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October babies due dates and bump colours

Sorry for coming on late. I've been REALLY sick. Not just nauseated anymore but with my tipped uterus and the fact that the baby is lying on my bum, I'm having the trotts. Lost 3 lbs in two days and I think it's continuing. I'm just SO sick.

Anyways, glad many of you are starting to feel better. I'll be on hopefully in a day or two with hopes it subsides soon.
awh hope you feel better soon mommys angel, I can totally sympathise its horrible when your ill all the time. :hugs:

I really hope it gets better for you soon xxx
Hope u feel better soon mummy's angel.
I think my hormones peeked yesterday.... Atleast I hope they did, was Ill in the morning and crying in the afternoon. Xx
Mommy's Angel, hope you feel better soon! That is certainly no fun. :( I'm still having the opposite problem, but it's not too horrible.
Is anyone else totally floored by exhaustion????? I feel tired the whole day, even after a good night of sleep. And come 4pm, my limbs go so heavy and if i get the chance, i will fall asleep really deeply.
Felt really sicky thurs eve - fri morn, but then i had some acupuncture so that got rid of the sicky feeling. Like zb5, i haven't actually been sick, just feel it.
Oh and big desire for red meat! I've had 2 steaks this weekend!

Trying not to stress about the upcoming scan on thurs.

Hope everyoen feels better soon!

Fairy x
Is anyone else totally floored by exhaustion????? I feel tired the whole day, even after a good night of sleep. And come 4pm, my limbs go so heavy and if i get the chance, i will fall asleep really deeply.
Felt really sicky thurs eve - fri morn, but then i had some acupuncture so that got rid of the sicky feeling. Like zb5, i haven't actually been sick, just feel it.
Oh and big desire for red meat! I've had 2 steaks this weekend!

Trying not to stress about the upcoming scan on thurs.

Hope everyoen feels better soon!

Fairy x

Good luck with your scan! I have my first one on Thursday too! Excited and nervous at the same time! still haven't had any major symptoms...they come and go and I can link them to a lot of other things! I am really tired though, constantly, but work long hours! Can't wait to hear about all the upcoming scans. Also hope all that are not feeling too well feel better soon!!
Is anyone else totally floored by exhaustion????? I feel tired the whole day, even after a good night of sleep. And come 4pm, my limbs go so heavy and if i get the chance, i will fall asleep really deeply.
Felt really sicky thurs eve - fri morn, but then i had some acupuncture so that got rid of the sicky feeling. Like zb5, i haven't actually been sick, just feel it.
Oh and big desire for red meat! I've had 2 steaks this weekend!

Trying not to stress about the upcoming scan on thurs.

Hope everyoen feels better soon!

Fairy x

I'm not surprised by the exhaustion but I totally feel exhausted. I'm a homemaker and am glad I have that flexibility to rest when I need to. I don't know how I'd make it through a work day being so nauseated with the trotts and feeling so lethargic. :wacko: I praise God everyday for the gift of being a homemaker and one day a stay at home mommy.:thumbup:

As for the meat...Oh I have NO DESIRE for meat. In fact, the sight of it makes me sick. I nearly cried. I LOVE shrimp and ordered pasta with shrimp and had to throw all the shrimp away while barely eating the pasta because the intense smell of fish nearly had me dropping.

My eating is crazy. I have NO real cravings for anything and things like Kalamata Olives, shrimp, meat, even chocolate don't taste the same to me. I'm a foodie and LOVE to eat good food. It's kinda been depressing a little bit, but maybe this is Gods way of showing me how to "Eat to LIVE" instead of "live to eat". I can stand to lose some weight and plan to try to lose more after baby is delivered.
I'm exhausted too. I had to take a 1.5 hr nap yesterday because I was so exhausted from giving DH a haircut! My legs even got tired from standing for that little while. DH of course told me I should exercise more... :dohh: Which might be true, but I don't like it when he says it.

I talked to my mom on the phone yesterday and she said when she was pregnant with me she was only working 1.5 days per month!! She was never really a homemaker, she just lay on the couch and read baby books all day! Jealous!
hey all :wave: havent had much time to get on as im moving this week and little man keeps me busy. lol. hope everyone is well. Apart from tiredness and huge waves of sickness in the evenings i feel great.
Hi ladies, can I join? My EDD is on October 28th. I am 25 my DH is 30 and this will be our second child. Hoping this is the sticky bean we have been waiting for. Had a Dr appt today and got to see the sac. I go back in 2 weeks to hopefully see the fetus!!! Feeling ok besides being tired, hopefully that will be the only thing I get. Fx!!
Hi ladies, can I join? My EDD is on October 28th. I am 25 my DH is 30 and this will be our second child. Hoping this is the sticky bean we have been waiting for. Had a Dr appt today and got to see the sac. I go back in 2 weeks to hopefully see the fetus!!! Feeling ok besides being tired, hopefully that will be the only thing I get. Fx!!

Welcome to the group! :hi::flower:
hey ladies :hi:

Welcome enniejennie hope its a sticky bean for you :hugs:

Yeah Im knackered too but I have a 10 month old so just have to stay knackered :rofl:

I finally told my family today and now im starting to get excited, it just seems more real xxx
hey ladies :hi:

Welcome enniejennie hope its a sticky bean for you :hugs:

Yeah Im knackered too but I have a 10 month old so just have to stay knackered :rofl:

I finally told my family today and now im starting to get excited, it just seems more real xxx

Oh my goodness I'd be exhausted:wacko::flower: Your doing quite well though little momma:winkwink::thumbup:

oh boy, it feels like such a relief to tell family. With everything we went through I'm kind of in "hiding". I love my parents and they were excited when they knew I was pregnant with Jackson Jeffrey, but when we lost him at 22wks, they made our lives a living hell. They just closed off emotionally. I just couldn't deal with that this soon so Doug's family are coming in from all over the U.S. and we've invited everyone including my parents to the house for Dinner the first week of April.

I'm having it catered with pasta and salad. My sil will make the cake and we plan to have a game of charades first thing. Titles will be books, movies and music and each will be like "She's Having a baby" , "Nine Months", "What to Expect when your expecting" "baby mine", "Rockabye baby" etc.

We'll have the dads start out first. I'm sure NOBODY will get them from either day. :rofl: and hopefully they will all figure it out.

I thought it would be a fun way to finally announce we're pregnant and we'll be well into our second trimester by then.:thumbup:

WTG for sharing with your family. It feels so relaxed now I bet and really gives you a sense of joy and excitement!:happydance::hugs:
Thanks ladies, I just got my blood work back and at 4.6 weeks my progesterone was 85 and my hcg was 1889. This gives me high hopes because the highest my hcg was last time was only 254.
That made me cry what a great way to tell them. Im 10 weeks on wed and Ive had a scan and saw the heartbeat, wont make the big announcement till April but wanted to tell my family as It was going to be tough and the longer I left it the harder it was getting.

Ennie, I don't want to get your hopes up too high, but wow! those numbers sound like you "could" have maybe two in there??

Gash, we'll be telling everyone else after we tell our family too. I like it that way. I also like that we'll be farther along. I think once we get past the 22wk milestone I'll start to breath a bit more. It's been hard to distance myself from what happened last time but not every pregnancy is the same.
Well ladies, I've just blubbed my way through the programme One Born Every Minute!!! The woman who had had 4 miscarriages before her beautiful boy had me in bits!! I know sooo what she means about not being able to relax in case things go wrong. So glad they portrayed such a story so well.

Welcome to the new girls on here!

Mommy'sANgel, that's a lovely way of telling your family. Our mum's and a couple of close friends know already....i need to talk it all through!! I'd never be able to hide it from my mum even for a minute, she has sixth sense on these things! But as for everyone else, well, not saying anything until after the 12 wk scan an deven then for a bit longer maybe. To be honest, i just can't think past this thursday's scan. So scared! And excited. Then scared!!

Fairy x
fairybabe me too, cry every week.................like a baby :rofl:

Mommysangel you areso brave, I know how much I worry at every pain or lack of symptoms etc so I can only imagine how tough it must be for you, Im sure this one will be an earth baby for you xxx
Hi ladies!! Can I join you? I am due Nov 1, but I deliver by c-section a week early, usually so that puts me a bit before halloween.....

My name is Angie, and I am 31, DH is 38, and we are expecting our 3rd little munchkin, we have 2 beautiful girls 7 and 10 years, and I would be thrilled for a 3rd girl!!

Not sure if hubby or his side of the fam can produce boys, there are 8 grand daughters on that side of the fam and NO boys!! lol FIL would love to see a boy from us I am sure, but Boys scare me to death!!

Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself, and I look forward to this journey with all of you!
Has anyone else been getting car sick WHILE driving? Ick!

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