October babies due dates and bump colours

Wow, congrats to Katerdid too!! This is making me nervous, I better get my bags packed! :haha: I think I'm hoping for next week or so.
I am only 36 weeks so wanna make it to 37 at least....but im still on the schedule at work until 38/39 so hope I make it that far otherwise they're in trouble!
Congratulations to Katerdid too!! Yay! I wanna see some baby pictures!!! :)
Hi ladies! Congrats to Katerdid. :happydance:

I had a close call today. :wacko: bp was 149 yesterday on our monitor at home for several hours.....today it was 145. Last time this happened was just before my shower and the Dr. was dead set on putting me in the hospital for monitoring. The Dr. wasn't there today and the bp went down to 135 so they let me go home. I'm supposed to drink MORE water. I already drink 12 8oz glasses. :wacko:

Amelia is still breech to spite the chiropractic adjustment, the inversion technique, the half hour laying on my left side and the birthing ball exercise to open the way. If she hasn't moved from everything I've done up to now, she's just not going to. SO, no more being afraid of c-section. It's time to bone up and focus on the healthy outcome.

To top things off, Last night my husband was downstairs for a couple of hours. I came down to catch him ironing DRY our clothes. Yup, he was trying to dry our clothes with an iron. :rofl: Seems our drying decided to go. Looks like we'll be buying a new one in the next few days. It's okay because I'll get a large capacity with the door that comes down instead of side to side. Our door keeps moving while we unload and it's annoying. I found it cute though that he was trying to dry our clothes with an iron. Too funny! :haha:
Littlestars - you OH sounds like mine hes forever joking about his name since I fell pregnant. Now hes taking it a little more seriously :) But we still don't have a name haha

Seems so close now, I've just written down the things I use daily just incase Im too flustered to put in my hospitalbag when im in labour and OH can scoop them all up and put them in for me.
Went and brought x2 cotton pj pants 10x cotton undies a dressing gown, pads for upstairs and down yesterday haha.
Babys bags all opacked and sitting at mums house
Congrats to Katerdid and Lys.

Quick update from me. Had my OB appointment yesterday and I haven't dilated anymore. :( Then today, I had to take all for of my girls to the Pedi because they all had a rash. I was thinking allergies but I was way wrong all 4 of them have 5th disease. Since they are passed the actually sickness part and have just the rash that can't be passed they are cleared to go back to school. Their Pedi told me to call my OB as soon as I got home to see what he wanted to do. Since nobody in my family knows if I had it when I was little I had to go have blood work done to see if I'm immune to it. If I am, I'm in the clear but if I'm not then we will take it from there. All of this because my girls caught it in school. UGH.
Congrats to Katerdid and Lys.

Quick update from me. Had my OB appointment yesterday and I haven't dilated anymore. :( Then today, I had to take all for of my girls to the Pedi because they all had a rash. I was thinking allergies but I was way wrong all 4 of them have 5th disease. Since they are passed the actually sickness part and have just the rash that can't be passed they are cleared to go back to school. Their Pedi told me to call my OB as soon as I got home to see what he wanted to do. Since nobody in my family knows if I had it when I was little I had to go have blood work done to see if I'm immune to it. If I am, I'm in the clear but if I'm not then we will take it from there. All of this because my girls caught it in school. UGH.

Oh dear! :hugs: praying your body will be immune to it and that all will be well with you and baby until delivery day. Please keep us updated on the testing!
Congrats to Katerdid and Lys.

Quick update from me. Had my OB appointment yesterday and I haven't dilated anymore. :( Then today, I had to take all for of my girls to the Pedi because they all had a rash. I was thinking allergies but I was way wrong all 4 of them have 5th disease. Since they are passed the actually sickness part and have just the rash that can't be passed they are cleared to go back to school. Their Pedi told me to call my OB as soon as I got home to see what he wanted to do. Since nobody in my family knows if I had it when I was little I had to go have blood work done to see if I'm immune to it. If I am, I'm in the clear but if I'm not then we will take it from there. All of this because my girls caught it in school. UGH.

Oh dear! :hugs: praying your body will be immune to it and that all will be well with you and baby until delivery day. Please keep us updated on the testing!

Thank you. They said that I'll have my results back in 24-48 hours. I hoping for 24 hours. I'll update as soon as I hear something.
You gotta love sending your kids to school eh? My DD stayed home until last September and was almost never ever sick.. literally I think she had 3 colds and one stomach bug in 4 years.. then poof.. school starts and she is literally getting sick every 3-4 weeks. And what a joy when you actually go in to the school via the front door and they have signs saying the have a confirmed case of this or that.. umm hello.. a note from the school to my house would have been appreciated! This morning my daughter even said "I think I'm sick like my teacher'. Great.. just what I need a sick child and a cold myself. Don't get me wrong though, for the mostpart I know that getting sick as a child is good for their overall immune system in the long-run. That being said though, 5th disease is a way bigger deal than a cold for a pregnant woman.. FX that all is well and you'll hear the good news ASAP!

Yesterday I ended up literally doing nothing more than getting some blood taken for tests. I was so tired I ended up napping half the day away. Needless to say I had a very restless sleep last night and felt like I was awake the whole night. I'm hoping to be a little more productive today. I was thinking all yesterday I still have 19 days until the section but realized my counting was off and I only have 16 as of today. Eck! I lost two days! On the bright side.. got through the B's in the naming book and started the C's. lol
Wow im a little late. Congrats lys and katerdid!! Cant wait to hear birth stories and see pics.

mommyof3girls- Hope you get the results soon and that all is ok.

Busy next few days for me. Ava's 1st Birthday is tomorrow along with my 37 week appointment( at 36+5). Hoping my body is doing something right and that im a little more then I was last week( 1.5-2cm and 75% dilated) Also might get an induction date tomorrow. Then Friday I have my last BPP ultrasound and im excited to see how big she is now approx. Then Saturday will be last minute shopping for Ava's party and Sunday is her party. Keeping my fingers crossed Ali stays put until after Sunday. Then she is more then welcome to come anytime.

Still cannot believe this time last year I was waiting for the phone call from the hospital saying I could go in to have Ava.... Crazy how fast it goes by.
I had doc appointment and he walked in and said how large I am and asked if i'll make it to my c section! BUT then he measured the tummy when I laid down and measured only 33 ...which is 33 weeks I believe. But how could that be? He thinks musta been how baby laid when I was flat...but I can't help worry. How can I get comments all the time of my big bump, but measure behind like the whole pregnancy, and now 3 weeks. I am confused!
I had doc appointment and he walked in and said how large I am and asked if i'll make it to my c section! BUT then he measured the tummy when I laid down and measured only 33 ...which is 33 weeks I believe. But how could that be? He thinks musta been how baby laid when I was flat...but I can't help worry. How can I get comments all the time of my big bump, but measure behind like the whole pregnancy, and now 3 weeks. I am confused!

I wouldn't even worry too much about the measurements They're not as accurate as detailed sonograms which still can be a size or two difference. My measurements can't even be calculated because of the water retention in my lower abdomen. We just ignore them and go off of the sonogram measurements.

My suggestion is to pay attention to what baby measures on the sonogram. Keep in mind that baby can "give or take a lb". but by all means, don't worry hunny! Your right where you need to be and there's NOTHING to worry about! :hugs:
yay nearly finished packing my hospital bag! :yipee:
I am here, WOW, so I had my baby!! Thank you MA for letting everyone know (I was hoping you would! :flower:)! I will write up my birth story tomorrow and post a link to it for all of you lovely ladies!! Thank you everyone for the well wishes and all the congrats, you ladies are the best and I am so happy that we can share these experiences together!!

SO cliff notes version:
Had contractions that started at 11p on Sunday night, we went to the hospital around 2am that night/ Monday morning. I was only 2 cm they told me to walk for 2 hrs and come back. Around 430am they checked me again I was a whopping 2.5 cm so they sent me home and said it could be a couple hrs, to a couple days, to a week. Short version, we went back around 9am that same morning and I gave birth to Noah Matthew on Monday, 09/19/2011 at 1:16pm that same day! We were home the next day on Tues (yesterday)by 300p, we had our first night at home last night. It went really well... a bit sleepless but I suppose that is to be expected! :winkwink:
Baby Noah was 6.77 lbs and 19 inches long, he was born at 38 weeks + 1 day! He is healthy, and so handsome! I am feeling great, my lady parts are sore but not painful. I had a 2nd degree tear and got some stitches but w/ a couple Advil in me life is in short amazing!!

Here is a link to my facebook album of Baby, some of the pics are from the beginning of pregnancy but if you go to the end you will see Noah as of tonight, Day 2!


Holy Cats that was QUICK! Especially for a first baby. The fact you went home so quickly is amazing too. I've heard that women who have easy births like you, go on to have QUICK labor and births thereafter so on your next one you'll have to get there quickly!

I'm amazed. I had to do a double take as you were just on the night before and we hadn't heard you were feeling contractions. I couldn't believe you had little Noah so quickly. Glad all was well though and that it wasn't an emergency. You were technically to term and he was a great weight so all in all you had a healthy birthing experience with exception to the tear you poor girl. You are too cute for words and I LOVE the family pics. :hugs: God bless the three of you. Your too cute for words! :hugs:
Oh Lys! :hugs:
Thankyou so much for sharing that photo album with us! I loved following the progress from the first scans, through to the decorating of the nursery, to the bump pics, and finally the family photos. Noah is beautiful, and looks just like his Mummy, I have to say!
Congratulations again!!
Congrats again Lys he is absolutley adorable!!! :) What a cute little face xx

Welcome to Mummyhood!! :) xx
Aww Lys he is gorgeous!!

Soo been to midwife this morning, Little man is 3/5ths engaged - Yay!

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