October babies due dates and bump colours

Wow melly :) i hope my labour is as quick and speedy as that - sounds wonderful!

Would love to see a pic of your little man when you have time, huge congratulations xx
MrsK - don't be silly! You're more than welcome to talk about the biopsy. It's somehting that you're going through. How long until the results? I'd be a mess but I guess it's good because now you can focus on being ready for baby while you wait.

I just slept my afternoon away on the couch. Meh. So lame. Had a super super long pee afterwards though so got rid of some water retention in my feet. Bonus! Wont' last long but helps for while I go out grocery shopping in a few.

Melllly - Congratulations!!! Sounds like a fab labor! Can't wait for the pictures :)
DH's 'issue' with the nursery is the 3-d butterflies that I got for wall decor. They are a thick cardboard with a thin plastic layer over to slightly give a 3D-ish look (not really). There are two walls, each with 4 butterflies including them going over the crib area but high enough the babies could never reach them even if they were 3yo and jumping like mad. Anyway, he thinks they will fall down and the babies will eat them and die. Nice, thank honey. So total guilt trip. I cannot leave them they was I placed them but don't know what to do with them now and really like how it looks. Boo. :(

To anyone looking to do their own art.. the butterflu canvas was sooooooo easy.. it's just cut tissue paper and them I podged it down. Simple, cheap and fast.

zb5 - ekk! anytime now! :)

Congrats Youngmommy!

I gotta read up on BFing again myself.. as much as I did it before and I was 'told' by the nurses everything looked good I also know I ended up in severe pain, bleeding into the milk supply and that coupled with no milk coming in I failed so it's not like I got a lot of practice. Speaking of...

Kristin - are you feeding both babies at the same time and if so are you using the MyBrestFriend twin pillow or do you have your own set up you can clue me in to?

I got my presents for DD for when the babies come. I got her the Barbie Charm School movie, a vet play set for playing vet to your stuffed animals (DD insists she is going to be a vet when she grows up, just not sure if she wants to do pets, farm animals or zoo) and a microphone because she likes performing for us and then also picked up some other odds and ends to either bribe her with or give to her when she is being really good and helping a lot of being super tolerant at doctor appointments and crying babies etc.

I am feeding them at the same time, when i can get both of them awake at the same time. I use two regular pillows on my lap with my legs crossed, so they are propped up by my knees....and i put the boys in either the football hold or one in front and one of the side...Liam likes to lay on my side even if I'm nursing him alone and Connor likes to be held in front. I have boppy pillows too but those havent helped too much with feeding them. I hope that makes sense how I described it..lol its been a lot easier than I thought it would be!

Liam and Connor with the boppy pillows
Congrats Melly! WOW super fast labor! Glad things went well for you!! PICS?!

Kristin, LOVE The pic your boys are so CUTE, wishing I could squeeze them!! Also, very impressive on the breast feeding!!
Congrats Melly! Nice birth story.

Mrs- you might wanna inform DH that its not conisdered babysitting when its your child:) hehe. Does the biopsy or the lump issue make a difference for breast feeding? Like, if you had baby tonight, could you begin the feedings the day you just had a biopsy? Congrats for surviving it! Its tough, I did a rotation through ultrasound and mammographies while in xray school and it didn't look like a fun procedure. Although, I can't say breast feeding feels ANY better so now you know. lol.

Kristin they're so cute! Love it!
aww, Kristin, they're so cute! Can't imagine trying to feed two at the same time.. hehe..

The biopsy in itself would probably not interfere with breastfeeding, but I was told I probably won't be allowed to breastfeed from the affected breast. The right one is good to go, and my midwife said my body will compensate and produce enough milk in just the one breast. So I'm hoping it will really work that way! I was totally sure from the very beginning that I wanted to breastfeed, and never really considered the possibility of not being able to. Silly me. But when all this breast mass stuff came up, that was definitely my biggest concern.. possibly not being able to breastfeed after all (and having to spend all that money on formula plus having to make bottles in the middle of the night!). I guess if my body does get it right and adjusts to nourishing the baby from just one side, then that might actually simplify things a little... I won't have to remember which side he ate from and how long! :D

I get the biopsy results either Wednesday or Thursday. I'm definitely anxious to know what's going on, but not very worried because all the doctors I've seen about it so far say that although it's abnormal, it's probably not anything cancerous or dangerous. It might be an inconvenience to have to have it removed surgically, but shouldn't be anything more than that.
They did tell me that they would wait until after I give birth to do surgery, if surgery will be necessary. Part of me is glad to not have to stress about that right now and to be able to focus on getting this baby out... but on the other hand, I don't like the idea of having to go in for surgery when I just had a baby! Hopefully it's something that can wait a few months.

I agree, it's not called babysitting when it's your own! lol! He's excited to spend some time with his little guy, though.. I hope the excitement lasts. I'm looking forward to finally being able to sleep in comfortably again while OH takes care of the baby for a few hours on Saturday mornings ;)

At my prenatal today, I was told that LO finally engaged.. and apparently engaged fully! The midwife could barely even feel his neck he was so low. Got me all excited :D The midwife also thought I might not make it to my 40-week appointment next Monday... sooo... I sure hope she's right, because it suddenly hit me that I might be having a baby this week, and that sounds pretty amazing and I'm all for it!

Anybody ever use clary sage? I heard it can help in labor and sometimes bring on labor if your body is ready for it anyway. Spent crazy $13.99 on a tiny bottle today! It already got rid of the headache I had from those adrenaline shots, though, so I guess it's worth the money.. hehe.
Congrats Mellly!! Can't wait to see pics when you have a chance. :)

Kristin, oooh, they are so adorable!

MrsK, good luck with the biopsy results! That is great that you can still breastfeed, even if it's only from one breast. I wonder if you will feel lopsided, lol. :)

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow AM. I was secretly hoping I'd just go into labor so I wouldn't have to go to the appointment, but it doesn't look like it! :haha: Anyway, I'm curious to see what the midwife says because this should be my last appointment before my due date. No real happenings since the bloody show type stuff yesterday. I even went for a nice walk this evening and nothing... so maybe it will be another while yet. :shrug:
Congratulations Melly!!! :dance:

And welcome Baby Leo!! :baby:

Cant wait to see some pics when you get a chance....

Aww, Kristin, the boys are sooo cute!!

Glad the biopsy went well, MrsK. Hope the results come back negative...
Also, congrats on being fully engaged! wont be long now!!

Kristin, thanks for the info. Yes your description does make sense. lol I just wanted to avoid buying an expensive pillow if I can avoid it. my boppy I got last time around never really quite sat properly around my belly and it annoyed me trying to get it to work. The football hold will be my go to position with the babies since I have big BB's and the nurses told me that was pretty much the best one so as not to smother the baby. Now I'll have to concentrate on not smothering 2 babies. uh oh As for the picture - love it!! Are your boys fraternal or identical?

So last night my belly started to really get sore and hard and ache. I was rubbing it like mad and breathing funny and DH was worried since he still has an exam and an assignment to get through before he's ready for the babies. Luckily it didn't turn to anything but man I was starting to get a little concerned myself and I'm pretty laid-back.

I finally got the car seats installed yesterday after a marathon nap. I was able to make it so DD's booster seat is on the passenger side so she can get in and out of the car on her own. I kinda hate that she is on the other side from me because sometimes when it's windy we have to be really careful she doesn't fling her door open but DH pointed out it was better for when we drop her off at school and such to be on the sidewalk side of the car. Anyway, so far she is even able to squeeze her little arm inbetween the seats and buckle herself. Yay! Not sure how long that will last once she is wearing her snowsuits but I'll take what I can get for now.

Anyway, so today's plan is to take DD to a butterfly show this afternoon. I'm hoping it won't be as busy as last year because I really don't think I couod handle standing in line. In all fairness though we went on the last day, on the weekend during the last 3-4 hours.. whoops! Just have to remember some oranges so DD can hopefully feed at least one butterfly. She was so sad last time when none came to her but it was just so busy and they weren't hungry.

After that back to cleaning and vacuuming and getting the nursery done once and for all!

Enough rambling from me.. I need more baby pictures!!! :)
don't quite know what happened today, was awake at 1.30ish, rang DH, settled down to watch some tv as my hips were aching and woke up at 5... :blush: man i slept well though!!!! must be catching nap habits off you LS!!! :haha: xx
Aww, congrats Mellly, that sounds like a perfect labour! Cant wait to see pics xxx
Glad you could get the car seats figured out, Little Stars!

I had some strong shooting pain in my cervix last night and strong BH, so I was getting very hopeful... but nothing all morning. :( Maybe I'll take a walk later and see if that gets me anywhere. I know the baby won't come out till he's ready... but at this point all I'm really doing is just waiting. Nursery has been done for weeks, and I've even been trying to keep the house fairly clean and neat so I won't have to stress about it if I go into labor (since I'm planning a home birth!)... sooo.. there really isn't much to keep me busy now! At least walking and bouncing on my ball make me feel like I just *might* be doing something to hurry things up. :)
congratulations melly your labour sounds nice and quick, welcome leo :happydance:
liam and connor are lush
mrs k- thinking of you :hugs: and fab news about being engaged
not taking clary sage but heard of it i'm taking raspberry leaf tea tablets which can help with labour probs similar?
littlestars- hope you had good day with butterflies

got my 40week apt 3.30 tomorrow read in notes that they should be offering membrane sweep which is why i was curious about it, really hope i get somewhere tomorrow.
Adele, you must be beyond ready!

MrsK - hopefully something will start up again soon and be the real deal.

DMG - napping rocks! When DD was born I became the queen of mini-napping for months. Not going to get the chance so much after twins are born because I still have to watch DD and she's only in school for 2.5 hours in the morning. Boo.

We got to see the butterflies afterall as there was no line up and parking was only $2 so I really can't complain. Plus drove DH into school (the exhibit was at the university) so brownie points for me. DD couldn't catch any of her own butterflies, her arm was getting so sore trying to hold it up. Poor kid. But lots of grown ups were offering her their piece of fruit with a butterfly on it already so she got to carry around 4-5 different butterflies. I was able to catch one over and over.. but it was following me around. A stalking butterfly. ahh!!!

We then went for an ice cream sundae, yum! and then off to buy DD some new barrettes since it's picture day tomorrow.

Oh and I finally got notice today that DD is getting on the school bus to and from school despite being within the walking limits. The bus stop is so close to our house, just through a pathway two doors down. Yay! The walk is so much shorter than going all the way to the school and I can easily just take a baby monitor with me if the twins are sleeping. I'm so relieved.
Kristin, thanks for the info. Yes your description does make sense. lol I just wanted to avoid buying an expensive pillow if I can avoid it. my boppy I got last time around never really quite sat properly around my belly and it annoyed me trying to get it to work. The football hold will be my go to position with the babies since I have big BB's and the nurses told me that was pretty much the best one so as not to smother the baby. Now I'll have to concentrate on not smothering 2 babies. uh oh As for the picture - love it!! Are your boys fraternal or identical?

So last night my belly started to really get sore and hard and ache. I was rubbing it like mad and breathing funny and DH was worried since he still has an exam and an assignment to get through before he's ready for the babies. Luckily it didn't turn to anything but man I was starting to get a little concerned myself and I'm pretty laid-back.

I finally got the car seats installed yesterday after a marathon nap. I was able to make it so DD's booster seat is on the passenger side so she can get in and out of the car on her own. I kinda hate that she is on the other side from me because sometimes when it's windy we have to be really careful she doesn't fling her door open but DH pointed out it was better for when we drop her off at school and such to be on the sidewalk side of the car. Anyway, so far she is even able to squeeze her little arm inbetween the seats and buckle herself. Yay! Not sure how long that will last once she is wearing her snowsuits but I'll take what I can get for now.

Anyway, so today's plan is to take DD to a butterfly show this afternoon. I'm hoping it won't be as busy as last year because I really don't think I couod handle standing in line. In all fairness though we went on the last day, on the weekend during the last 3-4 hours.. whoops! Just have to remember some oranges so DD can hopefully feed at least one butterfly. She was so sad last time when none came to her but it was just so busy and they weren't hungry.

After that back to cleaning and vacuuming and getting the nursery done once and for all!

Enough rambling from me.. I need more baby pictures!!! :)

glad to help. my boys are in a growth spurt at the moment i think and its been hard satisfying them so i'm a little stressed lol i'm always afraid i'm smothering them too bc i see their little noses pressed right in (i'm fairly large too) they are fraternal but its funny bc some days they look soooo much alike and then other days they dont
Hi Ladies,

Sorry it's been awhile since posting.

Amelia Gabrielle Shearer arrived at 8:29am on Sept. 29th by c-section. The section over all went well but felt kind of odd being pulled. She came in weighing 8lbs 13oz's

She went up to NICU and they let her down two hours later only for her to go back up the following day because her sugars weren't stabilized. It became rough from there. NICU was only "open" during certain times. DURING those times you had to breastfeed or feed your baby. Amelia was learning to attach but has issues with peanut butter tongue...meaning her tongue goes to the roof of her mouth instead of lying at the bottom. So that made our time spent there much later and gave her less time to latch on and get food. All the while, we'd get downstairs eat and instead of sleeping, we'd go back up for her feeding times. It was awful seeing her on lead lines, being poked and prodded for testing. I was obviously emotional seeing it.

She was finally sent back to us but then they said she had jaundice. They wanted to keep her and we said okay, however the testing they did and then the light therapy left her without clothes on, cold, unswaddled and eyes always covered. By the last 6 hours she'd had it and so did we. It was horrifying to go through with our little one.

We came home yesterday on day 5 of our stay and life has been better. Amelia is latching on nicely, my milk has just come in and we're getting sleep when it comes. It's been better together at home where we all belong.

Wanted to share a few pics with you all.

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0337.jpg The 1st time I saw my miracle baby.

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0362.jpgWelcome Amelia Gabrielle!

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0380.jpg Cute little one. I just love her more and more each day.

https://img.photobucket.com/albums/v628/Hisirishgem/IMG_0390.jpgAmelia's first hour in her bassinete.

As of now, I'm recovering from the incision, have contracted PUPPS rash from pregnancy. My abdomen is mishapen and my body has TONS of water retention in the abdomen especially. I kept crying because I wondered if my body would look disfigured forever but have been told it will take time, but will get back to normal.

As I recover from the harder issues, I just keep looking at my daughter Amelia, my husband and our dogs and remember how blessed I am. My cup truly runneth over with abundant love!

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