October babies due dates and bump colours

Hi Ladies :hi:

Wow, a lot to catch up on!

First of all - yourstruly, I hope Ali stays put for a little while longer. Thinking of you. And Gash, sorry to hear you have been in hospital again. Get well soon :hugs:

I dont consider myself to be "alternative" at all. But Im planning on a home water birth, with no drugs. Im also hoping to be breastfeeding exclusively for 6 months before weaning, hopefully continuing with breastfeeding until she is at least 12-18 months, and making my own baby food.

Thanks for the info regarding the safety of Moses baskets, Nyp. I understand where they are coming from with their worries, but i think im gonna stick with it and see how it goes....

Regarding weight gain, I had gained 28lbs by 27 weeks (havent weighed myself since) and i am happy with that. My body is growing a baby, and as long as my fundal height is normal (it is) and she is measuring fine on the scans (she is) im happy. There will be plenty of time to lose the weight after.
Although im getting kinda annoyed with people asking "are you sure there's only one in there?", "you look like you're ready to pop", etc....

Dont worry Littlestars, you are not the only one who hasnt decided on names yet. We have a shortlist of 3 names for our little girl, and are going to make a final decision when she arrives. Its such a HUGE decision to make, and not one to take lightly.

Good luck to the house movers, dont work too hard!!
Looking good Kristin!! Is it just me or have you dropped a little since the last picture?

Thanks! It did drop since last week, but it moves up and down a lot depending on how the boys are sitting..lol
What is normal weight gain? I thought I was normal until hearing others, and if you'd see my stomach, you would think I've gained a lot, but the actual weight gain is only 12 lbs and now im wondering if im not doing it correctly. I have this massive stomach though for real! Lol . Not sure how it doesn't weigh 40 lbs just on its own.
Oh my, you girls were chatty yesterday! :)

I've been getting a lot of 'When are you due??' and I love telling them technically not until Oct. 20th and watching their eyes bug out for a little bit. then I laugh and say 'but there are two growing in there'. That seems to calm them down a bit. Then they just get all goo goo about twins and meanwhile I'm cursing them wishing they'd hurry up and finish putting me through the check out or such.

I worked with a lady who had struggled with weight as an adult, she went through in vitro and then got preggers. About 3 months after having the baby she came back to work.. might have been even less. I remember how devastated she was when several times in the same week there were people in the mall (we worked at a dentist office inside a mall) who were regular mall rats said things like 'thought you already had the baby' and such. I am so scared of that personally! I am glad that I will have the winter to hide under sweaters and coats while I lose the weight. I have a wedding to go to on Jannuary 7th and I REALLY want to wow people with my weight loss back close to regular old me. I've gained soooooooo much weight. I know that I'll lose 50-60lbs from the delivery and in the weeks afterwards but I still have a job ahead of me since I gained right before I got pregnant with the Xmas holidays and then with the fertility drugs and then going off of a low carb diet. Boo :(

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one without a name picked out. My problem is that last time I know DH and I spent the whole pregnancy picking one and then even though we thought we were set and were only going to change the order depending on hair colour, DH had a last minute panic and we changed the name days before delivering. So I didn't want to pick too early. Then there was the whole debacle with my sister so I started looking.. at first half-assed then more seriously and I came up with a proper list of potentials. Meanwhile DH half-assed looked through a crumby book and then when I got the better one he never seriously looked or came up with a list or listened to mine. He just threw some names out ehre and there on occassion. He thinks because I said I liked some of the names that we're now set and I'm not 100% sure and I can't seem to convince him to look. So frustrating!!!!

The names he likes right now are Victoria and Isabella. So that leads me to the comment made about the name Jacob. First off: love the name Jacob!!! and since I'm an adult in the 30+ catagory I didn't immediately think of Twilight. lol But I have the same issue with Isabella since it is also used in the darn book/movie series. Also it's considered a really popular name like Jacob, #1 in USA for 2011 so far. Great. But then I've read some interesting info on the naming lists. Years ago the naming list represented a larger % of the population but with people leaning towards more alternative names, spellings etc it doesn't represent as many people. Additionally it is only a generalization for the country and the stats in your city would be slightly different depending on economic/social/political factors. On top of that, I got to thinking about the list and compared the list for most popular names for 2006 when my DD was born and compared it to the names of the kids in the various kindergarten classes in the morning last year and only a few of the most popular were even represented. Sooooooo my daughter could have had Chloe as a first name and if we had a son we could have named him Ethan despite the popularity. Now don't get me wrong, still makes me leery of the popular names. I think if you pick a name that has at least one good nickname/shortform then you'll probably be fine if your child ends up with another kids with same name in class. The days of Lisa M. and Lisa G. and Lisa T. and Lisa R. all in one class are probably long gone. Sooooooo...... *IF* I agree to Isabella (which I really do like) then we would use Izzy as our back up, then Bella and then Ella. With Jacob there are options to go with alternative spelling such as Jakeob, or Jakob and a nickname like Jake which I personally would have choosen if I were having a boy since it's such a manly name. hehe. Soooooooo.. I'm going to stop rambling now on that subject.. but that was my two cents.
Oh! Forgot to mention, I had a great time at the beach yesterday! :)

I have a doctor/US/anethesiologist appointment today. Afterwards I'm going to hopefully pick up a used BabyTrend Snap'n'Go stroller for $50! After all my searching online to find it cheaply turns out there was one locally. FX it's in good condition. Then we'll be able to just pop on the car seats when I go shopping for the first 10-12 months. Also means that I don't have to worry quite as much on the width of the side-by-side I by since it doesn't have to fit in the trunk. By the time 6 months rolls around I will also have the option of just using a twin umbrella stroller in the shops. Doesn't mean I won't TRY to get a side-by-side that's 29" for shopping but now I'm less worried. Yay!

Nypage - I might be off on this but the baby, placenta, extra blood etc weighs on average 27lbs by the end. If you gain less than that then you will 'likely' weigh a little less than when you started. With twins the estimation is approx. 50lbs or some such depending on if you go beyond 36 weeks or not. It does take a few weeks for all things to get back to normal as far as increased blood volume etc. But this is assuming I'm remembering correctly. :)
LittleStars, that is very true about the current most popular names! I remember having 3 Matts in my 6th grade class, and in college everyone named Mike got an embarrassing nickname. :haha: But the trend is going more and more towards unique names, so those top names are not as common as they once were. I like both Isabella and Jacob, but in the books they only ever call her Bella, so I don't immediately think of Twilight when I hear Isabella. I'm 28, should I be embarrassed that I've read the books? :haha: Jacob I tend to think of Twilight a bit more, but I also think of the character on Lost... everyone has their own connotations that they think of.

I have heard you should gain 25-35 lbs by the end of a normal (singleton) pregnancy. If you gain 30, about 7 of that is "maternal stores" i.e. fat. :haha: But we will need it for breastfeeding, so it's not bad!

I have grown out all my shorts from pre-pregnancy, even the ones with serious elastic waistbands. I thought it was from some added pudge, but now I'm wondering if my hip bones have started to widen as well?? Interesting. I don't mind if it makes labor easier!
What is normal weight gain? I thought I was normal until hearing others, and if you'd see my stomach, you would think I've gained a lot, but the actual weight gain is only 12 lbs and now im wondering if im not doing it correctly. I have this massive stomach though for real! Lol . Not sure how it doesn't weigh 40 lbs just on its own.

I know weight gain also depends on how much you weighed before, there isnt really a number to hit. I wouldnt worry unless the doctor says something, they would let you know if they think u havent gained enough.... I wasnt gaining weight at first and they told me that I had to change my diet (drink milkshakes daily lol) to gain weight. Now i gain about a pound a week and they said its just fine....the boys are growing and healthy.

Hopefully most of my 25lbs will be gone shortly after they are born...my dr said I may weigh less than I did before I got pregnant once they are born, wouldnt that be nice..lol
Looking good Kristin!! Is it just me or have you dropped a little since the last picture?

Octbebe, congrats! When are you moving? I can't wait to move and finally start on the nursery!

I noticed the same thing. I thought...gee, she looked bigger last week...then noticed the second pic her belly looks lower. I was all confused. :dohh: :rofl:

LOVE the pic. Your belly is SO CUTE!:cloud9::hugs::flower:
What is normal weight gain? I thought I was normal until hearing others, and if you'd see my stomach, you would think I've gained a lot, but the actual weight gain is only 12 lbs and now im wondering if im not doing it correctly. I have this massive stomach though for real! Lol . Not sure how it doesn't weigh 40 lbs just on its own.

According to the Perinatologists office. I've only gained 13lbs. Of course I hear that plus size women tend NOT to gain so much for some reason. But we don't really lose the weight very fast even WITH bf'ing either. :shrug::wacko:

I'm planning to exercise my butt off when Amelia is here. I'm going to try my cousin's p90x dvd's before I buy them. Before my son, I pushed myself and was the lowest weight I'd been. Now after the stress from the loss, the hormones from fertility, pregnancy hormones, progesterone hormones to keep PTL at bay AND the excess insulin which turns to fat if it's not used in my body...well, I AM at my highest weight, though I've only gained 13 lbs thus far. Over the 3 year period I gained quite a bit. I'm dying at the scale when it keeps going higher, but I know this is Amelia and could careless about my weight gain right now. I'll know my true weight after she's born.

My concern is I've been carrying low the whole time and I have a hanging pouch or "apron" that's bugging me. I've been crying the whole time telling my husband I feel ugly. :cry::dohh::blush::haha: Poor Doug. He loves me SO much!
Looking good Kristin!! Is it just me or have you dropped a little since the last picture?

Octbebe, congrats! When are you moving? I can't wait to move and finally start on the nursery!

I noticed the same thing. I thought...gee, she looked bigger last week...then noticed the second pic her belly looks lower. I was all confused. :dohh: :rofl:

LOVE the pic. Your belly is SO CUTE!:cloud9::hugs::flower:

lol thanks! If it gets any lower I'm not going to have any clothes to wear...my stomach is hanging out of the bottom of all but a few shirts! :rofl: I found out today that they will probably be letting me know next week when I'm having my c-sec so I may not have too much longer!
littlestars, I LOVE Isabelle and Victoria! I'm also in the 30+ category and I don't even pay attention to those movies in conjunction to naming a baby. Those names are beautiful and remind me of princesses. The names just flow.

By the way, I love the name Jacob too. I also like that's it's biblical and think it's funny that like you, my name is Rebekah. :rofl:

My legal spelling is actually Rebecca but after years of ttc, I changed it to Rebekah because I wanted a "visual" reminder of Gods promise to Rebecca. Even though we know there were tragic circumstances from one of the boys behaviors. I just look at Gods promise to her. I also took hold of Gods promise to Hannah after she too lost her son. She asked him for more children and trusted in Him. It took 8 years for a "surprise" pregnancy after we were told it would NEVER happen. After we lost Jackson I prayed as Hannah did and we now have Amelia coming. With medical intervention of course. :winkwink:

AFM: I'm in a better mood today. I got "some" rest the other night which I think helped. I'm glad moody days aren't ALL the time! :wacko:

Nothing new for us otherwise.
Looking good Kristin!! Is it just me or have you dropped a little since the last picture?

Octbebe, congrats! When are you moving? I can't wait to move and finally start on the nursery!

I noticed the same thing. I thought...gee, she looked bigger last week...then noticed the second pic her belly looks lower. I was all confused. :dohh: :rofl:

LOVE the pic. Your belly is SO CUTE!:cloud9::hugs::flower:

lol thanks! If it gets any lower I'm not going to have any clothes to wear...my stomach is hanging out of the bottom of all but a few shirts! :rofl: I found out today that they will probably be letting me know next week when I'm having my c-sec so I may not have too much longer!

Oh I KNOW what you mean. Amelia has been hanging low the WHOLE time! :wacko: I have 1 pair of pants I can wear. 1 !!! :dohh: Now I'm starting to get bigger and the darn things are starting to fray at the waistband. I had to go to Joann's to get some patch to iron on the back of it to keep it from ripping more. :haha: A couple of my shirts are tight now too. To make it worse, I have a wedding to go to next friday and my shower is the following weekend. I've tried MANY stores for plus size clothes and all the dresses so far look like a flipping moomoo. I have the pregnant belly on top and the hanging belly where she's been low. It looks JUST AWFUL!:wacko: We're going to a bridal shop this week to see if I can find something nice in an empire waist to wear that's on sale and not too overdressed. I'm not even sure WHAT Im going to do for the shower. I also found online some pantyhose that hold the belly up. My concern though is I'm going to buy them and the apron hanging with Amelia in it is NOT going to fit where the belly is supposed to go. What a predicament. :haha: Have you ever heard of such a thing?! :shrug:

To top it off...my grey hairs are coming in and I'm not even sure I can dye my hair at this point!! Anyone know if it's safe to dye your hair at almost 33wks?!

This pregnancy has been hard on me. :lol: I have zits, because of the p17injections I LITERALLY have hair running down my chest, long ones I could braid coming out of my boobs, my leg hairs are thicker and itch like CRAZY, I'm moody, can't sleep, have terrible food aversions and cry when my husband asks what I want to eat. :rofl: I'm a mess! :haha::dohh:
Littlestars - Were you aware that the name Victoria is also a character on Twilight?!?! I am a HUGE Twilight fan and even considered naming our LO Edward, but DH banned me! lol
We decided to call LO Alfie Mark and people constantly ask if we are naming him after Alfie Moon on Eastenders (a UK soap opera) So people will always think of something!

AFM - my twin sister had her beautiful baby boy on monday at 33.1 weeks. It was such a scary time for her, as the dr's thought it was braxton hicks. By the time they got round to doing an internal check, she was 8cm dilated and it was all over within an hour. Thankfully, baby Henry weighed in at 4lb 6oz and seems to be thriving in NICU, but it has scared the life out of me and im making DH sort the nursery out ASAP as we dont have a cot, moses basket, pram, car seat or any of the big things yet! We thought we had plenty of time! Doh!
Me being a few weeks shy of 22 still, I guess I'm close enough to the Twilight-age to think of it when I hear the name Jacob! hehe! That being said... Isabella doesn't make me think of Twilight right away, either, since she's always referred to as Bella... so I think you're fine there, LittleStars!

You're right, "top names" aren't what they used to be... the days of everyone naming their kids Mary, John, and Henry are long gone.. which is a good thing!

My belly is awfully low, too! It even peeks out of some of my maternity shirts if I'm not careful.. argh.. I feel as though I've got nothing to wear anymore. Yet another reason to wish the next 8 weeks would pass quickly!

Oh, as for weight.. well, I DID gain about 35 lbs.. but it's stayed pretty much the same these last few weeks. Since this is the point when babies gain the most, I'm guessing he's just using more than I manage to eat, with my stomach feeling so small these days. Problem is, I can't seem to stay off sweets lately... soo.. there are days when I hardly eat much protein and nutritious food, and instead go from one sugar rush to the next. I know, I know.. bad, bad, bad... *blush* I really need to get back to a better diet. My midwife would be very unhappy if she knew how I've been eating.. especially at this critical point when they gain the most!

Mrsturner.. scary that your sister had her baby already! Glad everything seems to be okay, though.. hope he continues to do well and gets to come home soon! It's scary to think just how close we all are now... babies are born premature at this point all the time! Less than 5 weeks to full-term for me.. aaaahhh..!
I totally forgot that Victoria was also a Twilight name. lol Despite being 35 I did make my husband watch the twilight movies with me, only to find out what all the buzz was about. I don't get it. Vampires that glitter? hahaha. Funny. I want blood and gore!!!

Well my appointment went well, the anesthesiologist believes it shouldn't be a problem giving me a spinal block so yay. The babies are all messed up with one curled up in a tight ball up top and the other seems to have all the rest of my belly all to herself. Baby A is 3lbs 13oz, baby B is 4lbs. Chubby babies!

We picked up the Snap'n'Go stroller. It was in great condition so we were really happy.

My belly too sticks out the bottom of all my shirts. They just aren't long enough anymore. So annoying.

MA - suggestion for outfits for your wedding/shower: Sundress with empire bustline and pair it with a pair of capri leggings. If you can get a pair of yoga capris that have that fold down wait, even better since it will smooth the belly a tad. This way the dress will hang off of you bump, hide the excess that is just none of anyones business and you don't have to worry about the length of the dress (I hate showing my knees) or sitting/getting up gracefully if need be.

Okay DH is bugging me to go watch a movie. Have a good night ladies.
I totally forgot that Victoria was also a Twilight name. lol Despite being 35 I did make my husband watch the twilight movies with me, only to find out what all the buzz was about. I don't get it. Vampires that glitter? hahaha. Funny. I want blood and gore!!!

Well my appointment went well, the anesthesiologist believes it shouldn't be a problem giving me a spinal block so yay. The babies are all messed up with one curled up in a tight ball up top and the other seems to have all the rest of my belly all to herself. Baby A is 3lbs 13oz, baby B is 4lbs. Chubby babies!

We picked up the Snap'n'Go stroller. It was in great condition so we were really happy.

My belly too sticks out the bottom of all my shirts. They just aren't long enough anymore. So annoying.

MA - suggestion for outfits for your wedding/shower: Sundress with empire bustline and pair it with a pair of capri leggings. If you can get a pair of yoga capris that have that fold down wait, even better since it will smooth the belly a tad. This way the dress will hang off of you bump, hide the excess that is just none of anyones business and you don't have to worry about the length of the dress (I hate showing my knees) or sitting/getting up gracefully if need be.

Okay DH is bugging me to go watch a movie. Have a good night ladies.
Oh, that's a GREAT idea!!:happydance: I'll check out Catherines or Lord and Taylor and see if they have any on sale!

UGH! I do NOT enjoy the spinal. :wacko: It DOES work. I had it for my surgery for the stitch. What I don't like is not being able to move from the waist down. Freaks me the heck out!:wacko::dohh::haha: I couldn't move for 2 hours afterwards! It's such an odd feeling. I gather you've had it before. I know MANY women who love the spinal but I feel claustrophobic. I don't know what I'm going to do for pain for either vaginal OR C-SECTION. My mindset is I'm very stubborn and would rather have the pain than go through the inability to move. I'm SO odd that way...though I keep wondering if I'll even care when the pain is so bad.:shrug: I guess we'll see how this happens when I get there. :rofl: :wacko:

Thanks again for the idea!:hugs::kiss::flower:
Sorry you aren't feeling well, MA! I had a little bit of an off day yesterday.. just kinda spent all day moping around and doing nothing... but I'm the kind of person who gets depressed when I don't stay busy, so today I'm doing tons of laundry, visiting my mom, and going swimming with my sisters... it keeps me cheerful to have things to do.. But since you're on bed rest, that's probably not an option.. sorry :-( I'd really lose my mind spending the entire pregnancy resting. Only knowing that I'm keeping LO safe would console me!

Glad you haven't dilated more, zb5! Yeah, those questions are just soo annoying sometimes. Always, always the same questions. Over and over again. When are you due? Is it a boy or a girl? Do you have a name? It's kinda sweet how much attention people pay to you when you're pregnant.. but I always wonder WHY. It's not like we're so rare! I see pregnant women EVERYWHERE all the time! I can't imagine how often people must ASK "when are you due/boy or girl/name" per day! Don't they get tired of it?! lol

Anyway, back to the name issue. Does anybody have an opinion on Jacob? It's one name DH mentioned, which he likes (and which isn't Russian! yay lol)... I like it fine, except for:

A) The Twilight connotation. I am NOT naming my baby after a Twilight character! But I'm afraid that's what people would assume..

B) Jacob has been the number one boy's name in the US for the past 10 years or so. That's an awfully long time. I'm afraid he'd be surrounded by other Jacob's constantly. There are none in our extended family or circle of friends... but 10 years as the number one name?! There have got to be millions out there the same age!

Oh, and possibly C), my name is Rebecca and hubby's name is Timothy. Argh.. all Bible names! lol! I don't want people thinking we're kooks or that we believe everyone must have Bible names or something strange like that.. hehe.. Although... Jacob being Rebekah's son in the Bible.. that's kinda neat.. maybe ;-)
If we have another baby, we DEFINITELY have to make sure to avoid Bible names. Or, name our second son Esau! :rofl:

I like the name Jacob, it was on my list of names if I ever had a boy and that was way before twilight. lol. I would say go for it. :)

I understand the whole twilight thing. I loved the name Isabella way before Twilight also. However, when I had my last little girl I wanted to name her Isabella but decided to use it as her middle name because I didn't want people to think I named her after that. With that said, my 6 year old calls her Bella anyway. lol

Edit: Just seen Little Stars post about Victoria being a Twilight name. Oops that is what we are naming this little one. lol
My maternity clothes are starting to not fit either! Some of the shirts are starting to be too short. And the jeans are just not comfortable anymore. They are under-the-bump style and dig in too much. :(

This weekend I decided to give up, and bought some pairs of men's boxers, and swore I'd wear those for the rest of the pregnancy! :haha: Gave up on that idea by Tuesday, and bought myself a pair of maternity capris. DH thinks they are the ugliest things imaginable (they are a weird color/pattern but I couldn't find anything I liked better). I told him the alternative was wearing sweatpants and boxers everywhere I go until October, and he said he might prefer that... :dohh: I wore the capris to work today and nobody gasped in horror, so I think I'm okay. :haha:

MrsTurner, that is scary about your sister! I hope she and baby are doing fine and he's out of the NICU soon. I tend to think that my doctors over-react about my B-H contractions, and the fact that I am starting to dilate slowly... but then I hear something like this, so scary! And I'm glad they are a bit overcautious. :wacko:
Hey Ladies. Im 24, and have never read the books or watch the films (Twighlight).
But obviously, I know that the main characters are Edward, Jacob and Bella.

However, if anyone I knew had a baby, and named it any of the above names, I would not ask "ooh, were they named after the Twightlight character?"
I think they are all lovely strong names in their own right, and should not be seen as related to the Twighlight Saga.

Littlestars, I love the name Isabella. And it has some lovely nicknames - Izzy, Belle, Bella, Ella. So she could choose her own nickname as she gets older. Good luck!

nearly 30 here :cry: and never seen or read the twilight rubbish lol (aww no offence anyone just REALLY not my thing at all!) and if they stole those 3 names i really annoyed for everyone now, because edward, jacob and isabella are GORGEOUS names!! why couldn't they name them something ridiculous or horrendous? lol isabella was on our list, i just crossed it off lol SIL's are HUGE twilight fans and would most definitely make references to it... and since we're already dreading the "omg she looks JUST like SIL" comments, we would just about go mad if they made it about themselves and made stupid comments even more!!! :haha:

AFM: We are heading out tonight to celebrate DH' birthday (which is monday) with friends, and sunday is our 1st wedding anniversary so we have a dove release and photo shoot booked for 11am :dance: so... in the piccies, do i push my belly out as far as possible to look as big and preggy as possible, or do i suck it in to make it look neater!!?? :rofl:

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