October babies due dates and bump colours

MrsK - awesome job o the nursery. I really like the paint colour you chose. I'm also jealous you've finished!! hehe. I really have to get a move on.. time is ticking away. Your paintings turned out great. :)

My jaw is still killing me.. only the left side though. It's making sleeping even less fun. Grrr.. And in the first half of the day it means only eating soft foods. Don't think I'll be eating steak anytime soon.

It's funny listening to the conversation about speeding up natural labor.. I'm totally thinking the opposite. I want to get to my scheduled section date and thus doing everything to make sure that happens. Maybe I'll feel differently though once I feel like everything is mostly ready.
LittleStars - don't worry, I don't feel like I have everything ready either! So I'm actually kind of torn between wanting him to come early and wanting him to give me more time to prepare... I don't actually think a lot of these things have much effect, so I feel like it can't really hurt. He'll come when he's ready.

Every day I look in the mirror, I see a new or darker stretch mark, and then I think... okay baby, you are too big! Get out! I know it's silly, and my stretchies really aren't bad considering, but still! I just see it as a sign that he's gotten BIG! :)
thanks girls! Now that I'm done with the nursery, though, it seems like my nesting instinct has left me completely.. lol.. I feel soo lazy and tired and all I want to do is lay on the couch and sleep. Yesterday I had a 4 hour nap... but then of course couldn't sleep at night. It was one of the most miserable nights of my pregnancy so far.. gahh.. first my hips were killing me, then I started itching all over my body, then it started raining which made my allergies go craaaazy because the windows were open.. and I was a sneezing mess with my eyes and nose itching and burning. I finally got so fed up with everything I went and took a shower.. at 3 am.. lol. Thankfully OH was so tired that he slept through all of it.

So this morning I'm feeling a lot better.. but tired. I wanna take a nap.. but then I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep at night again!

I know it's not smart trying to hurry LO out into the real world before they're ready. Most of that stuff doesn't even work until they're ready to come out.. so it would be silly wearing myself out with all kinds of "natural induction methods". Still, I can't help thinking about it whenever I'm feeling miserable! lol!

Took two short 15-minute walks yesterday.. it was just such beautiful, rainy weather outside.. I couldn't stay cooped up. We haven't had rain all summer here.. so when it became overcast and chilly yesterday, I think everyone in the area was elated. Funny, actually... who wants rainy, cold weather, right? ;) In the evening, OH wanted to go for a walk, too, so he dragged me out again.. it was nice, though. :)

What I do like about walking is that it always gives me strong contractions. I know they're not the real thing.. they don't hurt or anything.. but it still makes me feel like maybe I'm somewhat close to the real deal. ;)

MA and LittleStars.. since you two are eager NOT to go into labor anytime soon, you can just pass it all on to those of us who are very eager to go into labor. ;)
I figure if a walk was enough to make LO come out, he would be here by now. :haha: But at this stage, if it helps things along a teensy bit, why not... plus I figure walking is good for us! Maybe tonight would be a good evening for a walk. We've been having such rainy weather recently actually, but today it has cooled down a lot. It could be nice to test out the new fall weather. :)

Sorry you had a bad night MrsK. I had a hard time falling asleep too. I was really tired and then DH wanted to start taking down the painter's tape at midnight. I said I didn't want to because it would get me awake and excited, but he convinced me... anyways, I was right! After taking down the tape, I had to dust the fan unit which was GROSS and took forever, and then I lay awake in bed for an hour or so. :wacko:

So the room is painted now, and DH is putting together the crib. Baby clothes are in the washer... things are coming along! :happydance:
I know how you feel on the tired front :wacko: i have been zonked all day.. :dohh: i dragged myself off the sofa a couple of hours ago and MADE myself do things - and as soon as i did i was like a machine - cleaned, scrubbed, rearranged upstairs bathroom, cleaned downstairs bathroom, laundry on, ironed a bag of LO's clothes that i've washed out, unpacked 3 more boxes, put clothes away in the guest room chest of drawers, put away all of mine and DH's clean laundry, dinner is now in the oven and i'm splodged back out on the sofa again! :haha: But can't believe what i achieved as soon as i forced myself.. but i'm so tired!!!!! lol
I love that some of your are ironing the LO's clothing! heheh.. I think I did too the frist time around. Not anymore!

So I finally did the tye dying of onsies and t-shirts with DD. The colours are so much more vibrant than I thought they would be. Wow.. they are still sitting all wrapped in saran wrap so no idea how they turned out until tonight/tomorrow. DD did the dying and I did the tying too so they are a little different than perhasp I would have dyed them but I'm sure it'll be cute none the less. I am hoping to grab one of the t-shirts for DD and write on it with a special puffy paint pen "Big Sister" or something.

Off to do something else constructive.. spent 2 hours napping on the very uncomfortable floor after lunch today so I feel the need to catch up. Why the floor? DD wouldn't let me on the couch or up to my room. Needless to say I have some new temporary aches. Yay.
i love ironing lol i'm just ironing everything atm as it's in a big bag as it comes out of the laundry, but in the future i'll only be ironing her tops and dresses - can't stand creased clothes lol obviously won't be ironing her babygrows after she's worn them once! :haha:
I've learned the art of grabbing and hanging things literally as soon as they come out of the dryer so I don't have to iron much. I guess I just hate ironing because it usually means ironing creases in DH's uniforms for work. I don't mind doing it here and there for hems on skirts or frilly blouses but I definitely avoid buying things that are going to require a lot of maintenance. Just call me lazy :)

I got the primer layer on the change table before dinner and as soon as DD goes to bed I'm sanding it and doing a semi-gloss layer. Not sure if I'll have to do a third layer or not. I can't wait to rhinestone it! lol
Hi everyone! Yup, I'm lacking sleep as well. In fact, after being up all night I wasn't in any mood to deal with the perinatal center. I wripped them a new bumhole because I got there early and they kept letting everyone in after me. I went up to the desk where the new secretary is (she's rude and useless most days) and she said everyone is there for different reasons. DUH but I was there for just a non-stress test NOT a regular appointment. The other lady that does bp, etc. called me by a different name and told me to sit down THEN had the nerve to come out shortly after to apologize that they messed up...AGAIN...the first time they did this was Tuesday. It only got better from there when I got in and had my non-stress test and they didn't have a room for us for just a quick check which ended up NOT being a quick check but another hour.

I don't however think they'll mess with me again. I told the girls up front when they apologized that it was the second time this week and next week had better be different, that MY time was just a valuable as theirs and I'M the customer! :winkwink:

Doug said I was actually pretty good. He said I could have been MUCH WORSE because he's seem me MUCH naughtier. :rofl:

I'm a bit irritated because my c-section is scheduled for 130pm after I asked for an am appointment. Littlestars, when is yours scheduled for?!

Reason I'm irritated is because you can't eat after midnight and they have been KNOWN to push back your scheduled operation. Since I'm type II diabetic on Insulin I'll bottom out without food for that long...let alone what happens if they push it back. I could possibly go without food from midnight the night before until 6-9pm the night after. :wacko: When asked the Dr. said I'll be asked to go in at 930am instead of 1130 and they'll put me on an IV with insulin. So that may help ME but then the potential of Amelia bottoming out and going STRAIGHT to NICU will be MUCH higher.

Oh dear girl...please turn head down...PLEASE?! Natural vaginal delivery will be a better outcome for the both of us as long as she's healthy and doesn't have a cord wrapped around her.

Anyways, I'm still at peace with whatever God's plan is....but I just wish we could have that vaginal delivery. I'll keep a positive attitude until there's just no more opportunity for her to move down.

Did I mention I'm going in for the chiropractic treatment on Monday. One of the girls in the PAL thread said it took 4 tries and her baby turned. Being next week is 37wks I hope we have enough time for her to turn. Good golly this has me on pins and needles. :rofl: I'm WAY too high strung right now about this issue, I honestly need to let it go! :wacko:
Okay ladies, a few questions for you! I still need to get a nursing bra or two to start out with, and some maternity/menstrual pads for when i get home from the hospital. Any recommendations on what to get?? I didn't like any of the nursing bras I tried on. And I have no idea what type of pads to get. Honestly I haven't bought pads since I was like 13 and was afraid of tampons. :wacko: Can I buy regular maxi pads or do I have to buy specific postpartum pads?? I've heard both ways, looked at the regular maxi pad aisle at the store, and gave up because there were too many options! :haha:
my midwife said to think BIG when buying pads. As in.. get the biggest ones you can find, no matter how ridiculous it seems. She provided me with a few for the first couple of days.. and golly, they're ginormous! I mean.. like the size of my laptop.. haha. Almost. Apparently I'll be thankful for them, though. At least that's what I've been told ;)

I've heard of women buying adult diapers because they aren't as bulky but provide more coverage... :shrug:.. Not sure I'd be willing to wear a diaper, but might be an option.

I'm so NOT looking forward to the postpartum bleeding. 8 months without a period or menstrual cramps (I get 'em baad) has been wonderful!

As for nursing bras.. well, I couldn't really find any I LOVED either.. but at the recommendation of a friend who recently had a baby, I checked out the ones at Target.. and actually liked them the most so far. Which is not to say that they're perfectly comfy, but definitely better than anything I found at Motherhood and the like.

MA, hope the chiropractic treatments help! Sounds like the diabetes would really make a c-section all the more complicated. Hopefully Amelia will stop being so stubborn and decide to turn :)

I'm not big on ironing, either.. I almost never iron. DH has learned to do his own dress shirts if he wants them ironed. I mean, I'd do it for him if he asked, of course, but I'm not going to stand there and iron EVERYTHING all the time. Thankfully, he doesn't really ask.. hehe.

Had some pretty painful contractions earlier today.. but walking made them go away, so I guess it was just strong braxton hicks. I didn't like it, though! Felt like menstrual cramps taking over my entire belly and back.. ugh.
MrsK, thanks! I had heard advice for Target nursing bras as well so I went and tried some on. Which ones did you like? I saw a bunch that were all very different and wasn't sure which were the ones that people recommended... I didn't like the ones I tried on but maybe I missed some??

As for the adult diapers... not sure I could bring myself to buy diapers! But I can imagine they might be more convenient. :haha: I always hated pads, they get so bunched up and always leak around the edges... ugh. Not looking forward to that!
Oh I would buy the depends. They're not like diapers. They're just like underpants sort of. MUCH easier than the bulky pads in my opinion. AND if you go to that aisle I think there are depends out that actually are colored and look like underpants. I'm not all that sure I'll need it with a c-section though. Does anyone know if I'd need them anyways if I had a c-section?!

As for bra's I spent big bucks on the medala brand from BRU and it was a waste of money because they broke in 3 months of wear. NOT a good thing.

I've seen on websites where you don't necessarily need a nursing bra and I think I'll just use my own and pop the sucker out when she needs it...use a pad for leaking.
Definitely go with bigger the better. They have given me two options of regular pads (using 2 side by side) or large pads (about 6" across and atleast 12" wide). The larger pads are sooo much better. No worry about leaking or bunching, they arent even really that bulky....I'm going to have to grab some to take home with me :D
First off, can't remember who asked but yes Canadian Thanksgiving is before Halloween always, usually 2nd or 3rd weekend in October. This year the Thanksgiving Monday is the 10th. It's nice because it's always really nice weather and spreads out the turkey feast farther from Christmas than in the USA, you're in the mood for pumpkin pie because they are everywhere for Halloween etc.. It's weird to me that the American Thanksgiving is so so close to Christmas but I guess it makes it easier to just travel on that weekend to see family when the weather is better and then do your own thing for Christmas when the roads are less safe. Either way, I love turkey, stuffing, roast potatoes, gravy, pumpkin pie etc. Don't care how I get it, just give it to me!!!

Post-partum pads... Well last time around after a c-section I didn't find the bleeding too bad honestly. I used the free ones the hospital offered while I was there for the first three days and then I think last time I switched to overnight style ones with wings by Always. This time around I'm opting to use the Always Infinity ones. I had some major gushing blood from sub-chorionic hemorrhaging and they worked really well for me. They don't bunch or move, have wings and suck the blood off the surface and hold to it tight. Well that's my plan at least. If it's not cutting it obviously I'll try something different but I have a feeling that I bleed less from a c-section than from a vaginal delivery because they kinda clean you out a bit while they're in there to ensure you are not hemorrhaging or anything naughty.

As for the dreaded BFing bra. I have big floppy boobs regardless of BFing so I definitely need to buy something.. I have tried the ones I can find in the local cheap department stores and they are aweful. I definitely need something with support, preferrably underwire even. So I fear that I will be making a trip to the proper maternity stores in the not too distant future. Just not sure if I want to wait until after delivery or get it prior. So in the meantime I've been trying to trick the system. I bought two BFing tank tops and had hoped I could wear them, sans bra while in the hospital and for a few days at home under a proper shirt. I tried one of them on, bought two, took the tags off, washed them. Tried the other one on for no particular reason. TOO TIGHT!!!! :( so I tried the first one on.. tighter than before, they friggin' shrunk!!!! And then to add insult to injury one of the snaps broke. Garbage! :( So then I was looking for a sports bra that was a criss cross in the front.. again to wear for a few days until I could get to the store post-partum. Only found one store that had any and they were too tight, I couldn't breathe. So now I'm trying desperately to find a cheap bra that snaps in the front to use initially. I'll keep looking but so far the local cheap stores have nothing.

MA - Sorry you had such a bad time at the doctors office. I can definitely relate. My DH asked me why I sat and festered for over 2 hours waiting to get called. I told him that I was so so so so so mad and since he told me that when I think I'm being a little rude I'm realistically being a super bitch I decided not to burn any bridges since I still have to go to the office for a few more weeks. I poured on being super fake nice about everything but stood my ground when it came to my turn and that I was leaving etc. It was all I could do from ripping into them or bawling my eyes out.

I got the change table painted last night, I'm blinging today!!
LittleStars, I like a lot of support too. I like my underwire and my light padding, but most of the nursing bras I saw were really thin material. I think my nipples would get irritated from my clothes moving around outside the bra. So I was considering trying to find a front closure bra as well rather than a "real" nursing bra. My other issue is that they didn't even have very big sizes! I don't think I'm a very big girl, well I'm tall so I don't look as big, but right now I'm wearing a 38D and it's getting tight. I can only assume I'll get bigger with breastfeeding, and there were hardly any nursing bras larger than that! I don't understand, shouldn't the manufacturers expect nursing women to have big boobs??? Anyway, there's my rant about nursing bras! I think I need to go back to the store without DH, so I won't feel rushed by him rolling his eyes and asking if he can go to the electronics section. :haha:

Have fun with the bling! Can't wait to see pics. :) DH is upstairs finishing putting together the baby's dresser, then I can finally move all the baby stuff into the room and take pictures! Hurray!
Hi Ladies,
Love the discussion.. So, I bought overnight pads with wings. Figured bigger is better but I also have not used pads since I was ... I don't know if I have ever really used them. EEK. I was going through the hospital bag I packed w/ my OH and I packed some of the pads I bought and his response, WOW THOSE THINGS ARE HUGE! haha... Yes, they are sweetie! :winkwink:

As for bras, there was a post in 3rd tri earlier this week and a couple ladies swore by this bra. Its a UK link but I found them in the US also.

3rd Tri Link

UK link

US Link

Hope that helps... I read some of the reviews and like the style of the bra looks super comfy but I bought one from medela and love it so far. Might by one from this site will probably wait till lil one is born to see how BFing goes.

Hope everyone has a great day!! :flower:
Thanks Lys, I have heard good things about the Bravado as well! But figured I might wait until my milk has come in and I can guess my size a little better. :)
zb5 - yeah sizing is an issue for me too. I'm wearing a 38-40 DD right now and while some peoples' boobies don't grow much when the milk comes in some people's grow a lot. And for the record my husband goes off the the electronics section the first chance he gets too! lol What's your Oh looking at? Mine is a video game junkie.

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