October babies due dates and bump colours

yep, they should be able to sit by the time solids begin. So really, the high chairs are just kind of a pain! Now i remember that I did feed my daughter some food in her bouncy chair for a bit anyways.
I opted to get rid of my old highchair in favor of two of these :https://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=4439858

I hate how big highchairs are and since I need two it just wasn't going to happen in my kitchen. The kind I got sits on an existing chair, has a tray for when you want it, you can use the table when they get a bit older and ultimately just use it as a booster seat by taking the back off. I can also use it on the floor for feeding informally if wanted. So that being said..

1. I know that at least initially when feeding DD I used to recline her slightly and I can't tell if that one allows for that.
2. It would be awesomely easy to take with you to a friend's house.
3. Not sure of the weight restrictions on that, you will likely have to also buy a booster seat but they don't cost much.
4. Highchair or not you will find food in every nook and cranny, sometimes days after. lol Kids are messy!
5. You would have to be deligent to check the clamps regularly but that's not really a big deal.
6. The swivel will be great from 6-12months since you would want to face then baby while feeding them. After about a year they start to self feed for the mostpart though.

Opinion: If you couldn't do a booster style highchair then I think this is a great option to save space.

And yes babies can sit on their own by 6 months when they start solids. :)

Nypage - DD didn't want her old costumes. I was told they were crappy. lol She tried to suck up to Daddy but after waking him he wasn't having any of that. So it was put to her by the two of us. Accept the terms of the contract negotiated the night prior (wear home to show daddy then put away until Halloween) or we would have to return the dress. She reluctantly agreed but also decided we should put it in our closet but it was to tempting. Too funny.

As for the tandem stroller, both seats can come completely off and be traded so I could stitch in a little embroidered patch or something to individualize.. could be the same with their matching car seats and even a side by side stroller too. Great idea.

For those who like giving opinions, here are links to the two strollers I'm thinking of: https://www.babyjogger.com/city_select_lp.aspx and https://mountainbuggy.com/en/buggies/double/duet I totally just don't know which one to get.
Hello ladies.

MA- Sorry to hear about the shower plans not going as planned. When I had my daughter My mom sent out invites for a shower for me and said she was going to plan the whole thing but 1 week before the shower she decided to tell me she did feel like doing it anymore so I got stuck planning my own in only a week as everyone had already RSVP'd. I felt silly throwing my own.

Woke up to my first wet spot on my bed last night from my one and only leaking boob lol. I too hate breast pads MrsK. Thankfully mine only leak if squished so I must have been sleeping on it. Im a size 34 E So they are hard not to sleep on lol.

LittleStars my only thought with the side by side stroller is make sure you will be able to fit it through the doorways and through small isles. We looked at getting a side by side for our daughter and our daughter to be. We go out quite often and we went out once with a measuring tape and measured the isles of some of the stores and places we go and most were not wide enough for the side by side so we went with a tandem. Will deal with who gets front and who gets back when the time comes I suppose. lol.

MrsK- Ive looked at those high chairs before. I love the space saving idea but I really do love our high chair. Im not really sure why though lol. Maybe just because ive never had anything else.

So yesterday we had a little scare with Ali. The nurse was here and when she put me on the monitor Ali's heart rate was up at 196. She thought it might be an acceleration but it stayed up between 185-220 for over 10 minutes. The nurse was just about to call the hospital and send me in when she finally calmed down and stayed between 135-150 for the last 10 minutes of me being on the monitor. I have been keeping an eye on it since then and everything is normal now. The nurse was here again this morning and said she was perfect this morning so im happy alls good now. She said Ali just had a small period of being over active. I knew there was a such thing as too little movement but never have I ever thought about too much. Now I have to watch for that too. Ugh. So many little annoying problems. Im literally at the point where I just feel done.

She is also so low now the pressure is unreal. Not sure ill be able to keep her in there until 40 weeks.

Just to show how low she is here is a comparison of 30 weeks and today at 33+3.

Hope everyone is doing great though.
Littlestars: We are going to get those booster seats too. I figured it would be easier to deal with than 2 high chairs because of space. We have a high table too and with these seats we know there wont be an issue with the chairs not being high enough
Yourstruly - the side-by-side is brand new and only 25" wide. I am a little concerned about the weight limit for 40lbs a seat vs. 45 and also the width of the seats 11" vs. 12" but at the same time I like the side by side but then at the same time the tandem has the added bonus it converts to a single baby stroller by removing the second seat and putting the first one slightly lower on the frame. Ack I dunno. lol I suck. As for being 'done', it definitely looks like Ali is getting herself ready for an early visit. Your belly has really dropped. Ekk! Keep those legs crossed! heh

MA - any further details on how the shower is going? It sucks your mom is the way she is and then this happened and she happened to be the one organizing mostly. In the end something will work out but hopefully not too much stress along the way (by the sounds of it though, highly unavoidable).

So I was feeling achy this morning, mildly like a period ache in the lower uterus area. I took it easy, haven't done much. My feet are swollen though, including my toes and I hate it. Thankfully I'm at the doctors tomorrow though so if anything is going on they will see. So all I got done today was two loads of baby related laundry. But good news, I get to put on the bedding tonight and that will deifnitely be a real sense of accomplishment. Yay! And my sister and mom called to tell me they found a possible solution for decal stickers for the wall. Hopefully another yay! So pretty much just need to clean the room up a little and do some paintings and the nursery is done. PHEW!
Hi to you all and thanks for the warm welcome, i'm slowly trying to catch up with everyone. It's so nice to be on the home straight :) Quite a few of you seem to be getting really uncomfortable now but at least none of us have too long left to go. My little 1 put me through hell the other night. He had been lying transverse up until a week ago when he turned breech. I was quite pleased because it was much more comfortable. Anyway, i was sitting watching telly with my OH the other night and i suddenly got really bad stomach pains and LO was wriggling all over. This lasted about half an hour by which time i was almost in tears and afterwards i had really strong BH every few mins for another 15-20 mins, then an upset stomach and finally i threw up. We have come to the conclussion that my awkward LO has gone back to being transverse as his head and bum are firmly wedged on either side of my stomach. I presume he was trying to turn head down and either got stuck or too tired half way!! I have an ante natal today so i'll find out for sure how he's lying but if he is transverse, i'm dreading him turning again. It was like being in labour!!!!! :( xx

Well... im in New Zealand and its the morning of the 01 Sep.

Well done ladies we are nearly there.
I officially booked my section. Looks like I have to keep my legs tightly closed until October 7th at 10am! Ekk! T-minus 5weeks and 2 days...

Appointment went well, though they are checking my blood for something or other. Whatever. Babies are super fat, ringing in at 4lbs 10oz and 4lbs 6.5 oz give or take.
Lots of good news for these babies! I love hearing about them. Amelia has been moving too. Breech, Transverse, breech to the left, and then yesterday she moved "something". I don't know HOW she's positioned now. I think the last thing I'll try will be after the sonogram next week to see where she is. IF she's breech again, the only therapy I think I'll feel confident with is Moxybustion done by an accupuncturist. Basically they'll take a cigar type thing and place it next to your baby toe for 5 minutes each side for 20 minutes. It's been known to turn babies.

While I LOVE chiropractic care, Amelia is LOW and I'm just afraid she'll be in the way and get hurt. I'm not willing to risk HER health and well being to turn her. If she doesn't turn....it's automatic c-section and I'll be at peace that I did everything I could within reason. I wouldn't mind trading though....I'll LET them do a c-section if they throw in a tummy tuck done the right way for FREE. :rofl:

I got my prenatal tummy sling. It feels good when it's on however I'm trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to mess with it at my shower. It goes UNDER my vagina. What happens when I have to go to the bathroom? :shrug: :haha: My husband helped me get that sucker on today but he can't very well go into the ladies room with me at the shower?! I may have to con my cousin into doing it. :rofl: The things I get her and I into. :rofl:

Well, that's all for today. Love to you all. :hug:
MA I want a sling also, how muc money was yours? What kind is it, ive not seen an under the vagina one....I may just prefer the under and over the belly type ones....Sounds hard to go pee in that one!

Little- lucky you to have your c section planned already. My docs are kinda draggin feet with mine. I am due october 19 and they say I can do it as soon as just the 12th...I would just like to get that in stone, but they wont do it yet. Stupid. Glad your babies are chunks! Were you dialated or anything yet?
MA I want a sling also, how muc money was yours? What kind is it, ive not seen an under the vagina one....I may just prefer the under and over the belly type ones....Sounds hard to go pee in that one!

Little- lucky you to have your c section planned already. My docs are kinda draggin feet with mine. I am due october 19 and they say I can do it as soon as just the 12th...I would just like to get that in stone, but they wont do it yet. Stupid. Glad your babies are chunks! Were you dialated or anything yet?

Hi there!

The midwife from the Dr.'s office recommended it after telling her how low Amelia's been and crying because I have a hard time walking/standing for long periods of time. She wrote a script, I took it to the medical supply store and they ordered two different types in my size. I tried them on today and the one that helped me the most (because I'm plus size) was the one that goes under the crotch and lifts everything up from there. I DID however wear it without the crotch this evening when I had to take out the trash unexpectedly and it held up quite nicely surprisingly!:winkwink:

Our insurance covered it 100% so you may want to try that route first!:thumbup:

This is one I had to choose from and sounds like it's what you speak of too. It's cheaper here than at the medical supply store but I just googled the one I thought it was and copied the site so you could see what it looks like!

The one without the crotch!

Prenatal Cradle PLUS is the one I have WITH the crotch.

Just to give you an idea, the one I have was 120.00 and I got it free with insurance.:happydance: This weeks appointment I'm going to ask for a shower chair script and pelvic pillow script with hopes the insurance will cover those as well. It'll be nice to sit in the shower without getting stuck. :rofl:
Well ladies its officially september which means :

Our babies are fully cooked at full term THIS month & were due NEXT!!! ........ How exciting! :happydance:
Well ladies its officially september which means :

Our babies are fully cooked at full term THIS month & were due NEXT!!! ........ How exciting! :happydance:

This is SO exciting to me!:happydance: My shower is on Sat. and the next day I'll be 35wks.

My stitch comes out the following week and my 17P injections which are used to stop PTL will also stop. After a second trimester loss two years ago, my mind and heart weren't sure if we'd make it this far. Now there's a few weeks to go until our beautiful little Amelia is finally here! \o/ What a praise report and what a gift from God!:happydance::cry::happydance::cloud9:

Thanks for the countdown!:hugs::kiss::flower:
Very exciting! Cant believe our little ones are going to be here so soon ..... its crazy!

Enjoy your shower, Hope its a great day! :thumbup:
I just can't believe how quickly it's gone!!!!! Hard to believe that next month, our pumpkins will all be ready to pop :) Is everyone else feeling organised, i'm pretty much there and i've packed the keg's hospital bag but can't quite bring myself to do mine yet. I ought to really as my eldest was 2 wks early lol xx
Nypage - they didn't mention that I was or wasn't dialated but I didn't ask. I do know that the US tech did the dreaded transvaginal probe and was taking quite a few picture with and without pressure for some reason. Normally it's a quick check. Then they mentioned that my cervix was shorter than it has been but still looking okay for this point. I think it was 3.3cm? Normally it was coming in at 4cm. Thankfully next week is my last internal check with the US tech lady. After that just the doctor I guess. I'm on to weekly appointments now though with US's every other week. So tiring.

I'm starting to think I'm getting hernia on the side of my stomach, upper right side. As the day goes on I get a fairly strong pain in one specific spot and nothing much makes it feel better. When I strain my stomach to get up or down, bending etc it hurts way more. My husband said it's impossible but I dunno.. I was thinking it was the babies doing something but it's been happening for a week now. I mildly mentioned it to the nurse but she disregarded. I shall mention again if still present next week. That would totally suck. Oh! And I totally cannot lay down on my back even for a minute anymore as I discovered at the US appointment, I thought I was either goign to pass out or barf and was sweating everytime I tried. The tech had to do the US while I was on my side which wasn't easy since my babies are half on top of each other and all wonky. Not traditional positions in any way shape or form. lol A c-section was probably going to be mandatory so I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up for a vbac.

MA - I don't envy your cousin! lol :) I don't think I could wear either of those contraptions. I was thinking of just getting the belly support one though. Not sure it would fit me though.

Last night I decided to actually unwrap the mattresses, put on the all the bedding and was hoping to do a bunch more. Unfortunately I realized that I had messed up one of the sides when installing the dropside panel on one of the cribs and had to figure out what was wrong and how the heck to fix. I couldn't get it to budge! I ended up having to turn it upside down and take off a bunch of normally permanent hardware to get at one piece and long story slightly shorter after fighting with a spring I fixed it! So mad at myself though since it meant that was about all I got done last night. And now I have the mirror stickers my sister bought for me and I think I don't like them because two of the colours so I have to see if my sister still has the receipt. Argh. One step forward and two backwards!

Today's plan is packing the two hospital bags since I picked up a bunch of stuff at the store that I needed. And then going to my mom's birthday party tonight to have me some Chinese food! Yum! I'll feel a little more 'ready' once the babies' room is done and the bags are packed. After that it's just cleaning the house that's looming on me. There are some material items that still need to be bought but nothing pressing that can't wait until after delivery. Things like a monitor, breast pump and stroller but nothing that I'm concerned over.

Okay I've babbled too much this morning. Sorry :)
Oh I have a thought I wanted to pass by everyone... I was originally planning on getting a heavy duty dual breast pump for quick, and reliable pumping. Debated on brands and settled with Ameda at $200. So my mom a couple of days ago said she would buy it for me when I was ready with the assumption that my milk was going to come in (last time we had troubles and couldn't BF). Anyway.. now I got to thinking about how selfish it is wanting something so heavy duty and that realistically I really only need a good hand pump one to store a few meals in the freezer for the very occassional time I'll be away from the twins at feeding time. I highly doubt that for the first 6 months that my mom or anyone else for that matter is going to want to take the twins off my hands for a night. And since I'm not facing going back to work I'm thinking it's not needed anymore. I'm thinking I would get the Avent Isis manual pump @ $60. But if that's the case then I think I'd rather buy it myself.

So what do you think? Am I crazy to think a manual would be enough?
MA- my insurance doesnt cover the prescription stuff so I doubt they'd cover the brace so im just looking for a basic one to hold my belly in a bit. Idk if it will help me, my pain is really down my right hip and seems to be a constant pinched nerve. Probably due to my lumbar scoliosis. My doc last week referred me to physical therapy bt i've not made an appointment. I honestly dont see what they'll do for pregnant ladies and can't seem to justify the waste of time...idk, maybe im being dumb. Do the docs expect you to go into labor soon after the stitch is taken out? I know you want to get to october because its your favorite season but honestly, I would rather have my baby in september to enjoy the fall season more. Fall is my FAVORITE time of year and I love love love end of september/october and been kinda bummed about the c section right in the middle of it all to make me miss it all.....

Little- I would never dream of a manual but thats just me. My sister says even if you dont want to pump to go somewhere, you still need to pump after each feeding? I just think manual would take way too long no matter what you are using it for. $200 isnt bad at all, the medela I want is over $300. My hospital said dont bother with any brand but medela. I want a hands free one even! I could so pump while updating on BNB:)

Tanni- organization is not really my specialty! Lol. No bags packed, nothing bought for my bags, still need something for baby to sleep in, stroller/carseat system and tons of other things. Guess im afraid that having everything all set and ready will just make me really bored so im trying to leave things to do for those last few weeks! (least thats what I tell myself to feel better)ha.

At least my sleep patterns are preparing for baby! I can't sleep at night, at all. Then in morning I want to sleep the morning away but can't because my daughter wakes up. Im soooo tired of it!
NYPage, First and foremost...a cervical length of anything above a 3 is AWESOME! :happydance: ESPECIALLY where you are right now (close to your due date). If it were getting down there at 16wks to 20wks it would start getting concerning. Anything under 3cm is a danger at that point. This was why I was monitored in the beginning because it's a sign of incompetent cervix and is the reason I lost my son at 22wks when he was smaller. Having that little of cervical length in the beginning is a danger. Where we're at right now, the babies are MUCH bigger and won't just pass through. While you DO have to watch the length....yours is pretty darn good and not much to worry about. So I'm confident all will be well! :thumbup:

I also think the belt you like will help a great deal. It's helping me. I'm in quite a lot of pain right now. Again, with incompetent cervical issues, some of us have a crap pelvic wall where the muscles just doesn't hold as well...it's why I think Amelia has been hanging low this whole time. The belt lifts her up off my lower back and pelvis and gives me some sort of relief or I'd be crying throughout the day. :rofl:

Littlestars.....Here's my thought....with twins...you are NOT going to want to hand pump. :wacko: You won't have the time nor will you have the energy to do so. My advice is if your unsure you'll get milk in, either have your mom wait on that purchase OR rent a hospital grade pump when you get home. The LAST THING you'll want to do is hand express. Maybe if you had only a singleton but twins is much more invasive. Remember, in the beginning the twins won't drink as much. If your planning to solely bf'd it would be wise to get a pump to pump a bit more each day than the twins will take so that you'll have more milk coming when they have growth spurts AND for when you'd like to store some to bottle feed later on while your not around. In my opinion the pump will be used quite a bit for you. You have TWICE the need for more milk than those of us with singletons who could possibly hand express each breast to keep the supply going. That's my opinion of course. :rofl:
I agree!

MA- not sure if you misread something? I didnt have my cervical length measured or have never had incompetent cervix!

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