October babies due dates and bump colours

so jealous u already have pumped stored milk. i finally get a good amount stored and he ends up getting really hungry and getting that. i need to increase supply but not sure how to go about it.

should add-- it takes me about 4-5 hrs to get the 3ozs he's supposed to eat every 3 hours.

Well... I had two 2oz bottles in the freezer! :haha: I'd like to build up a bigger store though.
Thought I'd share some pictures of my little man. It's hard to believe he's 5 weeks old!


edit: oops, sorry they are so big!
He's SO cute Kate!! What lovely pics!

I get about two 2 ounce bottles a day as well. I haven't started the fenugreek I just bought yesterday either. I'm about to go into the bf'ing forum for some advice. I'll share what I post once it's done. :winkwink:

Phantom, it sounds like you need to supplement if your not already. If it's taking you hours to get just 3 ounces, the baby isn't getting enough milk. Are you drinking a lot of water dear?! Have you tried Milk Thistle tincture or Fenugreek yet?? If you have done all of these things, have you gone into the bf'ing forum to ask their opinions?? :shrug: Is he latching on properly? If it hurts, their NOT latching on correctly. You should see them not just getting on your nipple but also over the areola and they should be taking big gulps or making big gulping sounds.

ZB Sounds like a growth spurt to me. :winkwink: I'm unable to keep up as well. Just when you get used to one thing, a new thing starts. :haha:

Why is it you never hear stories from mommies about problems latching or milk production issues unless you REALLY look?! :shrug:
I have heard to et oatmeal for production also!

I think I have about 48 ounces of frozen milk and usually a couple in the fridge. My baby will eat like 4-6 ounces already. I suppose he probably is eating too much then.....but how do you tel, a baby no.

He has reflux really bad......spitting up soooooo much now. Poor guy.
Kater they are soooo cute! He reminds me of my little guy with his inquisitive looks!
Phantom, it sounds like you need to supplement if your not already. If it's taking you hours to get just 3 ounces, the baby isn't getting enough milk. Are you drinking a lot of water dear?! Have you tried Milk Thistle tincture or Fenugreek yet?? If you have done all of these things, have you gone into the bf'ing forum to ask their opinions?? :shrug: Is he latching on properly? If it hurts, their NOT latching on correctly. You should see them not just getting on your nipple but also over the areola and they should be taking big gulps or making big gulping sounds.

Yes I am supplementing, his doctor told me he needs to eat 3ozs every 3 hours, and then I'm to pump after that to build my supply. The hard part is I have a very sleepy baby. He will nurse and fall into a coma. Like, I can move him and "rough him up" a little and he just sleeps through it. Then, in the evenings, he suddenly wants to make up for lost time and is drinking between 4-5 oz in a meal. By then, I've pumped some (because he was asleep and didnt finish me off) but still have to do another ounce or two of formula on top of the 3 ozs of breastmilk.

Today I've been trying feeding on demand, rather than waking him up, I read that might help increase my supply. So...we'll see. Not really sure how, so far he's been polishing off one breast (about 1- 1.5 ozs depending) sleeping an hour or so, waking up and getting the other one.


Guess I may have to turn to the Breastfeeding forum and beg them for their advice.

edit-- forgot to add-- I have to use a nipple shield, because he can't latch on to my nipples, it does hurt, but it's not like.... gut wrenching. The LC at the hospital (while wonderful) wasn't very helpful, she told me if i felt a little pain it mean he had a deep latch. Which is good, right? But then everyone else says it's not supposed to hurt?

He roots around for the nipple like crazy, even if it's in his mouth, and gets really frustrated, so I dunno what to do.
Michelle. Had to google a lot about latching online. Even saw some videos. I got some great tips from the breast feeding forum also. They knw a lot!
NY, if he has reflux have you tried giving him some stuff for reflux? There's also formula for Reflux too. Kinda interesting since bf'd babies are less likely to get reflux.

Also, how is everyone able to tell how many ounces your kids are getting if they bf'd. :shrug: It's not like you can actually see how much their getting. I've been wondering if Amelia is getting enough.

This bf'ing is harder than I thought it would be. SO many questions. I don't have anyone in my family whose ever bf'd either so there's nobody close to me who can help. You NEVER hear of issues with bf'ing. It always sounds so easy.

3 ounces every 3 hours?? Amelia is getting about 2 and a half. Sometimes less, sometimes a bit more. :wacko: One would think it would be easier than this. :lol: I'm so confused half the time. Like some of you, I feed her and then I'm tired. Doug has been SUCH a helper. I love him so much. He goes back to work on Wed. and I'm so scared of what it's going to be like without him. Oh how I wish he could work from home!
Kian is on medicine for reflux now. Hope it works. I also thought one of the reasons to breast feed was because they don't havecreactions like this. Poo!

I only know how many ounces he gets when it's bottle breast milk. He can feed foe half hour n take down 6 ounces of bottle too. Seems a lot.

I actually heard a lot of women with issues breast feeding at my work. Most every single woman iknow pumped and fed breast milk bottles only because of nursing issues. It is the toughest thing I've done. Proud I've hung in there a month so far!
Mommysangel-- yes. he told me he should be eating 18 ozs of milk a day. (twice as many ozs as his weight in lbs) and then in worked it out to three every three. :shrug: Also.. DH goes back to work Thursday. deffo do not feeling ready to be all by myself.

ny--- it is really tempting to go to solely exressed. I don't want to, but at the same time, i feel like it would be so much easier.

---sry for typos/grammar. one hand typing while feeding lol
lol, i think all our spelling has gotten worse since we had our babies. :)

Before having a baby I heard of lots of people who had trouble bf-ing, but it was mostly about bad latch. Since he latches fine I thought we'd be fine, but it's still hard! It's stressful not knowing if he's getting enough (or too much when he pukes it up! Ha.) and just tiring since he likes to feed so often and DH can't help as much... sigh. And even with his good latch, my nipples get a bit sore. Besides all that, though, I love it in a way. I get to be so close to him. :) I think I will be weaning before he's a year though, I don't want to be bf'iing until he's 4 or anything crazy like that!
oo I was going to ask that. when everyone is planning on stopping that is.

I go back to work when he is 3mos (just part time), and want to at least keep pumping while at work and feeding when i'm home for the next three. after that...I hope I can do it for another 6mos but I'm not sure at this point.
I think 3-4 months of combo nursing and bottle feeding breast milk, then bottle feeding pumped milk until 6 months.....and I expect I'll be tapped out and ready for red wine after that! So probably formula from 6 months til whole milk.......
Good morning ladies. I have come to a huge decision this morning.

I am going to re lactate and see how breastfeeding goes. I have been having dreams of breast feeding every night. I think its because she is my last and it my last chance to have that connection. I got her to latch this morning for 5 mins each side before her bottle so hopefully my supply will come back. She latched really well for having never done it before. Only hurt a little. Fingers crossed it works. I think ill just keep giving her boob before each bottle to bring my supply back and get her used to it
Wow yt, that is a big decision! Good luck!

The lactation consultant at my hospital said it's ok if it's a little uncomfortable for the first 2 minutes, then it shouldn't hurt. But of course every lactation consultant says something different. :shrug:
I was planning on giving breast milk till atleast 6 months, but I may go longer. It depends on how it is with 2 once they get bigger, i dont think i'll be making enough for it to even be worth it seeing as I've had the issues already....I go back to work full time when they are 3 1/2 months so they will get it atleast in the morning and at night for awhile and i'm going to try and pump at work (there is no where for me to go to pump other than my car and I dunno how they will feel about me taking so many breaks to do it even though they have to let me)
Kristin, I read that they really ramp up how much they eat for the first month, but then they should be eating the same amount of breastmilk for months 1-6. Then less as they start solids. So your supply shouldn't have to increase much more! Can't remember where I read that though.

Ooh, another question for you all - what will you be using for birth control now, if anything? I am trying to decide between the minipill and Mirena, leaning towards the minipill...
Wow, yourstruly, wishing you all the best!!!

As for me and my boobs.. we're still feeding the babies but still supplementing. I suppose that any breast is good, not just for nutrition but also for saving money. I seem to be supplementing anywhere from 6-10 oz a day total, with the majority in the evening. I've totally been feeding the twins on demand and honestly I feel guilty about it since they will sleep for 4+ hours at a time WHEN they decide to sleep. But feeding time can take an hour or two depending. Evening is definitely fussy cranky-pants time for at least Ashley. I fear that she is colicky. Bah!

That all being said and done though I'm hoping to fully or partially BF the twins until 6 months when the first teeth start coming through. After that I'm really not too sure, unless we have a quick feeding routine (ie. only BFing no supplements) I'm not sure I would have enough hours in my day to feed solids and milk to the twins and still take care of my daughter, husband self and house.

My nipples sometimes get tender still and it can cause some sensitivity when BFing but often I can get the babies to latch a bit better to reduce the sensation. The tenderness doesn't seem to be from bad latch though, more from avid sucking for long periods of time. Thankfully no blisters and scabs like last baby.

Now if I could just get those little nails trimmed. The girls like to hold on to their "bottle" (my boob) and it sometimes feels like someone is dragging a needle tip on my skin and if I'm dual feeding I don't have a hand free to get them to stop.

My sister had her baby girl today after getting induced at 41 weeks. So I'm officially an aunt! She was able to have the baby nautrally but had to get cut. Apparently the baby was 8.8lbs and the head measured 37cm's. My larger twins came in at 33cm.. anyone else know when their baby's head measured? I'm curious as to what's 'normal/average' since my BIL's head is really large and I like teasing him! :)
zb5 - now technically I shouldn't really need anything for BC since I have dual blocked tubes, PCOS, don't ovulate and DH has less than a million spern per sample. BUT... DD1 was conceived naturally and we don't know if we had these issues when we had her sooooooooooo I'm going to get an IUD I think. I'm 35 so I really don't want to go on the pill anymore. I will talk to my OB when I got for my follow-up appointment to see if there are any better suggestions. Just looking for something with the least side effects and least effort.
Congrats on your new niece! My 9 pounder had a 13.5in head circumference. I think that is about 34cm? At his 2 week appt they measured it at 14.5in, so either it's grown a lot since birth or it was really squeezed by the birth process...

Mine scratches me while feeding too. DH filed his nails a bit which helped. He's also got hangnails on every tiny finger, which would drive me batty, but he doesn't seem to mind.

The IUD sounds like a really good option but the idea just freaks me out! And it's a bit more of a pain if it turns out I don't like it, whereas the minipill I could just stop it. But I think the minipill is less effective and potentially more side effects... argh. I hope when we're done w kids DH will get snipped. :)

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