I am here, WOW, so I had my baby!! Thank you MA for letting everyone know (I was hoping you would!
)! I will write up my birth story tomorrow and post a link to it for all of you lovely ladies!! Thank you everyone for the well wishes and all the congrats, you ladies are the best and I am so happy that we can share these experiences together!!
SO cliff notes version:
Had contractions that started at 11p on Sunday night, we went to the hospital around 2am that night/ Monday morning. I was only 2 cm they told me to walk for 2 hrs and come back. Around 430am they checked me again I was a whopping 2.5 cm so they sent me home and said it could be a couple hrs, to a couple days, to a week. Short version, we went back around 9am that same morning and I gave birth to Noah Matthew on Monday, 09/19/2011 at 1:16pm that same day! We were home the next day on Tues (yesterday)by 300p, we had our first night at home last night. It went really well... a bit sleepless but I suppose that is to be expected!
Baby Noah was 6.77 lbs and 19 inches long, he was born at 38 weeks + 1 day! He is healthy, and so handsome! I am feeling great, my lady parts are sore but not painful. I had a 2nd degree tear and got some stitches but w/ a couple Advil in me life is in short amazing!!
Here is a link to my facebook album of Baby, some of the pics are from the beginning of pregnancy but if you go to the end you will see Noah as of tonight, Day 2!