October babies due dates and bump colours

Personally, Nai, I would stick my belly out!
I went to my Mum's wedding on Saturday, and thought "I may look fat in these pictures, unless I make it really obvious that I am pregnant, not fat". So I pushed my belly out as far as I could in all of the pics....and i definitely look 7 months pregnant, and not like Ive eaten too many pies!

Sounds like a lovely day, I hope you have a wonderful time
Haven't been on for a bit and as always missed loads, i've been cracking on with house decorating, cleaning etc, baba's room is nearly done woohoo. Our plan is to have him in moses basket next to me to start with, then in cotbed in his own room definately won't be co sleeping.
Went to a feeding workshop (not food for me unfortunately but about breast/bottle feeding) was interesting but 2.5 hours aargh.
I like Isabella and Victoria, also like twilight but those names were around first so i wouldnt let the film put you off.
We have our name picked but keeping it a secret. It's been annoying people but sod them.
Loved your bump pic you look lovely :)
Hope you're going to put your pics on Nai it sounds lovely and defo stick it out.
We have our childbirth class tomorrow morning.. DH was supposed to read some info sheets about the stages of labor BEFORE class (requirement).. but alas, he hasn't. lol. I guess we'll have to have a cram session tonight ;-)

I finally got some curtains up in the nursery yesterday.. just have to put up some wall decorations now.. starting to feel a little more ready! My mom still swears I'll have this baby two weeks early, so I guess I better start getting ready. Technically, I know that moms don't know everything.. but somehow, that mindset of "mommy is always right" still stays with me.. haha.
Nai - my MIL used to ONLY relate stories about my BIL when he was a baby when DD arrived last time. Nothing about my husband, the father of the child.. just stupid, moronic, lazy, poor hygiene BIL who I hate. Soooo annoying. And since I got pregnant she's started doing it again. Drives me nuts. I hope your SIL's don't drive you up the wall with their comments.

Well I had had a goal of getting the babies bag packed for the hospital this week but have done NOTHING about it. So my mission today is to write my lists up for my and the twins bag and start working on it, with a goal of getting it done by mid-next week (being realistic here!).

MA - a little info I learned from my appointment yesterday re: spinals and epidurals. The needle for the spinal is WAAAAAAAAY thinner than the epidural needle, it is stabbed directly into the spinal membrane, last approx. 3 hours with the average single c-section lasting only 45 minutes or less. The freezing would slowly come out over the following 2 hours after. The epidural which is more used for labor than for c-sections is a much larger needle because it has to allow for something to be threaded through it, you will have the catheter giving a constant feed as needed and it can be upped/downed depending on desired freezing levels. It is stabbed just outside of the membrane. In labor they'd prefer you to feel some and just dull the pain but if it turns to an emergency section they will pump it up high for full freezing. It comes out faster, hurts like heck going in. It's a trade off but since you didn't like the spinal block it sounds more like the reasonable choice for you since there is a level of control and it covers you for both natural and section. The only thing is that there is less chance of a spinal headache after a spinal block because of the minute size of the needle versus a epidural where *if* the needle goes in to the membrane there will likely be an issue (I think it was 1/100 cases). Or at least this the way it was explained to me.

Okay off to think about writing lists and do some cleaning. Oh joy!
Nai - my MIL used to ONLY relate stories about my BIL when he was a baby when DD arrived last time. Nothing about my husband, the father of the child.. just stupid, moronic, lazy, poor hygiene BIL who I hate. Soooo annoying. And since I got pregnant she's started doing it again. Drives me nuts. I hope your SIL's don't drive you up the wall with their comments.

Well I had had a goal of getting the babies bag packed for the hospital this week but have done NOTHING about it. So my mission today is to write my lists up for my and the twins bag and start working on it, with a goal of getting it done by mid-next week (being realistic here!).

MA - a little info I learned from my appointment yesterday re: spinals and epidurals. The needle for the spinal is WAAAAAAAAY thinner than the epidural needle, it is stabbed directly into the spinal membrane, last approx. 3 hours with the average single c-section lasting only 45 minutes or less. The freezing would slowly come out over the following 2 hours after. The epidural which is more used for labor than for c-sections is a much larger needle because it has to allow for something to be threaded through it, you will have the catheter giving a constant feed as needed and it can be upped/downed depending on desired freezing levels. It is stabbed just outside of the membrane. In labor they'd prefer you to feel some and just dull the pain but if it turns to an emergency section they will pump it up high for full freezing. It comes out faster, hurts like heck going in. It's a trade off but since you didn't like the spinal block it sounds more like the reasonable choice for you since there is a level of control and it covers you for both natural and section. The only thing is that there is less chance of a spinal headache after a spinal block because of the minute size of the needle versus a epidural where *if* the needle goes in to the membrane there will likely be an issue (I think it was 1/100 cases). Or at least this the way it was explained to me.

Okay off to think about writing lists and do some cleaning. Oh joy!

:argh: Oh that was horrifying to think about! :dohh: :wacko:

I felt the Cathetor going in first for the spinal THEN the needle pressure going in. It was NOT something I liked! Ugh I get chills just thinking about it. When you mention the needle is bigger and hurts more ...:shock: My stubbornness says NO WAY!! :grr: You'll have to catch me before you do that too! :rofl: Either that or get me drunk! :drunk::blush:

This is going to make for an interesting experience. With jackson, I had no pain killers whatsoever. I had all on back labor. He of course was only 22wks gestation and MUCH smaller than Amelia will be at term. Pain I'm assuming will be different as well. At this point, while I'm open to something if it gets intense....I'm wondering if my stubbornness will kick in because of the fear or if I'll say to heck with it and just do it. :rofl: I don't know what to expect this time around so I'm making no promises. Nothing is predictable at this point. Oh I'm so out of my comfort zone!:dohh: :rofl:
Hello ladies.

I am home! Was released Wednesday late after noon and am now on home bed rest( mild bed rest which still allows me to care for my 11 month old while hubby is at work). I also have a nurse in once a day to monitor baby and I. So far she is looking great and no more contractions here. Really noticing how very very low she is now. Really not sure ill make it to 37 weeks but here's to hoping. Also think i picked up a bug or something in the hospital as for the last two days I have been very flush( but no fever) and my heart seems to be working over time and beating quite hard even when im sitting still. Also while I was in hospital I was given my penicillin treatment for my GBS in case she came so now I have a lovely yeast infection because of it.

Other then that things are ok around here. Just starting to get bored sitting around and not leaving the house.

Nai1983- sounds like you have a nice day ahead of you. Deff stick out the belly and show it off!

Mommy's Angel- When I had my epidural with my daughter I didn't feel a thing other then the small prick of the numbing needle. It was wonderful and not at all what I expected. My husband who saw the needle did say it was quite big though.
MA - if there was a catheter are you sure you didn't aready have a epidural? The spinal block is just a single dose with a skinny needle right into the spinal membrane. If you have a vaginal birth there is also the option of getting a little 'gas'. It would just help take the edge off of things and allow you to not be as apprehensive about things, bonus is it wears off instantly.

So I had yet another, but worst by far night of sleep yet. I cannot handle sleeping on my hips anymore. I literally wake in pain from severe aching. Either that or I wake with a scare because I've rolled fairly far onto my tummy. Not good! I tried last night to sleep semi-sitting with a billion pillows creating a throne but that was no good. I eventually snuck down to the couch and slept a few more hours on there. Because it's so soft (I have a fairly hard mattress) it seems to help a little and my hipbone goes right into the pocket between the two bottom cushions. Still I was uncomfortable but it was a tad better. How the heck am I going to survive another 7 weeks? I liked when I had anemia, I could sleep through the night and it was fabulous. Nothing could wake me! Any brilliant suggestions to sleeping?

I'm supposed to go to the @#$^*& trailer today and then spend the night. I seriously doubt sleeping on an airmattress is going to be any fun at all. I'm hoping that with the forecasted thunder storms and rain for Sunday morning will deter DH from staying the night and we'll just go for the day. I could handle that. FX.

Yourstruly - yay for getting out of the hospital. That's awesome you have a nurse coming to see you at home everyday, sucks about the yeast infection though. My nurse this week was telling me that despite the doctors telling us to make it to 36 weeks with the twins, really they just want us to make it over 30 and preferrably 34 weeks, after that they are as pleased as plum. So hang in there! You can do this!
i get the aching in my hips too! It has to be one of the worse ways to wake up :( I wish I knew a way to stop it bc I would let you know!
Does anyone get a soft crunching sometimes if the turn the wrong angle? And numb knees at night? Its horrible!

I'm having trouble sleeping now, no problem falling asleep but ill wake up and sleep very lightly till the morning. I just can't get comfortable anymore. I thought I excasped the troubled sleeping hehe.

Hope everyones well :)
Does anyone get a soft crunching sometimes if the turn the wrong angle? And numb knees at night? Its horrible!

I'm having trouble sleeping now, no problem falling asleep but ill wake up and sleep very lightly till the morning. I just can't get comfortable anymore. I thought I excasped the troubled sleeping hehe.

Hope everyones well :)

Sorry to hear you having troubled sleep...I am also having trouble sleeping...I toss and turn all night and just when I get into a good sleep, I get the urge to pee and so my sleep is disrupted...what makes matters worse is I prefer sleeping on my tummy but that aint happening since LO is occupied in my bump...I have noticed a crunching sound in my knees and sometimes hips...I usually try and ignore it..not sure why I get it...
DH took pity on me.. we didn't stay the night at the #^@& trailer. Yay!

Now to figure out how to sleep tonight. Attempt the bed or go straight to the couch. Meh.
MA - if there was a catheter are you sure you didn't aready have a epidural? The spinal block is just a single dose with a skinny needle right into the spinal membrane. If you have a vaginal birth there is also the option of getting a little 'gas'. It would just help take the edge off of things and allow you to not be as apprehensive about things, bonus is it wears off instantly.

Oh no! It was a spinal! I was put on a table HIGH up in the air afterward...they had to strap arms in, legs in so I wouldn't fall when the table was lifted up at the leg end and my head was all the way down. I felt as though I was going to fall of the table it was tilted so much. The anesthetist was arguing with the Dr. that she wanted to be sure my bp didn't bottom out too much. Also I couldn't move from the chest down for 2 hours. Couldn't move my toes until the second hour and barely move my butt from one stretcher to the other after 3 hours. When I got out I had a hard time lifting my body up...they have to keep your head down for awhile so not to mess with your bp. It was NOT a fun experience for me. As I said, I felt claustrophobic and couldn't move. I kept telling the nurse I was ready and she'd laugh and say..."Okay, try". :haha: I was also told MANY times I was having a spinal. They have to make sure you KNOW what your getting by law.

On a more positive note, I found TWO dresses today. :happydance: One for the shower (white) and the other for the wedding (black) :happydance: I am SO excited. They were 50% off the clearance price. I got 170.00 worth of dress for 60 bucks! :happydance: NOW I'm ready for the shower. :rofl: I was crying I wasn't going to either function because I had nothing to wear.
okay, it's 3am and I'm still up. ((sigh)) I tried to relax, didn't work. Tried cleaning the bathroom and that just gave me more energy. I'm slightly bitchy now though. While my husband is putting Amelia's dresser together I found out my mom took him down to her basement to show him the stroller she has. She called last week asking if I really wanted the Eddie Bauer stroller because the one I had prior was cheaper and in her store. (another struggle with registries is keeping up with what they change in their stores. Anyways, I told Doug I didn't need the Eddie Bauer one if she was getting the one I originally had though I was confused because the store emailed me to tell me they were no longer being carried in their stores.

SOOOOoooo, my husband told me she bought a Graco but it's brown and green. NOT the one I had originally on my list NOR the Eddie Bauer one. My husband? He didn't notice the name of the Graco...couldn't tell me if it was dark green or teal green, not even if it was plaid or circles. :wacko: NOW I'm PISSED!! I know I sound ungrateful. I should be happy she bought a travel system in the first place BUT, the idea of the registry was to pick out what we'd like. I'm not a fan of pink BUT I at least want something where people won't say, "Ooooh how old is HE" when he is a she. I at least want to know it's cute and appropriate for a little girl. I don't know whether to be pissed at my mom for telling us she was buying the cheaper of the two on our registry OR my husband for not being observant to be able to tell me what it is so I can look it up and see if it's okay. She asked him if he wanted my uncle to put it together and bring it to the shower....he says "YES". So now, once the darn thing is put together, the store won't take it back. :wacko: Again, I don't mean to sound like an ungrateful witch but Amelia is the 1st living child that we've tried for 10 years and there's no guarantee if there will be others. I'm 37 with incompetent cervix issues and PTL issues. I guess I wanted to pick out what I liked for her. It just kinda sucks I don't have choice. Okay, enough of my stupid pitty party and selfishness. I feel as though I shouldn't even get ANY gets from anyone with this attitude. :wacko: Just a slight vent...a combo of no sleep for days and a bit of annoyance because my husband isn't observant and my mother does what she wants.
MA - i would feel exactly the same as you are feeling. I do not think that you are ungrateful, you just want the best for your daughter. If I had chosen a particular stroller (or 2), I would expect to get my chosen one - not a random one.(possibly ugly, heavy, awkward, etc)
I hope it all turns out well for you and that you get the stroller you and Amelia deserve
haha i'd be upset too. But im very picky about the stroller particularily and wouldn't want just any one that some one picks out. Hope its cute at least!
I understand where you're coming from, we've had a difficult journey to get this little one and I feel I should be able to choose the things I want for her. I also don't want my house overrun with tacky brightly coloured plastic things and so am hoping that people ask us before buying stuff. It makes me worry I sound ungrateful as it's lovely that ppl want to buy us gifts but at the same instance I would like to choose the things my daughter has.

I hope the stroller is a pleasant surprise for you though x

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