October babies due dates and bump colours

Mommy's Angel... reading your info on the pediatricians stresses me out!! haha... I feel like I just don't know enough to make an educated decision! I also feel like time is flying by!! I am going to make a list this week of things I need to do before the baby comes so I can time line everything.. I don't know why but it helps me feel like everything will be OK when I see it on paper!! :D

Nypage I love your avatar pic with you in the red/white/blue top with the stars! SUPER CUTE and such a great bump!!! :thumbup:
Mommy's Angel... reading your info on the pediatricians stresses me out!! haha... I feel like I just don't know enough to make an educated decision! I also feel like time is flying by!! I am going to make a list this week of things I need to do before the baby comes so I can time line everything.. I don't know why but it helps me feel like everything will be OK when I see it on paper!! :D

Nypage I love your avatar pic with you in the red/white/blue top with the stars! SUPER CUTE and such a great bump!!! :thumbup:

I'm the same way. :haha: I have to be as "organized" as I can. I suppose I realize that's all out the door once Amelia arrives. I'll have to be more flexible. :dohh: :rofl:

I panicked because how do you pick out the right pediatrician when you don't yet know what your childs needs are yet?:shrug: Meeting with the NICU staff already has me thinking it's getting closer. So exciting for me. :happydance:
Littlestars- i love your bikini i've tried looking but no luck yet. Hope baby a is ok n woohoo bout genders.
Glucose tests sound annoying hope all is ok
Nypage-i like your top n bump2
aww poor babas and their bites :growlmad:
congrats on paint and decorating on my to do list when on maternity like everything else ha.
Hiya e11ette and :pink:

Aircon is hopefully getting fixed at work today hope so cos i cant cope. I've booked my 3d scan for Tues can't wait :happydance:
Adele ya for 3d scan! They're so much fun!

Lys- when you make a list, please share! Lol. Im aweful at organizing.

Did anyone take any classes? I skipped that. I did it with my first, and this one is a c section, so didn't feel like doing them!
I've just arranged my first class, 31st August!
I'm dead excited lol

Mommy'sAngel - the plan I think at this point is to just keep an eye on things since though the fluids are lower than BabyB the tech did say it was at the low end but within ranges. I have another ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday so they can decide if we need to start panicking. Not sure what could really be done though since the prematurity of the baby might outweigh the risks of delivering extra early. FX I just need to drink some more water and the babies need to shift around. As for your baby doctor woes, I'm sure you'll find someone easily enough. When I found my DD's doctor she was already born, I took her to my family doctor for the first check up you do a few days after they are born and then called around to find someone. It seems as long as you are offering a newborn as a patient most doctors are happy to take them on. Most kids don't really need a pediatrician once the the first 3-4 years have passed and all the shots are done and there is nothing abnormal about their care. I guess there is more money to make from the frequent visits of infants.

For me I went ahead and did the normal vaccine schedule for Canada and had no issues or problems with it. DD survived well, even when mean mommy made her get flu shots and H1N1 shots ontop of all of that.. she loves going to the doctor and doesn't mind getting shots in the least. Love it! I plan on doing the same with the twins. If you are going with an alternate schedule or avoiding some all together then check with the local school board and see what the minimum requirements are for admission when the time comes.. unless of course you plan on home schooling! :)

I got my papers to go get my GD test done.. thankfully they're letting me do it at an outside clinic so I can save on parking. $13 parking every appointment is killing me, especially this month where I'm coming in 3 times in a month. I think by September when I'm going in once a week regularly I will have to see what a monthly pass would cost. Anyway, supposed to do that in the next week, along with a bunch of other bloodtests.

Nypage - No classes for me. I figured I'd wing it last time around and ended with an EMCS. This time I'm planning the c-section so still no need.

Okay it's getting down to serious crunchtime for me. I REALLY need to get the spareroom emptied out. I have a deadline of Sunday as the day I plan on having my dad over to help DH to move the large furniture up/down the stairs so I gotta get a move on! I wanna paint next week and have the room set up by the following weekend. I can't be farting around anymore.
I haven't done any classes but booked in for a breastfeading one i'm going to do all i can as i get time off work paid haha :happydance:
Yeah ny i cant wait for Tues :baby:

AAAArrgggghhhh after ages with the aircon at work broken the guys came to fix it and then some stupid moron put the heating on 30degrees! I got so hot and annoyed and dizzy i went home, sod that! but it's not right then i suffer as obviously lose pay grrrrrr needed that rant!
Hi Ladies :hi:

Hope all your GTT test results come back ok. Here in the UK, we are only offered GTTs if we have a high BMI, a previous history of diabetes or GD, or a family history of diabetes or GD. And since none of those apply to me, i get away with it! yay!

As for getting stuff ready for the baby...ive done nothing :nope: oops. but i only have 6 days left at work before i finish...then i will be as free as a bird until she arrives, so can get everything done then. Its so scary, isnt it!

Hope you are all well :friends:
Mommy'sAngel - the plan I think at this point is to just keep an eye on things since though the fluids are lower than BabyB the tech did say it was at the low end but within ranges. I have another ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday so they can decide if we need to start panicking. Not sure what could really be done though since the prematurity of the baby might outweigh the risks of delivering extra early. FX I just need to drink some more water and the babies need to shift around. As for your baby doctor woes, I'm sure you'll find someone easily enough. When I found my DD's doctor she was already born, I took her to my family doctor for the first check up you do a few days after they are born and then called around to find someone. It seems as long as you are offering a newborn as a patient most doctors are happy to take them on. Most kids don't really need a pediatrician once the the first 3-4 years have passed and all the shots are done and there is nothing abnormal about their care. I guess there is more money to make from the frequent visits of infants.

For me I went ahead and did the normal vaccine schedule for Canada and had no issues or problems with it. DD survived well, even when mean mommy made her get flu shots and H1N1 shots ontop of all of that.. she loves going to the doctor and doesn't mind getting shots in the least. Love it! I plan on doing the same with the twins. If you are going with an alternate schedule or avoiding some all together then check with the local school board and see what the minimum requirements are for admission when the time comes.. unless of course you plan on home schooling! :)

I got my papers to go get my GD test done.. thankfully they're letting me do it at an outside clinic so I can save on parking. $13 parking every appointment is killing me, especially this month where I'm coming in 3 times in a month. I think by September when I'm going in once a week regularly I will have to see what a monthly pass would cost. Anyway, supposed to do that in the next week, along with a bunch of other bloodtests.

Nypage - No classes for me. I figured I'd wing it last time around and ended with an EMCS. This time I'm planning the c-section so still no need.

Okay it's getting down to serious crunchtime for me. I REALLY need to get the spareroom emptied out. I have a deadline of Sunday as the day I plan on having my dad over to help DH to move the large furniture up/down the stairs so I gotta get a move on! I wanna paint next week and have the room set up by the following weekend. I can't be farting around anymore.

Here in New York State you have to have a pediatrician by the time you give birth. They come to the hospital to check the babies, work on them, etc. I thought the hospital did all that, but while I think they do some, other things they leave for the ped's Dr.

As far as our Vax schedule, we're homeschooling so we have no need to check with the school systems thank goodness! She'd be getting the major injections. In fact much of the ones we're opting out of are the more newer ones. The rest will be done one at a time at alternative schedules. I think we have a good knowledge base about our decision so that's a plus.:winkwink::thumbup:
I can't believe you ladies are working out vax schedules already!! :shock: scary thought - I need to start reading my baby books instead of my pregnancy books and get clued up!! :dohh:

So just have to share! Told my boss he HAS to pay me my maternity pay despite me taking voluntary redundancy as my qualifying week is 18th july and the redundancies/other job offers are being done from earliest 8th august :haha: he said "well if I can recover it all and it won't cost me then okay, but otherwise no I won't be paying it".. so I smiled sweetly and passed over the info. He rang HR and GUESS WHO'S RIGHT!!! :rofl: he just came in with his tail between his legs and told me I was "spot on" with my rights :haha: :rofl:

Also, have to share cos it's cute, was sleeping with my right leg up tight against my tummy last night (sleeping on my left don't worry!!) and baby kicked me SO hard I felt it on my leg!!! :cloud9: little wriggler :cloud9: xx
MA - I guess that makes sense needing to have your pediatrician set up prior to the birth in the sense that you have private health insurance system, unlike Canada and the UK. Is the school system in your area not very good? I wouldn't dream of not sending DD to the local school it's ranked really good and DD loves all the interaction with other children. She has always been a very needy child as far as interactions with others. She doesn't like to be alone. Hopefully your child will have a personality that will lend well to homeschooling. My DD definitely could not hack it! lol

Nai - awesome job standing up for your rights. Sometimes it's so easy to just accept things as you've been told and walk away.

Well I made some serious progress in the spare room. You can see the carpet now! The closet was emptied out and then refilled with boxes of old baby clothing that needs to be sorted by size at some point. Then the room still has all the furniture in it. I need to remove the screws that hold in some of the drawers and that's about all I can do there. So my next project for today is to clear and clean the basement where all the furniture and boxes in the hallways need to go. There is a crapload of baby gear in the basement which I think has to come upstairs and into the garage temporarily for a few days. Once all is moved then I can pull it out of there and either store the stuff that doesn't need to be used for a while, sell it for items I will not need and sister does not want and find homes for the rest.

Speaking of my dear and lovely sister, she decided she doesn't want my stroller.. my $1000 stroller that is so freakin' awesome I'm literally sad I cannot use it, that is trendy and fits all and anyone's needs, the one she ASKED for... in favor of her in-laws buying her a newer one that I can find several faults with. Oh well. Her loss! Just don't get it because she wants a really expensive crib and she could have had in-laws lay for it or at least half to 2/3rds and saved herself a buttload of money. Apparently money grows on trees though where she lives. She is also turning down a nearly new highchair and opting to buy a fancy wooden one to go in their dining room and then a second one for the kitchen. Heaven forbid the child's highchair not match the furniture! :dohh: I think she's rather wasteful and silly but 'whatever'.

So now to call my SIL and see if they want to take and store the highchair and stroller in hopes of finally getting pregnant (She's been seeing a fertility specialist to ovulate properly for 2 years now after trying on their own for over a year after a miscarriage.) Or if I need to sell these items. As much as I like money I really want to see this stroller go to someone I know, it's too good to give away at a fraction of it's value. I'm not looking forward to this conversation though, it's so awkward to talk to them about fertility even though I had my own more drastic problems. I feel like since I was successful in getting pregnant I am again an outsider to the fertility struggles of others.
MA - I guess that makes sense needing to have your pediatrician set up prior to the birth in the sense that you have private health insurance system, unlike Canada and the UK. Is the school system in your area not very good? I wouldn't dream of not sending DD to the local school it's ranked really good and DD loves all the interaction with other children. She has always been a very needy child as far as interactions with others. She doesn't like to be alone. Hopefully your child will have a personality that will lend well to homeschooling. My DD definitely could not hack it! lol

Nai - awesome job standing up for your rights. Sometimes it's so easy to just accept things as you've been told and walk away.

Well I made some serious progress in the spare room. You can see the carpet now! The closet was emptied out and then refilled with boxes of old baby clothing that needs to be sorted by size at some point. Then the room still has all the furniture in it. I need to remove the screws that hold in some of the drawers and that's about all I can do there. So my next project for today is to clear and clean the basement where all the furniture and boxes in the hallways need to go. There is a crapload of baby gear in the basement which I think has to come upstairs and into the garage temporarily for a few days. Once all is moved then I can pull it out of there and either store the stuff that doesn't need to be used for a while, sell it for items I will not need and sister does not want and find homes for the rest.

Speaking of my dear and lovely sister, she decided she doesn't want my stroller.. my $1000 stroller that is so freakin' awesome I'm literally sad I cannot use it, that is trendy and fits all and anyone's needs, the one she ASKED for... in favor of her in-laws buying her a newer one that I can find several faults with. Oh well. Her loss! Just don't get it because she wants a really expensive crib and she could have had in-laws lay for it or at least half to 2/3rds and saved herself a buttload of money. Apparently money grows on trees though where she lives. She is also turning down a nearly new highchair and opting to buy a fancy wooden one to go in their dining room and then a second one for the kitchen. Heaven forbid the child's highchair not match the furniture! :dohh: I think she's rather wasteful and silly but 'whatever'.

So now to call my SIL and see if they want to take and store the highchair and stroller in hopes of finally getting pregnant (She's been seeing a fertility specialist to ovulate properly for 2 years now after trying on their own for over a year after a miscarriage.) Or if I need to sell these items. As much as I like money I really want to see this stroller go to someone I know, it's too good to give away at a fraction of it's value. I'm not looking forward to this conversation though, it's so awkward to talk to them about fertility even though I had my own more drastic problems. I feel like since I was successful in getting pregnant I am again an outsider to the fertility struggles of others.

The U.S. school system is shattered. Our country is 24th compared to other countries with the quality of education. In fact, most school districts are fighting State and local officials as well as control from the teachers unions which keep bad or poor quality teachers in for Tenure while the GOOD teachers get the raw end of the deal when they should be getting bonuses for their outstanding teaching skills. Instead, we have corrupt school superintendents that mismanage monies that are supposed to go to teachers and children for the learning classroom and/or they use it for non-school issues.

Reading Comprehension is the lowest it's ever been in years with only 12% of our children in our Nations Capital that have passed comprehension. Other States are between 20% and 30% which isn't that much better. In all actuality Washington D.C. has THE LOWEST in the nation and that doesn't say much for our Governmental Leaders providing quality education as their concern. VERY disturbing in my opinion.

While there are minimal schools that pick up the slack, there are limited slots and many children in inner-cities and even in some "good" schools are getting the raw end of the deal. Some teachers are even required to use a specific curriculum the schools deem fit that may not fit the children being taught.

As far as homeschooling. :rofl: It's pretty much a myth that homeschooled children aren't social. I think much of the mainstream ignorance is because of what the media portrays and makes homeschooling look like something from uneducated hillbillies when in fact home schooled children rank higher overall in testing than kids in regular public schools. There are different methods of homeschooling. A more organized like Abeka Curriculum, A traditional Classical Education, A more free type learning and the list goes on.

Also MANY homeschoolers have groups or co-ops that get together not to mention there's flexibility in schedules so that you can work around your childs abilities while also teaching life skills and the ability to have hands-on learning through field trips. Imagine a child learning Science by literally going outside and participate in visually seeing the changes??

It's honestly AMAZING! I have 5 nieces and nephews who have been homeschooled and several friends who also do the same. Each child having their own quality education while also learning at their own level.

While homeschooling isn't for everyone. It certainly isn't a setback that will keep a child from learning or make them quiet and inward. For us, it's a great choice for our child to get a one on one education while also having things like sports, art, music, etc. at his or her fingertips.

There are charter schools in the U.S. that are AMAZING and some limited school districts with quality education that haven't been impacted by local and state cutbacks but for the most part, we're homeschooling because we think it's what's best for Amelia's future and because we have that blessed opportunity.:winkwink::thumbup:
MA - sucks that the schooling is so crappy for the majority of Americans. Especially since most parents both work and having a SAHM is more and more uncommon these days. I know I am so fortunate to be one. Hopefully the government can get their crap in order in the next few years and turn your country around. Sad that they think they can ignore something as important as education. Crazy!

On the topic of schooling.. I got a letter today from the school with confirmation that Katherine will be going into morning Senior Kindergarten - French Immersion! I'm so excited for her! Her entire school day will be in french. I never took to languages so pretty soon she will surpass my abilities. lol Thankfully DH will be sent on language training to make him bilingual through work by the time that happens. He, too, knows some french but couldn't work in french and is required to be able to because of his position within the military.

Basement got a good overhaul today and I think i'm done for the day. I have some main floor tidying up to do but am ready for my dad to come over and help move furniture on Sunday. Yipee! I'll be painting next week assuming I can find the curtains I am envisioning and can pick a paint colour.
Checking in again after a while of being MIA! Took me forever to read through all the pages of posts, but nice to be updated on everything again!

Has anybody had a really bad case of pregnancy hormones yet? This morning I sat in the Lowe's parking lot BAWLING my eyes out because I couldn't decide on tile for our kitchen backsplash. I knew I was being stupid for crying so hard over something so trivial, but I just couldn't stop. 30 minutes later I was again crying so hard that I had to pull my car over.... because I couldn't find the place I was heading to. Needless to say, it hasn't been the best of days... and kitchen tile is definitely the strangest thing I've cried about to date!

MA, just wanted to say that I was homeschooled and loved it :) I went to school most of my life, but begged my parents to homeschool me when I started high school because I hated, hated, hated wasting time in school every day with teachers just slacking and talking to students and making us do all our work at home anyways. I started the CLASS homeschool system and graduated early, so I started college at 16... I loved college, and nope, homeschool did not make me anti-social or anything like that. As a matter of fact, I was always very shy when I went to public school and always felt like I just wasn't pretty enough and basically just like a complete nerd. Homeschool gave me the confidence to be who I am and now I'm very outgoing and had a great time at college, interacting with peers. :)

My baby sisters were homeschooled from the very beginning (A Beka), and they're so outgoing and social that you wouldn't believe it... mostly because they interact with kids their own age AND adults on a daily basis. These girls are very advanced in their education and so amazingly confident in themselves-- I hate to think what the cliques in public school would have done to them. (That's what I always hated most about school-- the division between the cheerleaders, jocks, nerds, band geeks, etc.. I wanted to be friends with everyone!)

Anyway, I'm getting off my homeschool soapbox now.. just wanted to give you some support, MA! I'm also planning on homeschooling mine, letting him choose when he's older whether he'd like to give public school a go or just head straight to college.
MrsK - did you ever pick a tile after all the tears? lol I have cried over many various stupid things for the past few months now. I'm impressed you held it together until now :) The worst is when you are laughing at yourself for crying but cannot stop crying all at the same time.

*for the record* I wasn't poopooing homeschooling! :) I consider myself luckly to have such an amazing school 800 meters down the street, part of the reason we picked the 'hood when we bought our house. And honestly I could never ever in a million years give my daughter the bilingual opportunity that french immersion has to offer her. I do plan (and have been for the past two years) to supplement her learning at home. You can't leave everything to the system! Right now we are working on reading and math above the 10's. I love how spongy their brains are a this age. Next year we are thinking of putting DD into Chinese language classes on the weekends but thought it might be a little too confusing to do it to her this coming September since she will be going into the french program. Now if I could just get DD to be a little adventurous in her food choices... that is a whole other matter.. ho hum. Maybe one of these days eh?
Mrs I have been so emotional lately! And I can go from laughing to crying to layghing all in the same minute. Strange. I even cried a few times when I took my daughter to see the movie "mr poppers penguins." She laughed at me!

Anyone been getting headaches? I wasn't but suddenly today its so horrible and not even tylenol is working. I'm afraid it could indicate something? Hope it let's me sleep. I'm exhausted.
Sorry, LittleStars, didn't mean to make it sound that way! I guess us homeschoolers easily get very defensive.. hehe.. ;-)

Love all the language-immersion you're doing! I was born and raised in Germany, so I'm gonna TRY to speak only German with our son when he's born... but I'm really not sure how well I'll do with that. It's not that I've forgotten my German-- I still translate as my job, and only speak German with my parents... but English has become my "main" language.. the one I think and dream in.. so it'll be very hard to force myself to suddenly make German my primary language for my baby!

My husband is Ukrainian, and my own parents were actually born in the former Soviet Union (yes, it's complicated), so we're also wanting our baby to grow up with Russian/Ukrainian... I'm not fluent in it, so I won't attempt speaking that.. but I guess my husband will! His parents' English is very bad, so I'm guessing our baby will hear a good deal of Russian/Ukrainian anyways.

I love languages though! I wish more parents would expose their young children to foreign languages... once you have two or three under the belt, learning more is so much easier!

Oh, and yeah, I've cried about a few stupid things but they were usually at least somewhat "sad"... like it once occurred to me how much I'd miss DH if he will die someday, and started bawling... DH thought I was being silly, but I still think that it's not very silly... I mean... it's something to really be sad about! But kitchen tile?!

I did finally pick one.. ;-) Took me 5 different stores to pick something out, though!

Nypage, I do get headaches.. but I've always had bad migraines, and unfortunately pregnancy has made me even more sensitive to bright light and strong sunlight... something I really CAN'T avoid down here in hot and sweltering Oklahoma.

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