October babies due dates and bump colours

LittleStars, I think on Walmart.com, only those items which have a little "SitetoStore" logo can be shipped to the store.. not sure why they don't have all items available to be shipped to store.. :shrug:

I definitely haven't seen a Moby in-store anywhere except Babies R Us.. As for the stroller you mentioned-- I haven't paid attention to those in-store, but I just looked it up on the Walmart website, and it shows that it's available for site-to-store.. maybe check it again?

Can't believe they make it so hard to ship to Canada.. I guess I always figured shipping would be about the same as to the US, since it's so close.
I had to use a lot of brain power to figure out what BRU was.. lol I checked them and they also will not ship to store for those two items. I did find an online store called Stroller Depot and Strollers.com that both will send to Canada. Yay? I'm still not sure I want the stroller frame thing. It's my mom who is pushing for me to get one. Honeslty though with the $800 stroller I still need to buy I'm just not sure how motivated I am to spend another $100+ on a second stroller.

As for the DUI thing. I had never heard that. I had heard that if they ask you at the USA border (to a Canadian) if you have ever smoked pot and you say yes even if never convicted, charged or even caught they can ban you for life. lol Seriously if Canadians answered that honestly 50% of the population wouldn't be allowed accross the border. It's not that Canadians are potheads but at some point just about any person who was a teen has tried it in Canada even if only once. We spend too much time worrying about silly things and not focusing on the obvious problems.
Hahahahaa. Little that's funny. Most americans have too. Maybe they made up that rule to match yhe dui rule. Or vice versa. Lol. Good job figuring out BRU!

Nai, it is apparently totally a usa thing as people everywhere else use them. Then again, we are told not use bumpers in our crib also and that would make sense why we are advised against Moses baskets. So different over here! Funny you mention fur babies in bed. Long as my baby doesnt sleep at my feet I'm ok. I am always fighting with my cat for space and he bats at my feet if I move them!
I was going to make my own food too, I found this baby food maker at BRU that has gotten very good reviews. It steams and purees the food all in the same container, making it easier and faster. I'm kinda excited about it bc it'll be nice to know what exactly is going into their foods....we are going to try the cloth diaper route as well and BF too. With twins if it all works it will save us a lot of money over all and be so much better for the boys.

Here is the baby food maker if anyone is interested:

As for them sleeping in the same room, we have a small bassinet that they will be in until they get too big (thinking a month at the most) and then we have a pack and play that is made for twins, so it has 2 bassinets that sit on the top. I wanted to keep them in the room with us probably for the first 6 months, but we will see how it goes. It'll definitely make it easier for breast feeding
Kristin - I'm cloth diapering my twins! I did the math and it pays for itself really quickly, especially since I got my diaper AIO's for half price nearly! Just don't know what I'll do once they reach the weight limit before getting toilet trained. I don't think I'll get away with training sooner than 22-24 months and I'm pretty sure they will weight more than 22 lbs by then! Doh! My mom suggests old fashioned cloth diapering like she did with us but I REALLY don't like that idea. The AIO's are just way too awesome in their simplicity and lack of leakage.

So I go an email back from the website that had the stroller and it turns out not only is it not available for shipping currently with no estimated date but it would cost nearly twice the price of the item by the time all the taxes and duties are added. I tried another website and they are selling it for much more but the duties are slightly less.. still the same price in the end though. I guess that'll be a big ol' NEVERMIND as far as buying that item. And the Moby wrap.. it would cost $42 to ship the $39 item. Ummm huh???? So back to just paying over the odds here in town. Interestingly enough the store I will buy from lends them out for a few days to try them out before buying. I just might do that to make sure I can actually get twins in there. Otherwise I'll just hold on to my BabyBjorn instead of lending it to my BIL (he thinks he's too manly for a Moby wrap, lol).

So much for all that.
The cloth diapers we got are good up to 35 lbs, we are going to try the econobum ones...they sell them at bru...it will definetly be worth it bc with twins we (and u) will go through a lot of diapers lol
I think we are going to try cloth diapering with old fashioned prefolds. I want to use a diaper service instead of doing the laundry myself, so pretty much the only option is prefolds. It sounds like you can get really good covers for them nowadays, so we'll see how it goes!

Whenever I tell any of my friends this they tell me "but cloth diapers aren't any better for the environment than disposables." I have a hard time believing that. If that were true, wouldn't we all wear disposable clothes and eat from disposable plates instead of bothering to wash them?? Anyway, I have no real evidence but it kind of bugs me because I suspect the disposable diaper companies are behind those statements somehow.
Cloth diapers are better for the environment! Diapers are made from petroleum and take forever to biodegrade in landfills. The average household uses 2 tons worth of diapers (for 1 baby) in a year! And if you are using a cleaning service that's even better because they use high efficiency cleaners that use very little energy. Even washing them at home isnt bad, it adds only a few extra loads of laundry a week bc u can store them a few days before washing them (so you can wait till you have a whole load)...i wouldnt listen to those people!

I just get told I'm crazy for wanting to even try it, especially with twins. A friend of mine told me that she gives me 5 days and I'll give up bc I wont want to deal with washing them. We are going to be doing more laundry anyway with new babies so I dont think it'll be that big of a deal!
Even if it wasn't better for the environment I'd still do it for the sheer $$ savings!!! I will probably do the pre-fold with covers after we reach the limit oft he AIO's. I take the weight suggestions with a grain of salt personally since it all depends on how it fits the child. If my daughter is anything togo by she was always tall but skinny so even if her weight was over the limit she would likely still have fit the diapers for a few months longer.
Quick Question: Am I in the minority as far as having not reached a decision of the babies names?
My friends have also told me their babies never got diaper rash until they tried disposables... so there are lots of reasons to do it! I don't think I'll save much $ using a service, so I'm mostly doing it for the environmental factor and for the diaper rash issue. And because that's what I wore as a baby, it seems right...

I'm not really against washing them myself in theory, I can just imagine myself "not getting around to it" and ending up with a no clean diapers emergency... :dohh: That already happens so often with me only doing laundry for 2 adults, I can't imagine what it would be like with the addition of baby clothes AND diapers.

LittleStars - we've picked a name but aren't sharing it with most people yet. But you've got two so it's at least twice as hard!
Hey ladies. Here is a post I wrote just so you all know whats going on with me and why ive been M.I.A.

Hey ladies. Here is a post I wrote just so you all know whats going on with me and why ive been M.I.A.


I'm so sorry that you are going through this. My fingers are crossed that you LO stays put for a couple more weeks.
Hope you get enough rest and can keep Ali in there for a few more weeks at least. Sorry about the bad times right now. hang in there.

Little- I have no name picked yet, and also was at Target today and saw a Moby warp. I am too stupid to have looked at the price carefully, but around $40 I think?
Yourstruly. So sorry your going through this hun. Seems your going through PTL but having "been there" I can tell you that with you being 1cm dilated you could possibly go for several weeks as long as the med they gave you for contractions works. Many of my incompetent cervix friends have gone a couple extra weeks at 2cm's. One actually almost went to full term so it IS possible.

If I may ease your mind, while your baby will be considered preterm, the mortality rate (and I HATE using that word) is over 90% where you are. While the baby would be in NICU depending on the weight and maturity of the lungs etc., the baby should do quite well. Still, it's always kinda scary when you go early. I mean every mother wants to get her baby to term BUT if you do have your little one early, I want to reassure you that there are many women whose babies were born at this gestation that have done quite well. :winkwink: :hugs: My hope is that you'll get a few more weeks of maturity in there and that you and baby will continue to be safe and sound.

Cloth Diapering. We're doing Cloth-eez prefolds with thirsties covers for the first few weeks. I'm also using Grovia for outings to make it easy on Doug and I when we're out for long periods of time.

I have a registry online for AIO's. We're doing thirsties, Tot Bots and Oh Katy's for right now. I wanted to try different ones. Different diapers work for different body types. I thought since I bought enough infant diapers, I'd go for the bigger size 2 on the registry. So far I've received 6 diapers, A wet bag and some cloth wipes. I was quite surprised! They can get pretty pricey but if people knew I'd be grateful for just ONE It'd be nice!

We plan to get the sprayer and attach it to the toilet. I also bought Charlies Soap for the diapers. We just started prewashing the prefolds and grovia's as they need several washes to make them more absorbant. I've seen and heard EXCELLENT reviews on Cloth Eez so that is why we went with them. I think I'm also going to buy some Cloth Eez workhorse diapers. They are actually in the shape of a sposie and can have snaps added to them.

I could go HOG wild like the rest of my cd'ing friends. There are some pretty awesome homemade ones on etsy and another site. AMAZING! :happydance:

As for injections. I wasn't too worried about the scheduling thinking about my days with injections BUT, there are a whole lot more injections now for many different things. I DO NOT plan to get the RSV shot for her but there's still time for them to study it before Amelia actually needs it. Right now though, not enough studies done with it and I'm not about to cause her fertility issues in the future. There are some other ones I just plan to get one at a time and a couple I plan to opt out of because the reactions outweigh getting the actual illness. Though my husband (an RN) and I are disagreeing on one particular injection. I'm open for discussion so we'll see what happens. :thumbup: We're also doing homeschooling as well. My sil and several friends have done it and the kids have benefited from it greatly. Testing higher than public schools. They also have more time for local sports and the arts as well as field trips for school. I'm looking forward to that one day but I'm not going to rush it along. Time flies and I just want to enjoy her while she's young!

Little, it's not trade that's the problem, it's the stores themselves. I have had issue after issue with them carrying stock and then discontinuing stock. Walmart doesn't have much for baby stuff anyways. They're absent minded when it comes to knowledge of their products and they're registry was TERRIBLE to navigate! To be honest, the snap n go I've ever really seen is in babies r us BUT buy buy baby may have them as well. buybuybaby.com Not every area has them. You can see what they have though. :winkwink:
Quick Question: Am I in the minority as far as having not reached a decision of the babies names?

We havent told any of the family the names we picked yet. They get to wait till they are born. I made some onesies with their names on them and hope to put them on the boys before the family sees them for the first time. https://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a155/Kristin070404/2011-08-09_11-06-41_691.jpg We had a very hard time picking out names, I think we finally decided maybe 2 weeks ago. You still have time yet :D
Yourstruly, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this! I hope you and your baby are okay. I had a similar scare last week, but my contractions weren't too strong and calmed down fairly quickly so they didn't keep me overnight. They told me I was dilated to 1cm, and "not very effaced" (although then later the doctor said 60% effaced?? not sure.). They said it is possible to remain at 1-2cm for a long time so that baby can be born full term. I hope that is true for both of us! I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow where I assume she'll check me and hopefully tell me my cervix hasn't changed any more.

Anyway, for me what really helps keep the contractions away is lots of rest and not too much walking. Walking really aggravates them unfortunately. :( It sounds like you are being well taken care of and it's great that you have gotten the steroid shot and everything. Hope LO stays in there as long as possible!

MA, I think we will try to do the Thirsties covers with the prefolds as well. They are so cute! And get good reviews.

Littlestars, I had to buy a wedding gift for a cousin in Canada, and it was the most difficult thing! The registry was only accessible through the .ca website, but then it wouldn't let me put in a US billing address... it just kept asking what my province was! :dohh: Sorry, California is not one of the acceptable provinces! So it goes both ways. :haha: The item I ended up buying them was 20% more than it was on the US website as well... ugh. On the other hand, my cousin's wife gets crazy amounts of maternity leave and they get good, affordable (free?) health care. He was a dual citizen but decided to give up US citizenship at age 18. He loves Canada!

Kristin, love the names and the onesies! How did you make the onesies?
I used iron on transfer paper that you can print on with the computer. Its pretty cool bc then you can use any picture/font..anything. Just print it out and use the iron to transfer it :D
zb5 - with paternity and maternity combined we get a year off total if wanted. The paternity portion is at a more duced rate than maternity unless you work for the government.. Thankfully DH is in the military and thus the federal government. According to him he'll actually make slightly MORE money than his usual salary due to changed taxes while he takes paternity next summer. Yay! And yes healthcare is free though the government does debate having a tiered system so rich people have more access to private stuff if they want. You just need insurance for glasses, dental and medicine unless you are on federal assistance. So that being all said and done, I have no plans on moving! lol I do have dual citizenship with the UK and considered moving twice when I was in my early 20's but the frist time I landed a really good job (damn you Nortel!!!) and the second time I met my now husband and bailed on the plan.

YoursTruly - What a rollercoaster ride! Ekk! You better keep those legs crossed tight. I hope that everything calms down and you make it to at least 36 weeks. Congratualtions on your little girl walking btw! Sucks that she hurt herself so bad though. I hope your DH is able to cope with you out of commission and little Ava!

Kristin - cute onsies!!! I bought some plain white ones and am planning tye dying them with DD for fun and we were making some extra so my sister's LO too. I was thinking about putting their names on them but was going to use those fuzzy letters from the 70's. What did you use? I also need to make a 'Big Sister' shirt for DD secretly. <ETA: you posted while I was typing, thanks for info about iron on's>

MA - I went with Kushies Ulta-Lite AIO's. Got them 5/$30! Normally they are twice that price so I couldn't pass that up! I will probably do disposable for the intial stage mostly because I suspect the twins might be a little small and because I'm going to be so tired and sore and a zombie for the first few weeks ubntil I get my groove. I definitely think I'll at least try to go to either flat or pre-fold diapers with covers once they babies outgrow the AIO's.

AFM - today is Beach Party Day! lol or at least DD thinks it is. We're packing a lunch and grabbing the swim suits to head to the beach for the day. We're going to play games and swim and do crafts and basically let DD be the centre of our attention for the day so she is thrilled! Off to start making sandwiches!
Hi ladies quick update. Got admitted again yesterday morning as I had terrible sickness and the runs (tmi) I was also having iregular contractions. They put me on a drip yesterday morning and the sickness and contractions stopped. I'm still in hospital though as my bicarb levels are really low (I have no idea what this means). Hope your all ok, yourstruley just read your thread and hope they have managed to stop everything now xxx

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