Lys that's funny about your bed sheets and everything else. Same here! I was thinking maybe it's the petroleum jelly on his circumcision that was diverting pee out the diaper! I am running out of clothing to put him in some days when he's done it a lot because him being tiny, most clothes are too big that we have!
I actually have been pumping also, but am scared to feed bottles often....I guess I worry he won't nurse anymore suddenly. Do you nurse and pump or just pump now? I think I can get about 3-4 ounces each time I pump. Also, do your boobs fill super fast does it seem? I get really full and begin to leak often so needto feed or pump a lot. Some times I feed on one side while pumping the other! Even if I pump, I get no more sleep because I'd he is up feeding from bottle, I M so full I've leaked everywhere and need to pump. I feel exhausted and trapped!
Sorry for the rant. I'm slightly losing my cool.......