October babies due dates and bump colours

Hi Everyone!!

Congrats Natalie... I am SO happy for you!!

I have a Dr.s appt this morning and I don't think my lil guy has turned yet and I am starting to get a wee bit nervous. I am 37 weeks and full term on Sunday and it seems the room to be able to turn in becoming less and less. Hopefully Dr. will give me good news this morning. My bump does seem low but I think it has been low-ish my whole pregnancy!!

I agree w/ you ladies on those kicks and hits getting stronger- wowzers do some of them hurt!!

Welcome LJ!
Nai: Glad to hear you are getting settled at the new place! I do understand how difficult it can be to move w/ dogs and getting them acclimated to a new place!!
Ny: LOVE your new profile pic, SUPER cute!!
He's a cutie too! His pic is just darling. So happy for her. Congrats Nat! Welcome little Blake!
Welcome to the world Blake!!! Congratualtions Natalie! Such exciting news and I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing well.:baby::baby::baby::crib::crib::crib::blue::blue::blue::yipee::yipee::yipee:

Oct - My stomach is doing the same thing.. I thought for sure a hernia because everything I read about stomach separation says it shouldn't hurt. The burning is outrageously painful! I talked to my nurse and doctor yesterday about and no good news for me. Basically I was told is was the stomach stretching and extreme tension on the muscles and it'll get better after delivery. Boo. Let me know what you hear about it!

I was a bit disappointed that I didn't get the babies weight yesterday but the US tech was really quick and was just doing some 8 point check to see if the babies passed. 8/8 for both, yay! I signed my consent forms for the c-section, I hated hearing about all the bad stuff that could happen but there is still no alternative for me at this point since baby A is still breech, interestingly enough Baby B is ready to go and is no longer transverse. So I've got one baby on the left and one on the right kinda like a ying/yang thing.

Today was DD's first day at school. She told me she was a little nervous that it was french immersion but by the time she was ready for pick up the world was sunny once again. She only knew 2 of the kids (boys) from her class last year and another one (girl) from a different class, everyone else was either new to the school or had been in the afternoon classes - but it was only half the class (staggard entry) so we won't know for sure until Monday who exactly is in the class. She did mention she made a new friend though, with the name Penny. My DH said something like "oh that was one of the names daddy had wanted to call one of the twins (Penelope)" I had to pipe in that it could still be on the list since we hadn't picked names yet and we really needed to talk about that. I don't think he thought I was serious. Grrr.. I'd like to at least have a list of 6-8 names we both agree on before delivery!

As for the peanut butter.. my pediatrician had told me that peanut butter was generally not an issue for the nother to consume as long as there was no immediate family history of allergies. He suggested that since for me there wasn't a history that trying it at 1 year near an emergency room was probably the best way. So we did and DD loved it! When it comes to breastfeeding it's pretty easy to google info on what you can and cannot eat but here is one just for example: https://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/mom/mom-foods.html#peanuts In general though, I'd say just take the path of least regret. Better too safe than sorry.
YAY Natalie!!!! Congrats on your boy!!!! :yipee:

Update: Had another hospital stay on Monday-Wednesday. Getting soooo sick of this! They decided that stopping labor would cause more harm then good, so I just laid there all strapped in, waiting in limbo land.
I'm now at 4cm, 80% and 0 station. And still having contractions. But they are not close enough or painful enough to keep me in the hospital I guess, so I'm back at home. I swear I'm not going back in until I'm in serious pain or my water breaks. Done with being poked and prodded and strapped in - too expensive and too painful.

Lys - hope your baby turns for you!!
CONGRATULTIONS GASH!!!!!!! What an excellent birth weight, he'd have been a big boy at full term!
YAY Natalie!!!! Congrats on your boy!!!! :yipee:

Update: Had another hospital stay on Monday-Wednesday. Getting soooo sick of this! They decided that stopping labor would cause more harm then good, so I just laid there all strapped in, waiting in limbo land.
I'm now at 4cm, 80% and 0 station. And still having contractions. But they are not close enough or painful enough to keep me in the hospital I guess, so I'm back at home. I swear I'm not going back in until I'm in serious pain or my water breaks. Done with being poked and prodded and strapped in - too expensive and too painful.

Lys - hope your baby turns for you!!

Sorry to hear about the hospital stay! My only experience so far was a 3 hour stay where they tried to stop my completely painless contractions. I just found out it cost me $450, and that's AFTER my insurance! :wacko: I wondered the whole time if it was really necessary, and now that I got the bill, I REALLY think it was unnecessary. I guess of course they can never tell what is serious and what isn't so it's better to be safe than sorry. But as far along as you are, if they're not going to stop labor, you might as well be at home!
Thanks kerri for posting and for all your lovely messages. There is an update on my journal and a picture for those not on my facebook. The section was tough but will do a birth story soon to explain all. Blakes still in intensive care so keep us in your thoughts xxx
Gash -Just took a peek and he's just beautiful. I had to have IV put in my foot too last time around after my veins collapsed, but only one I think. I hope they get them out soon enough so you can be up and moving since it's good to move around after a c-section to prevent clots and such. Take care of yourself and I hope that Blake is in your arms soon and that your health issues clear up now that you've delivered.

Sounds like you'll be next! Your 4cm already. I'm guessing either over the weekend or beginning of next week. Just don't wait too long to go in. :lol: :winkwink: The good news is that your baby while preterm, should be just fine at this gestation and may spend either a few days or a couple weeks in nicu for observation. It'll depend on baby!

Did they say they would treat you for PTL next time? You'll most likely get the 17P injections that I've been getting weekly so that you can make it further.

Littlestars...I often wonder how you'd get both babies head down in a multiple delivery. My cousin had twins a year ago and I never asked how she delivered them. Now inquiring minds want to know. lol

Gash...ouchie! The IV in the foot doesn't sound so appealing to me. I have small and deep veins that have been known to collapse. Seeing as though Amelia hasn't turned and c-section "could" be a new focus, I'm FREAKED OUT about having one.

Praying for quick recovery and healing.

Love to everyone else! :hug:
Gash lovely boy! So nice. Not the foot IV though. that sounds terrible. Hope you recover soon.

Lys- I really hope baby can turn. Would you do the turning treatments that they do where a bunch of people try to turn baby in your tummy or would you just do section? Try birthing ball!

Kate- thats nuts that youre at a 4, I think I had my epidural at a 4! Holy cow! any day now. so exciting !
Sorry to hear about the hospital stay! My only experience so far was a 3 hour stay where they tried to stop my completely painless contractions. I just found out it cost me $450, and that's AFTER my insurance! :wacko: I wondered the whole time if it was really necessary, and now that I got the bill, I REALLY think it was unnecessary. I guess of course they can never tell what is serious and what isn't so it's better to be safe than sorry. But as far along as you are, if they're not going to stop labor, you might as well be at home!

Ouch, yeah, hospitals are so expensive! I got the preview (not the actual bill yet) for what my 4 day stay in August is gonna be ... $3,500 after insurance! And I've got two more hospital visits to pay for after that, plus when I actually deliver. Hopefully they'll work with us cuz we're dirt poor atm. :nope:

Sounds like you'll be next! Your 4cm already. I'm guessing either over the weekend or beginning of next week. Just don't wait too long to go in. :lol: :winkwink: The good news is that your baby while preterm, should be just fine at this gestation and may spend either a few days or a couple weeks in nicu for observation. It'll depend on baby!
Did they say they would treat you for PTL next time? You'll most likely get the 17P injections that I've been getting weekly so that you can make it further.

No kidding! I'm so anxious right now. The hospital bags and car seat are ready and waiting in the car. I keep nervously checking to see if my water's broke or if I have any bloody anything and my hubby is constantly checking in on me while he's at work. I'm a basket case for sure!
I'm so glad I've made it this far tho - I was worried for a while that my little man would be in trouble, but it seems like at this stage they do alright.
If there is a next time I will definitely be making sure they know my PTL risks!

Nypage - Oh wow, yeah!!! It's crazy to think that I'm at the point where most ppl are getting epi's and rushing to the hospital!! :shock:
Katerdid, Yup....where you are right now there's less risk that had you had your baby between 24-28wks. As someone who lost a baby preterm...I couldn't be still until I hit 28wks THEN I knew she'd be okay. When I hit 30 I was EXTATIC. Your baby is at a good weight and will be just fine! :winkwink: I can't WAIT to hear your story and see the baby. :hugs:

Lys, breech and transverse is what Amelia is. Check out Spinningbabies.com for help. Also you could do prenatal chiropractic treatment OR try moxybustion like we are through acupuncture. Check out youtube and put in Moxybustion for breech babies and you'll see a video..either there or on spinning babies to show what it does. Not sure if it's working so far.

What NYpage speaks of is external version. It's where the Dr.'s force turn your baby. We are not doing that. It hurts to do it and I'm not willing to risk Amelia's health and well being. Since I'm also plus size, it would hurt MORE to get in there and try to flip her than it would a smaller size woman like you. Often times babies turn even at the last minute. My issue is that I have a heart shaped or bicornuate uterus and the further along in size the baby gets, the less room she'll have to move head down. Tomorrow is my sonogram to see if anything worked. If not, they want to schedule a c-section while we try to see if she comes down on her own.

I'm at peace that we've tried everything and there comes a point where you have to ask yourself if they're not coming down for a reason. Maybe a cord around the neck or even something like excess swelling which I have in the pelvis. I mean SWELLING too. She may not want to be down there for that very reason! :winkwink:

Love to all you ladies. :hug:
MA - from my understanding as long as Baby A is in position they don't usually care what Baby B is doing unless it's transverse. From what I gather they will literally reach in your no-no and grab the baby inside. My friend was telling me about her delivery of her triplets and it's was shockingly disgusting because the third baby was REALLY high up into unfrozen territory. that's assuming it's a vaginal birth. Baby A is considered the baby who is closest to the 'exit' lol that's how the nurse described it. But in a c-section Baby B often becomes Baby A.. so confusing keeping track.

I need some real goals for today.. so I'm committing to baking a cake with my daughter today and finishing packing babies bag and start/finishing mine. ALong with cleaning the main floor so that DH can have the boys over for a game night tomorrow and I'm sure that'll keep me plenty busy today.
They told me the same thing about delivering vaginally. If the presenting twin was head down they could reach up and pull the other one out, the said it actually pretty easy. Mine were positioned like that for the longest time but not anymore! They can't even tell which is which anymore...originally they were side by side, one breach and one head down. Now one is transverse way up under my ribs and the other is breach (but on the side the head down baby was). Its like they spun in a circle around my stomach. lol So c-section for me!
yay - I finish work next Friday 16th yipppeeeee. Brought forward a week xx

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