October babies due dates and bump colours

MA--I was up all night last night too, I feel your pain! I didnt fall asleep till about 4am and that was even after taking tylenol PM...

I understand how you feel about the stroller. That and the carseats (I wanted them to match) were the things that were very important to me that I got the one I asked for. I looked around for a long time to find a pattern that I liked that was a double stroller, so I would be upset if we hadnt gotten then one we asked for. I was thinking the same thing, wanted something that looked like it was for boys so people would know. Bc there isnt as many choices with double strollers ours ended up being pretty much gender neutral but its still cute. I hope that it all turns out ok for you!
MA - My darling and dear husband doesn't usually offer opinions about things.. he just go with the flow as far as picking colours and stuff. So when he came with me shopping one time I was surprised he had an opinion on the infant carseat. So instead of us choosing the brown and pink floral one, he said he like the black/charcoal grey with yellow one. It's completely not girly in any way shape or form. How disappointing. The girl one that was offered wasn't my favorite but it just seemed like an obvious choice for me since we are having 2 girls. Soooooo.. what to do? How do I avoid the dreaded HE/SHE mix up from nosey strangers. I went to Toys R Us and bought this: https://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=10939411 and another matching one that is a pink pig for the other baby. I will attach onto the handle of the carseat for when we go shopping. If someone is too stupid to figure out a pink toy means a girl then perhaps they are too stupid for me to talk to. lol

It is frustrating though when you go to the effort of picking something specific and people just totally ignore. I remember that happening with my wedding registry. Things like we asked for a specific cordless phone system. Someone bought us a single wired phone. Umm okay.. thanks but not quite what we were going for.

I looked at the strollers offered by Graco at ToysRUs in the green and brown colours and they are nice, gender neutral but honestly from the pictures at least because the green is softer I'd say it's more feminine. This is the pne my sister picked out for her little girl she's expecting: https://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=4456496 She just plans on using pink/girly blankets and to heck with what people think.

Sooooo (I'm totally rambling) IF it's put together and you cannot or decide not to return it, then I think you'll be just fine. Perhaps your DH could go back to where it's being kept for some reason and sneak another peek at it though. Then you could prepare yourself and know specifically which on it is.

ETA: at work years ago the office I was at pitched together and got the boss a big expensive stroller we thought she would like since she had mentioned wanting a sit'n'stand type stroller. it was definitely put together when she received it but I know for a fact she was able to return it, no receipt, back to ToysRUs and get one she preferred.
Littlestars - our pram and car seat are both plain black. We wanted gender neutral incase baby number 2 is a boy. Anyways, we have plans to use a bright pink fluffy blanket every day! lol. just so that everyone knows that she is a girl! and if we have a boy in the future, he will have blue blankets on him everyday!
its all about accessorizing! :)
I'm pretty sure my big stroller will be black too Shelleney. My last one was grey with black accents. Besides, before we know it it'll be winter and my babies will be all snug as a bug in their snowsuits, which will most definitely be girly!
Hi ladies. Well, we went to Target and I had Doug look at ALL the boxes to see if it would stir his memory. OF COURSE it didn't, so I had him call my mom to find out the name (pretending I didn't know of course) NOW you can add sneaky and devious to the list of what I am.

Turns out while it's okay, it's the ONE stroller I DIDN'T want because it has a strange handle and no cup holders. I feel bad because Doug said she's excited because it carries up to certain many pounds....but so did the one next to it which is cuter with green and brown and made for a girl. It's the Graco pea in the pod. The handle moves from front to back which is a nice option...but it's just ugly.....there's no cupholder with snack thing to it. Just not functional for us. I have this feeling it's going to cause hurt feelings....I feel very ungrateful but it's going to have to go back. I OBVIOUSLY won't buy what I registered for, but will exchange it for the close-looking one that looks more girly and will foot the bill for it. I honestly wasn't worried too much about the weight issue because we're getting a BOB next spring for exercising.

Honestly I'm quite pissy today and feel like dictator. Doug was up until 5am with me last night putting Amelia's dresser together because I was mad not just about the stroller but because he promised he'd put her furniture together and hadn't even attempted. TODAY, we never got to church because of the lack of sleep (if ANYONE needed a bit of grace and teaching it was me for the horrifying behavior I've had over the past week since not sleeping well). THEN I had a rage moment seeing the house in shambles and started cleaning the porch, cleaned the kitchen and made some banana nut chocolate chip bread. I am NOT fun to be around these days. I honestly need some sleep. :cry:

Thanks for the kind support ladies. Your awesome! :hug:
Awe MA sounds like your having a bit of a rough time. I'm sorry about the stroller. That's a tough spot to be put in. You have to do what's right for your family though and if that stroller won't work then try not to feel to bad about returning it. When I had my daughter I had to do that with a few things also. One was a pack and play my grandma had ordered us but it didn't have the bassinet feature that we really wanted. I think she was slightly hurt at first but did understand in the end.

And I 100% feel you on the mood problems this week. I have been an absolute bitch and I feel pretty bad about it but hubby is on my last nerve and bed rest although only 4 days in is getting hard and boring. Also having the nurse here everyday as much as I appreciate it is driving me nuts.

Hubby is acting like me being out on bed rest is a joke. He still expects me to keep the house clean top to bottom, care for our 11 month old daughter and do everything else. He is making me feel like a burden which I know I probably am right now but I need to do what is best for me and our second daughter. Just this afternoon I was on the couch in the living room, hubby was in the kitchen when I asked him to get me my phone that I had left in there. He promptly turned around and said get it yourself, your not broken. Let's just say we haven't really spoken since.

It is wonderful to have you ladies to turn to during upsetting, frustrating days like today.
Awe MA sounds like your having a bit of a rough time. I'm sorry about the stroller. That's a tough spot to be put in. You have to do what's right for your family though and if that stroller won't work then try not to feel to bad about returning it. When I had my daughter I had to do that with a few things also. One was a pack and play my grandma had ordered us but it didn't have the bassinet feature that we really wanted. I think she was slightly hurt at first but did understand in the end.

And I 100% feel you on the mood problems this week. I have been an absolute bitch and I feel pretty bad about it but hubby is on my last nerve and bed rest although only 4 days in is getting hard and boring. Also having the nurse here everyday as much as I appreciate it is driving me nuts.

Hubby is acting like me being out on bed rest is a joke. He still expects me to keep the house clean top to bottom, care for our 11 month old daughter and do everything else. He is making me feel like a burden which I know I probably am right now but I need to do what is best for me and our second daughter. Just this afternoon I was on the couch in the living room, hubby was in the kitchen when I asked him to get me my phone that I had left in there. He promptly turned around and said get it yourself, your not broken. Let's just say we haven't really spoken since.

It is wonderful to have you ladies to turn to during upsetting, frustrating days like today.
Oh, I'd have a few things to say about THAT mess! He has to realize the baby could come early and it's safer for you to be on bed rest. Don't like it....too darn bad! :shrug: :hugs:
Yeah kristin i have really achy hips and struggle sleeping my knees and feet are achy aswell. I've tried putting a pillow inbetween my knees and also under my feet but doesnt really make a difference. Have you found any solutions?
Aww MA and Yourstruly :hugs:
I feel for you both....

Im having troubles with my OH right now. He came home on Saturday night after spending the evening at his friends house....and his breath smelt of smoke. Now, my OH used to smoke before we started TTC, but i made him give up. It seems he's started up again. I went mad at him, saying I was breathing in his smokey breath, and therefore our baby was breathing it too. He told me not to be so dramatic! How dare he?! Grrr! :growlmad:

Im not trying to start a debate about smoking....i just needed to get it off my chest.
Yeah kristin i have really achy hips and struggle sleeping my knees and feet are achy aswell. I've tried putting a pillow inbetween my knees and also under my feet but doesnt really make a difference. Have you found any solutions?

Nothing! I just turn over once in awhile and switch sides (which then makes me have to pee...lol) but that is only temporary until that hip starts aching too :(
After sleepig on the couch for two nights I attempted the bed once again and it was better than it had been. I was still wide awake every 1-2 hours for a pee and flip but I wasn't in complete agony at least. Maybe my hips were just shifting and it's settled down for a bit?

Shelleney - I've been dealing with a husband in denial, smoking on and off for 1.5 years. We quit when we found out we were having DD and then when he tohught he was going to be deployed to afganistan he started to causally smoke again. He couldn't accept that he wasn't someone who could just have a few here and there on special occassions. He was an addict. We tried a few things like paying him for being 'good' all week etc. sometimes thing would work for a while but always he went back. It was only when I pointed out he was truly addicted and that I couldn't have this for our family and that we wanted him around for a long long time that he started to try more seriously. So far he's been good for 3 weeks but time will tell. He's on vacation now and it's much easier for him. I hope he stays on the right path. Good luck with your man.. it's a slippery slope having a 'few' to going right back to a pack a day or whatever.

MA and Yourstruly - I had a ginormous argument with DH yesterday that started with me getting mad that DH didn't want to wait 20 minutes before I started lunch (hindsight he kinda had a point in the sense that we had company coming over and he still needed to get ready)(but he could have just made his own food) (but I shouldn't have agreed to make lunch then) (doh). It was so bad he stormed out of the house. I was so sad and so mad. He amazingly did not go out and buy a pack a smokes (his usual trick the past year or so). Everything was fine as soon as he came home though, we were both wrong really but I totally was the first to overreact. I think we're just getting nervous/anxious about things to come and it's just stressful so this is how we dealt with things yesterday.

Anyway, today is another day. :)
a whole lot to catch up on!! :)

yourstruly and MA :nope: sorry you're both having a hard time of it atm, DH's can be a total nightmare can't they.. good job we love them :dohh: :winkwink: for example today we were going to the new house and i said about taking the dogs with us, so i said to put them in the back of the van where there was like a meter of space for them to sit in... so he opens the door, plonks them on top of a bunch of boxes at the FRONT of his van near the seats & says they can "figure it out themselves"... well obviously they just jumped into the front and then start to jump all over me. FINALLY settle them down and i say look just put them in the back and show them where to sit and they'll stay.. and his reply!? whilst our 40lb dog is sitting ON MY STOMACH really hurting me!? "oh it's only a 20minute journey, just let him sit on your knee" :dohh: i was not a happy bunny, and my stomach's been hurting since so we fell out about it a bit - AND it's his birthday :wacko: but seriously, show some sense man!!!! :dohh:

i was actually a real bi*ch about our travel system too :blush: MIL has insisted on getting it (cos she didn't want my mum to get it :wacko:) but then started on that i'd have what SHE could afford and what SHE thought would do us etc.. well lets just say a stern "we can afford it ourselves, MY MUM also wants to buy it, therefore get the one we want or butt the hell out" worked pretty effectively... :blush: :rofl: well.. she hasn't paid for it yet lol but we ordered it and she put down the £50 deposit.. it comes in next tuesday so will have to see whether she pays up or not, otherwise she'll be getting her £50 back and DH and I (or my mum :haha: [now that'd pee MIL right off!!] if she still wants to) will get it.. i know it sounds awful but some things (for me the crib, cot, travel system) are really important and you DO want it "just so" :shrug:

AFM: it was our wedding anniversary yesterday and we had our dove release photo shoot and went for a break away for 1 night, booked it on latebookings.com for £135 to include breakfast (£286 off) THEN got upgraded to a panoramic view suite as well!!!! :cloud9: so we've had a wonderful evening and morning - will be interesting to see how the photos came out.. i'm dreading them lol
ooh, can't wait to see the photos! Hope you post them!

Sorry everyone is having so much trouble with their DH's... they can be a pain ;-) Mine has been wonderfully sweet about things most of the time.. telling me to rest more and even washing the floors for me and everything. Our biggest issue is him really wanting to enjoy these last few weeks before baby and spending as much time as possible with his friends. It's not like he's constantly gone or anything... but he works a lot, so I guess it bothers me a little when he decides to go hang out with his friends instead of with me in his free time. But really, I shouldn't complain.. because he doesn't do it THAT often, and I know he won't get much time away once the baby is here.

Hope everyone has a great start into the week!
Hi ladies! Well this morning started out rough. NOW I just have to laugh it off. 7am and the maintenance guys come to shingle the roof. I felt as though I was going to fall through the floor so that woke me up. Doug was still oblivious to the world sleeping. I ran to the bathroom to pee for the umpteenth time (Got to bed around 230am finally) came back into the room to find a HUGE pile of Dog vomit on my rug. Had to call my husband to get it, woke him up...got it, found more...then he had to steam clean the rug. Ran to the bathroom in a sneezing fit and came back to the room where somehow Italian dressing spilled on the floor. Poor Doug had to mop that too. THEN we had to make it to our NICU consult. I'll tell ya, I give my husband a lot of grief, but he honestly does come through with things that need to get done...though just ask him to remember something and he won't have a clue these days. Haha

Nicu consult went better than expected. We have a plan and the Dr. was nice. They won't just wisk Amelia off, they'll let us spend time with her and would only cart her off if she was in an emergency situation. They'll try and allow us to bf'd asap. She was very kind and understanding concerning our loss and just the experience we had that she and her team will be willing to make accomadations for us. She even mentioned that my labs, urine dips and weight have been excellent. She told me I need to be more positive and that she see's no reason why we wouldn't have a healthy baby girl whether giving birth now or "hopefully" at term.

All in all a productive day! I am tired so I'm going to take a nap. Or at least try! Still banging on the room.
Sorry so many of you are having issues with your DH's! My DH and I have also been having more issues lately. We got along really well during 2nd tri, but I think as the baby gets closer we are both just more stressed out. And I'm tired, huge, and grumpy and ask him to do more things. He really does help a lot, but there's only so much he can help with before he gets grumpy and irritated. And it's not quite enough for me. :wacko:

My SIL is also trying to quit smoking. She is pregnant too, so I really really hope she will quit. She says she plans to quit but is "gradually cutting down". Well, it's been a couple months now so I hoped she would be cut down to zero by now but no. :( I know it is a really really tough addiction, and some people have a harder time quitting than others. I never was a smoker but my mom struggled with it so much so I believe how hard it can be. Still... I just want SIL to quit already! (Also she is borrowing my car and I really don't want it to smell like smoke!)
zb5 - when I found out I was pregnant (+ test from pharmacy at least) I literally had one more smoke and then that was it. I felt so guilty having that smoke I just didn't want to do it anymore. My husband on the other hand I believe finished the carton of smokes we had bought and about 2 weeks later quit cold turkey too.. after about 2 days he couldn't handle it so we bought him some herbal cigarettes from the health food store and he would have those when he had a craving, mostly because he just wanted to inhale 'something'. After a few days he realized how nasty they smelled and weaned himself off of those too which was much easier since he was already over the nicotine withdrawl period. I wonder if you have those herbal smokes available and your SIL could try that? Worked wonders for DH. Well at least for 4.5 years.. lol
I would love to suggest that to her! I also think the patches, gum, etc. are still better than the cigarettes themselves. Whatever it takes, you know? I feel like a judgy non-smoker if I give her too many "helpful suggestions" though. :blush: I hope DH will rise to the occasion and nudge her a bit... he used to smoke when we met but quit a long time ago so maybe she will be more likely to listen to him.
Hi Everyone,
I just read through A LOT of pages to catch up on everything!! Now I have lost track of the whose and the whats but wanted to say hi to everyone at least!!! :flower:

I am 34 weeks + 1 day here and I still can't believe how fast the time has gone!! I had my shower on 8/13 and we setup our crib and changing table last night as well as I have started to wash baby clothes and what not!! SO EXCITING!!

I have 3 more full weeks of work and then I'm on leave as of 37 weeks!! I don't know if the baby has turned out of breech yet but my nurse practitioner doesn't seem to concerned as she says plenty of babies still turn after 34 weeks. I have an appt w/ her on Thurs so hopefully good news!! I don't feel like he has shifted lower and nothing really seems different!!

Oh and I think we have our first name picked out... it will most likely be... Noah!! :D We are still working out the middle name!

Hope everyone is having a good day and week so far!!
Love Noah! DH doesn't, though.. he's so picky.. lol. My absolute top pick is Lucas.. and I'm still really, really hoping DH will come around to it.. but I don't think he will. It's just not his cup o' tea.. :-(

Exciting that you're getting everything all set up already! I can't wait until my shower this Friday, so I can take inventory and finally get everything I need still. I know the car seat I wanted has been bought, so that's definitely something I'm excited about!! Now it's just small stuff I still need.. and I think the shower *should* take care of most of it. This is definitely the fun part of pregnancy! :-D

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