Happy birthday MrsK!
Little, that sounds rough! My DH does that sometimes too, when I disagree with him he says, "Why do I even bother, you're just going to do what you want!" Which I don't _think_ is true, although I do probably get my way more often than not.
Anyway, I'm glad you guys are back to talking about the names. It must be so much harder with two.
I think I am about to let my DH buy the car he really really wants rather than the car we both just like. It's about $6k more and I don't like to spend money so this is tough for me... but first he sold the car he really really really loved which didn't fit a car seat, so I think he deserves it. Still. I better get a lot of wife points for this!
We'll probably special order it and it will arrive around Christmas, until then we'll just have the one old car.
I spent a lot of time thinking about cars and car seats and all the different combinations, and decided that in this car, we would be fine until the second kid is big enough to be in a rear-facing convertible. Then we might be screwed. But that gives us at least 3-4 years, at which point we will probably know whether we want a third kid or not. If we do want a third kid, we'll upgrade to something much bigger, and if we don't, we will suffer through somehow until they are both forward-facing. This all works unless we have twins second, like Little!
Or accidentally get pregnant sooner than planned with a second baby.