Hope all is going well MrsK!!!!
Adele - that totally bites she wouldn't sweep, sounds like you are just 'done' at this point. I must admit it was nice this pregnancy having a specific end date to look forward to and work towards.
And yes I'm having the girls tomorrow (Friday) I'm slated to go in for surgery at 10am.
So I told my husband yesterday night that if I cannot get a private room and get stuck in the ward I'm coming home early so be aware of that. He didn't look too happy. lol I just not sure I can handle being in a ward room with twins and a c-section recovery but apparently with this hospital there are very limited single rooms available which bites since they specialize in high risk and multiple births. We'll see. Doesn't help that my neighbor just had a baby there two months ago and said the staff was really unhelpful to her because they figured she knew what she was doing and didn't need help since it wasn't her first child despite recovering from surgery. nice! I guess we'll see how it goes.
So I got some stuff done yesterday but DH got home early so that messed things up. Guess I'll try again today to get more done. I'm hoping to go out for dinner tonight with DH and DD and then we're taking her to my parents since we have to be at the hospital at 7am.
Now as for the breast pumping... Generally it's recommended to try not to use a bottle until 2 months so that BFing is well established but as we all know life just isn't that perfect. I pumped straight away because I was told to 'drain' the breast afterwards to encourage supply as I was having supply issues. I would seal it up and freeze it in those baggies. Sadly my supply issues didn't resolve. You won't get as much from the pump as the baby can get because they are generally more efficient technique-wise. 3-4 oz at this point is great as far as I can remember. I believe that formula feedings at this point at 2-4 oz every 3-ish hours. Generally the formula feeding rules were 2.5oz of formula x lbs of baby for every 24 hour period. That being said, every baby is different and they go through growth spurts. While all children will grow at different times, it is common for a baby to experiene his/her first growth spurt by 7-10 days after birth and again at 2-3 weeks, 4-6 weeks, 3 months, 4 months, 6 months and 9 months. Hope some of this helped! I am now going to go do something productive fand get some things checked off my list.