October babies due dates and bump colours

Shelleney - when I got my crib last time around it came with a mattress from the store so it's not necessarily true that you should have known that/. Seems to be a thing the store will offer to encourage a person to buy from their store versus another. This time around I had the crib from last time and a donated one from my mom so I actually had to buy a matterss and was so confused on which was the best.
it's really beautiful shelleney :thumbup: i love it!

i didn't really think about needing a mattress for my crib (wooden rocking basinette lol) EVEN THOUGH my dad made it.. so where would i think a mattress would magically appear from!?!? :haha: mum bought me one with my crib bale the other weekend though, it's a good one, anti-this-that-and the next thing, hypoallergenic etc. so feeling confident it's a good one for babs (I worry because i'm asthmatic and have sensitive skin AND dh has eczema and sensitive skin so LO is basically screwed on the allergy front.. :dohh:)

i guess i won't really need our travel cot for a little while then... i've got a bouncer, a playmat and the moses basket which i figure i'll set up in the lounge downstairs.. i don't know, my mum said that when LO is here i will "instinctively" know what to do and that i'm worrying for nothing, i just think, HOW do people learn/know what to do for their LO when they arrive!? :blush: i'm great with children, i really am, but i do worry that i won't have a clue when it comes to my own baby... :dohh:
Littlestars, blinging the changing table!! I love it! :haha:

Nai, I feel the same, I have no idea what to do for my baby. I hope we just figure it out! I figure we have a swing, bouncer, play mat, and pack n play, that should be enough baby furniture for a 3 story house?? At least one on each floor? Actually, I have no idea. :dohh: I just hope we aren't carting them all up and down stairs all the time. The bouncer and play mat are light, but the pack n play and swing aren't.
Little stars- it made me chuckle what u said bout pageant kids.
Nai- thanks for googling about pack n play had me confused too, yeah i'm using moses basket on stand aswell. I'd put them in pen when they can escape from you :haha:
Yours truely- glad you're a bit better and yep defo getting packing and :thumbup: your bump the onseie is v cute 2.
Shelleney- yep snap about the sleeping options

Yeah i just used stickers on nursery stickers mega easy i have lots more to put up but :dohh: just confused where doesnt take much to confuse me at moment

how many outfits should i take in hospital bag for baby?what etc?
MA- any way you can get a maid service to come until you can be back at it? For a service around here to come every other week is $80.00 and they do all the things you've mentioned....maybe check as you'd feel better and more prepared then.

I LOVE all the different terms for everything. Funny that in US we do use the words cot and crib and stuff, but they mean a different type of bed than it does for UK ladies. How strange! Guess its like chips here are potato chips, and for you they're fries....I wondererd the other day what do you call the snack crispy potato chip thingies since your fries are chips?

Girls- I have no idea what to have my baby sleep, play, sit in either and i've done this before! Amazing what i've forgotten in 7 years, I actually feel dumber this time around. Maybe I was just blissfully unaware last time. Lol.
potato snacks are crisps over here, fried chips are chips and fries tend to be what you'd get at mcdonald's - the really unhealthy super slim chips that are deep fat fried... lol

i'm glad i'm not the only one who's a bit bewildered by the whole process of what is about to happen... :haha:

for hospital bag for baby i'm taking a separate holdall... i'm taking 3 knitted outfits (from my mum) - a prem green knitted outfit (leggings, jumper and hat) which i'll donate to hospital if LO is too big for (hopefully she will be!), then a blue and white knitted outfit and a pink and white knitted outfit - both are dresses, jackets and hats. So with those i'll take a pair of tights.. also taking 2 vests and 2 sleepsuits both in newborn and 1 month sizes so i've got plenty of choice depending on what size she comes out... i don't know if that's too much (it probably is tbh) or right in ANY way but it's what i've decided i'm packing for her clotheswise... lol
Hi Everyone!! :hugs:

Yours! Love the bump pics!!

Ma: I have had those emotional days! Wish you were closer I would come help you get ready!! :flower: Do you have any reinforcements you can call in? Family/ Friends that can come help you at least wash baby’s clothes and get things to a point that you feel more ready!?

I have a Dr. appt this morning... We have our name for sure! Noah Matthew... and since I am full term, I am going to repack my hospital bag today. I think we are all ready to go w/ the exception of I still need to buy a diaper bag. The one I really wanted was $100. and I just don't know if I can justify spending that much... I might look today and see if I can find something cheaper!! Other than that still need to find some kind of wall decorations, I painted and have a mid section boat border but want something on the top part of the wall. Where did you ladies find your wall decorations? Today is my first day of leave!! So, lots to do!! Hope everyone has a great day and is feeling good this morning!! :D
hey Lys :hi: i got my border from amazon today and i've got a feature wall piece just from googling wall stickers and there's loads of companies on there - have a good browse around because there is LOTS of different options available for LO's walls... it's like a dream lol

i've gone with a cherry blossom tree for the feature wall which will have blossom and butterflies blowing across the wall above where lo's cot will be... and we are going to see whether we want her name put above the cot as well but won't decide that until the nursery is finished... also, you know, we haven't got a name yet so can't do it yet anyway!! :dohh:

i love noah matthew :hugs:
Nai- I was at a fair the other weekend and wanted to have a personalized "baby's first christmas" ornament made because they were soooo cute, and realized I had no name so couldn't. ! This naming thing is TOUGH!
I know... :wacko: DH said to me in bed last night "you know we REALLY need to start thinking of a name" and i was just like :shock: i can't do it til i meet her i'm sure!!!! lol then he suggested... Israel.. and a "is there a girls form of the name JACOB!?".... :dohh: to me for our baby girl!?! so yeah, i'm going to start thinking properly cos otherwise DH might just think something up and think we're going with it... i mean seriously, ISRAEL for a GIRL!? i've never even heard of it!!? lol :wacko:
I just texting OH asking what projects I need to get done today as I feel like I have nothing to do.....his answer-
"get medical bills organized, figure out what to have for dinner, and pick a name for Bean".

Lol. I mentioned the other day I'd like to wait to meet him also and he asked me if that was a creative way of being a procrastinator!

I think Israel is a no. For real. LOL.
I just texting OH asking what projects I need to get done today as I feel like I have nothing to do.....his answer-
"get medical bills organized, figure out what to have for dinner, and pick a name for Bean".

Lol. I mentioned the other day I'd like to wait to meet him also and he asked me if that was a creative way of being a procrastinator!

LOVE THIS!!! Hilarious!!

Nai: Thanks for the suggestions on the wall art!! Let the browsing begin!!
I honestly don't know where Israel came from!? I went silent in a "is he joking" kind of way,... then said.. "ummm i'm not sure on that it's a bit weird..." and he seemed really upset.. :dohh: what a STUPID name though!?!?! :wacko:
There are a TON of decals on etsy. Just go to etsy.com and search for decals, there are seriously way too many, you could look for hours... I'm still not sure which we will go with but probably one of the many trees with leaves.

Question for you ladies: Do you really have to wash all the new clothes before baby wears them? Of course I have washed the hand-me-downs I got, but I don't want to wash the new clothes as they look so nice and unwrinkled straight from the store. :) But I'm wondering if they shrink... if so, I guess want to wash them so I know what size they actually will be?

Israel for a girl... yes, weird! For a boy I could see it, depending on your style. I guess for a girl it could be a more unique alternative to Isabella, which is popular right now?? Maybe that's what he was thinking?

We have a name too: Silas Orion. I haven't really been publicizing it but as the date gets closer I'm starting to tell people. Mostly only strangers though, lol! My sister and SIL know, but our parents and friends are still in the dark. I don't want to hear their opinions, it will only make me second-guess myself! Fortunatley my sister is AWESOME and says she loves it. I think she actually does, but if she doesn't, she is doing a good job of faking it. Good job sis! :)
Nai- I was at a fair the other weekend and wanted to have a personalized "baby's first christmas" ornament made because they were soooo cute, and realized I had no name so couldn't. ! This naming thing is TOUGH!

Were you at the New York State Fair in Syracuse?!
I honestly don't know where Israel came from!? I went silent in a "is he joking" kind of way,... then said.. "ummm i'm not sure on that it's a bit weird..." and he seemed really upset.. :dohh: what a STUPID name though!?!?! :wacko:

Lol, that's pretty bad! I didn't think I'd find an OH to top my friend - her DH was dead set on the name Egypt for a girl!!!! (good thing they had a boy!)

Lys - I love your name!
Okay, I'm going out of the norm here. I actually like Israel for a name. Of course this coming from someone who also liked the name Ireland Rosalie and my husband refused to name her after a country. :haha:

I'd get on those names though quick or she could be called Jacobie! :rofl:

ZB, I'm washing all of Amelia's clothes both hand me downs AND new because they've been stored in warehouses. Having worked in retail I've seen all kinds of things. Obviously warehouses have mice and sometimes rats that can be carriers of diseases. Now this is kind of a bit overdoing it, but in my head I'd rather the new stuff be washed and free of allergens than just leaving them. So that's my take on why I want everything washed. :lol:

Littlestars...funny you mentioned it. My husband came in the bedroom today and asked if i would please write him a hunny do list. He said he would accomplish everything on the list (not all at once). I thought it was very kind. He also mentioned last night that he'd rather I tell him when my feet, neck or back ache because he'd rather massage them when they feel bad than let the pain build up and I get frustrated and moody.

So it seems he's all for helping.....however I have to communicate my needs because he's NOT a mind reader (he didn't say that...I did). :lol: Poor guy! I feel for him. It's not easy being around a crazy woman. :wacko: :rofl:

Nai, cute little bed ensemble! It IS funny...when I hear the word Cot. I think of a military type cot. single bed that once sleeps on at camp or in an emergency. I used to sleep on the cot at my grams house when I was a kid.

Lys, your too kind! :hugs: Of course there's no way I'd let another pregnant woman do my housework so we'd end up having tea and snacks together. :rofl: I would have loved you for company! :winkwink:
I love Noah and Silas! both awesome names. If I were having a boy I'd have no issue whatsoever naming one.. We had Milo, Jack, Thane, Fox and Eli on our lists amoung others. But I'm stumped with the girl thing honestly. I've gotten used to Isabella and Victoria but I don't love them.. I don't hate either.. just want to discuss all possibilities before giving in to my DH who seems to be forgetting we've never really talked about this seriously.

I definitely do not like Isreal for a girl though.. yes for a boy if your are religious and it means something but definitely not for a girl. I say VETO to your DH!!

Can't remember who was listing all the clothing they were packing for the baby in the hospital.. but OMG! Soooooo much clothing! :) I think you are definitely overpacking but that's just me. With DD it was summer so she spent her days in a onsie/diaper shirt and was mostly always swaddled. This time around I expect the twins will mostly always be swaddled but I'm packing onsies and a sleeper for each day with one extra each just in case and then the going home outfit which is nothing more than a pair of socks, cotton pants with decals on the bums (a kitty and an owl) and then matching cotton shirts. I love the idea of donating the preemie outfit to the hospital if not needed though. Brilliant!

And speaking of crisps.. I find it so odd the flavour combination variations from country to country. I've visited the UK often and for long periods of time and never could get used to the combos. USA is quite as different as Canada but even still, you've got some weird ones (well at least from a Canadian perspective). I definitely love hunting around for imported candy from the UK though, reminds me of my times visiting.

Wow, okay need to go do something.. all I've done is picked DD up, went to the park, sat on my butt until it was time to go, ran a few errands and ate lunch. Geez.. I'm slacking! lol Now for the crossword err I mean decorating the nursery..
well i did say to DH ooooh what about Jeremiah then for a girl... lol but he seemed REALLY upset that i was mocking him :dohh: he genuinely really liked it :shrug: BIZARRE!!!! :wacko:

he loves isabella but i think it's too popular right now :dohh:

i'm washing all of LO's clothes too in non-bio, the number of times i've walked into a store and knocked things off with my giant ass or my ballooning belly since being pregnant and they've gone on the floor i just don't like the idea that one of the items I bought probably had the same happen to it... that and the whole storage issue - don't know what it's been against, what might have gotten on it (rodent wise as MA said) etc... like i won't drink a can of pop or out of a bottle in a pub cos it's been in the cellar and i basically have the same view on clothes... never know where it's been or what's been on it or what people have touched and then touched it etc. etc....
Katerdid - my friend named her daughter Kenya (both parents are white for the record). Her explanation is.. it's the most beautiful place in the world to her (the mom, she spent time there) and her daughter is the most beautiful little girl. Kinda hard to argue with the logic even though the child is rather ... unfortunate looking..

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