October babies due dates and bump colours

Congrats on the new gender announcements

I am thinking I am having a girl now, and I know I shouldn't but would have loved a little boy, I am just not a girlie girl. But whatever we have will be fun xx

Keep feeling little bubbles and pops, so I think its the bubs moving.

Hope you all have a good weekend x
Evening ladies :hi:

I had my 16wk appointment today at the Midwife :) We got to hear baby's heartbeat for the 1st time ...love it xx She found it straight away!! xx
I also felt a very slight "pop" feeling lastnight but it was sooo quick i was like ooh ...was that baby ..i duno lol xx
16 weeks is just about when I started feeling kicks and movement. So I bet that's it ladies!

I too had a terrible night. First it was too hot to sleep, then once it got cooler I still couldn't sleep because I was worrying, and then one of our smoke detectors started chirping so I got up on a chair to take it down and take the battery out. Half an hour later it was chirping again and I realized I had taken the battery out of the wrong one, so again I got up, got on a chair, and took the battery out of a different one. Meanwhile DH slept through the chirping... Finally about 1 hour before my alarm went off I started sleeping like a baby. :dohh: I am considering it practice for when baby is here. I feel okay today but I know it will catch up with me.

Now we are off to visit our friends and their 1 day old baby in the hospital!!! :)
16 weeks is just about when I started feeling kicks and movement. So I bet that's it ladies!

I too had a terrible night. First it was too hot to sleep, then once it got cooler I still couldn't sleep because I was worrying, and then one of our smoke detectors started chirping so I got up on a chair to take it down and take the battery out. Half an hour later it was chirping again and I realized I had taken the battery out of the wrong one, so again I got up, got on a chair, and took the battery out of a different one. Meanwhile DH slept through the chirping... Finally about 1 hour before my alarm went off I started sleeping like a baby. :dohh: I am considering it practice for when baby is here. I feel okay today but I know it will catch up with me.

Now we are off to visit our friends and their 1 day old baby in the hospital!!! :)

We're alot alike!:haha: I wish I could turn off the thoughts in my head at night. Things that have to get done, people I'm annoyed with. Ugh:dohh:

Don't you just love how your finally getting to sleep and you wake up to your husbands who are happy and refreshed for the day and they just stare at you like they haven't a clue what your going on about? When Doug was snoring last night, he kept turning toward my ear. I wanted to knock him a good one!:shrug::haha: Poor guy!

I WILL say that I bought a portable air conditioner a few weeks ago. It was THE BEST investment. Its a floor model that stands around 3ft tall maybe? I didn't want to spend over 300.00 but that sucker is a lifesaver at night when I'm hot! Poor Doug shivers under the covers and keeps adding more blankets. :rofl: I'm POSITIVE it will save me this summer from Central NY muggy heat. :happydance::thumbup:
16 weeks is just about when I started feeling kicks and movement. So I bet that's it ladies!

I too had a terrible night. First it was too hot to sleep, then once it got cooler I still couldn't sleep because I was worrying, and then one of our smoke detectors started chirping so I got up on a chair to take it down and take the battery out. Half an hour later it was chirping again and I realized I had taken the battery out of the wrong one, so again I got up, got on a chair, and took the battery out of a different one. Meanwhile DH slept through the chirping... Finally about 1 hour before my alarm went off I started sleeping like a baby. :dohh: I am considering it practice for when baby is here. I feel okay today but I know it will catch up with me.

Now we are off to visit our friends and their 1 day old baby in the hospital!!! :)

We're alot alike!:haha: I wish I could turn off the thoughts in my head at night. Things that have to get done, people I'm annoyed with. Ugh:dohh:

Don't you just love how your finally getting to sleep and you wake up to your husbands who are happy and refreshed for the day and they just stare at you like they haven't a clue what your going on about? When Doug was snoring last night, he kept turning toward my ear. I wanted to knock him a good one!:shrug::haha: Poor guy!

I WILL say that I bought a portable air conditioner a few weeks ago. It was THE BEST investment. Its a floor model that stands around 3ft tall maybe? I didn't want to spend over 300.00 but that sucker is a lifesaver at night when I'm hot! Poor Doug shivers under the covers and keeps adding more blankets. :rofl: I'm POSITIVE it will save me this summer from Central NY muggy heat. :happydance::thumbup:

lol, no, my DH sleeps through that stuff and then sleeps later than me in the morning too!! I have to say, I am very lucky that he takes very good care of me at least when he's awake. :haha:

We have a portable air conditioner, but it's like 20 years old and last time we installed it spat dirt out all over our carpet. I told DH he can only install it again if we get a new filter for it. He says, "why do we need a filter? I'll just vacuum" :dohh: That's not the point, it's gross!
morning! if anyone wants to take a guess if i'm team blue or pink before our gender scan in 11 days please do!!! :thumbup:

Hi everyone.
Good luck with the upcoming gender scans.

Lys: I am starting my Mat. Leave when I will be 32 weeks pregnant. I teach in a school for children with special needs, and have found my whole pregnancy exhausting so far, so Im sure I will definitely be ready to finish by then!
As for due dates, Im pretty sure that the majority of 1st timers go past the 40 weeks, with many of them needing to be induced. Obviously some will deliver early or ontime, but i think the majority are late.
Good luck with whatever you decide
Mommy's Angel, I'd die here if the central air died this summer! It's an older unit, definitely getting on in years so we insured it this year since we cannot afford to replace this year. I'll definitely be cranking it!

I survived the visit to MIL's yesterday. Yay!

It's Mother's Day tomorrow so I have to go get a fun gift for my mummy today and then DH is taking DD out to get something for me. After that we're going to drop in on my mum and then go out for an early Mother's Day dinner since we don't want to get stuck in the crush tomorrow. Tomorrow we're doing nothing at all but DH and DD will take care of all the meals and order out for dinner. Yum!

After all that I seriously need to work on eating properly and working out a little. I'm going to see if DH will move my stationary bike from the basement so I can go on it while watching tv at night. At least I can't fall off of a stationary bike when my belly gets bigger! lol Also need to motivate myself to get on the treadmill and then we'll be in business.
Hi Shelleney, Thanks for the info I really do like to get an idea of what others are planning since I have no idea about any of this yet!! :blush: I had originally planned on working till about 38 weeks but am now thinking 34 ish weeks and will take some vacation time and then begin my maternity leave the first of Oct. I will get 3 months of maternity leave but since I work retail I do not want to begin my maternity leave until Oct that way I don't get stuck back at work on the week of Christmas and the busiest week of the year!!!

MA and Zb5 I feel you guys on not getting a good nights sleep!! It makes everything harder through out the day when all I am thinking about is when will I be able to go back to sleep!

I hope all of you existing Mom's and Mothers to be have an AMAZING Mothers day and a great weekend!! :hugs:
Somehow lost my subscription.

I am so excited I have 3 days left until my sonogram hopefully to find out the sex of the baby!!!!
ZB5, my dh has been lovely through all this too. He's been doing the dishes, keeping the counters clean, vaccuming, sweeping, mopping and the laundry since it's down the basement steep stairs...all this on top of his RN job. Honestly I have nothing to really complain about. Last night he snored something awful and though I wanted to knock him another good one. :haha: I decided he deserved to sleep and at least I'm home in the afternoons to nap.

Turns out though that he woke me up with the awful smell of coffee brewing. Keep in mind I usually LOVE this smell but the injections have caused MS to continue throughout my second trimester. The night before that I smelled a skunk upstairs and made him trod through the house because he said HE couldn't smell anything. Turns out the skunk smell is coming from under the shed out back. My husband couldn't believe I smelled it from upstairs. :lol:

Today I was so grumpy I decided I wanted him to take us and the dogs out for a ride. It turned my attitude back once I got some sunshine and we went through Panera drive-thru for a salad.

I also asked for prayer during our bible study on Thursday and from the church prayer chain yesterday about the painful injections causing me to have issues walking, etc. I'm happy to report that I have NO PAIN since yesterdays injection with acception to the last injection site on the right side where the muscle is swollen! Looks like I'll be able to get around this week. :thumbup:

Nai, I'm guess team pink!

Shelleney, I don't fit into any of those categories with my first experience I had my son at 22wks. I was 3cm dialated and had no clue. I had all back labor with him for about 23 hours but it didn't hurt as bad as I thought. Sadly we lost him after 25 minutes because his lungs were WAY too weak but knowing I have a high tolerance for pain and haven't any clue the normal symptoms of laboring it kinda freaks me out a bit.

I'm probably not going to be a typical case this time too since I've been hearing once the 17P injections are stopped most women have gone into labor a week later. That would put me at 37 wks and I'm hoping that the baby and I can stick it out to AT LEAST 39wks to get to October 1st. I prayed for an October baby. It's the month our son was born and his angelversary too. It would be such a blessing!

Littlestars...too funny about the air conditioning but what a great idea to insure it! I don't mind 70 degree and sunny weather, but once it gets muggy and in the 90's you DO NOT want to be near me. :lol: I even start taking cold showers every 15 minutes. Hahaha I keep trying to find a climate with 70 degree weather and sunny most days without aligators, big bugs, snakes and storms of anykind. I think it exhists, but only in heaven. :rofl:

Lys, we all should put a little wager down to see how long you make it. :haha: It'll be interesting to see and I can't WAIT for everyone to give birth this fall and share their lovely stories! I have so much fun listening to your journeys. :hug:

Enniejennie, any guesses on what you think your carrying?? My husband keeps saying "we having a...BABY" :wacko: I'd LOVE another boy but I have had this feeling for some time now that we're having a little girl...which is still lovely to me. It'll be interesting to see if my intuition is right or if I was WAY off course!

Have a lovely day ladies!
I am going to guess a :pink:, because this pregnancy is completly different than my DS. I have only had a couple headaches hear and there and just a tid bit of naseau because of the headaches. With my DS I was sick and throwing up for 5 months! We shall see on Tuesday at 10 am hopefully what it is! :thumbup:
I am going to guess a :pink:, because this pregnancy is completly different than my DS. I have only had a couple headaches hear and there and just a tid bit of naseau because of the headaches. With my DS I was sick and throwing up for 5 months! We shall see on Tuesday at 10 am hopefully what it is! :thumbup:

This is the opposite with me and I'm not sure if it's because my last pregnancy had complications with my son or not. My last pregnancy was AWESOME! I felt the best I'd ever felt, had no headaches, very light nausea that went away and no other side effects other than yeast and then in the end we found it to be BV which was overlooked.

This time however I'm so nauseated, had headaches, my gums were sore in the beginning, I'm getting bloody noses, can't sleep, and the heart rate is in the 160's. With my son I had none of these symptoms and his heart rate was in the 170's. I wonder if he had two veins to the placenta instead of one if that made a difference in heart rates as well.

This has me all confused:shrug::haha: I "could" have a little boy, but based on the fact that with my last little boy I didn't have these symptoms I'm wondering if it's a little girl.:shrug: I'm sure we'll see. It's going to be interesting! NOW if he or she cooperates next week will be the question!:thumbup::haha:

Can't wait to hear about your scan!
Happy Mother's Day to all us mothers & mothers to be!!

Yeah that is crazy because everything you have now I had with my DS, so that is why I am thinking girl. It is crazy how everyone's body is different throught out pregnancy! I can not wait to hear about your scan either. That would be exciting for both of us to be able to find out this week!!!
Happy Mother's Day to my fellow country-mates! And Happy Mother's day to you from other countries as well...I think your's was a little bit ago, eh?

I celebrated mine last night as I have to work all day today. Made the man take me out to dinner and I took pretty much all of my food home lol. Ate the soup, but that's as much as my squished tummy would allow :haha:
Happy Mothers Day to the American Mommies!
We had our Mother's Day last month :)

Lys: yeah, maybe 34 weeks is a better option than 38 weeks, but only you can make that decision. I hope you make the right one for you and your baby.

MommysAngel: sorry to hear about your little boy. I hope I didnt offend you when I said that most first timers deliver late. I was just looking at the majority. I hope that your new baby stays safe until October

Happy Mothers Day to the American Mommies!
We had our Mother's Day last month :)

Lys: yeah, maybe 34 weeks is a better option than 38 weeks, but only you can make that decision. I hope you make the right one for you and your baby.

MommysAngel: sorry to hear about your little boy. I hope I didnt offend you when I said that most first timers deliver late. I was just looking at the majority. I hope that your new baby stays safe until October


Oh, no affense at all dear friend!! My issue was a bit different. Way too many things happened to cause my PTL issues and it became too late. I wouldn't wish an early labor on ANYONE and it actually brings joy to hear that women can carry that far along. Who knows, maybe this pregnancy will last that far and I'll be hoping to deliver by the 38th week but I REALLY would LOVE to have the baby on at LEAST October 1st:haha:

So no worries there!:winkwink:

Ennie, I can't wait to find out either. It'll be interesting to see if we are right with our predictions!

Happy Mothers Day ladies. May you be abundantly blessed! :hug:

AFM: We're headed out to the emergency vets right now. Our pekingese has been whimpering and limping. I'm not sure what she has done, but it seems she has a hurt leg somehow. I'm praying it's nothing too serious and it will heal on it's own and won't be something she'll need to be put down. I love that dog so much. I can't imagine the day we'll have to let either of our dogs go. They become such a part of the family!!:cry:
Its mommy's day here in Canada too and I feel so lucky to have my beautiful daughter here with me and another on the way. Got taken to the park for a nice picnic and there received the most beautiful mommy's day gift from my beautiful little girl! Here it is! It says mom on it in diamonds.

Happy mama's day too everyone! Even the UK ladies even though you had yours already!
Wow stunning ring! Happy Mothers Day to all you over the water.

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