October babies due dates and bump colours

Hope everything is going okay gash! You sound really busy!

Sorry the car seat shopping is not going well LittleStars. :( DH and I had lots and lots of talks yesterday about whether to buy a new car that would better fit the car seat, and it seems like a compromise might be to buy a used car that works a little better for us but wouldn't cost much more than we could sell DH's car for. It would be a temporary solution, but then again we don't know where we'll be (or how many kids we'll have, or plan on having) in 3-5 years. Would that be an option for you guys?
Hope everything is going okay gash! You sound really busy!

Sorry the car seat shopping is not going well LittleStars. :( DH and I had lots and lots of talks yesterday about whether to buy a new car that would better fit the car seat, and it seems like a compromise might be to buy a used car that works a little better for us but wouldn't cost much more than we could sell DH's car for. It would be a temporary solution, but then again we don't know where we'll be (or how many kids we'll have, or plan on having) in 3-5 years. Would that be an option for you guys?

Oh yeah! SO glad he would compromise as the other idea was horrible for you and baby concerning the new car. :haha:

I'd go with a used that would work and then when you actually need more room later, you can just upgrade from there! Great compromise I think!:winkwink:
:happydance::yipee::headspin::coolio::wohoo::loopy::rain: I seriously cannot believe it but we did it!!!!!!!!!!! :rain::loopy::wohoo::coolio::headspin::yipee::happydance:
The saga: You can skip to the blue text at the bottom to get the gist, this is long :)We went to BabiesRUs first and try out the infant car seats. The sales lady who according to the display was certified expert by the store to help with carseats. She suggested a few models and agreed that the BabyTrend was probably our best bet. We also tried their thinnest convertible style as well. She helped us carry out things to the car and place them in. Unfortunately she was insistent that we HAD to install the seats using the UAS (latch-system) that our car has on the window seats. She was also insistant on not understanding we intended on trying a NEW booster and just had the old on in the car because DD was with us and using it. She also insisting on telling us that the laws where we live had JUST changed on June 1st and were really strict and that she knew it was a pain but it was the law. In fact she backed up her words by telling us she worked every third weekend for the police enforcing the rules at clinics.

She went on to explain the laws for Infant seats was going from 1year 22lbs to 2 years regardless of weight. Stage 2 seats were for 2 year olds until 40lbs and then stage 3 (boosters) was from 40 lbs until 10 years old regardless of weight/height.

We were shocked because this meant we needed a rear facing convertible for year likely and the only one we knew of that would be thin enough was the Sunshine Kids Radian... Even though we kinda felt that infant car seats had a chance of fitting with the right booster we decided if we couldn't get a Radian to rear-face in our car we were screwed. So off we went to the other end of the city during rush hour and endless construction and pouring rain to the store that sells those and would actually have the time to help us install. They helped us as asked and we soon discovered that we could not fit a rear-facing SK Radian because it was simply too long to get the 45 degree angle needed to install properly. We had been defeated.

So off we went and spent the rest of our evening panicked going from dealership to dealership looking at vans and SUVS hoping to find something we could afford. It was nasty rain and of course I was wearing white! DD was getting annoyed and bored. We were devasted at the thought of another 5 years of car payments but resigned. We finally went for dinner and then home. We considered our options...
1. use the car for another year if we could fit infant seats and a booster. The car would be paid off and we would sell and use as a larger downpayment that what we could get now but still be buying a new vehicle.
2. trade-in the car and get a new vehicle.
3. sell privately and get new vehicle.
4. trade our car with my dad's slightly bigger Accord but he would have to take over the payments and pay us the difference in value and his might only last us 2 years BUT we would have cash in hand and could pay off our debts and start saving for downpayment on car to be bought in 2 years.

We went to sleep. I had horrible nightmare all night playing tetris with seats and cars and payments. I awoke early and jumped on the internet...

I researched what the BabiesRUs lady had said and it turns out she was full of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!! She had caused us stress and wasted our night for no reason at all. I had a new game plan!!!

DH and I ditched DD at the grandparents and off we went. We went to the store with the SK Radians and were able to place them front facing by shoving them as far over as the seat would allow towards the window. We had brought a new booster (Clek Ozzi) but it didn't work. The ladies there had an idea and we tried some other brand and it was almost fit in the middle gap but not quite so we then tried a final option of the Graco TurboBooster and it worked!!!!!!! We were not allowed to fully install to confirm the configuration according to their rules so we had to buy them all and test it and return with 48 hours. So we did and went for lunch and the a parking garage (still raining) and worked our magic. We had it all installed with seatbelts instad of the UAS system and it worked! The middle seatbelt was going to be very hard for DD to do herself anymore which sucked but it worked!!!!!! So all we had to do now was get infant seats.

We checked out a different BabiesRUs and were all set to get the BabyTrends but hesitated because of colour choices. DH wanted the grey/black/yellow one but it had a different base than the others for some odd reason and I didn't like th e tan coloured girly one and the only other option was grey/orange which I didn't want so we went to Walmart which sells a slightly cheaper one (no foot/boot cover included and handle is hard plastic instead of rubber covered) but when we got there they only had one.. so we went to the BabiesRUs with the evil carseat lady who lies who thankfully was not working and got the yellow one DH wanted because it had the right base (guess the other store had old stock??). The trip to Walmart was not in vain though as they had the Graco TurboBooster without the back for $35 cheaper than the one we had bought at the first store and in a cute girly purple heart design. We bought it but on a whim I also bought another carseat that was pink that also looked narrow costing me only $18!! Off we went to my mom's house. We got DD to sit in the middle with all three boosters and the Radians installed and she was comfortable, had plenty of room and thrilled to get a new booster since the Radians we got at pink covered in flowers and she was a tad jealous. We then installed the Infant car seats and tried the three boosters and again DD was comfortable, and in fact had more room! We were happy, boxed everything back up for storage and celebrated by going for a Pho dinner!

So in the end we bought:
2 BabyTrends which get us to 22 lbs which should be around the 1 year mark.
1 new pink booster seat brand unknown, I should take a look but was easiest to buckle by far.
2 Sunshine Kids Radian Premier in Primrose which goes front facing until 65lbs
Total Cost: approx. $1190!!! Savings: Priceless!!!!!!!!

And to clarify the laws here in Ontario Canada are: (changing January 1, 2012)
Rear-facing until 20lbs and standing unassisted, changing to 22lbs, 1 year old and walking.
Front-facing 20lbs-40lbs changing to 22lbs-60lbs
Booster 40lbs until 8 years old or 80lbs or 4'9", changing to booster @ 60lbs until 8yo,80lbs or 4'9".
Backseat until 13yo.

Phew, ordeal over, we're keeping our car and we are so happy!

Sorry this was so long but I feel so much better getting that all out. Needless to say I was stiff as a board last night from all the activity, walking, installing, carrying etc.
Buying used for us wasn't as much of an option because the financing rates for them are often high and it's easier for us to have just got 0% for 5 years and buy new and have a full warranty. Though we were considering at one point trading our 07 Civic for an 02 Odessey and it would be basically an even trade with one year of continued payments.

zb5 - if you're planning on having more than two kids and close together definitely consider your future problems with carseats. Most people don't seem to be having more than 2 kids nowadays I guess. Sucks though that in this day and age we are expected to buy gas guzzuling (sp?) vehicles just so we can have a family. I try so hard to be eco conscious!!!!

Gash! Glad to see you around again, we've been missing you!
Wow, what a feat LittleStars! I can't believe the nasty BabiesRUs lady lied to you so horribly! We were amused because the guy who helped us with the car seats at BabiesRUs here was a guy who looked to be about 19 years old. He was SUPER polite, helpful, and knowledgeable. I just wonder how a 19 year old boy decides to work at BabiesRUs? :haha: Now here I go stereotyping teenage boys...

I know, I used to think that we would only have car issues if we had more than 3 kids, but it looks like even with 3 kids it can be a pain. They are in various stages of car seats for SO long now! I wonder what happens when your 8 year old kid has a friend and you want to take them out together? Do they have to bring their own booster seat so they can ride in your car? No carpooling to soccer practice? :wacko: (Well... probably not if they also have twin baby sisters! But you know what I mean.)

We also try to be eco conscious with our two small cars, and I hate the thought of buying an SUV for that reason. (Secretly, we rented a Rav-4 once and it was fun to drive!) I just don't want to be forced into an SUV just because of a car seat issue, you know? I hope we come up with a temporary car solution because I don't feel prepared to plan my next child (or two) right now just so we can pick an appropriate car!
Wow. I have been MIA for a week now. I missed BnB and you ladies so so much. Sounds pathetic doesnt it lol. We moved into our new 3 bedroom home last sunday!! Its so nice to have the extra space. Now the only problem is I have a 3rd bedroom and its empty because we havent bought anything for this baby yet and it makes me sad lol. So now I have to start filling it... only 14.5 weeks left since I will be induced at 39 weeks( if im showing signs of being ready and havent gone into labor already)

But the move was sooo hard. We moved just a year ago and I was 27 weeks pregnant but I really dont remember it being as hard on my body as it was. We did have movers last time though. The day after I could barely move and I didnt even lift anything, Just from all the packing and unpacking and stairs in our new place I guess. Now A week later I am still suffering the consequences. My hips ache, my lower back always hurts... I feel like a right mess lol. So worth it to have the extra space though.

I also missed my V-DAY... I was so sad. We were supposed to get internet that day and we didnt so I am celebrating it now..

Here are a few pictures of my new place(empty)(The one bedroom shown is the new baby's room) and my 24 week 1 day bump!

20 weeks, 22 weeks, 24 weeks.


One picture in there is of Ava(my 9 month old daughter) helping us move lol

Well it looks like I have alot of catching up to do so I better get reading lol.

Congrats Littlestars on the two baby girls!
WOOHOO LittleStars!! Great job with the car seats and the whole ordeal!! Sounds like you guys DID an amazing job and really made the best choice!!

YoursTruly!! I love the belly (and house) pics!! And a happy late V-day to you! Glad to hear you are moved and working on getting settled... hope your body recovers quickly!
love the pics yours truly !! and congrats little stars on the car seats ! all very exciting. xx
Yay little stars for the carseat choice x
Yourstruly - lovely bump pics, and hope ur settling in too your new house xx
okay I finally got around to taking a belly shot, here it is:
23weeks and 4 days

I don't really feel like I've grown much since my last picture at 18 weeks:

No matter though, the babies are still transverse and while it mean a multitude of annoying things I can say that I can easily still touch my toes because I can bend in the middle between the two babies. Meanwhile my sister who is only 3 days ahead cannot do up strappy sandals so easily anymore.

Now off to go tackle the spare-to-be-nursery room.
Loving the bump pics Yours truly and Little stars!

Here's mine 2 weeks ago, at 20 weeks....


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ZB- I have a 7 year old daughter and whenever I have her friends with me, yes, I hafta get their booster seats for the car. ...unless I grab the one from our other car. with a back seat of the car and the booster seats I dont see how more than 2 can go into it....kinda tough.

There is a toyota SUV crossover that is hybrid so that could be an option for those looking to be conscious.....otherwise the Honda Odyssey was mentioned and that seemed to get ok gas mileage due to a cylinder shut down option...."so they say". I know it still isnt eco friendly, but maybe a tad less of a gas guzzler?

Littlestars- I see the difference in the two pictures!

Yours- glad you found a place with 3 bedrooms, and im jealous! We don't have a room for baby right now....sigh. Boo hiss!

.....I didn't make it to the last page before I typed this i realized, so can't comment on everything! Lol. Hope you are all ok:)
Cute bumps ladies! :) Nypage, thanks for the advice about the booster seats. We would consider a small SUV, honestly for some of them the gas mileage is not bad compared to a large/medium sedan. We'll see. DH and I had a silly disagreement today and decided to bet on it - we were both so sure we were right, we said whoever won got to pick our next car! I won. :haha: Not sure I can really go through with it as it should be a joint decision, but I am feeling pretty good. :haha:
Cute bumps ladies! :) Nypage, thanks for the advice about the booster seats. We would consider a small SUV, honestly for some of them the gas mileage is not bad compared to a large/medium sedan. We'll see. DH and I had a silly disagreement today and decided to bet on it - we were both so sure we were right, we said whoever won got to pick our next car! I won. :haha: Not sure I can really go through with it as it should be a joint decision, but I am feeling pretty good. :haha:

Oh goodness! Betcha he's eating his words on that one. :rofl: Poor guy! I'd let him sweat it out for a while though before you cave in. :winkwink::haha:
Lol....yes ZB the smaller SUV would wor out for ya with just the one baby so that would work for quite some time. We are pushing it because we have 2 large dogs, and one 7 year old, and now a baby coming so even the crossover, larger SUV is too small for us! (I pack like im never coming home for a weekend trip)...sigh. Mini van at age 30? I am scared to do it! Lol.

I would totally pick out something he hates so you always get to drive the new car:) hehe
Morning girls (well morning for me at least)!

Three more days of school for DD and then I can have a break from rushing around in the morning. Yay! Today she has a dentist appointment. She loves going there which is good but I really hope doesn't have another cavity! Then off to see my mom, she wants me to pick out some material so she can customize the Moses baskets she bought for me. I was just going to use a playpen from the beginning but she is insisting.

I made no headway in the spare room, ended up watching E.T. for the first time in decades! Such a cute movie! Must try to make some progress today though.

What kind of goals is everyone working on right now? I'm starting to feel real pressure about running out of time but I think more so than last time because it's twins and I know that preterm labor is a real concern.

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