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October babies due dates and bump colours

By my LMP I'm due on the 12th. Early scan measured the babies at EDD 10-16.

I'm guessing, a team blue and a team pink. I'll have an updated date for you tomorrow. I have my 8 week appointment then.
Hey mummysangel, i think symptoms coming and going is totally normal from what i've heard. Thurs fri i felt really sicky, yesterday less and today none so far. But yesterday and today, super sore boobs. But less tired. So i think it's a random mix, just to keep us on our toes!!! At least i hope so!

Gash, gld you had a good scan. Mine is booked for 10th March...that's 11 days away!! I'm counting! And first midwife appt on 23rd March.

Fairy x

Mummysangel and Fairybabe mine come and go too, sore bbs come for a few days then subside for a bit and then come back, sickness and tiredness too. My major sympton at the mo is massive bloat at nights, its really sore too..oh n constipation!! aargh its really bad, Im trying to eat lots of fruit but got some lactulose and that really helps, I was in agony with it on sat.

My booking in appt with MW is this wed at 6pm, held off from booking at first cos of previous MC...she will then book my 12 week scan in approx 3 weeks!! cant wait but also so anxious about it...takes all the fun away :growlmad:
oops ive already updated with symptons yesterday!! ha...sorry girls, am on a few october threads!!x
Morning all :wave: how are we.

Well i threw up this morning. :( Feeling ok now though.

Been looking at double buggies to :shock: But cant seem to find the right one. Not going to buy one yet. Just thinking ahead. Going to have to sell the one i have now. It cost me £500 :shock:


I love the Phil and Teds doubles, they are a bit pricey though and I bought a new one with dd !!xx
gash, that is great about your scan! And that you're not being sick! I had a scan about 10 days ago, but it feels like its been forever. I've got another one in 17 days, not that I'm counting...

Aquarius, I got pretty bad constipation last week too. Now I am just trying to eat lots of fiber and it really helps. When I first ramped up the fiber though, I got really gassy and bloated - no fun. So I think it's better to start slow...

Its awful isnt it! We have lactulose her in UK - prob have it over there? that really helps, and I know what you mean about the bloating! Oh the joys of growing a bean :happydance::happydance:
Hey girls, haven't posted here for a while. I have my follow up scan on Wednesday can't wait I hope we see little bean. My ms hasnt been as bad this time round. I'm eating healthier and drinking tons of water I'm sure it's having an effect on how I feel. either that or I am having a boy this time. Hope u are all ok xx
hey ladies just popping on to update the thread quickly as Calebs constant casue of being ill

welcome to the thread mommyto3girlsm how exciting to have another twin mummy in october

hello everyone else I will catch up with the thread when the wee man is better xxx
Gash - hope your LO is doing ok :)

So I feel pretty rusbbish, lol!! Can't sleep properly - having so many crazy dreams they keep waking me up so wake up every day feeling like I have the worst hangover!! I feel ok when I'm lying down, then as soon as I sit up the nausea hits me. Not actually been sick, just feel it most of the day. And I have the opposite problem to constipation - my bowels are really loose and crampy. Not fun!!! Can't wait to get to the second tri now!!!!
Lara I have the same thing.motion makes it worse. I find driving is horrific just now xxx
Morning all :wave: how are we.

Well i threw up this morning. :( Feeling ok now though.

Been looking at double buggies to :shock: But cant seem to find the right one. Not going to buy one yet. Just thinking ahead. Going to have to sell the one i have now. It cost me £500 :shock:


I love the Phil and Teds doubles, they are a bit pricey though and I bought a new one with dd !!xx

I have fallen for Phil and Teds new Smart line. I'm trying to find out how much the whole package is. your right they are CRAZY in pricing. :wacko: I can't find any other I like other than the expensive ones.

We're looking for a good maneuverable stroller for allterain. We go hiking, we go to the beach, we go through mud and muck during the apple festival, and we like the trails.

Bob's are more than phil and teds, then we've found baby Joggers https://www.babyjogger.com/default.aspx

Does anyone know what their going to do concerning buying this stuff? I know the Travel Systems are more economical, but the wheels aren't good for what we're looking to do with baby. I also know the infact car seats that come with them are easy to get in and out versus the "convertable" systems. Only the convertable systems save money over all allowing for baby to use and also toddlers to slightly older ages.

We're also planning to carry baby with an Ergo Baby Carrier which we've seen a gentleman carrying his own toddler with last year. Apparently their very good with holding the weight of the child while also allowing both mom and dad to carry. They even have waist extensions you can buy for those of us who are plus size figures.:winkwink:

I'm at odds of what to do because the things we're looking at are pretty expensive. Everyone wants us to register at walmart and aside from the smaller things, I don't like one thing there. It just all looks cheap and ugly to me. Babies R Us is okay for some things, but they don't carry a whole lot of the ones we mentioned above. ((sigh))

What are you all doing for baby gear??:shrug: I'm all confused.
Hey Mommy's angel. Know what you mean about the good all terrain stuff being pricey. We do a lot of dog walking, woodland, mud, country paths etc so we need on that will cope. Would you consider second hand? I intend to go to the shops and try out the models i like, then once i've decided, try and source it second hand. You could always get one that's more practical for outdoorsy stuff, and then a cheapie lightweight one for around town. I'm just "window" shopping online at the mo...don't intend to head to the shops for real until i have a beautiful large bump to show off!

Fairy xx
Hey Mommy's angel. Know what you mean about the good all terrain stuff being pricey. We do a lot of dog walking, woodland, mud, country paths etc so we need on that will cope. Would you consider second hand? I intend to go to the shops and try out the models i like, then once i've decided, try and source it second hand. You could always get one that's more practical for outdoorsy stuff, and then a cheapie lightweight one for around town. I'm just "window" shopping online at the mo...don't intend to head to the shops for real until i have a beautiful large bump to show off!

Fairy xx

THANK YOU!!:hugs:

:dohh::dohh:Now why didn't I think of that?? :lol: That's a GREAT idea. I can figure out which one I like and check ebay and then there's a second hand lightly used baby store in Ithaca that may have something.:thumbup: Then I can add one of the cheapie lightweight to the registery list.:happydance:

I know it sounds SO simple, yet I didn't even think of that idea.

I too am window shopping online. We're not going to do anything until late second trimester. I think once I get past that 22wk milestone where I lost my son preterm I'll start feeling more comfortable. I just could NEVER pack anything up like we did with Jackson's stuff. It was just heartbreaking.

I do like window shopping to get me excited again. :happydance:

Thanks so much for that idea on second hand. It's given me a few ideas.:thumbup:
Had my 8 week appointment today and both babies are doing well. You can keep my due date on the 12th. :)

However, morning sickness is kicking my butt.
mommyof3girls that's excellent news! Was it a scan that you had?
Hi all,

Can I be added on to the list?
Im due Oct 17th - we're sticking to team yellow.

Congrats to all you ladies on your pregnancies!
Gash, hope your son is feeling better soon!

Mommyof3girls, that is great news that your scan went well! :)

MommysAngel, oh my gosh thinking about that stuff stresses me out! But too late, now I am thinking about it. :) I think it would be nice to have one of the travel systems for the first 3 months or so, then switch to a babyjogger type stroller and convertible seat. But buying all that seems excessive, so who knows. :wacko: I hope we can borrow some from friends...
morning all. Still buggy shopping. :( Mommys angel, we currently have a travel system and think they are a waste of money. I used the whole thing as atravel system once. The only think i do like is that i had it forward facing when my little man was new born and now i have it as a stroller so he can look out and be nosey.

Well, im so tired today i can barely keep my eyes open. I have my Drs appointment today so i can get the ball rolling. Im dreading it. All the questions about how younge my son is ect. oh well.

Im glad to hear others appointments and scan are going well. Great news :thumbup:
I fee so far behind compared to some. I was due early October last year so im not used to being one of the last this time. lol.


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