October babies due dates and bump colours

congratulations kristin they are beautiful boys :kiss:

making me EVEN more eager to meet our LO now.... :cloud9:

can't wait to read your birth story x
mrs turner- that is horrendous about your hospital i thought they'd keep you longer case you bleed etc and thats if you want to leave. You should come up here to mine stay til YOU feel comfortable feeding,bathing etc. I'd be furious.
ny- aww bless your moggy
nai- wow crib is gorgeous n extra special as your dad made it :hugs:
shelleney- a box baby! omg that is crazy. Sorry for your loss.
littlestars- hehe foam beard. grr that is frustrating about dr glad you got ur own back.
kristen- very cute and gorgeous boys, congrats :happydance: n wow how long!
ma- i have a very small family i'm an only child as is my mum, and dont know dad or his side. however my oh has a big family which is good but also strange for me what we've done that last few years is christmas eve- just me and oh nice nibbley food,pjs,film. christmas day am- go to his parents house watch kids open presents see family there, then pm- go back to mine for dinner with my mum and my oh (alot quieter and chilled out) present wise- we buy for his parents, and his sister (who doesnt have kids) then his other sisters who have children we only buy for the kids and only until they turn 18. we dont buy for extended family and have same budget for all.
Kristin, you make handsome little boys!!! Fabulous weights too! I'm so happy to hear things are going well.

Shelleney - lol, I love my mom's cooking and one of my most favorite meals to make at home is Shephard's Pie. and Yorkshire Pudding, yum!!! I could eat an entire batch without blinking an eye. I can't stand my MIL's cooking - she'll cook Ukranian stuff and while the perogies aren't too bad I can't stand the cabbage rolls.

So my left jaw is REALLY sore.. started yesterday for no known reason and continues today. Googled it and it seems like it might have something to do with the loosening of the joints from pregnancy. Ouchie.
naughty baby was SUPER quiet this morning and worried mummy here! She's going mad now lol she was obviously feeling lazy this morning :dohh:

oooh my mum is a fab cook, so is my dad, but boy the in laws food.. :sick: the last meal we had at their house we had a cooked dinner and they served raw swede (they'd put it in to roast for 10 minutes!! :sick:) and dirty carrots.. :wacko: i took a bite and they were all gritty and just tasted like MUD. I nearly freaked out (being pregnant!!!)
Kristin- congrats! Lovely little guys....such healthy looking and great weights!

Hope you all get your christmas plans worked out. I refuse to think of it now as im sure the plans will not be how I want them to be! Every single year is hectic and we are all over the place for days and I dont look forward to it or thanksgiving:(

Little- is thanksgiving before halloween in canada? ours is end of november!
I'll be home for the holidays - quite literally (will be living in my parents house for several months, yikes), so I don't have any crazy holidays plans. Thanksgiving will probably be just my parents, us, and siblings eating turkey, although they might make a bigger deal out of it cuz of the baby. But we'll have Christmas dinner at my grandparent's house with as much family that cares to come out. I'm looking forward to it! Even bought a little Christmas outfit for baby (hopefully it'll fit him!)
Good morning/afternoon ladies!

Funny thing about the family hoopla is that I'm an "only child" too. My dads side is his two brothers and sister all who have adult children...though we "could" take this a bit further and I'll tell you I'm close with 2nd 3rd and 4th cousins. LITERALLY we talk all the time. We don't all gather for Christmas though. Weddings, Graduations, funerals, sometimes a party here and there depending on which cousins.

My moms family is her siblings and their children...now their children's children.

Poor Doug, his family is basically his immediate. He has two brothers one who has 5 children and the other has twins. Then it's just his mother and father.

When meeting my family upon engagement, he was VERY overwhelmed. :rofl: My dad's side is English and Irish. Moms side is....well, a bit of everything...mainly on the nutty side though. :winkwink: :lol:

Dougs side is pretty much reserved and quiet for the most part. They are evangelical Christians as well. My family are either unbelievers OR kinda-Catholic. Haha I say kinda because they usually go at Christmas, Easter and weddings. So there has to be an occasion. Otherwise you'll find them celebrating somewhere at the hibernians or something.

Well, I'm tinkering with maybe going to the chiropractor. I called her today and am waiting to hear back from her how safe it is with Amelia, being plus sized,etc. For the most part chiropractic care in pregnancy and childhood is fine as long as you go with a certified pediatric/prenatal chiropractor. There's only one here in my area. So if she calls and says it's safe for 36wks, then I'll try it. If not, I'll def. go no further.
Kristin your boys are so handsome!! I just love them! Can't wait to meet my lil guy!! I was telling my Noah that he is allowed to come out now! :)

Can't wait to hear the whole story and see some more pics!! Kristin, how are you feeling? Glad to hear the breastfeeding is going great!
Morning ladies. We wont be going anywhere for any holidays this year. Family can come to us. Ava doesnt travel well and I hate driving with a newborn.

Had my almost 36 week appointment this morning! All is still looking great. Doctor took me off bed rest and said if she wants to come any time after 36 weeks is fine as she is measuring big anyways. I am 1.5cm-2cm dilated, 75% effaced and her entire head is in my pelvis( which explains the horrible pubic bone separation pain i get)so 0/5th palpable from the outside. She also said my cervix is very low which I could tell because usually they have to really reach and this time she barely had to do anything. There was no force what so ever. Doctor also told me sex is safe again starting Saturday as she has no concerns with her coming that early...

Hmm... The maternal part of me thinks hold off till 37 weeks with the sex and the sick of pregnancy part of me thinks just do it and get things moving.

Ill probably go with the maternal side until 37 weeks.
YT that's great news :) personally i'd hold off til the 37 week mark too.. only cos i'd blame myself if LO needed help at all if she came at 36 weeks but that's just me being a silly billy first time mummy lol x
I have no desire for early labor myself since we're already booked for the section so I've told DH he is banned from DTD and I'll let him the night before. Poor guy.. he didn't get any early pregnancy until something like 18weeks because of the SCH and he's been cut off for a few weeks now for fear of early labor. With all luck I won't have much post-partum bleeding like last time.. it was over pretty quickly and then we can be back to business. :)
Thanks Nai1983. I will probably hold off until 37 weeks. Se's coming between late 38 and early 39 weeks no matter what as my doctor is going to induce me then just because of the pubic bone separation pain im experiencing and because she is measuring big(but hot too big). I think the main reason she's ok with 36 weeks is because she is so big and I've hd both steroid shots. Hubby was happy to hear it is allowed if we choose to though lol.

Were getting there all of us!! It's almost October!!
Ahh.. I missed so much in the few days I didn't check BnB! Took me about two hours to read through everything :wacko:

First of all, congrats on those two little cuties, Kristen! They're gorgeous! I'm jealous you get to snuggle your LO's already.. hehe. I just hit 36 weeks on Tuesday, and the midwife said I'm in the safe zone now.. told me to start on EPO and perineal massages. She still warns me that first-timers are likely to go overdue, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.. BUT I can't help it. I want this little guy out, already. I'm tired of not being able to sleep and being in pain all the time. I'm sure he's a good size by now, too.. he's sure poking into my ribs plenty hard.

MA, I went to a chiropractor yesterday, and it's safe up until delivery.. as long as the chiro doesn't do anything too aggressive. It felt good to get my back and neck all popped out.. he didn't want to touch my lower back much since I'm so far along, but still felt good. Getting a massage this coming Monday, and REALLY looking forward to it, because my back has been killing me lately. I know it's best for these LO's to stay in as long as possible.. but I'm sooo tired and I just want to be comfortable and not in pain again! I know I'll be in pain after the birth.. but at least it'll be a different sort of pain, and I'll get to cuddle my little boy :)

Washing all the baby clothes and cloth diapers right now... ahh, I love them, they're so cute! I agree about wanting them all clean.. who knows who/what might have touched them before, and what kind of chemicals they were treated with. My mom is totally anal about washing all her own brand new clothes before wearing them, and she never let us wear unwashed clothes straight from the store when we were younger.. hehe.. I'm not quite that bad, but since infants are so sensitive, it just makes sense to wash everything first, I think.

As for the Christmas issue-- I pity those of you who have to make such tough decisions! It should be an enjoyable time, not something that stresses you out. So sowwy for those of you who have it hard. For us, it's super easy since my parents and OH's parents are good friends. My OH has an older sister who is married, but she lives 1200 miles away and never comes around for Christmas, so holidays are really simple for us. Usually OH's parents and siblings (both teens and unattached) come to my parents', and so do we. My siblings are all younger and not in serious relationships, so it's very uncomplicated. I can imagine it will be in a few years time, though, when everyone's attached... I'm one of 5, and my family is very close!

Oh, and about hospitals in the UK/USA.. I had no idea that husbands got kicked out after 9pm in the UK. That would make me very sad! But I guess, as someone pointed out, if it's something you grow up with and are used to, it's probably not such a big deal. In my city, all hospitals only offer private rooms for new moms, even with basic insurance... it's definitely a blessing. Still, I'm going for a home birth.. where I won't have to worry about irritating nurses or such... I'll hopefully get to spend the first night snuggling with DH and LO in my own comfy bed with a big poofy duvet ;-)

I finished up LO's nursery last week.. I posted a few pictures in the FB October group, but I thought I'd share some with you ladies here, too, since not everyone is on FB.
I have a bassinet/moses basket/crib (whatever you want to call it.. hehe) for next to our bed which my grandpa made... I'll have to see if I can post a picture of that sometime, too, because I'm so proud of having something of my grandpa's! My grandparents live in Germany still, so I rarely get to see them... they're in their late 80s, too, so I'm afraid LO might not really get to know them. :(

Anyway, here a few piccies! :)





I bought all the decals on eBay.
The recliner was an amazing garage sale find.. $50, and it looks brand new almost! It's a La-Z-Boy, too.. I was sooo excited when I found it :D
The dresser is just a hand-me-down.. it was in our bedroom in our old apartment. I wanted to paint it white.. but too lazy to actually do it, so I just spruced it up a bit with some jungle-animal foam stickers.
The crib I already gushed about a couple of months ago... it was a steal at $150 marked down from $1200 because it was a floor model. Has a few scratches.. but then, I figured kids put scratches in things anyway ;-)
And then the canvases I painted myself.. nothing special, but they dress up the walls a bit. :)
The wall letters.. I cut myself out of a foam board. Just printed the name out in a font I liked and used an Xacto knife to cut/trace through the letters onto the foam board. I still want to mix up some sand and paint and use that to give the letters a coat of texture. They're a bit unprofessional looking right now when inspected up-close because I wasn't super careful about getting the edges perfectly straight.
Ahh.. I missed so much in the few days I didn't check BnB! Took me about two hours to read through everything :wacko:

First of all, congrats on those two little cuties, Kristen! They're gorgeous! I'm jealous you get to snuggle your LO's already.. hehe. I just hit 36 weeks on Tuesday, and the midwife said I'm in the safe zone now.. told me to start on EPO and perineal massages. She still warns me that first-timers are likely to go overdue, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.. BUT I can't help it. I want this little guy out, already. I'm tired of not being able to sleep and being in pain all the time. I'm sure he's a good size by now, too.. he's sure poking into my ribs plenty hard.

MA, I went to a chiropractor yesterday, and it's safe up until delivery.. as long as the chiro doesn't do anything too aggressive. It felt good to get my back and neck all popped out.. he didn't want to touch my lower back much since I'm so far along, but still felt good. Getting a massage this coming Monday, and REALLY looking forward to it, because my back has been killing me lately. I know it's best for these LO's to stay in as long as possible.. but I'm sooo tired and I just want to be comfortable and not in pain again! I know I'll be in pain after the birth.. but at least it'll be a different sort of pain, and I'll get to cuddle my little boy :)

Washing all the baby clothes and cloth diapers right now... ahh, I love them, they're so cute! I agree about wanting them all clean.. who knows who/what might have touched them before, and what kind of chemicals they were treated with. My mom is totally anal about washing all her own brand new clothes before wearing them, and she never let us wear unwashed clothes straight from the store when we were younger.. hehe.. I'm not quite that bad, but since infants are so sensitive, it just makes sense to wash everything first, I think.

As for the Christmas issue-- I pity those of you who have to make such tough decisions! It should be an enjoyable time, not something that stresses you out. So sowwy for those of you who have it hard. For us, it's super easy since my parents and OH's parents are good friends. My OH has an older sister who is married, but she lives 1200 miles away and never comes around for Christmas, so holidays are really simple for us. Usually OH's parents and siblings (both teens and unattached) come to my parents', and so do we. My siblings are all younger and not in serious relationships, so it's very uncomplicated. I can imagine it will be in a few years time, though, when everyone's attached... I'm one of 5, and my family is very close!

Oh, and about hospitals in the UK/USA.. I had no idea that husbands got kicked out after 9pm in the UK. That would make me very sad! But I guess, as someone pointed out, if it's something you grow up with and are used to, it's probably not such a big deal. In my city, all hospitals only offer private rooms for new moms, even with basic insurance... it's definitely a blessing. Still, I'm going for a home birth.. where I won't have to worry about irritating nurses or such... I'll hopefully get to spend the first night snuggling with DH and LO in my own comfy bed with a big poofy duvet ;-)

I finished up LO's nursery last week.. I posted a few pictures in the FB October group, but I thought I'd share some with you ladies here, too, since not everyone is on FB.
I have a bassinet/moses basket/crib (whatever you want to call it.. hehe) for next to our bed which my grandpa made... I'll have to see if I can post a picture of that sometime, too, because I'm so proud of having something of my grandpa's! My grandparents live in Germany still, so I rarely get to see them... they're in their late 80s, too, so I'm afraid LO might not really get to know them. :(

Anyway, here a few piccies! :)

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I bought all the decals on eBay.
The recliner was an amazing garage sale find.. $50, and it looks brand new almost! It's a La-Z-Boy, too.. I was sooo excited when I found it :D
The dresser is just a hand-me-down.. it was in our bedroom in our old apartment. I wanted to paint it white.. but too lazy to actually do it, so I just spruced it up a bit with some jungle-animal foam stickers.
The crib I already gushed about a couple of months ago... it was a steal at $150 marked down from $1200 because it was a floor model. Has a few scratches.. but then, I figured kids put scratches in things anyway ;-)
And then the canvases I painted myself.. nothing special, but they dress up the walls a bit. :)
The wall letters.. I cut myself out of a foam board. Just printed the name out in a font I liked and used an Xacto knife to cut/trace through the letters onto the foam board. I still want to mix up some sand and paint and use that to give the letters a coat of texture. They're a bit unprofessional looking right now when inspected up-close because I wasn't super careful about getting the edges perfectly straight.

Thanks so much for the heads up on chiropractic care. I heard from another mommy in the PAL thread that it took her four sessions for baby to turn head down. Being I start next week at 37wks I hope I have time. If not, at least it will feel good to get adjusted as I keep hearing popping noises on my lower spine. There's a lot of water weight in the lower abdomen so it's heavy down there. I'm hoping it can only help!

I too have been thinking about a massage. I want to plan one, but only after I know she's moved. Otherwise I don't want to take the chance of going into labor too early. I would REALLY like it if she'd hold off until October!

Your midwife is right. Usually first timers and sometimes second timers will go overdue. I didn't have the chance to know the first time as I had my loss. I'm not honestly sure WHAT will happen this time. They won't let me go overdue if she isn't turned...it gives them an excuse to have a c-section and call the baby "big" though I don't believe it.

If she turns however I want her to come when SHE wants to as long as she's in position with her head in the right place and tucked in tightly for birth.

As for your nursery it's CUTE! I don't usually take to modern decor...I think I'm too traditional but I just LOVE it and the way it's set up in your nursery. The color on the walls are just darling too. I love how the tree is swaying toward the crib.

I have one decal on it's way with scripture on it, another one being made with Amelia's name on it and I honestly haven't decided on what will go on the side wall. I don't even have the right bedding on her bed yet as I wanted bright reds, greens, blues, golds, dark pinks, etc So I'm having sheets made and will do a quilt....I also will have a bumper and dust ruffle made. Right now there's pinky sheets on her crib. It's okay but the pink is honestly too much for me. It's all that's offered are the pastels.

As for one corner of her room, once we get the glider she's going to have a small table with the teacup lamp I purchased and above that I plan to have a few pictures put on canvas to put up. She'll have a tea table somewhere on the wall with the undecided decal too. rofl

I swear I won't have her room done till next year. :rofl: It'll look nice by the time I'm done...I'm just picky.

Good job with the nursery though, it's GORGEOUS!:happydance:
Ooh, MrsK I love the nursery as well! We are also planning to do a white tree decal against blue wall, bending over the crib. :) We don't have many other decorations planned yet though. I'm just excited to have paint on the walls!! DH is up there painting right now. Hooray for husbands!

Well, I just had one of those days where I was exhausted and complainy. People keep telling me I'm a trooper and I seem to be handling this pregnancy really well. It's nice to hear, and it might be true some days, but once or twice a week I just have a day when I can't handle things! And that was today. Back pain, hip pain, tired, nauseous, and I just want to get this baby out!!!

I feel like time is going really slow now. Second trimester blew by soooo fast, but now I am huge and want him to come out, every day feels like a week! According to my doctor, I'm full term on Sunday. I think probably technically I am full term tomorrow, if you go by when I think I ovulated. It's not a big difference so I never tried to correct my due date. But that means I want him out now!! Of course I'm too tired and lazy to do anything to help him out, like walk or have sex. :haha:
Ooh, MrsK I love the nursery as well! We are also planning to do a white tree decal against blue wall, bending over the crib. :) We don't have many other decorations planned yet though. I'm just excited to have paint on the walls!! DH is up there painting right now. Hooray for husbands!

Well, I just had one of those days where I was exhausted and complainy. People keep telling me I'm a trooper and I seem to be handling this pregnancy really well. It's nice to hear, and it might be true some days, but once or twice a week I just have a day when I can't handle things! And that was today. Back pain, hip pain, tired, nauseous, and I just want to get this baby out!!!

I feel like time is going really slow now. Second trimester blew by soooo fast, but now I am huge and want him to come out, every day feels like a week! According to my doctor, I'm full term on Sunday. I think probably technically I am full term tomorrow, if you go by when I think I ovulated. It's not a big difference so I never tried to correct my due date. But that means I want him out now!! Of course I'm too tired and lazy to do anything to help him out, like walk or have sex. :haha:

We're both term on Sunday! WTG buddy. :winkwink::happydance:

I'm sorry today was rough. I understand. I feel like a flippin truck I'm so darn bloated and for some reason I feel nauseated too. I've heard where that can be a tell tale sign delivery is close.:shrug: As much as I'm in pain, bloated, sick and moody...I want Amelia to stay in here until October! :rofl: October is the month I want her here safely. Haha Love that month and will suck it up until she gets here. At least I hope. :wacko:

As far as help your little guy out...how bout scheduling a massage appointment? Deep Tissue massage not only helps relieve tension but also can cause labor to come. I want one but I'm waiting until Amelia turns....IF she decides to turn of course. :wacko::thumbup:

Seems to me like you could use a massage too. May relax your muscles and tendons and give you some sanity. :hugs:

Your almost there hun! As hard as it is, your almost there. :cloud9:
Ooh, massage is a good idea. I've been having DH massage my back a bit, usually I'm not big on massage but recently it really feels good! And less effort than walking or sex. :winkwink:

I don't know what's up with the nausea. It's not that bad (not as bad as first tri, and even then I didn't have it too bad), just noticeable. I've been having it on and off for a week or two, but today was the worst recently. I've got to remember all my first tri tricks of eating first thing in the morning and snacking in the afternoon so I don't get too hungry!

Ooh, also I should get some EPO like you mentioned MrsK. My midwife really recommended it from 37 weeks onward. Come on cervix! :)
Mrs. K, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the nursery!! Everything about it... it made me want to put some more decorations on my walls! :D

ZB5, I am with you on being ready for the lil one to come out!! I have been feeling great but am so ready to sleep on my tummy and meet my handsome man!

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