October babies due dates and bump colours

MA- I hope it turns out to be much more fun than you expect, sorry its such an ordeal. I don't know if i'll be having any party afterwards either....having the c section and all, it wouldnt be for a few weeks and by then IDK. People will still buy me gifts, as at work they've asked me about it already, and im sure others will buy things to bring by as they come visit the baby......my mom is buying the basinette, although now I could borrow a free one from a friend so may do that and see if she would like to spring for something else that we need. The rest, we will just buy. I have quite the stock pile beginning and I also buy a lot of clothing from a used baby store so it helps! I found some Halo sleeper sacks for about $4.00 and they're usually around $20 so that was nice! Bumbo is there for $20 instead of $40 brand new. I love deals! Im a sucker!
Gash- I hope you get to your goal date....what are the issues that make it so you need to have the baby early?
MA - your momma kinda sounds like my MIL. She left her son to fend for himself at an early age... thankfully it has made him a strong man. She is all about showiness and looking goood but there is not monetary gain with her. Just bullpoop. Her sister is the same and the two try to one up each other and get so focused on themselves they forget who they are having the party for or dinner or whatever. That really sucks that it's your mom though, I hope that your MIL will be more supportive post-birth to help you with the random things that come to mind. I know I would ask my mom so many things that I wouldn't want to ask anyone else because they might think I was going nutters! :)

Gash!!! So glad to hear from you. Sept 9th eh? Wowie! My doctor's goal is to get me to 36 weeks too. He said after that he doesn't care so much. I really hope all goes well and you can make it to that point. Is the house ready to go or is there a bunch of crap that needs doing? How has Caleb been handling things?

So it's monday and I didn't meet all goals for the weekend.. mostly because I just overestimate my ability to get stuff done in my current state rather than a lack of willingness to do things. However, my basement is starting to take order and I just need to work on DH's work/school area so he can study and such when university starts back up. Then on to the main floor and finding a way to get DD's toys out of the living room. We threw out soooooooooooo much garbage last night, it felt so good. I have a hard time giving up things but when I do I am so happy about it. Weird.
gash, good to hear from you! I hope you make it to 36 weeks. Then you should be the first member of our group to graduate!! I hope everything goes well for you, it sounds like you've had such a tough pregnancy so far.
Gash, hoping you get to your goal dear. Get some rest and be safe! :hugs:

Thanks ladies for the encouragement! :hug:
Thanks girls it means a lot. Nypage I have really bad lung function so my oxygen levels have been low then they discovered I had diabetes due to the steroids I'm on for my lungs. I'm now on insulin 4 times a day but also had to have steroid injections to mature the babys lungs for an early arrival and due to the diabetes had to be on a glucose and potasium drip for a few day. Have had a lot of oxygen therapy but the bigger baby gets the less lung capacity I have. Littlestars hope you make 36 weeks too, I don't have too much to do at home just general cleaning which I can't be bothered with. I packed my hospital bag last weekend so I'm pretty organised. Calebs doing great thanks for asking. It was tough being away from him and being in hospital so long but he wasn't that bothered lol. If anyone wants to add me on facebook I'm in the october group for those who are on there or you can add me my email address is [email protected] as I can get on there from my phone easier than on here. Only thing is my section dates etc are a secret so don't mention anything on my page about it. Glad your all doing well xxx
Had MW appointment yesterday baby is head down, lets hope he stays that way. I got to feel his head in my hips it was weird. And im losing weight? I eat about 6 large meals a day. I can't figure it out
Had MW appointment yesterday baby is head down, lets hope he stays that way. I got to feel his head in my hips it was weird. And im losing weight? I eat about 6 large meals a day. I can't figure it out


Seems like the baby is pulling in the nutrients and with the 6 meals your keeping your blood sugars balanced while your metabolism is high. As long as baby is healthy, your body is just where it needs to be!:winkwink::flower:
Gash, sorry you've had such a tough time! I really hope you make it to 36 weeks-- hard to believe that one of us is having a baby so soon! Makes me realize just how close it all is..

Registries-- ahh yes, what a pain they are! Found out today that my shower is on the 26th which my girlfriends are throwing for me... excited but also a little scared.. lol.. i HATE being the center of attention. MA, I totally get you on loving to plan parties and such.. but when it's all about me, and when I'm getting a bunch of gifts which feel completely undeserved.. it's just so awkward! My bridal shower was embarrassing enough, and it's barely been a year and half since then!

I sure hope people at least look at my registries after all the work I put into them. My favorite by far is Amazon.com.. hardly anything has gone out of stock on there, and you can even categorize items by how badly you need/want them! Of course, people rarely want to buy things online for a baby shower.. they're usually buying things last-minute.. But I'm really hoping they will at least look at what I've got on there, and keep it in mind as they pick presents.

That sounds so ungrateful.. lol... like I'm not happy to just be getting gifts! I am, but the thing is.. I've been to countless baby showers over the years, buying others things for their babies.. I guess in a way it doesn't feel SO terribly selfish to have people give me some, for a change ;-)

Oh, to answer your question, MA-- since I'm planning on having LO at home, we'll have a sort of sip n' see after the birth... just an "open house" type thing, where everyone is welcome to stop by and see LO, have some snacks or such. I definitely won't put much work into it.. probably just make DH go out and buy chips and cookies and put them out with some drinks :)

As for where baby sleeps... I have a bassinet, also. I know those don't last very long, but this is a family heirloom.. my grandpa made the bassinet, and my mom made all the bedding for it.. plus, it's just so cute ;-) I will definitely be keeping LO in our room for the first few months, because it lowers the risk of SIDS significantly.. plus.. I guess I'm sort of one of those weird, hippy, attachment-parenting types ;-) Not an actual hippy, though! lol! I'll have the bassinet next to our bed, but will most likely be co-sleeping, actually.. I know to many people that sounds appalling.. but I'm not planning on doing it for more than a few months, and I think it's just what will work out best for us. My friend who tried cosleeping with her newborn loved it.. she never planned on doing it, but her baby was extremely clingy, and she just couldn't get her to sleep any other way... she said one great thing was barely needing to wake up for night-time feedings.. baby just helps herself whenever she's hungry! ;-)

Here's a great article by Dr. Sears about cosleeping, for anybody who would like to know more...

I had a loong exhausting weekend, but I survived. Barely.. lol. Because I've gained so much weight, I have a really hard time with standing for long periods of time.. and this past weekend was pretty much non-stop standing and walking for 3 days. Saturday night I was so tired, that I just burst out crying when DH asked if he could go to a rodeo with friends.... needless to say, he didn't go anywhere. lol. I feel bad for being such a party-pooper.. but I just couldn't handle anymore that day!

Last night, I finally took a bump picture after.. I dunno.. months and months of not taking one. I originally started out with taking a picture every week.. but... uhh.. that soon fell by the wayside. Too bad, really, I'm sure it would be fun now to look back and see how I grew.


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Cute bump Mrs! I will hafta read that article on co sleeping as im still making decisions. Im kind of a go with the flow type so do what feels good at that time, I dont plan too much of it in advance. Think I'll go with a bassinette....I would really like one with a moses type top that could come off but not finding anything like that, and they say Moses baskets are unsafe so IDk what to believe. Hope you get some rest!
Mrs. K, I find myself to be a bit on the alternative side as well. I don't think we'll have Amelia sleeping right in the bed with us though. A movie I watched recently took care of that. I won't get into too much but mom was bf'ing baby in bed and the baby suffocated. I CRIED. It scared me straight. So Amelia will be in the pack n play right next to me. I'm perfectly find know she's right next to me and that neither Doug nor I will roll over on top of her. That part freaks me out. Haha

We're also going to be babywearer's, cloth diapering and alternative injection scheduling. Being a homemaker I've also contemplated making baby food but we'll get there when we get there.

I make breads from scratch. LITERALLY. I have a grain mill and mill our own flour fresh. I'll be able to mill Amelia's cereal and know it's fresh grains. I also can so I don't think making baby food will be all that hard. It's the TIME that will be of concern so we'll see.

I know how you feel about the weight gain. I was the lowest I've been before I conceived our son....after he passed I started gaining a whole lot from stress, I stayed on the insulin pump which means unused insulin turns into fat and then there's the fertility hormones, the pregnancy hormones and the hormonal injections I'm getting to keep me from going into preterm labor. :wacko: I've only gained 13lbs for the whole pregnancy BUT I'm obviously overweight so I panic.

I'm looking forward to getting back into my weightloss plan with low carbs, weight training and cardio. "HOPEFULLY" I'll start losing something again. I'd like to spend a year with just Amelia before trying again for another little one if God wills.

We shall see!

Also the tiredness. I feel for you. When I was let off bedrest a couple weeks ago I thought I could accomplish so much. Turns out I'm easily tired so I'm pretty much useless. :rofl: I'm going to my cousins wedding next weekend but I hope I can make it through. The wedding is in one town an hour away and the reception in another two hours away. SO, we shall see. THEN my shower is the weekend after that. :wacko: My husbands all on pins and needles. I can go at any time. He's freaking out with all the engagements we're going to. :rofl:

Love your beautiful baby bump too!
Love the bump MrsK!! Actually I love your bathroom too! :haha: Here's mine. I have mostly given up on pants at this point. :) I've gained at least 30 lbs, I don't know where it's gone though! My bump may be bigger than it looks because I'm tall. I agree with you, standing is terrible on me. I don't even like to stand in line at the store. I want to get a handicapped parking sticker but I'm too lazy to go to the DMV. :haha:

My poor DH is doing so much for us right now. And I'm here chatting with people. :blush: (Had a long chat with a friend this afternoon who announced she is pregnant too, hooray!) Well, I'm getting things done as well but not nearly as busy as him. But I need to rest for the good of the baby, right? :winkwink:


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MA - making baby food is soooooo ridiculously easy, you'll have no problems at all. Plus as an added bonus you can create your own combos of foods when they get a little older and eating more than one thing at a time and also can control the chunkiness as time goes on to prepare them for more solid foods.

I love the bumps ladies, looking great! I really should try taking a picture again soon of mine.

DH bought a new coffee maker, one of those one-cup ones. We debated on the k-cup system vs. the t-discs and went with Tassimo. We'll probably regret it in the end due to them having less market share and thus they could be on the way out in a few years but they seem to have the ability to make better and fancier coffees so whatever. One less thing for me to have to make for DH when taking care fo the twins so yay!

No registries and baby showers this time around since it's not my first child, I'm thankful for it. My immediate family and friends are buying stuff anyway for the babies.

And best news of the day for me. I found out that my sister has a friend who is definitely going to the USA this weekend so I've been asked if there is anything I want. Unfortunately I doubt I can convince this stranger to get me the BabyTrend Snap n Go for twins but I can at least get one or two things that are super expensive here so yay!! I gotta go peruse a few websites and do some mental shopping. Fun!
Oh how fun littlestars! Thanks for the input on baby food. I think I may actually try it and see how it goes.

ZB, yes. You are keeping baby safe and rest is priority BUT you have a dear sweet husband just as I do. I would say yours is a keeper too. :winkwink:

Finally got a call from my mom. Not to tell me she saw Amelia's pics and was excited...but to tell me 40ppl RSVP'd for the shower. 20 more are still waiting and 10 declines. :wacko: SO out of my comfort zone. I love all the people who were invited so I'm focusing on that and NOT my discomfort. As for my mom...I was disappointed and sad she wasn't excited BUT I know she's just not an emotional person. As I said it's just not there. The positive side to this is that while I lack that mother figure in my own mother, God blessed me with a bunch of women who HAVE stepped up to the plate. Amelia has a whole lot of Aunts, Uncles and "spiritual grandparents". They say it takes a village to raise a child and during our loss with Jackson and this gift of Amelia, there have been MANY who have supported us during bed rest, etc. SO, honestly I'm not lacking in anything. While I wish my mom was different, she is who she is.

Anyways, It's going to be interesting at this shower. I may need to take a sedative to calm my nerves beforehand. :rofl: Just kidding. :winkwink:
Loving your bump pics MrsK and zb5! :)

Nyp, do you know why Moses baskets are considered unsafe?

zb5, your bump is soo cute! I have no idea where you put those 30 lbs.. you're so skinny!
As of this weekend, my total weight gain is 40 lbs.. ugh.. and I was SURE I'd get away with a total weight gain of maybe 25 lbs for the entire pregnancy. With 8 more weeks to go, I think that will be more like 50 or 60 lbs! I wanna cry! How does one ever lose 60 lbs?!

I love my bathroom too! hehe! We just finished building our house... it was lots of fun but also lots of stress, trying to make it all look the way we like it without spending tons of money.. because tons of money is something we definitely don't have, especially with LO on the way.. ;-) I'm a huge DIYer.. but this pregnancy is definitely slowing me down... I've still got such a looong list of things to finish in our house.. and no energy to do it all!

MA - I have never tried making baby food, but I imagine it wouldn't be very time-intensive. I'm planning on investing in a quality food processor (um yeah.. probably everyone else in the world already has one of those, but I don't! lol!).. that should make quick work of baby food. Especially if you have one of those freezer trays for freezing individual "portions".. that way a single batch of "cooking" takes care of many meals!

I never thought of myself as alternative before.. but with LO on the way, I've found myself going that way more and more. Never thought about giving birth at home.. never thought about keeping baby in the room with us.. or following an alternative vax schedule... or cloth diapering.. or homeschooling.. but.. somehow that's where I seem to be ending up :) I'm pretty much the only one in my circle of friends and family, too.. so everyone is just curiously watching to see where all my weirdness is going to end up :-D My mom thinks the idea of cloth diapering is absolutely horrid... but that's just because she's never SEEN these modern cloth diapers ;-)

I guess in the end, all those little things don't make a huge difference, though. I was raised by very loving but completely non-attachment parents... in my own crib and room from the very beginning, they let me cry it out instead of carrying me around, I had all my shots from the start, and I ate *gasp* store-bought baby food containing preservatives and sugar ;-) I still turned out alright, I think.. haha.. And I definitely love my parents, although I could never describe them as "friends" or confidants. They are strictly parents.. very caring and loving, but not emotional or anything. It works out fine.. but I guess I always missed that in my life. When I got older, I sensed my parents WANTING to share a closer emotional bond with me.. but it was just too late to start anything like that... there's this big gap between us which can't be bridged. So, maybe it's foolish.. but some part of me wants to avoid making that mistake with my son, I guess... and maybe that's why I'm heading for all the alternative stuff?!
Boo! I'm mad.. one of the stores, either Walmart or Target.. I think it was Target.. used to allow you to have items that are available for sale but not in store shipped to a specific store you wanted so you could pick up. I mean I literally saw this online like 2 months ago. Yet yesterday when I went to show my sister how it worked so she could do that with the items she wanted in the USA that her friend WAS going to pick up would be there we couldn't find how to do it anymore. So frigging lame! Why is it so hard to have crap sent to Canada from the USA? Where's the free trade? Where's the love? It's not like we don't have Walmart here and Target is coming in a few months.. why aren't they expanding their online target audience? And even stupid Amazon is making it hard.. Amazon Canada is sooo limited (books, DVD's and CD's mostly) but because it exists then the US version makes it hard to ship to Canada. It is actually easier for me to get something from the UK. ARGH!!! I did find a place locally that sells one of the items I was looking for but not for a great price. That's another thing that bugs me.. Why are we paying so much more for crap when our dollar is worth same or more than the US dollar? Not really expecting answers ladies, don't worry! Just ranting. I'll take my country any day but it's just really frustrating to be so close to getting what you want and yet so far. Even having my passport up to date wouldn't have even helped since I don't have US address to ship to and the items aren't in store regularly.

Actually speaking of which... to the USA ladies.. Target and Walmart sell two items I want.. #1 the Moby Wrap.. #2 the BabyTrend Snap'n'Go Twin stroller. They say they are not available in store, online. Anyone ever seen these in store anyway??
MA, MrsK, anyone else - just remember when you cook the veggies for mashing/blending/chopping whatever to steam them not boil so you don't lose all the nutrients in the water. If you have to boil, do with little water as possible and save the water to add in nutrients when trying to thin down foods. You don't really need a expensive fancy food processor. I used a combo of a hand/stick blender, blender and a mini food processor that is 25 years old hand me down. Toss in a few ice trays from the dollar store and mini 'tupperware' containers and I was good to go. This time I also have a vacuum seal machine too though. I never made the cereal from scratch though.. interesting idea...
Little- maybe US is mad that we can't even come there if we've ever had a DUI. What a stupid rule! My friends told me that years ago and I laughed my butt off at how ridiculous that is. I am betting some of the women who are volunteers at school with the kids may or may not have had one in their life some time and they pass the background checks! Have you tried BRU for shipping to store? I know that one does it. Hmmmm, I don't think i've seen either of those at target, and I have not looked at baby stuff at walmart. Again, does BRU have them? I would think the wraps would at least be there.

Shell- apparently the Moses baskets are just too padded on the inside and not a very wide space, so considered a hazard.....I also heard they can tip out of the holders easily and to never carry the baby in one, carry it separately. IDK, I really wanted one before hearing all of that!
ooh i've never heard of a moses basket being dangerous.. def a usa thing! i have one for LO to sleep in downstairs or if we visit people for first 6 months or so. But LO will be sleeping in a crib next to our bed for first 6 months then transferring to her cot in her own room thereabouts - but we're willing to go with the flow and see what happens. We would never have LO in our bed with us - just too risky for us imo and would never get a decent nights' sleep - i'm terrible even with our furbabies in the bed, i wake up all night long thinking i'm squashing one of them :dohh: imagine how much worse it would be with a teeny tiny baby!!

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