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October babies due dates and bump colours

Fairy good luck! They were very adamant that high numbers didn't necessarily indicate multiples but i hope u get the news u want, whether it's one or two :D
Fairy, Chipotle is an all organic meat and veggie burrito bar. If you want to go without the carbs you can get a burrito bowl without the actual tortilla shell. It's AWESOME. It was created by a father and son here in the States. Father gave son the financial backing and it's become a multimillion dollar company.

You can check out their website Here

Check out my FAVORITE frozen yogurt bar Yogun Fruz
awh love the piccys kristin, just popping in to check up on ladies, had a super busy day and Im pretty knackered so going to have an early night :sleep:

David and I went for a "look" in mothercare today and im now a proud owner of a phil & teds explorer double pram :rofl: LOVE IT!!! I got it on the baby plan so Im not getting it delivered till sept so its not lying about, just going to stick my travle system up for sale in a few places to make back some cash :haha: xxx
awh love the piccys kristin, just popping in to check up on ladies, had a super busy day and Im pretty knackered so going to have an early night :sleep:

David and I went for a "look" in mothercare today and im now a proud owner of a phil & teds explorer double pram :rofl: LOVE IT!!! I got it on the baby plan so Im not getting it delivered till sept so its not lying about, just going to stick my travle system up for sale in a few places to make back some cash :haha: xxx

Love phil and teds. WTG. I bet it will make things a bit easier for you too when the baby comes.:thumbup::winkwink:
Has anyone else been getting car sick WHILE driving? Ick!

Yeah i've started keeping sweets in the car and find these help especially fruity ones eg starbursts, fruit pastilles
Just discovered brevita (think they r called) breakfast biscuits amazing for when you feel a bit queasy going to keep an emergency pack in my bag hehe. Got my booking appointment later today wish it was my scan tho cant wait to see the sproggle :baby: did a gender predictor test last night came out pink so we'll see :shrug:
We saw a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!

So everything is looking good so far!! It was just a tiny flicker, they didn't measure heartrate or anything. Don't think their scanner was that advanced! Anyway, baby is a tiny blob. And the report says the Crown Rump Length of the fetal pole is 3mm. Which from what i've read online is exactly right for 6wks 3days. (I read a basic rule of thumb is take six weeks, and apprx 1mm per day into the 6th week. Dunno what the ticker is on about 7-9mm, maybe that's by the end of the week?). Everythng is in the right place too. We could see a gestational sac and a yolk sac. As well as this tiny little flicker that she said was the hb.

I asked if there was just one in there and she said..."so far!". She said sometimes this early you miss that there is a second one!! LOL.

I asked if i could have another scan 9-10wks, she said no. Not unless i am bleeding etc as tehy don't have the resources to do that and they said the waiting room would be way too full. So gonna see if we can get one paid for...i gotta set myself milestones. One of the nurses said that the other reason they don't bother is that scans only tell you how things are today, not what things will be like the next day etc. I see the logic.

So i hope i sleep tonight!! Took ages to drop off last night then i was awake from 4am tossing and turning!

One relieved Fairy here. DH was awesome. He looked sooooo happy. And has gone uber protective of me!! Like now he's seen the scan he's even more convinced i'm preggo.

Right. I don't know what to do with myslef now! I'm all a flutter!!

Fairy x
Adele, what was the gender predictor test you did? SOunds fun!

Gash, well done on the Phill and Teds!! THat sounds like the kind of shopping trip i like!

Fairy x
WTG Fairy! Oh, I don't know how I'd handle not having another scan like that. I'm hoping I'll see baby again next friday. It gives me comfort.

So excited for you dear friend! :hugs:
That is awesome Fairy!! Quick question for ladies have you ever had a day you felt no pregnancy symptoms? Yesterday I had the tender (.)(.), nausea. Today nothing. I am just nervous from my previous MC.
That is awesome Fairy!! Quick question for ladies have you ever had a day you felt no pregnancy symptoms? Yesterday I had the tender (.)(.), nausea. Today nothing. I am just nervous from my previous MC.

Yes, actually my boobies stopped being so tender and I had a little bit of nausea and it would come and go. NOW though it's more intense and while it's daily now, it comes and goes at different times.

I've had a previous preterm loss too. It's hard because you always have in the back of your mind "what happened last time". Just know that every pregnancy is different and try to enjoy this one :hugs: I'm told by others that the fear is always there...sometimes even after those "milestones" it still lingers but I've heard from the same women that they wished they let go and allowed themselves to enjoy their pregnancies.

What your going through is a normal reaction. Rest assured that those symptoms come and go. :thumbup::hugs::flower:
That is awesome Fairy!! Quick question for ladies have you ever had a day you felt no pregnancy symptoms? Yesterday I had the tender (.)(.), nausea. Today nothing. I am just nervous from my previous MC.

Yes, actually my boobies stopped being so tender and I had a little bit of nausea and it would come and go. NOW though it's more intense and while it's daily now, it comes and goes at different times.

I've had a previous preterm loss too. It's hard because you always have in the back of your mind "what happened last time". Just know that every pregnancy is different and try to enjoy this one :hugs: I'm told by others that the fear is always there...sometimes even after those "milestones" it still lingers but I've heard from the same women that they wished they let go and allowed themselves to enjoy their pregnancies.

What your going through is a normal reaction. Rest assured that those symptoms come and go. :thumbup::hugs::flower:

Thank you mommy! That is exactly what I am thinking is about last time... I just need to enjoy this pregnancy like you said. My doctor said I only have to call if I start cramping. So I will count my blessings that I am pregnant and be excited that in the next 8 months I will have a healthy baby to hold. So glad I have you ladies to talk this out with of I would be going insane right now!!
We're here for you. What helps me is LOTS of prayer. I know God created this little person inside me and has a plan even when I can't understand the why's of what happened prior. It's easy to say dont stress. You know the fears that lurk. Just remember who's in control. I always pray that the Holy Spirit would "give me the peace that surpasses ALL understanding to guard my heart and mind in and through Christ Jesus".

It's what keeps me sane and while I'm counting my blessings, I just ask God to put His mighty hand on this little one and as our Great Physician, that He would be sure every cell and every organ in this childs body would be growing on target, that there would be NO infections in my body and that we would have a happy and healthy baby in October.

Don't be afraid to take it to Him and just lean on His promises. He's not out to harm us. What gives me strength is the following scripture
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to PROSPER you and NOT to harm you, plans for HOPE and a FUTURE". Jeremiah 29:11

What happened last time, doesn't mean it will happen this time. We find ourselves a bit more cautious...but He knows our hearts desires and HE has the strength to get us through the "valley" where we can find Victory.

I hope I didn't sound preachy. It's what gets me through. :thumbup:
I'm due on Oct 4th but will probably be having a c-section a bit earlier? I'm not sure how this works yet, I just figure they'd schedule it for earlier.

Mommy's Angel, are you due Oct 13th? that's so awesome, on my Bday :flower: LOL
girls sorry been awol for a few days, had loads on, just jumped on quickly but will update tonight for any new ladies xxx
gash can you remove me from the list please... sadly I had a mmc and had an erpc this week. Good luck to the rest of you! x
enniejennie, i've had some days where i've said to DH "i just don't feel preg today" and then the next day felt different, even if it's just a small symptom. And then another day when i have lots. It's totally random. What's reassuring is that all this has happened before my scan too, and the scan showed all was well. So it is normal. I understand totally the fears you describe, having lost 2. I desparately want to get past 10+3, which is when i lost my first. It's hard to try and enjoy it all isn't it? But we can do it!!!

Fairy x
enniejennie, i've had some days where i've said to DH "i just don't feel preg today" and then the next day felt different, even if it's just a small symptom. And then another day when i have lots. It's totally random. What's reassuring is that all this has happened before my scan too, and the scan showed all was well. So it is normal. I understand totally the fears you describe, having lost 2. I desparately want to get past 10+3, which is when i lost my first. It's hard to try and enjoy it all isn't it? But we can do it!!!

Fairy x

Yeah even my DH said he does not want to get too excited until we get past the 12 week hump. I m/c with the past 2 at 4.5 weeks and 5.6 weeks so I am past that first hump, but will be more assured and my next visit when we see a HB!! I want to enjoy it so badly but still don't want to get too excited! I am glad to hear it coming from someone else too that symptoms come and go. My doctor has me on 1600 mg on progesterone so I am hopeful this will help me keep the baby all 9 months!!

My heart goes out to you becstar! :hugs:

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