October babies due dates and bump colours

Sounds like for your next pregnancy you need to be watched for both incompetent cervical issues AND PTL. I can't remember, When did your cervix start measuring 2cm's? Did they do TVU at 16-20wks? Also, have you had progesterone injections? When did you get them? OR have you been without them thus far?

I think this is something you'll have to push to be monitored for in your next pregnancy. That way you'll get more to term and will have steps to help you calm your mind after going through all this.

Now, There are MANY women in my thread for IC that have gone for WEEKS at 2cm's. The question that sticks in my head is your almost 3cm's and 70's effaced which tells me your cervix is open. I'm thinking while it's possible you'll get to 35wks you may go a bit sooner. Best rest WILL help. I mean your going to have to stay in bed WITHOUT getting up for anything other than bathroom break. I would even just wash in bed with warm water, a wash cloth, soap and then a fresh water rinse. LOTS of water to keep those contractions at bay. It's those contractions you've had that most likely have been causing you to start dilating which is what 17P injections are used to help keep at bay...so next time you'll need them....though I can't remember if your in the U.S. or overseas. Right now the only country that has 17P injections is the U.S. because European countries haven't done their extensive studies. BUT, they use progesterone pessieries. (sp) Either way it's been known to help a GREAT deal so keep that in mind and write it down for next time.

Now, I think you'll get more feedback from the girls on my IC thread about guessing how long you'd have. Lizzie and some of the other women have a whole lot of knowledge and may be able to share a bit more about the experience of being almost 3cm's dilated and 70% effaced...to estimate how long before delivery. You can try asking them and see if you get better feedback from them. :hugs: IC Thread

Hope this helps!:winkwink::flower:

I hadn't had any problems at all with this pregnancy until at 30.2 wks. Previous scans of my cervix were normal and healthy, no indications that anything was wrong. But when I went in for a reg appt and mentioned some watery discharge (which turned out to be nothing bad) and she checked me out. I was at 1cm and 50%. After we went home cramps turned into contractions and I got to 2cm and 70% before they stopped with mag. Then 3 weeks later after those regular contractions I'm further opened. But I haven't had progesterone, or anything else.
I am trying to drink more water, as I know I'm prolly not getting enough. But I have to get up to get food, etc because my husband works at night and sleeps during the day. I have no one else to come take care of me, so I'm kinna stuck unfortunately.
I will check out that thread! Thanks MA!!!
Hello ladies- Im not all the way through new posts but if I get too far, I can't look back far enough to remember my responses!~

MA- I like the Chicco ones as well, and may have to look for a cute one of those....I did like a certain Graco one very much but I dont like it folds down onto the ground with this red clip thing to unfold again, and you have to do extra step to secure the baby seat into stroller otherwise it can totally tip backwards. Hard to choose though! Im so glad all is well with Amelia, take it easy. Showers put women into labor often! Lol.

Little- I have actually thought about the snap n go option a lot more. However, with the Chicco ones......the price for the frame and the infant seat is almost as much as the travel system so that seems a bit weird to do...We also are getting a jogger in spring for walks, beach time, and other excursions...I just wish travel systems weren't so darn bulky and huge! Hope your Hernia keeps itself in check so you can follow your cleaning plan! I know i've been nesting like MAD and not sure how I'd survive without being able to do that right now! Im unstoppable and can barely move after 10 hours of nesting some days! Wish this would continue....

Kristin- I also looked at that stroller. I worried would the stroller be wobbly at all with infant seats attached to it? Just cuz its more light weight...Did the seats come with it or is it all separate? So you are no longer October due! Thats so soon. You are having babies THIS month !

Thats as far as I've read on this page.....
It actually isn't wobbly...with the car seats on it it stabilizes it, and I'm sure with the weight of the babies it will even more. It was all separate which made it harder to pick out bc I saw car seats we liked but they didn't have matching double strollers. Yup no longer october, these boys will be coming in about a week and a half!!
Oh wow its crazy to think some of these babies will be here so soon! I believe I read gash (nat) is due 8th? If that's right will she be our first?? Knowing my luck i'll be kept waiting til Nov 12th! Lol. Afm very glad to say I have mw appt tomorrow, been having very painful cramps for 3 days now, a dull ache very low in my belly, pain all through my pubic bone and today I have what appears to be food poisoning but minus the sickness, so just a million toilet trips to accompany the cramps. So really glad of the timing so I can get checked over. It's probably nothing but its getting to be really painful in and off so just nice to check!

I finally got internet access today and got online to properly catch-up since the move then wobbled with a drink and dropped it all over the laptop... :blush: dh not at all happy but downstairs trying to fix it... fingers crossed x
Katerdid!! I have missed you on this thread... Glad you and your lil one are doing ok! I am hoping he stays put for a couple more weeks but its great knowing he has already had the steroid shots and that you are so close to the hospital!!

Kristin!! You too... crazy to think we might have some Sept babies on our thread!! Glad to hear your doing good so far! Keep us updated!! :happydance:
I'm sure we will have some September babies just by chance as well! I still think mine will be an October one, but if he comes in late September I won't complain. As long as he's full term and healthy. My mom is visiting us Sept. 28 - Oct. 1. She picked the dates herself and plans for this to be a pre-baby visit. But who knows???

Today I am feeling about ready to have this baby. My belly is all stretched and my heartburn was terrible last night and today my stomach just felt squished. But other days I feel fine and like I could go on like this forever. :shrug:

Now we just have to get the nursery done, and oh yeah, the whole house UNPACKED after our stuff arrives on Wednesday. Eek! Okay, maybe baby should hang in there a while. :)

Katerdid, hope you make it full term! Sorry to hear you've been having a rough time, but baby sounds nice and healthy and he's had his steroid shots so that's good. :hugs:
Sounds like for your next pregnancy you need to be watched for both incompetent cervical issues AND PTL. I can't remember, When did your cervix start measuring 2cm's? Did they do TVU at 16-20wks? Also, have you had progesterone injections? When did you get them? OR have you been without them thus far?

I think this is something you'll have to push to be monitored for in your next pregnancy. That way you'll get more to term and will have steps to help you calm your mind after going through all this.

Now, There are MANY women in my thread for IC that have gone for WEEKS at 2cm's. The question that sticks in my head is your almost 3cm's and 70's effaced which tells me your cervix is open. I'm thinking while it's possible you'll get to 35wks you may go a bit sooner. Best rest WILL help. I mean your going to have to stay in bed WITHOUT getting up for anything other than bathroom break. I would even just wash in bed with warm water, a wash cloth, soap and then a fresh water rinse. LOTS of water to keep those contractions at bay. It's those contractions you've had that most likely have been causing you to start dilating which is what 17P injections are used to help keep at bay...so next time you'll need them....though I can't remember if your in the U.S. or overseas. Right now the only country that has 17P injections is the U.S. because European countries haven't done their extensive studies. BUT, they use progesterone pessieries. (sp) Either way it's been known to help a GREAT deal so keep that in mind and write it down for next time.

Now, I think you'll get more feedback from the girls on my IC thread about guessing how long you'd have. Lizzie and some of the other women have a whole lot of knowledge and may be able to share a bit more about the experience of being almost 3cm's dilated and 70% effaced...to estimate how long before delivery. You can try asking them and see if you get better feedback from them. :hugs: IC Thread

Hope this helps!:winkwink::flower:

I hadn't had any problems at all with this pregnancy until at 30.2 wks. Previous scans of my cervix were normal and healthy, no indications that anything was wrong. But when I went in for a reg appt and mentioned some watery discharge (which turned out to be nothing bad) and she checked me out. I was at 1cm and 50%. After we went home cramps turned into contractions and I got to 2cm and 70% before they stopped with mag. Then 3 weeks later after those regular contractions I'm further opened. But I haven't had progesterone, or anything else.
I am trying to drink more water, as I know I'm prolly not getting enough. But I have to get up to get food, etc because my husband works at night and sleeps during the day. I have no one else to come take care of me, so I'm kinna stuck unfortunately.
I will check out that thread! Thanks MA!!!

Yup, that's PTL. Usually the contractions bring on the dilation. Next pregnancy I would definitely remind them of this and have them start 17P Injections to keep those contractions at bay. They usually start around 16wks. I had that to begin with because they didn't believe I had incompetent cervix. They didn't give me a TVU two days before, I had the ultrasound on the belly which isn't accurate for cervical measurements. So while I fought for the stitch, those progesterone injections were keeping me from having contractions which would open my cervix. I have both because they've been known to work well together. I've gotten to 35wks so I know they work well.

You would only need the progesterone because it seems the contractions are causing you to have PTL.

As for when you'd possibly have your baby...not quite sure. Lizzie isn't too familiar with PTL but knows that when the babies are born this early they are usually just fine! For us IC ladies we do our best to shoot for 28wks...so where you are right now is safe!:hugs: Helen Gee had IC, Pprom and PTL together and I bet when she gets on she'll give you some input if she gets on before you go into labor. :winkwink: She had her baby at 34 wks at 5lbs and the baby is just beautiful....though she's most likely busy with her kids to be actively on that thread these days. I DO hope she lurks and see's your post though.

I don't think you have a thing to worry about. As long as your mostly on bed rest, drinking that water....even if you have to get up a bit for dinner..your doing all you can. So you should pat yourself on the back for being a good momma!:hugs::winkwink::flower:
Nai, Gash is actually having a section this week! She has a few complications that she had to schedule one. So she will be our first.

I'm having a whole lot of pressure in the bottom end and REALLY painful stretching above the belly button. I mean I'm TIGHT in the stomach above the belly button. :wacko: Amelia is transverse so I'm unsure if this is just her positioning or if this is an actual sign but I'm honestly feeling like it's going to be anytime. Injections stop after this fridays injection and the stitch comes out the friday after. I would be surprised if I had her in 2 or 3 wks time. That would leave me at 36 or 37wks.."technically" term at 37wks. While I'd LOVE to get to the 1st, I'm not so sure I'll get there. We shall see though. :winkwink:

Tomorrow is my appointment with the acupuncturist for the moxybustion technique to try to turn Amelia. It's honestly hillarious what I'll go through to get her to move head down. Haha

oooh.. so nice seeing all the nurseries and bump pictures! Love them all!

I had quite a bit of catching up to do.. so I can't remember what everyone wrote or what I had to say about it.. lol.

Hope all you ladies having contractions will at least make it somewhat close to term. That being said, my mom had two pre-term babies and they're both completely fine :)

Everyone just keeps telling me that they think I won't make it to October 11th, and while I like it because I don't WANT to wait until Oct 11th.. I'm also worried that it's getting my hopes waaaay up and then I'll be terribly disappointed.

I've had crazy nesting.. just running all over the place this past week to get things cleaned, organized, and ready... DH keeps getting on to me for it and telling me to rest.. but.. how can I rest when I know this baby will be here soon, and there's still so much I want to do before then?! ;-)

We actually had a little photoshoot with my sister on Sunday night.. it was lots of fun, we had a really great time. And now I have maternity pictures! At least something to remind me of this time :)


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Last night my thread:
ok for the last two mins ive had a pain in my butt like pressure....im sitting on sofa with my legs up on my gym ball any ideas?


lasted 2 mins then went off for 3 then come back... its like in the coxsix top of bottom and feel like its inside my foo foo too belly not tight at all...

happened again.... its painfull but not teary painfull, just like Yooouch!!!! pain


update today:
pains lasted 2.5 hours within the 2.5 hours i had 6 that was that painfull i was in tears!
the pains got so servre i went into labor ward and was monitered,
they were stron braxton hicks/ mild contractions...
they said it baby moved down and ligiment pains
the Dr's done an internal and my cervix is closed i have a cone shapped mark on my cervix that if i were to have sexy time' it may cause spotting.. so not to be worried if it happen give it a couple of hours if it sont stop then call or if its more that spotting then call them
sexy time i wish!!!
and jeeze if they were strong braxton hick, mild crontraction... hahaha!!! oh jeeze! i think it was more painfull pschologically as i was scared as it not time for him to come

the bad point waiting an hour to be seen....
good points MW was super informative really relaxing able to have a laugh with (ryan wouldnt stop moving and she was saying ooh we have a wriggler,, didnt need to see on the moniter he was kciking and the whole of my tummy/bump was moving!!
room was SUPER clean and she was with me ALL of the time!

i was home by 2 am and my hubby was with me all of the time being so supportive! he even got up at 5:45 and has gone to work, being up from 5:30 the night before!
Katerdid!! I have missed you on this thread... Glad you and your lil one are doing ok! I am hoping he stays put for a couple more weeks but its great knowing he has already had the steroid shots and that you are so close to the hospital!!

Kristin!! You too... crazy to think we might have some Sept babies on our thread!! Glad to hear your doing good so far! Keep us updated!! :happydance:

I will keep you all updated! Hopefully this week they will give me a section date so I know whats going on..lol
MrsK - beautiful pictures!

I've been too focused on other things to get around to my pictures of belly and room. I'll try later today. It's hard to get what *I* want done when DH is STILL on vacation. He's been off almost all of August and doesn't start school until Thursday. That being said he will be nice company today when we wait for the car to get an oil change at Costco today.

Last night we took DD over to my mom's for the night and had a night out. Since we'd had dinner at home (we had leftovers, how romantic, lol) we went out for a dessert before seeing a movie. Biggest slice of peanut butter cream pie EVER!!! I thought I was going to die trying to eat it but it was so good. I'm rather obsessed with peanut butter when pregnant because I know that it's a no-no for a while after baby is born. Afterwards we went to see Conan The Barbarian. Yum! The lead actor is so pretty :) Slept in (though woke my usual times to go pee) this morning and feeling good. I'm hoping to get in one more movie date night before delivering these little babies but not sure that'll be doable.

To the ladies that are panicking about not getting stuff done, especially if you are going for a vaginal birth... just wanted to point out that most babies for the first few weeks after birth sleep a lot. I mean so much to the point where you can't wait until they wake up. You will most likely have plenty of time to catch up on sleep from the night before and still get things done in the house like cleaning and organizing. I think the only reason I'm so obsessive about it right now is #1 natural instinct to nest and #2 complete fear of having twins. I did the math of a worst case scenario and this is what I realized.. *if* I can only manage to feed one baby at a time and then the baby takes on the longer side to breast feed, being 45 minutes, then 2 babies will take 1.5 hours and since you feed them anywhere from every 2-3 hours for the first while.. I'm screwed!!! lol I'm the kind of gal who likes to ficus on the worst case scenario and hope for the best so if I can wrap my mind around those numbers then whatever things will be I'm sure they won't be THAT bad. Does that make sense?

Mommy - I will you well with the acupuncturist! It's worth a shot at the very least.

Gash - just in case you are reading this. Best wishes for you this week!!

Nai - hope the laptop is okay but I fear the worst for it. My old roomate spilled her cereal on the keyboard and the laptop was toast. I once had a laptop running on my lap and DH and I got in an argument and I slammed the laptop rather purposely onto the floor and stormed away only to find out I busted it. The things are very fragile. Lame!
BabyDeacon - oh my!!!! I missed your post since I was typing. What an ordeal and what a trooper your husband is for going to work! You take it easy! Did they have any idea what got things going or was it just one of those things? I've banned DH from 'sexytimes' myself for fear of it causing anything to happen. I've read to many things in the 3rd trimester forum to scare me off.
Hope you are feeling better BabyDeacon!

Littlestars, my friend with twins absolutely refused to feed them separately. If one woke up to feed she would wake the other one up because she couldn't stand being that inefficient! Ignoring the whole "never wake a sleeping baby" advice... oh well. Especially if they are slow feeders, I understand it!
Mrs. K, beautiful pics. I'd love to have some done as well. I may ask my cousin if she could quickly do some for me. Thing is, she's pregnant too and is due in November. It's pretty neat!

Didn't get my moxibustion appointment this morning..had to reschedule to tomorrow because the neighbors left their heat on all night long without being present in their home. It got HOT and we were afraid of a fire since it was on full force and wasn't stopping. Quite odd. I'm exhausted from being up.

Littlestars...the multiple issue would have me completely confused as to what to do. :shrug: One of the girls in my other thread had triplets. I haven's seen her in awhile so I'm thinking she's quite busy. :lol: I'll be interested to see how you do when the babies are here. I'm sure you'll be JUST fine and have a little helper in your dd too. It always interests me in how you multiple mommies get through a day. I'd imagine it would take some getting used to and you'd have to find some "mommy time" in there somewhere. :hugs:
Hi ladies-

Docs today told me my baby is almost 5 lbs. He thinks a big baby will come. Great.....Also c section for me is October 12th. Yay! Im all set and ready. Wish I could stop being so miserable and enjoy the last 5 weeks....yea right, i have a giant inside of me!

MRS- love the pics! I feel too big and gross now, I shoulda done our professionals a few weeks earlier than this...now I think i'll wait for family pics when baby is born.....

I give up on sleeping. I got out of bed at 2 am and ate cereal and watched a bad lifetime movie. Im exhausted!

My doc says lay off on the nesting just a tad....but I dont wanna.
Hi ladies-

Docs today told me my baby is almost 5 lbs. He thinks a big baby will come. Great.....Also c section for me is October 12th. Yay! Im all set and ready. Wish I could stop being so miserable and enjoy the last 5 weeks....yea right, i have a giant inside of me!

MRS- love the pics! I feel too big and gross now, I shoulda done our professionals a few weeks earlier than this...now I think i'll wait for family pics when baby is born.....

I give up on sleeping. I got out of bed at 2 am and ate cereal and watched a bad lifetime movie. Im exhausted!

My doc says lay off on the nesting just a tad....but I dont wanna.

Big baby? That's pish posh to detect right now! :dohh: I was 32wks and Amelia is said to be 4lbs 4oz. While they grow half a lb each week that would mean this week she'd be around 5lbs 4 oz or so. We'll see. Just keep in mind that sonograms can be off a lb or so and your baby could be closer to 4lbs. I think you'll know if a few more weeks if you have a big baby but right now it's hard to detect ahead of time. I don't like them doing that. The perinatologist from Jackson's pregnancy kept telling me the FIRST DAY that because I'm diabetic he would be HUGE. Though born too early he was right on target.

I have a new Peri this time and they all keep wondering how big the baby will be. I told them to keep the comments to themselves. Sure enough when they found out she was 4lbs 4 oz she was in the 50th percentile two weeks ago. So I've been quite happy with where she's at and kinda sticking it to the medical staff because they keep saying she'll be a porker. I've been controlling my sugar levels and eating. I even lost 2lbs last week and went from gaining 14lbs over the whole trimester, now down to 12lbs. Since I'm plus size I don't have to gain what most of you gals do and Amelia still gets her nutrients.

Anyhoo...just to say don't let the big baby idea get you nervous. It isn't until it IS has always been my motto. :lol::thumbup::winkwink:

As for misery. I understand! I can't sleep well, I have acid reflux regularly now and lately I've had constipation. I've never had constipation before and it's quite painful at times! FRUSTRATING to do all that work for nothing. :winkwink: :rofl: I have pressure in the bottom end, feeling sick to my stomach and my rear itches from the last few 17P injections. What a whiner I've become.

Speaking of WINE.....I can't wait to have a glass of wine someday.:thumbup::haha:
Omg, wine. I would love a glass of wine! Apple orchard season is nearing and thats usually a lovely wine tasting time...but i'll be drinking apple cider. I think you've got me drooling MA!
Wine I can do without but I sure would love a whole slush bucket of strawberry daiquari just about now! lol

MA - I'm going to try my best to feed the twins at the same time but not sure how it'll work. There is a pillow I can buy for twin feeding but I wanna see if its possible to just use my own pillows at home to help postion them into the football hold for dual feeding. Who the heck wants to drop $90 on a freaking pillow!? Besides last time around (though I was fatter) I couldn't get the boopy feeding pillow thing to work for me. I'll do some research to see how long one can use the pillow.. if for up to 9 months or so perhaps it's worth it. As for triplets.. my daugther is friends with some triplets and her mother is hilarious when she talks about how insane things were the first year with 3 babies. I'm sure your friend would *love* to have the time to come online and chat.

Had a lazy day today.. didn't do anything other than get the oil changed in the car. Kinda feel guilty about it so I popped in my last load of baby washing to do. But on the bright side, I feel well and rested and my belly isn't sore today. Yay!
nypage, the ultrasound people told me my baby was 5 lb 1 oz at 31 1/2 weeks. That seemed really big to me, but they said it was still only 75th percentile? But that didn't seem to add up, I think all the different ultrasound centers estimate weights and percentiles differently, and I also hear so many stories of them turning out to be wrong. I wasn't expecting a big baby, I was a very average baby and DH was small/average, and no diabetes here. My bump is pretty big but so was my mom's and both her babies came out average. :shrug: We'll see in a few weeks if they're right or not!

LittleStars, I'm not sure what pillow-type items my friend used for breastfeeding her twins at the same time... I will have to ask her when I get a chance.

MA, hope you get to try to moxibustion soon! It would be great if Amelia turned herself around. :)

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