She must be joking.. I've eaten way more than my share of chocolate but I've definitely not overproduced. And trust me.. the amount of chocolate I've eaten... Ekk!
So BFing still totally hurts and was undoing all the healing my nipples had done. And with the painful blanching from pumping I've resorted to hand expressing. lol Oh my, it's an interesting experience. I seem to only be able to express maybe an ounce/sesison during the daytime and perhaps 2-3 ounces first thing in the morning but it works and I'm hoping it will help maintain my supply for a few more days. I'll get on the oatmeal ASAP and keep my toes and fingers crossed. Seems like slowly my mipples are healing though, starting to scab over with a thin layer of dry skin. I'm hoping this ordeal will be over sooooooooon.
Now off to see if I can clean up the living room (aka the Baby Zone) and get ready to put up the Xmas tree. I told DH and DD1 that I won't be doing my usual decorating and at first everyone was understanding and now DH is badgering me on how long would it REALLY take to put up lights outside or any of the other things I normally do. He isn't offering to do it, I think he just wants to make me feel guilty about not doing it and creating the Xmas spirit for everyone else. Grrr... The lights are in the garage honey.. knock yourself out!