins to sleep in at night. I'll probably use the moses baskets either during the day on the main floor for napping or when we go visiting or perhaps even inside the playpen since we just have a cheap one that doesn't have the bassinette layer higher up. Kinda depends on how rolly poley the babies are and how dependant they are to sleeping together at first. Last time around I had an old school bassinette from when I was a baby but my sister is using it this time around. We only kept DD in our room for maybe 2 weeks before we decided she should be in her crib. It was hard on my DH who was working.
Littlestars, I registered for a TON of rubber duckies. :rofl: My husband thought I was nuts. Rubber duckies but no infant tub?! :haha:

My gram used the old rubbermaid bucket for dishes and put it in the sink. It got better as I was able to sit up by myself. I'm thinking along the lines of what you said, use one of those sink baths to hold her up until I get used to it, then later buy the rubbermaid bucket and bathe her in there until she gets too big. At least THEN I won't break my ol' back for awhile. :lol:

On my registry someone bought me the boppy slipcover. The boppy itself hasn't been purchased yet. I think we can afford to buy it if someone doesn't. :winkwink:

HUGE stressor off my back...my mom bought us the stroller/carseat combo. I had one on my target list and then got an email that they were getting rid of it in their stores. :wacko: So I added a cute Eddie Bauer one that they had and they got rid of that design for a new eddie bauer design and you could only buy the one I put on second online. My mom called my husband confused. She had the origional printed with the one I got an email about. Apparently there are several stores in the area that still have them in stock and their cheaper (probably trying to get them out of the stores) but better than the Eddie Bauer ones. I told my husband to tell her to buy which ever one she budgeted for. I don't care anymore as long as we get one. If someone is kind enough to buy it...I'm NOT going to complain. I just needed to know we had a carseat in case I went into labor early. It was starting to freak me out! :wacko: At any rate, If the stroller doesn't end up being a color we like, it won't honestly matter as it will be temporary until next spring when we get a jogger so we can exercise on the trails. I'm so sick of registry stuff that it honestly doesn't matter anymore and I'm grateful for whatever we get from kind people!

I DID NOT like the registries and it was NOT a fun part. More time consuming and Walmart made things complicated so we deleted them, babies R Us always ran out of stock and when they only had a green carseat to go with a black stroller I'd had enough. the LEAST they could do was keep similar items in stock. So I went to Target. Limited stock but at least it was reasonably priced and had more than walmart. Had we had a buy buy baby near us...I would have registered with them. Doug doesn't want me traveling to rochester...says it's WAY too far for the high risk that I am. :rofl:

NY Page, I'm using a pack n Play for the time-being though we will start getting her furniture up in her room. Since I'm "hoping" to breastfeed, I wanted her to be close by so we registered for a pack n play with a bassinet and changing table. I plan to buy another pack n play for downstairs so I don't have to keep lugging it up and down....PLUS it'll be used for traveling when we need it. :winkwink:

Well, I'm off for now, Doug has breakfast in bed waiting for me. Yummy...Ham and cheese omlet with homefries and bacon. THEN I have pie for this evening. Boy am I spoiled! The man is honestly a saint for living with me for the past 3 years of fertility hormones, pregnancy hormones and hormones to keep ptl at bay. He deserves a thank you, a hug, and a medal of honor!
Nyp - my little girl will be sleeping in a Moses basket on a stand, next to my side of the bed, for the first 4-6 months. She will then go into her cotbed in her bedroom after that.

MA - wow, registries sound like a lot of hassle to me! im kinda glad i didnt have to bother with one (theyre not the done thing here in the UK) although it would be nice to have people buy me stuff!!

4-6 months? wow.. I know some do do it.. but honestly if my husband hadn't suggested it was time for DD to move to her crib at 2 weeks then I would have. lol To each their own. I was happy enough with just the baby monitor on my bedside table. Also then I didn't have DH listening to me singing to DD or talking to her. I'm quite tone-deaf but that kittle girl still loves listening to me sing. go figure!

I've been spending the day cleaning in the basement and came across all kinda of baby toys for 6+ months.. So I've been shifting DD's toys to a dresser so we can latch the drawers in the future since her stuff is small parts and then putting the baby stuff onto the bookcase shelves like an old fashioned toy store. lol DH thinks I'm nuts. I think of it this way: I'll be 6 months ahead of the game in the end!
We plan to have baby sleep in the crib from the beginning. We'll set up the Angelcare monitor there and then I'll be able to sleep soundly knowing he's breathing! I can be kind of a worrier so I think that's best for us. We'll also have a pack n play downstairs for during the day.

The registry can be a pain, and none of the stores seem to do a very good job with it. We registered only about a month ago, and already a lot of the items have gone out of stock. None of the clothes have pictures for people trying to figure out what we asked for. :wacko: The great part about the registry though, is it will help me remember what I like/want so that we can finish buying things after the gifts have all come in. Things like the boppy pillow could have easily slipped my mind, or the name of the breast pump that got good reviews... it is like a shopping list for myself even if no one gets us those things!
Timing. We're actually feeling it out. A lot of my friends and family have done co-sleeping. meaning they've had the baby in a cosleeper or pack n play for months at a time. I even know of someone who coslept with her kid until they were 5 which I find is a bit obsessive and I DON'T plan to do. I couldn't imagine what that would do to a marriage. I love my daughter but I also love my husband too and would NEVER let him fall to the wayside.

I think if I were to bd I'd be willing to have her here 4-6 months at the most myself and again, that all depends on the environment, how good of a sleeper she is, etc. My husband honestly sleeps through EVERYTHING so I don't have to worry about waking him. In fact, I had some pretty nasty braxton hicks last week and the bugger never woke. I could have had our daughter in bed and he would have slept through it. :rofl:

I think after 4-6months though, I'd move her to the nursery because any later than that may take quite the adjustment. They say babies aren't afraid of the dark until they're a year old. We need to teach her to sleep in her own room so she won't be afraid by herself.

The registry has been doing the same to me too. I'll be lucky if I don't get a million of the same products because I've had to change so much. Ah well. Next time I'll listen to my inner voice and do a sip n see. :lol: I'm sure everything will turn out just fine though! :winkwink:

ZB, a friend of mine made me laugh because she said they needed a tv so they added it to the registry and got the discount after the baby was born. :rofl:
With all these moses baskets used over there, why are we told not to use them?

My sister just had her shower and got SO many repeated items because those registries are useless. Things are never marked off well enough, and even sometimes one thing is marked and another time it isn't. I made one when I thought i'd want a shower, but now I really don't want one so will just use it as a list for me to refer to. People rarely buy the things you need, they always buy cute little bibs, shoes, and onesies so you end up with 40 million of them!~
With all these moses baskets used over there, why are we told not to use them?

My sister just had her shower and got SO many repeated items because those registries are useless. Things are never marked off well enough, and even sometimes one thing is marked and another time it isn't. I made one when I thought i'd want a shower, but now I really don't want one so will just use it as a list for me to refer to. People rarely buy the things you need, they always buy cute little bibs, shoes, and onesies so you end up with 40 million of them!~

I wasn't a fan of the shower either. I'm grateful, don't get me wrong, but my mother is very "showy". Sadly her and my dad are there for material things or monetary but don't really know how to show emotion. My mom is all about making a show to add attention to herself. I've come to terms with that which is why we hired a doula to be in the room. I needed a mother figure in with me and I knew it just wasn't something my mom could do. Oh she wants to be in there, but she wants to egg on the pain and see me suffer.

In fact, I started to cry today because we sent my parents Amelia's pictures and I still haven't heard back from them. They had other more important things to attend to like watching tv and playing video games (my dad). It makes me feel all the more that this shower isn't for us, but for her to look good.:shrug:

I started buying onesies like 10 years ago when we started trying. I have enough of those. :rofl: I could use some cute outfits, but even then I've been getting a special slightly used store I LOVE.

I know this sounds HORRIBLE, maybe even like I'm ungrateful but I've honestly had to fend for myself since I was 16 and would pay for my own clothes and medical care. It's hard for me to accept gifts from others. I LOVE to give gifts to people...it's just odd for me to get them from people myself. I LOVE to plan parties too..my FAVORITE. But NOT when I'm the center. Having a sip n see would have made Amelia the sole center which I would have been fine with. :lol:

Anyways, it will be interested in seeing what happens with the shower. I'm even freaking out because not everyone is RSVP'ing and it's hard to make food without actually knowing. In a sense I keep thinking, "maybe all these people invited actually hate me". I'm SO odd...maybe a bit neurotic. :rofl: :wacko:

Are you going to have a sip n see afterwards then?!
We were actually very lucky with our shower. A lot of people bought useful stuff off the registry, honestly I was amazed at how well they managed to find stuff off of it! I have given up on friends' registries much faster than that. :haha:

It helped that our shower was not completely baby-related, it was also a going away party. We had some non-baby-related activities as well (ate lunch and a few hours later had a make-your-own-cookie activity! with assorted toppings/mix-ins). It was fun! And we felt that we were giving back in a way because we supplied the cookie items.

The only thing I wish is that more people would chip in for a few of the bigger items. A lot of the smaller items we got will be really helpful, but I'd rather get, say, the Angelcare monitor or the breast pump. Still, overall I am really thankful for all the stuff we've gotten. We didn't get any cheapie receiving blankets and we did get a set of aden + anais swaddle blankets, which are supposed to be great! Good job, friends. :)

MA, hope you enjoy the shower more than you think. I was nervous about mine but it went really well!
Hey ladies and bumps hope your all well, just wanted to come on and say I'm still here and pregnant lol. I've had a tough ride recently and was in hospital for a couple of weeks. I will be having my baby early at the minute they are trying to get me to 36 weeks and have a section provisonally booked for the 9th sept (3 weeks on friday) however they are not sure if I will make it to then, I'm back every week just now so they are keeping a good eye on me! We havnt and don't plan to tell anyone the section date so please don't mention it on fb if we are friends. So I must apologise that I've not been on but my dongles still broke and my phone takes forever plus its been pretty hectic for me the past few months. Hope everyones well xxx
Hey ladies and bumps hope your all well, just wanted to come on and say I'm still here and pregnant lol. I've had a tough ride recently and was in hospital for a couple of weeks. I will be having my baby early at the minute they are trying to get me to 36 weeks and have a section provisonally booked for the 9th sept (3 weeks on friday) however they are not sure if I will make it to then, I'm back every week just now so they are keeping a good eye on me! We havnt and don't plan to tell anyone the section date so please don't mention it on fb if we are friends. So I must apologise that I've not been on but my dongles still broke and my phone takes forever plus its been pretty hectic for me the past few months. Hope everyones well xxx ps my boobs are leaking too and have been for a while xxx
Good to hear from you, Gash. Sorry to hear you have had such a rough time. Good luck with the c-section in 3 weeks time, I hope you make it that far, I really do. Let us know how you get on.... :hugs:
With all these moses baskets used over there, why are we told not to use them?

Nyp, I didnt realise you are told not to use Moses baskets in the USA. They are just sooo popular here in the UK, almost everyone uses them for the first few weeks/months.
We are just advised not to use them once baby can pull themsleves up into a sitting position. So until then, thats what we will be using. Then she will go into a cotbed in the nursery. Also, in the UK, they recommend baby sleeps in the same room as the parents, whether thats in a basket, crib or cotbed.

MA, sorry to hear about your relationship with your Mom. Perhaps once Amelia's here, your relationship with be strengthened?


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