YAY Natalie!!!! Congrats on your boy!!!!
Update: Had another hospital stay on Monday-Wednesday. Getting soooo sick of this! They decided that stopping labor would cause more harm then good, so I just laid there all strapped in, waiting in limbo land.
I'm now at 4cm, 80% and 0 station. And still having contractions. But they are not close enough or painful enough to keep me in the hospital I guess, so I'm back at home. I swear I'm not going back in until I'm in serious pain or my water breaks. Done with being poked and prodded and strapped in - too expensive and too painful.
Lys - hope your baby turns for you!!
Sorry to hear about the hospital stay! My only experience so far was a 3 hour stay where they tried to stop my completely painless contractions. I just found out it cost me $450, and that's AFTER my insurance! I wondered the whole time if it was really necessary, and now that I got the bill, I REALLY think it was unnecessary. I guess of course they can never tell what is serious and what isn't so it's better to be safe than sorry. But as far along as you are, if they're not going to stop labor, you might as well be at home!
Sounds like you'll be next! Your 4cm already. I'm guessing either over the weekend or beginning of next week. Just don't wait too long to go in. The good news is that your baby while preterm, should be just fine at this gestation and may spend either a few days or a couple weeks in nicu for observation. It'll depend on baby!
Did they say they would treat you for PTL next time? You'll most likely get the 17P injections that I've been getting weekly so that you can make it further.