October babies due dates and bump colours

I love Noah and Silas! both awesome names. If I were having a boy I'd have no issue whatsoever naming one.. We had Milo, Jack, Thane, Fox and Eli on our lists amoung others. But I'm stumped with the girl thing honestly. I've gotten used to Isabella and Victoria but I don't love them.. I don't hate either.. just want to discuss all possibilities before giving in to my DH who seems to be forgetting we've never really talked about this seriously.

I definitely do not like Isreal for a girl though.. yes for a boy if your are religious and it means something but definitely not for a girl. I say VETO to your DH!!

Can't remember who was listing all the clothing they were packing for the baby in the hospital.. but OMG! Soooooo much clothing! :) I think you are definitely overpacking but that's just me. With DD it was summer so she spent her days in a onsie/diaper shirt and was mostly always swaddled. This time around I expect the twins will mostly always be swaddled but I'm packing onsies and a sleeper for each day with one extra each just in case and then the going home outfit which is nothing more than a pair of socks, cotton pants with decals on the bums (a kitty and an owl) and then matching cotton shirts. I love the idea of donating the preemie outfit to the hospital if not needed though. Brilliant!

And speaking of crisps.. I find it so odd the flavour combination variations from country to country. I've visited the UK often and for long periods of time and never could get used to the combos. USA is quite as different as Canada but even still, you've got some weird ones (well at least from a Canadian perspective). I definitely love hunting around for imported candy from the UK though, reminds me of my times visiting.

Wow, okay need to go do something.. all I've done is picked DD up, went to the park, sat on my butt until it was time to go, ran a few errands and ate lunch. Geez.. I'm slacking! lol Now for the crossword err I mean decorating the nursery..

It was me!!!! lol :haha: well i figure tbh the green preemie outfit is to be donated pretty much definitely so that's just going along for the ride.. so that's only actually two vests, two sleepsuits or dresses to choose from, and two cardis... :shrug: i've been told i'll be in for at least 24hrs for obs cos of my bloods and lo needs to be tested to see if she has pernicious anaemia like me too so we're not getting out straightaway... they fold up SO tiny so i figure, why leave them at home then worry that i'll not have enough :haha:
Nai - I love Isabella myself (less keen on Victoria) but the popularity thing bothers me.. but I love it.. so I'm torn.. I think if nothing else shouted out 'I'm a perfect name' then I'd definitely consider it.. just hoping some names will jump up and shout for me.
Nai - lol.. if there's still room in the bag then why not eh? I'm stuck in the hospital for 72 hours.. sure I could try getting out early but I really have no intention of doing that. I'll take my break thank you very much!
that's what i'm hoping too... it's so hard - i mean, it's a HUGE responsibility naming a child, they're stuck with it FOREVER!!! :nope: DH and I are struggling with the concept... lol
Nai - lol.. if there's still room in the bag then why not eh? I'm stuck in the hospital for 72 hours.. sure I could try getting out early but I really have no intention of doing that. I'll take my break thank you very much!

she's having a little leather holdall for her own stuff and believe me, i can squeeze clothes into TINY spaces when needs be (pre-pregnancy this was always a necessity for my many MANY shoes i would take with me on holiday in lieu of clothes... :haha:) i'm an expert packer lol
Nai- that why Isabella works for me.. Izzy, Belle, Bella, Elle, Ella.. so many nicknames to choose from. It's why Katherine worked for us last time with Kate, Katie, Kat, Kitty and Kathy. And it's also why I don't like Victoria as much.. I hate the idea of Vicki or Tori.
my niece is a vicky and she honestly doesn't like it, i quite like Tori but not overly keen on it and of course the other option is Vic, Vix etc.. not particularly GREAT options for shortening if you're into it..

that's why i like isabella too, DH likes Izzy.. i like bella though so we'd never agree on that either!! :dohh:

maybe i'll just call her MARGE or something lol
ZB- Funny because i've wanted Silas and Orion both at different times! OH kinda said no to both, but they've both crossed my mind so thumbs up! ALSO funny you mention Etsy, I just discovered it last night and went mad nuts scrolling through it forever! I bought a knit pumpkin hat for my photo props for newborn pics already. So cute! Was it you that asked about washing clothes? I would agree with everyone else, yes wash it all. Plus its a good way to know that if your LO is having skin sensitivities its because of your detergent, and not what if it was just a non washed item, etc.

MA- Im actually not in New York! Lol. People always think of that but NY are my initials. I am Nicole Yvonne. I was at the state fair in St paul, MN so pretty much the same kinda thing im sure! I also think of a cot as a military sort of thing, or a camping bed....its funny.

Little- I had Eli on my list for a while, but ruled it out too close to my daughter's name of Ella. LOVE the name Eli though. Such a shame. I like Isabella better than victoria, but thats only because I knew of a little girl named that who was Russian and kind of a real snot. We coached her on soccer last season and heard her telling the other little girls all about bad swear words at age 7. Eeeeek! Lol, funny how one kid can ruin a name for you isnt it? I think it sounds like you've done quite a bit today!

So far today i've washed muy car, washed house windows inside and outside (only to find they are streaky now and its getting close to 85 degrees out, grrrrrrr), and scrubbed basically anything in site! I just walk around the house with cleaner and scrub whatever. Im nuts.

Nai- talking about different words and meanings- it made me laugh that you said drinking pop from a pub...i assume thats can over here! I pack just like you, for the "what if I cahnge my mind? " moments. LOL.
Loving the different discussions going on this evening!!

Regarding the name Israel - my best friend and her OH have settled on the name Israel if their baby is a boy...I hope to God that they are having a girl!! :haha:

Whoever was asking about the stickers to go on the walls - there are literally hundreds on ebay! We got ours from there - beautiful pink butterflies!

Regarding the number of outfits for your hospital bag, I have already packed mine, and I have a lot in there! I have 5x newborn vests, 5x newborn sleepsuits, 5x 0-3 month vests, 5x 0-3 month sleepsuits, 3 knitted cardigans, 3 hats, 3 pairs of scratch mitts, and 5 bibs. But I have plans for a homebirth, so Im hoping I wont need a hospital bag anyways! :rofl:

I like hearing all of the different words we have for things. And when Nai mentioned "drinking pop from a pub" - she meant drinking soda whilst sitting in a bar! lol.

Regarding the washing of clothes, I have washed all of my baby clothes - both brand new stuff and hand me downs. I would just like to be completely sure that my baby will be wearing clean, germ-free clothes.

And finally, to those ladies who havent settled on a name yet, I haven't either. We are gonna wait and see what she looks like, and what name suits her.

I don't mind the country names, actually I do like the name Egypt. But I think you have to have a real connection to the country to pick a name like that! Just imagine telling someone your kid is named Egypt and they say, "Oh, I love Cairo, it's beautiful!". Then I would say, "Oh, really? I've never been." :dohh: I would feel like such an idiot!

I had a whole list of girls' names I liked: Samantha, Hazel, June, Simone, Sydney, Nora, Nona, Alice, Josephine, Mae, Rory, Willa, Daphne, Louisa, Deborah, Pamela, Phyllis, Phoebe, Raina, Astrid. But of course I didn't get to use them since we're having a boy. DH probably wouldn't have agreed to any of those anyway.

It's funny, everyone has such different reactions to names, that's why I'm afraid to tell too many people our name, I'm sure someone out there will hate it and I just don't want to know! :haha:

Well... I will probably wash all the new clothes, but for now I'm putting it off. I don't like hearing about rats though.... eeeugh. But good point about the detergent issue. And like I said before, if they're going to shrink I'd rather know sooner rather than later, before he grows out of them!
Sadly, rats come with just about any warehouse. Even food warehouses. Warehouses are open buildings that have trucks coming in and out. It's easy access. I'll go no further though. :winkwink:

We're using Charlie's soap for Amelia's cloth diapers and most likely for all her regular clothes as well. It's a good soap that's light.
Regarding the number of outfits for your hospital bag, I have already packed mine, and I have a lot in there! I have 5x newborn vests, 5x newborn sleepsuits, 5x 0-3 month vests, 5x 0-3 month sleepsuits, 3 knitted cardigans, 3 hats, 3 pairs of scratch mitts, and 5 bibs. But I have plans for a homebirth, so Im hoping I wont need a hospital bag anyways! :rofl:

OH MY... you have a lot of clothes packed!!! :laugh2:

So, I have 1 newborn outfit packed and 1, 0 - 3 month outfit, socks, mittens, beanie. Hmmm.... think I might have to add 1 more newborn outfit and 1 more 0 - 3 month outfit!

Oh, and I washed everything... my reasoning was the people who are working/ shopping who are sick and touching clothes I didn't want their germs on my baby!!
I washed my baby clothing partly to remove all the starch and irritants but mostly because I just love how it smells!

The problem with rejecting Victoria is DH starts on picking other V names.. Veronica keeps coming up and all I think of is Ronni as a nickname.. makes me shudder. I like Vanessa but he less likes it and DD likes Violet.. we just keep going in non-sensicle circles, all the while not even having a serious conversation.. Gotta look at his school schedule and see what night I can tie him to the couch and force him to deal with at least making a short list.
Oooh I just washed all LO's non hospital ag and there all drying its so CUTE!

Lys - I'm the same mum asked my why wash all the new things ect, i want them to be soft and all the people who touches them before i buy them.
yep when i said pop in a pub i meant a soda in a bar :haha: SO glamorous :rofl: i'm terrible for saying pop it's cos i've got so many nieces and nephews i'm always saying "do you want a fizzy pop!?" lol it's not really something you should ask for in adult circles... lol so don't advise you to ask for a pop if you come over - NOR a soda mind you cos you'd just get fizzy water :haha: you'd normally just ask for the product.. coke, lemonade, or the bottled drink lol

i think if i'd gone to a country i absolutely 100% fell in love with i COULD see that as a possibility but i'm with the "if you've never been don't embarrass yourself" way of thinking too.. like Paris for example works as a name - that could work.. oh but i've not been since i was 11!? :wacko: but anyway... i'm more traditional than using a country for a name tbh...

I absolutely love Madeleine for a girl but it's got such a negative thing about it since little madeleine mccann disappeared all those years ago :nope: and although i love it i just can't get that out of my head and don't think anyone else would either? So we also like Madison shortened to Maddie...

There's a few others we like too but it's seriously just SUGGESTIONS at the moment, there is no solid decision towards any one name at all! It's so frustrating!!!

haha so a "cot" to you US ladies is like a fold-away metal guest bed to us!? lol no don't worry i'm not putting my baby on one of those... OR a military bed lol

I have FINALLY reached the bottom of my laundry pile (I reached the bottom of the pile a week ago but then our wretched evil cat had PEED in a box in the guest room full of clothes sometime during our move :sick: so had a jumbo box of clothes to wash on a 90 - luckily they were my "small" clothes anyway, cos now some of them are "super small" :rofl:) so i've got one teddybear of mine which was in the bottom of the box to wash and then going to put on one towel just to do a wash with pretty much nothing in it to wash out the drum :haha: then it's going to be baby clothes central washing!!!! :dance: can't wait!!!! :dance:
Yeah its interesting the different words we have for things. I was wondering about washing things2. Thanks for info on what you're taking going to sort his clothes out today. Yeah i used ebay and amazon aswell for wall stickers, easy to use.
Got a anti natal class later but getting food 1st with mum :happydance:
I like Isabelle and boyfriend likes silas.
Littlestars- :rofl: unfortunate looking
omg i forgot that LS said "unfortunate looking"... i LOVE that way of putting it and use it myself.. lol for example my hairdresser has 2 sons each with VERY unfortunate sized heads and looks... :blush: poor thing.. but at least she can admit it too lol
Regarding the number of outfits for your hospital bag, I have already packed mine, and I have a lot in there! I have 5x newborn vests, 5x newborn sleepsuits, 5x 0-3 month vests, 5x 0-3 month sleepsuits, 3 knitted cardigans, 3 hats, 3 pairs of scratch mitts, and 5 bibs. But I have plans for a homebirth, so Im hoping I wont need a hospital bag anyways! :rofl:

OH MY... you have a lot of clothes packed!!! :laugh2:

So, I have 1 newborn outfit packed and 1, 0 - 3 month outfit, socks, mittens, beanie. Hmmm.... think I might have to add 1 more newborn outfit and 1 more 0 - 3 month outfit!

Oh, and I washed everything... my reasoning was the people who are working/ shopping who are sick and touching clothes I didn't want their germs on my baby!!

Haha. It is a lot of clothes, you're right. But the way I see it - I dont know what she will weigh, so I dont know if she will need newborn or 0-3 month clothing. So I need to pack both.
And in the UK, if you need a C-Section, you stay in hospital for at least 3 days (sometimes more). So she will need at least 3 lots of clothing - but she may get some wet or dirty and need a fresh change of clothes on a couple of days - so I think 5 lots of clothing should be OK.
Just being prepared :winkwink:
Shelleney i totally agree with you :thumbup: my nct leader last night said to pack 1 newborn vest & sleepsuit and that's it... :wacko: ummmm baby is due end october!? i'm not going to carry her out in a sleepsuit? also no clue what size she'll come out, my DH is 6foot and i'm 5foot... so from scans they think LO will be little but there's no knowing is there :shrug:
Thats not much clothing to pack, Nai?! what if you are in hospital for 3 days (hopefully not)?
Im 5ft3 and OH is 6ft1...so who knows what she will weigh, or how long she will be? Always good to have a range of sizes, just incase.

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