October babies due dates and bump colours

Hi ladies. Hope you're all having a good saturday :hi:

Just thought I would join in and have a moan about the lack of sleep. I havent slept properly in about 2 months...but the last 3 nights have been the worst yet. I barely sleep for an hour at a time, am constantly tossing and turning and getting up to pee. Poor OH too! :(

Whoever asked about which pads to buy - here in the UK we are advised to use proper maternity pads rather than regular menstrual pads. The reason being that apparently menstrual pads lock away the blood and the odour into its inner layer (usually a great thing!) However, your doctor/midwife/care provider, etc needs to know if your blood loss has clots, a strange smell, etc, to see if you may have a post-partum infection. So although you may not like being able to smell your blood loss (who does?), it means that you will be able to flag up any potential infection. Am I making sense? Coz I feel like im starting to ramble now....sorry :blush:

I also need to look into getting a nursing bra. Ive heard that you can go to any lingerie or maternity store (in the UK, I would probably go to mothercare or M+S) from 36 weeks, and they will measure you up. They will then estimate how much bigger you will be when your milk comes in, and then tell you which size to buy. It means that you get it out of the way now, rather than having to go out shopping and being measuring after the birth when you're not feeling up to it.

Anyways, have a good weekend ladies :friends:
Thanks for the link to the bra, Lys! They do look comfy.. especially since I haaate underwires.. they hurt me even when I'm not pregnant.
As for the ones at Target.. the one I bought there was a Gilligan&O'Malley. It's underwire, but fairly comfy for an underwire, I guess. Not something I'd wear all day, because my breasts are just too tender at the moment.
Lately I've just been surviving on sports bras. They're supportive but don't dig into my ribs or undersides of my breasts.. definitely loving them for around the house or if I'm just wearing a t-shirt out. Doesn't work with most other shirts, though, because those thick straps are just way too close to my neck.

I think my sports bras should work for nursing those first few days or weeks until I get around to buying a few good bras in whatever size I'll be after the milk comes in. I've gone up to 42D from 36C since becoming pregnant.. sooo.. I'm afraid I might still go up a few sizes after the milk comes in.

ZB5, I agree about not being able to find large sizes in nursing bras. What's up with that?! I hardly find anything in my size. Surely we can't be the only women out there whose boobies get this big during pregnancy/nursing.
Oh, and in case anybody else is interested in buying the Bravado bra.. Amazon has it a little cheaper ($44) plus free shipping. Just FYI :)
I just used a bra sizer online from MotherhoodMaternity.com. I gave it my measurements and it told me I should buy 40H.. H!!! What the hell??? Then it says "shop my size" and it showed me two sports type shelf bras. Lame!

I definitely think I need to head to the plus sized stores to look at their bras. Meh!

Blinging of change table done! I didn't bling as much as I thought I would but I can always add some more in later. Just did two lines on the sides and some flower/snowflake type decals in three spots. We'll see.. it's very time consuming. I also sketched out three paintings to do up tomorrow so that's a step forward too. Yay for accomplishing something.
I wanna see pictures of the change table!! :)
Shelleney, I had heard that about not wanting to mask the smell in case of infection. I would probably buy unscented pads, I wonder if they would still mask an infection? My childbirth instructor said they will provide pads while we're in the hospital, so I'll just need some when I get home. I guess I could wait and see what the ones in the hospital are like, but I don't want to be stopping at the store to buy pads on my way home from the hospital with baby! I will look for the Always Infinity like you mentioned, LittleStars.

I bought a nursing bra today. It's not perfect, but it'll do for now. I bought the biggest nursing bra in the Motherhood store, which was a 40DD. I started out pre-pregnancy as a 36B, which is not even very big, and I really don't think I look too out of proportion now. :shrug: The maternity stores need to figure out their sizing!!

Littlestars, I want to see changing table pictures too!

Here's finally a picture of our nursery. It's not finished, but it's pretty close. The changing pad will go on the wood dresser. I feel soooo much better having things put together, especially since I'm FULL TERM TOMORROW!!! Now I just wish the rest of my house looked this good. :haha:


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oooh.. love your curtains!! And the rest of the nursery, too, of course ;) Gorgeous!!
Thanks! The curtains are actually a kids' duvet cover from Ikea. I thought they were too cute to pass up. :haha: I plan to hem it and maybe cut it in half to make one curtain on each side, but we'll see if i have time.
Very cute nursery Zb! Still working on ours. I'm sure it will be done by the new year. Spent 120.00 on good fabric for the sheets we'll be using for Amelia's room. I know, it's crazy but this could be my one and only and I'm willing to splurge to make this room cute. Can't wait to eventually show it to everyone! :winkwink: :lol:
beautiful nursery :)

i can't believe they don't do a good range of bigger sizes in US :dohh: i'm a 32G (US size) so sounds like i'd be buggered if i was over there!! over here they've got some nice ones at figleaves and online so i'll prob be waiting a few weeks til my milk comes in then getting myself a couple.. I do underwired moulded cups ONLY, none of these flimsy bras for me.. i'd end up with boobies around my ankles else! :haha: (will prob end up with this anyway, but i've always been large chested so really paranoid about it lol)
Morning girls.

Last night something happened and I think I made the right choice but tell me what you think. I went pee before going to bed and when I turned around to flush and pull up the ol' undies I noticed something dark in the water of the tank. Now udnerstand that I was in my en-suite and the light was off so I only had the light from the bedroom. I quickly turned the light on, saw red and (yuck) scooped up the wet toilet paper before it went down. Sure enough, bright red blood. Not a lot and no mucus from what I could see, maybe at most a dime sized amount. I washed my hands and then wiped again in complete panic but there was just about nothing to wipe. It seemed it had stopped, whatever it was. So I told DH, he asked what it meant and I told him I really didn't know and was going to Google it. Haha DH loves when I google things becasue I get myself into a panic about nothing usually. So I checked and there seemed to be a lot of suggestion that a little bit of blood this late in pregnancy could just be from a popped blood vessel happening from my cervix softening and shortening. Since as of 10 days ago I know it was already down to 2.2cm that might make sense. I also should note that two nights ago at bedtime and again last night starting around 10pm I kinda have been feeling like I have light menstral cramps/tenderness, still kinda have it this morning too. Anyway, after googling things I came the decision that I would stay awake for another hour watching TV and if there was nothing else then I would go to bed since I didn't want to drive myself to the hospital to be there until the wee hours of the morning just to be told to go home. Nothing happened and off to bed I went. Needless to say I'm not too sure I'll make it to my scheduled c-section date since it's still 2 weeks and 6 days away. Plan for today is to take things really easy and try to notice if anything else develops at which point I'll call the triage desk at the mat ward and no doubt be told to go in.

I will most definitely be finishing my hospital bag today.. it's 90% done. Also just going to spend the day telling DH what to move around and help with - wish me luck on that! lol Maybe convince him to help me get some laundry done and to pack an overnight bag for DD for my parents house along with some painting on canvas. Basically anything I can do sitting down.
Oh no littlestars how frightening, glad there has been no more since, lots of worries in pregnancy isn't there xx
Hope you don't get anymore bleeding x
Hi Littlestars,

I think you did good. Have you been feeling the little ones move?! If you have, I would think everything is okay unless you have the gushing of blood and some major pain. Keep watch as you have an go in if you see more. I bet your right. If it persists you'll at least be able to go in on a weekday and it would be quicker than the weekend.

Bed rest is good! :winkwink:

I've been having braxton hicks since yesterday pretty bad. My Jack Russell is acting kind of odd and stares at me with concern. Haha I too started the rest of my packing. I have one big suitcase and filled stuff for a couple days for Doug, Nightgowns and comfortable pants for me to go home in, a bra, underpants, nice soaps, breast pads, disposable diapers for Amelia since I'm told the meconium is hard to get out of cloth diapers and lots of options for sleepers for her since I won't know if she's honestly lighter or heavier than they say. I think we're about ready. I may throw a small pillow in there for comfort and some other things but otherwise we're done too.

Please keep us posted on how your doing! :hugs:
Weirdest thing was three nights ago I had a dream that woke me. In it I saw myself wiping after a pee and seeing red blood on the liner and toilet paper. I woke up all scared, went to the washroom and there was nothing. Creepy!
Oh wow little stars. Sorry about the scare. I think you did good not panicking too much but still being aware. Hopefully no more blood will come.

This is probably TMI but I posted a few days ago about being taken off bed and pelvic rest finally and was slightly concerned that DTD would bring on labor. We'll last night after 5 weeks of nothing hubby and I had a little fun and since then no cramping, no contractions, no back ache!!!! Yay! So now i feel much better about my doctors advice and feel bad for not trusting her in the first place. Now if I get to 38 weeks and its still doing nothing I might not be so excited about it haha.

Hospital bag is all packed! I have 3 newborn sleepers, 3 0-3 month sleepers, 3 socks, 3 mitts, 3 newborn onesies, 3 0-3 onesies, 3 pairs of pants, 3 receiving blankets, 1 of her own comfy blankets, diapers, wipes, bum cream, 3 clothes, bottles and formula( in case I change my mind, still not 100% convinced i want to BF) Lots and lots of pad, 2 Big comfy pants, 4 Big comfy shirts, all my toiletries, Lots of comfy undies and a book. There may be moer but I cant remember right now.

Also DD's first birthday is this Thursday coming up. Cannot believe my little girl will be 1 in 4 days and that im due in 27 days, will deliver a week early at 39 weeks most likely though, so its even closer.

So, so far this weekend has been great minus one thing.... The Friend I had who said she would take Ava when i go into labor has backed out and left me with no one because we honestly dont really know anyone here. We only moved here a year ago. Now im really nervous.

anyways. Hope you ladies are having a fantastic day!
zb5 - apparently all menstrual pads mask the odour. Otherwise we would all be walking round smelling of blood (eww! :sick: ) apparently its because the blood is locked into a layer deep inside the pad, which masks the odour (whether you buy scented or unscented pads). Whereas apparently maternity pads dont draw the blood as deep, and therefore you can still smell. Which is gross, but neccessary to prevent an infection going undetected.

Littlestars - sorry to hear about your worrying night. I think you did the right thing by not worrying, but just making sure you are getting plenty of rest, and making sure your bags are packed ready for the hospital. I hope it was just a freaky one-off, and that evverything will be fine until your C-section date.

Yourstruly - aww, how sweet that Ava will be 1 next week. Bless her. Well done for getting your hospital bags ready! and I hope that you find somebody to mind Ava for when you go into hospital.

Mommy's Angel - happy 37 weeks to you! yay, you made it to full term!! :yipee:

Littlestars, I think you did the right thing too. I would mention it to the doctor next time you see him, but not get toooo worried if it doesn't come back.

yt, yay for DTD! :winkwink: And happy birthday to Ava!

Anyways, full term today! Woohoo! Happy full term to any other October 9 ladies! And MA, can't remember if you are Oct 8 or 9, but congrats on making it to full term after all the worries you've had!!! :)
LittleStars, Can't wait to see the bling!!
ZB5, Love the nursery! Big fan of the curtains as well!

For you US ladies, I hadn't planned on packing any diapers because everyone has told me they give you stuff and a decent amount of diapers. Are you US ladies packing diapers? I saw you were MA.

My hospital bag is all packed... I don't have a lot of newborn stuff and have primarily 0-3 month but hoping we won't be in the hospital too long! I returned a lot of our newborn things because I am afraid it will go to waste because they are only recommneded up to 8 lbs (plus myself and OH are very tall so thinking baby might be tall!). I am bringing 2 newborn onesies, 1 new born sleep suit, and socks, mittens, hats and then more 0-3 month for onesies, pants, jacket etc. What do you guys think, does that sound ok?

And I am 38 weeks today!! :D Going to take a bump pic today I think this last week I have gotten significantly larger!! :haha:
YoursTruly - your DH is in the military correct? Surely there is a emergency babysitting service available to you through the MFRC (Military Family Resource Centre). Even if you don't live on base they should be able to hook you up with professional babysitters who will take Ava last minute and overnight to get you through any emergency that might arise from going into labor at 2am! And then perhaps ask DH to ask someone on his shift or within his trade if their wife could help out for a day. I know that I would always gladly help out any one of my DH's co-workers and his wife/children. Obviously a friend would be more ideal but you gotta do what you gotta do. Does mean that perhaps DH sleeping in the hospital with you might not be happening though. Boo.
Lys - happy 38 weeks! So jealous.. I'd love to be one day away from my section. I hate to think my bump might grow more though. Ekk!

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