aww, Kristin, they're so cute! Can't imagine trying to feed two at the same time.. hehe..
The biopsy in itself would probably not interfere with breastfeeding, but I was told I probably won't be allowed to breastfeed from the affected breast. The right one is good to go, and my midwife said my body will compensate and produce enough milk in just the one breast. So I'm hoping it will really work that way! I was totally sure from the very beginning that I wanted to breastfeed, and never really considered the possibility of not being able to. Silly me. But when all this breast mass stuff came up, that was definitely my biggest concern.. possibly not being able to breastfeed after all (and having to spend all that money on formula plus having to make bottles in the middle of the night!). I guess if my body does get it right and adjusts to nourishing the baby from just one side, then that might actually simplify things a little... I won't have to remember which side he ate from and how long!
I get the biopsy results either Wednesday or Thursday. I'm definitely anxious to know what's going on, but not very worried because all the doctors I've seen about it so far say that although it's abnormal, it's probably not anything cancerous or dangerous. It might be an inconvenience to have to have it removed surgically, but shouldn't be anything more than that.
They did tell me that they would wait until after I give birth to do surgery, if surgery will be necessary. Part of me is glad to not have to stress about that right now and to be able to focus on getting this baby out... but on the other hand, I don't like the idea of having to go in for surgery when I just had a baby! Hopefully it's something that can wait a few months.
I agree, it's not called babysitting when it's your own! lol! He's excited to spend some time with his little guy, though.. I hope the excitement lasts. I'm looking forward to finally being able to sleep in comfortably again while OH takes care of the baby for a few hours on Saturday mornings
At my prenatal today, I was told that LO finally engaged.. and apparently engaged fully! The midwife could barely even feel his neck he was so low. Got me all excited
The midwife also thought I might not make it to my 40-week appointment next Monday... sooo... I sure hope she's right, because it suddenly hit me that I might be having a baby this week, and that sounds pretty amazing and I'm all for it!
Anybody ever use clary sage? I heard it can help in labor and sometimes bring on labor if your body is ready for it anyway. Spent crazy $13.99 on a tiny bottle today! It already got rid of the headache I had from those adrenaline shots, though, so I guess it's worth the money.. hehe.