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October babies due dates and bump colours

Hello, Just found this thread....
First pregnancy....Due Oct 23rd.
thanks for adding me!!
I'm due on Oct 4th but will probably be having a c-section a bit earlier? I'm not sure how this works yet, I just figure they'd schedule it for earlier.

Mommy's Angel, are you due Oct 13th? that's so awesome, on my Bday :flower: LOL

Well, there's a bit of confusion as to my due date. Perinatologist is going from the first day of my last period which is when most people get their EDD. That would be October 8th, OB said baby is measuring a week behind so they have an EDD for October 15th and my husband and I think the 8th is too early and the 15th is too late...based on when I had my IUI we're suspecting we got pregnant AFTER the iui when we bd'd a few days afterwards so we think our date of the 13th is more accurate.:winkwink: We'll see who's right:thumbup:
enniejennie, i've had some days where i've said to DH "i just don't feel preg today" and then the next day felt different, even if it's just a small symptom. And then another day when i have lots. It's totally random. What's reassuring is that all this has happened before my scan too, and the scan showed all was well. So it is normal. I understand totally the fears you describe, having lost 2. I desparately want to get past 10+3, which is when i lost my first. It's hard to try and enjoy it all isn't it? But we can do it!!!

Fairy x

Yeah even my DH said he does not want to get too excited until we get past the 12 week hump. I m/c with the past 2 at 4.5 weeks and 5.6 weeks so I am past that first hump, but will be more assured and my next visit when we see a HB!! I want to enjoy it so badly but still don't want to get too excited! I am glad to hear it coming from someone else too that symptoms come and go. My doctor has me on 1600 mg on progesterone so I am hopeful this will help me keep the baby all 9 months!!

My heart goes out to you becstar! :hugs:

We're waiting the 12 weeks as well. We have a dinner planned April 2nd to tell immediate family. If I could wait until after 22wks to tell anyone I would. That's my milestone and I'm freaked out:wacko: Honestly I told my husband I'd rather "hide" until week 36 and THEN spill the beans. :rofl: imagine the surprise with everyone!:happydance:

I go on painful progesterone shots on week 16 and I think it will be for most of the second trimester. She'll be measuring my cervix also to see if I'll need a cerclage stitch as well. I'm on pins and needles, but as I told you the other night, just trying to remember that each pregnancy is different and that I should enjoy this gift of pregnancy.:winkwink:
hey ladies :hi: Just wanted a bit of a poll really. We had 100% decided on our names untill my sister announced today she was going to chose the girls name we had picked (even though she knew I had picked it) shes a bit of a cow that way. Anyway we have been looking at new names so I can tell her to stuff it and use it as I found something I like more. The thing is I cant, I do have 1 name I love but hubby hates it and he has a couple he loves that I hate..........grrr. So here is our new list, some are a bit strange.......I grant that and you can be totally honest about what you think as Im sure they are not everyones cup of tea

Gracie, Ellora, Payton, Hannah, Miley, Elodie, Vada, xxx
I like Gracie and Ellora...i think Ellora more between the two, its pretty.

Payton makes me think of a boy bc I think its used more as a boys name here in the US

Hannah and Miley make me think of Hannah Montana...lol

The last 2 I wouldnt know how to pronounce :blush: so I can't say for sure
the last 2 are vada (vey-dah) its the name of the little girl in the film "my girl" and Elodie is (elle-oday) which we found on a site.

Gracie was our first choice but the one my sister is talking about using and Elora is one we both like its from the film willow (the baby is called elora dannan)

Thanks have you thought of any names yet? I know its early xxx
Ok vada was how I was kinda think but I wasn't really sure

I like Kaleb, Colten, and Collin for a boy and Abigail, Ryleigh, Ceana, and McKenna for a girl

We want to use Soren as a middle name for a boy so I've been trying to find one to go with that...and we have to pick 2 names that flow together...unfortunately hubby doesn't like anything I've picked out so far except Abigail (I got a maybe) lol
Ah Im biased my baby is Caleb (different spelling)

I love Abigale too but its my cousins name so I cant use it :thumbup: xxx
We had Grace and Olivia and my cousin had twins and named both of them so she took both. We have several names now.

I actually LIKE payton. I think it's cute. You could always go the Emmagrace route and still have grace in there just to spite! You could call her gracie for short too...that would REALLY get her gumption. :rofl:
I would but cause shes due before me I dont want people thinking its the other way round and Ive taken it from her.

Im going to say to her in a few weeks "Oh by the way you can use Gracie as we watched a film the other day and the girl was called graesy gracie so it put me off, Ive found something else that I love instead" I can put £50 on it she wont use it.

and when she asks me my new name im gonna tell her Id rather not say as she stole the first one xxx
I would but cause shes due before me I dont want people thinking its the other way round and Ive taken it from her.

Im going to say to her in a few weeks "Oh by the way you can use Gracie as we watched a film the other day and the girl was called graesy gracie so it put me off, Ive found something else that I love instead" I can put £50 on it she wont use it.

and when she asks me my new name im gonna tell her Id rather not say as she stole the first one xxx

It's why this time around we kept quiet ourselves. It's sad people feel they need to steal names and can't get creative on their own. Not that anyone can really steal a name or anything. I guess it's all about respecting someone enough NOT to choose the name someone had that you knew had it before you.

You'll find a better name no doubt.:hugs::winkwink::flower:
thanks hun Im off to bed, speak to you tomorrow nanite xxx
hey ladies :hi: Just wanted a bit of a poll really. We had 100% decided on our names untill my sister announced today she was going to chose the girls name we had picked (even though she knew I had picked it) shes a bit of a cow that way. Anyway we have been looking at new names so I can tell her to stuff it and use it as I found something I like more. The thing is I cant, I do have 1 name I love but hubby hates it and he has a couple he loves that I hate..........grrr. So here is our new list, some are a bit strange.......I grant that and you can be totally honest about what you think as Im sure they are not everyones cup of tea

Gracie, Ellora, Payton, Hannah, Miley, Elodie, Vada, xxx

I LOOOOVE the name Payton, I am debating on that one myself, as well as Lillyanna, Arianne, Aribella, Bella and Paige for a girl,
and if its a boy it is set in stone that it will be Peyton (with the E it looks boyish to me)

I agree about Miley and Hannah, as I am always being subjected to Hannah Montanna since its my 7 year olds FAVORITE show (she's gonna be a rock star lol) I love Ellora, very pretty, and I like Gracie, I named my dog Gracie 8 years ago, and I wish I hadn't because I want to use it lol
Elodie - I absolutely love it. I only know of 1 and she is adorable. A very pretty name x
Adele, what was the gender predictor test you did? SOunds fun!

Gash, well done on the Phill and Teds!! THat sounds like the kind of shopping trip i like!

Fairy x

i bought it from ebay £23.50 its a urine test not 100% (wont want to get sued!) but the feedback is good and high chance of being right. Gave me something to do :) thats exciting bout ur scan
wow willow that takes me back hehe cute name :thumbup: thats so annoying about name stealers i'd defo steal it back ha. I'm not as keen on hannah tho soz. My top 2 are Olivia and Caleb
Adele I got a gendermaker but it went purple so I emailed them the pictures and they sent me a new one for 'free' I got a lovely card through to pick it up along with a £12 payment for a customs charge. Needless to say its still sitting in the post office. I actually need to email them again about it. Ps my baby is a caleb I love it xxx
Becstar, sorry for your loss. Big hugs to you. :hugs:
hey ladies

Becstar Im so sorry for your mc :hugs:

Awh stupid ms kicked in again yesterday wa sick all over my living room floor and hall (tmi) Its horrible My little boy was on the couch I couldnt leave him and couldnt lift him so I just had to stand throwing up on my floor till David came through and made a dash for the bathroom. I had to bleach all my floors it was horrible.

Hope your all ok ladies xxx

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