October babies due dates and bump colours

littlestars...you'll find a mattress. It is a hard purchase that's for sure. Took us awhile. I love hearing your story about you and DH. I think the same thing about my cousin. Had she met this guy back then, it NEVER would have worked. Sadly she and I went through separate trauma...Doug and I with our son...I was SEVERELY depressed and a few months later she with her husband. She loved him so much. She questioned herself and the relationship for not seeing it. Was just heartbreaking and I think trauma just changes your perspective as it did me...I'm sure it did with my cousin. So I pray this marriage works and she finds they are blessed together. It's my hope for her.

Mrs. K, I never really got why cake was eaten at the end. I for ONE will LOVE this cake with all my heart. :rofl: I just hope I don't look like a hog. Haha I'm also hoping it won't be some fru fru type of flavor. I can handle fondont if it's professionally made but I'd rather have buttercream or a specialty frosting. I'll be sure to share with you all how it was. :lol: I've been CRAVING cake!
MA- Glad your dogs better and mmm cake wedding sounds fab i'd eat everything in sight make most of it.
Little stars- the blanket sounds v cute i like dragons and marshmallows yum.
Nypage- i'm not getting a monitor as using moses basket next to my bed to begin with and agree with ma i've heard they can just panic you. I'll get a normal monitor when he's in his room tho. I've got a cat who's 17 (bless) but i'm not going to leave him alone with baby. I reckon he'll keep his distance and at his age doesnt do much anyway but :sleep:

We don't really have baby showers in the uk but on sunday i'm having some girls round i've told them to bring pjs or tracksuit so we can chill out and have some nice nibbles. My best friend has bought some decorations and is doing some games and making cupcakes :happydance:

Went to midwife yesterday and :baby: head is down checking it out which is good i asked if she could tell what size he might be she said oh definately a good size i said about 8.5lbs and she laughed. So i'm thinking he might be a big un hehe.
i didn't know people were so interested in the wedding cake!!! :haha: i guess we had what you would call a "ritzy" wedding of sorts MA.. guest-wise it was pretty intimate at 100 guests (i'm one of 8 plus partners/children etc. got us to 50 just with immediate family, then closest friends and a handful of cousins and 2 aunties on DH's side) - we had a meal at a restaurant on the thursday before the wedding with those that could make it, then on the day a champagne buffet at the church followed by a champagne reception with live band (over here you tend to have a string quartet/harpist/band or at least music playing on arrival) then the wedding breakfast meal (a sit down meal followed by speeches and champagne etc.) followed by dancing then in the evening and more food... LOTS of eating lol then a big breakfast the morning after at our venue where everyone waved us off on honeymoon... perhaps that's not classed as ritzy though? i've no clue lol

BUT we left our cake til the evening, we had 20 extra friends turn up to the evening and wanted them to be involved in the wedding so saved the cake cutting for then.. but before the evening meal. Everyone DID seem really eager for the cake now i think about it :haha: we had a traditional fruit layer, a chocolate layer and a raspberry sponge and vanilla layer.. there was no cake left at the end of the night so i guess it went down well! lol i never thought it would be annoying to the person who made it cos it was left til the evening.. for us it worked well anyway :thumbup:

the wedding we went to at the beginning of this month was a very small affair, hog roast and buffet style food for the whole day, garden party at the brides' mums' home but it was lovely still.. and everyone STILL loved the cake, that one was made by a lady of the church i believe lol

i think everyone just LOOOOOVES cake :rofl:
Morning girls.

Another day and I'm set to look for the mattress again. I HAVE found one but I just don't love the price of it when I have 2 to buy. I'm hoping to find a similar quality one for a little less. Really only have one place left to check before I give in. I also plan on finishing up my gift for my sister so I don't have that ewighing on me either. She's going to be in town on Sunday for the week and I'm hoping to see lots of her and just vegetate!

Adele - that's great that baby is ready to go. Hope he'll stay that way.
Good morning!

Little- great idea about setting up the baby's sleeping thing early to train the cat, I will do that....as soon as I decide over a bassinet or play yard w bassinet. Grrr. Im sooooo indecisive! Good luck with the mattress again:) Lol. Seems like your biggest feat so far! Do you have any old ones? BRU is having a big "trade in" event starting today so if you trade ANYTHING- stroller, car seat, play yard, crib, high chair, etc- you get 25% off of one thing. We almost bought our stroller last night but heard that and I have an old crib and car seat so plan to trade those in and get 25% off 2 things! Woo hoo!

Adele- sounds like a fun, not baby shower party! :)

Nai- your cake sounds yummy.

Mrs- I agree, if my baby is right next to me, I should know if cat is going into its bed. He's usually at my feet, hope he stays there. Are you planning to paint the canvases? Are you an artist? We keep buying those paint samples from Home Depot and hating them when we get home, but they are in blues and creams and browns so figured I'd have my daughter try to paint something on a few canvases with it for over baby's crib once he is in the crib....just im not an artist and have NO clue !

Hope everyone is doing well. Im being naughty and just had a cupcake for breakfast. But the I had some peanut butter! Haha
Good morning everyone!

All the talk about cake last night made me crave it so badly I sent hubby out for cake after supper lol. It was very satisfying.

As for monitors im not sure I could ever do a movement monitor. I would sit up all night just waiting for it to go off. With Ava we just had a standard regular one and we will be using it with Ali as well.

Adele2011- Glad to hear your appointment went well and baby is head down! Im expecting to have a fair sized baby this time too. At my last ultrasound she was already in the 75th percentile. Also have a great time at your get together party. Sounds like lots of fun.

LittleStars- Fingers crossed you find a mattress with a price you like.

I had my second BPP ultrasound this morning to recheck my fluid levels. All good news there. My fluid levels have not gone up but also have not gone down. Still just on the low end of normal which they are ok with. Baby girl is still very much head down. The tech had to ultrasound below my hair line to see her head lol. Good to know all the pressure and movement I feel in my lady area isnt in my head. Still have to go back in two weeks to get everything checked again. Starting to feel like im seeing 100 doctors lol.

At least now that everything looks good the nurses will hopefully be cut down to 3 days a week instead of daily.
Yourstruly, glad things seem to be going well! My midwife always has to feel for LO's head below the hairline, too.. I remember a time when that would have embarrassed me to no end.. but there isn't much room for shyness in pregnancy, is there? :rofl:

The BRU trade-in sounds interesting.. might have to do that with some of the random hand-me-downs people gave me which I don't really need. Baby shower is tonight! After that I can REALLY shop for everything I still need ;-)

Nyp- the canvases, yeah, planning on painting jungle/safari animals on them. I guess you could say I'm an artist.. I come from a family full of musicians, painters, designers, and the like.. I guess it's in our blood ;-) So although I've never formally studied painting, it's one of those things that come easy to me.... unlike maths! lol!

You should do some paintings for your nursery! It's not hard at all.. especially for a nursery... it's NOT supposed to look like a photograph, it's supposed to look childish :-D

I think my nesting instinct is starting to kick in.. this morning I deep-cleaned our garage, cleaned my car, and scrubbed the whole house down.. all before 10:30 am! Now I've got a sore back and legs to show for it, of course... probably shouldn't have lifted some of those heavier things in the garage. Feels so good to get things done, though! I might need to take a nap before the baby shower tonight, though... just watch me fall asleep at my own shower ;-)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I'm having some girlfriends stay the night while DH is camping with his friends. Really been looking forward to a girl's night with lots of unhealthy chocolate and chick flicks and giggling until the morning ;-)
i'm doing some canvasses for LO's room too - i'm certainly no artist but i'm artistic and i think that's enough to produce something good for a LO's room - after all only we know what we truly want for the room :)

been packing all day, totally ready to just go to bed but so much more to do and i'm running out of boxes!!!! :dohh:
Due October 16th (this has never changed :haha:) And my guess is a girl due to the large number of girl dreams I have had :winkwink:
Just realized I'm not on the list - due Oct 10, boy - confirmed in ultrasound two weeks ago :)
Yay! So glad to hear I'm not the only crazy lady painting pictures for the nursery. :)

So I ended up just getting the mattresses from BRU afterall. I got $10 off each one so that was nice. The trade in event isn't being offered here right now but is other times apparently (google). I'll have to keep an eye out for that in the next year.

So mattress done! Yay!

I tried to get the things I wanted for my sisters present but all the important things fell apart. The monkey bookends that were the main part of the gift had red cordoroy on the ears that I'd never noticed so that'll not work for her purple room. Meh. So I found some other things, I need to do a bit of an inventory on what I actually DID get and see if I still need to get anything else. But yay, mostly done!

Off to MIL's trailer tomorrow.. blech! But only for the day because there is a special event for the kids.. Halloween! DD is dressing as a fairy, surprise surprise. :)
It's Halloween already? Did I miss all of October? :-D

I had a wonderful party last night... it was awkward being the center of attention, but still tons of fun :) Got sooo many clothes.. I'm REALLY glad I refrained from buying any so far.. because I have more than enough for the entire year in all sizes.. hehe. Got some newborn sizes, which I think I'll have to exchange because they're up to 8 lbs... I highly doubt that LO will be any smaller than 9 lbs.

My mom went overboard for her first grandchild and bought out half the store ;-)

Here a few piccies from the shower... My 7-year-old sister made the animals on the cake! So proud of her! :thumbup:



Hi everyone!

WOW! Is all I can say about my cousins wedding. Her wedding gown was a beautiful off white lace number fitted to her body with a shiffon (I think) tied to the waste that flowed to the end of her train. It was made by Vera Wang. In the church, a friend of hers from NY who is a famous Opera singer sang inside the church and as she walked down the aisle. I'm no longer Catholic as I turned more Protestant but I have to say the priest was HILLARIOUS and very charismatic. He officiated in the catholic church I grew up in and is TOTALLY different from the older priest that was stuffy years ago. I REALLY liked him, I liked his message. It was beautiful.

Of course my husband was stressed out from the drive and ended up having hypoglycemic episode as the bride walked down the aisle. :wacko: The only one who had anything to give him was my mother....It was SUGAR FREE :rofl: I ended up telling him to breathe through it and RELAX...the episode subsided. The wooden pews were terrible on my lower back but I made it.

We followed my aunt and parents to the castle for the reception about an hour or so away. The walk to the castle itself just about did me in, then we had a "cocktail" reception totally OPEN bar with fine hors d'erves. Then walked back into the reception hall part of the castle. The seating arrangement was a bit odd as we hardly knew the people we sat with but we made the best of it. I had lobster tail which was AWESOME and my husband had filet mignon. He and my cousin Jerry were commenting that it wasn't the greatest. Apparently they smoked the Filet Mignon and added a white FISH sauce. Who does that with filet mignon?! :shrug: Usually it's in a beef gravy or red wine reduction...I've NEVER heard of a fish white sauce over filet mignon. Poor guys were so disappointed. I feel bad for my uncle who had to pay top notch for the filets only for them to shove a white fish sauce over it. The lobster was EXCELLENT though. Drinks were still on the house but I kept with water and lemon with exception to the coffee I had during cake hour. Cake hour wasn't last...which I found funny as we were just talking about it in here. It was after the main course but before all the main partying took place. I was happy to note that it had the buttercream frosting I LOVE. I'm not a fan of gum paste or fondant as Littlestars says, it has to be made by the right person or else fondant doesn't have a flavor to it. The cake was VERY moist. Red Velvet and vanilla. I had 3 slices....a bit over the top but I was DYING for cake for awhile now.

A childhood friend of my cousins and mine, Todd Lattimore was there who is a Tony Award winner from Broadway and played in 42nd Street and a few plays. It was a delight to catch up with him and several other friends from high school. Aside from the Opera singer at the church, there was a classical orchestra outside during cocktail hour and a live band in the ballroom. Doug and I couldn't believe the songs they were playing live. I've NEVER heard "come on eileen" sung LIVE before. It was quite fun.

We left just after 10pm last night and I'm GLAD. Several people leaving drunk that were driving from another wedding across the castle. They were TRASHED and I'm surprised there was nobody around to take their keys or stop them. I became freaked out being pregnant and having to share the road with these idiots!

When we got home, I took my pantyhose off to find I no longer had feet,ankles or legs....they were completely blown up like a blowfish! :wacko: I hadn't had too much salt, I was walking and sitting a bit....It freaked me out and I took my blood pressure to be sure it wasn't preeclampsia and my bp was normal so I'm assuming it was just from sitting up and walking ...I did a bit too much I think.

All in all, it was a blessed occassion. I was happy to see my cousin smile again. Her new husband is kind and a gentle man. I pray He will be the man she needs after such a rough go with her ex.

Littlestars....YAY on getting the mattress. We ended up going with the BRU mattress too. We got her crib and dresser there and have her glyder on layaway there as well.

Have a good weekend ladies. :hug: I've decided I'm going to rest easy until friday and sat. of next week because of my swelling. Since I have a Dr.'s appointment on Friday and my shower on sat, I'm going to need to be cautious.

I'll use this time to read, watch movies and continue to catch up with all of you dear girls!
It's Halloween already? Did I miss all of October? :-D

I had a wonderful party last night... it was awkward being the center of attention, but still tons of fun :) Got sooo many clothes.. I'm REALLY glad I refrained from buying any so far.. because I have more than enough for the entire year in all sizes.. hehe. Got some newborn sizes, which I think I'll have to exchange because they're up to 8 lbs... I highly doubt that LO will be any smaller than 9 lbs.

My mom went overboard for her first grandchild and bought out half the store ;-)

Here a few piccies from the shower... My 7-year-old sister made the animals on the cake! So proud of her! :thumbup:

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We must have posted at the same time! :hugs: I LOVE the pic of you in your dress with the balloons. That's a keeper that I'd blow up and have framed.

The cake is gorgeous! I couldn't even make those animals, I can't believe your 7 yo sister helped. How AWESOME!

The clothes are cute too.

So glad you had a good time!:hugs::kiss::flower: Thanks so much for sharing your joy with us!:cloud9:
Mrs K, great pics!! Glad to hear your shower went well!!

MA, Yay for being being out and about and glad to hear the wedding went well! Pregnant or not I would have also been very upset about people driving drunk!!

Not too much to report on my end... 35 weeks tomorrow!! :D
Hi ladies, there's so much to catch up on here! MrsK, beautiful pictures from your shower. :) I love the one with the balloons, and the cake is adorable!

Well we survived our move and are now in the new house. Camping out w/o much furniture for now. Everything went really smoothly despite the 3 cats and impending hurricane. :) We are finally free to do lots of shopping, we put a lot of it off before the move but now we can go crazy! :haha: Tomorrow maybe a crib and dresser/changing table?
Congrats ZB. Seems as though the rain is coming our way. Not sure how bad it will be if at all. We'll see!

Well, I'm dealing with swelling since the wedding. I'm also having pain in my boobs where my one nipple turns purple. It BURNS. Not sure if it's milk or something else, between that, the 17P injections that hurt and itch, and the inability to find a comfortable position because I feel HUGE....well, I'm getting depressed and VERY moody. I also think I have a yeast or BV infection AGAIN. :wacko: I actually asked for prayer on our church prayer chain because I'm REALLY uncomfortable and depressed. I'm sure this is normal pregnancy symptoms....I'm just hoping this isn't precurser to PPD. I'm blessed to be carrying this little girl and I have a whole lot to be thankful for. I wish I could be filled with joy instead of sour apples and vinegar. :shrug: :cry:
MA - 3 pieces of cake? Nice! Glad you enjoyed yourself. Funnily enough I was super swelled on my feet and ankles at the wedding I went to too. Something in the air perhaps? lol Drink lots of water and keep your feet up, you'll be fine in no time!

MrsK - Love the pictures, the cake is amazing. Kinda makes me a little sad I'm not having a shower but fair enough. These babies aren't my first!

Happy 35 weeks Lys!

zb5 - glad to hear you are safe and sound. Now for the unpacking eh? I think that's almost worse than packing and moving. Have a great time shopping, you'll have to keep us updated on your purchases.

So my daughter did this Halloween thing at the MIL's trailer. She had a good time, mostly because she got a huge candy haul. They had a costume judging at the main hall and then the kids went off and trickor treated around the park. I honestly think she got as much as she did last year on the real night. Anyway, we didn't stay the night thankfully so the day was bearable and it likely will be the last time I'm up there until next summer so that's a relief. Even if Dh wants to go up I think I'll just pass.

My sister comes to town this week and I'm super excited to see her but I really want my nursery to be a little more presentable so I need to get to work on that. I also desperately need to weed my front/back yard and mow/trim it. It's been neglected all summer with the odd quick mow and it looks like POO.

I slept aweful last night. I have a backache high up that won't go away and the aching in my hips wouldn't go away. My usual wake/pee/flip over every two hours turned to once an hour last night. I'm so tired now but too sore to sleep. Sucks we can't take anything stronger than extra strength tylenol.
Mrs- Love the pics! Looks so cute:) I would tell your 7 year old sister she did so well it looks like a cake on Cake Boss! Lol. My 7 year old daughter loves to watch that show.

MA- hope you hang in there. I know how you feel though. I cried in public yesterday because ive been battling a bad back and cant walk anymore and I still have to work as im not off yet and its so painful that each step I take it burns down my whole leg...i just started sobbing out of frustration:( Idk what im going to do tomorrow at work.

Little- My getting up in the night is much more now than 2nd tri also. Its horrid. I feel like im not sleeping at all....I dont even know if I open my eyes anymore to get to the toilet. But my back hurts so bad, it takes special care to even get out of bed:*( Im a mess. Thats cute that they do Halloween in august. I know a lot of camp grounds do that. And xmas too. Kinda strange but fun for kids! And why not, stores already have Halloween out anyways! Its strange cuz a few weeks ago i started seeing halloween stuff out and was like "oh my god, baby is here by the time halloween is". Makes time seem very short!

Zb- yay for being all done with the move. Have fun buying stuff today! THats so exciting.

I have started buying like mad. I kinda started late, but now ive gone too overboard I think.. I have tons of toys even already! I got my bumbo yesterday and the bounceroo, and they can't even use that for a few months. But just had to get them! Now, the important stuff, you think i have them? NO. Something to sleep in for the baby- no. Stroller/car seat?- no. Breast pump- NO. Lol. I suck!
Sounds like we're all going through the aches n pains! I'm SERIOUSLY thinking of getting a prenatal massage these last few weeks! I wonder if it's covered by our insurance! I'm in bed with pillow wedges behind my back for the remainder!

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