October babies due dates and bump colours

My friend runs a baby sling library and so next week is bringing me a closer baby carrier and a couple of wraps to try. She thinks right now that Alana is too big for the baba sling I have. I can't wait to use a carrier with her though.

She is still sleeping well at night which is great but her fussy period if now from about 7pm-11pm and sometimes she screams and screams and refuses to latch on the boob, but then cries trying to search it out. I think she is also a lazy eater as if I switch to a full boob where she doesn't have to work so hard she will latch without an issue, but I do not want her just drinking formilk.
I shouldn't complain though as she then sleeps 11/11.30-4.30/5am, feeds for another hour and then sleeps until at least 8.30. Right now she is still in bed and I am up as the midwife is due at some point and normally arrives by 8.45am.

Today we get her weighed again, she has to have put on weight with the amount she has fed the past few days.
Hi Oct. Good to see you! :hugs:

ZB, hoping he gets his project done soon! How are you liking your new place??

Thanks! We're really liking our new place. DH loves his office and told me the other day he wishes we could buy it (we're currently renting) so we could stay forever. :) I miss some of my favorite restaurants at the old place though. :(

Hippy, if it were me I might just give up the fight and let her drink fore milk... :)
Hey there Ladies :hi:

Sorry I havent been on here in forever. My little Freya doesnt let me use the laptop. well, she makes me hold her all day and all night, and I struggle to balance the laptop on my knee and type with one hand, so I dont bother. Her Daddy is home today though, so he is holding her, and I have my hands free!

Just wanted to comment on a few of the topics (although I am in the UK, and so different things are available over here).

I am using the MAM dummies/soothers/pacifiers. But Freya will only take one if she is really tired, otherwise she just spits it out and demands the boob instead. She uses me as a dummy!

I am using the Tommee Tippee closer to nature bottles (although I am breastfeeding, I pump every other day or so, so that I have a store in the fridge, so that OH can give her bottle if I am desperate). However, even though I am using level 1 teats (the slowest flow), Freya somehow manages to gulp the whole bottle in seconds! Then she gets tummy ache!

I babywear whenever I get the chance. Sometimes around the house (she doesnt let me put her down anywhere, so always have to take her with me). I also babywear to the local shops/post office a couple of times a week. When we are out in the cold, she wears her all-in-one snowsuit/pramsuit. And I just wear my wintercoat, undone. She keeps me warm! I use the BabyBjorn original. Below is a picture of me wearing her.

I hope all of you ladies are well, and enjoying motherhood with your lovely little babies :hugs:



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Ma I have never read the moby instruction book, didn't know there were so many different ways. Sorry you didn't get much shopping done. Happened to us at target the other day we left shortly after getting ere w no gifts bought cuz he pissed me off,

I tried most yesterday and can't get him in it easily, and seems too lose all the time. But if we're tighter I couldn't get him in! I must be really stupid......

I use tommee tippee bottles too and we had the small ones with the anti colic thing in middle and bought bigger ones without that and the milk just flows out that nipple freely so it chokes him too much. Think we need the anti colic ones they flow slower.

You are all loving wearing your babies and inspiring me to try harder. Thanks!
Soothers/Pacifiers - I used MAM with DD1 and loved them, they had some of the cutest patterns on them and nice colours. Right now we're using silicone Gumdrops with the twins. The hospital used them on the girls and so we bought a few more from the store and it's going okay with them. I don't intend on letting them have soothers after 6 months so I'm not too concerned about orthodontic ones etc.

Bottles - I'm just using whatever I've got from last time which is a mixture of everything, after the 6 month mark though my favorite are the Playtex ones that use the drop in bags. As for the nipples.. whatever is slowflow is fine by me. I'm not picky and it's working fine so far. The babies don't have special feeding issues.

Babywearing - I have my BabyBjorn, which I've used only a handful of times while making dinner. I'm not loving it as much as last time and the babies are so tiny in it they are kinda lost. I want to get a Mobywrap but at $60 I am hesitant. There is a store in the city that allows you to try all their merchandise for babywearing, I really must find some time to get my bum there soon.

I've slept on the couch the past two night since I can't seem to get both babies to settle down for the night. One is easy.. but two.. not so much. I am hoping it's an a fluke and we can go back to a better schedule SOOOOOOON. I am sore and cold sleeping on there. I dare not go into the bedroom tohugh with the babies fussing. DH is still finishing up his semester at school and I don't want to mess him up. If it continues though I'm going to consider moving the babies to their cribs at night and using the monitor.

As for Christmas shopping.. I really need to just sit down, write alist of what I want and see what I can order online and have shipped to the house. In the meantime I need to pick up 3 gifts asap for a Christmas party we're going to on the 5th so that 'Santa' can give the girls and early present.

What is everyone getting their LO's for Xmas? Since I already have a lot of things toy-wise I am thinking of just getting a second exersaucer and a few toys (gotta put on a show for DD since she still believes in Santa), perhaps a little clothing and that's it. I can't really think of anything else they really need and since they are so young they don't 'want' anything. I need ideas!
oh and for the wintertime and babywearing.. If you are wearing a structured carrier there are poncho covers that you can buy that are for rain/cold weather. https://www.toysrus.ca/product/index.jsp?productId=4073838 for example, I have one and it worked well enough for me last time.
The lactation consultant Who taught breast-feeding class said that not all slow flow nipples are really slow flow. You should always test them to make sure. Some are much faster than others.

For Christmas for Silas we are going to ask for a highchair and some sleep sacks for when he grows out of the swaddle. Also clothes in the larger sizes. Like 9-12 mo we don't have any yet.

I had a horrible time today getting him from the car seat to the carrier and then back into the car seat while it was raining. Plus all my groceries. Ugh! He stayed warm dry and asleep but I got soaked!
The lactation consultant Who taught breast-feeding class said that not all slow flow nipples are really slow flow. You should always test them to make sure. Some are much faster than others.

For Christmas for Silas we are going to ask for a highchair and some sleep sacks for when he grows out of the swaddle. Also clothes in the larger sizes. Like 9-12 mo we don't have any yet.

I had a horrible time today getting him from the car seat to the carrier and then back into the car seat while it was raining. Plus all my groceries. Ugh! He stayed warm dry and asleep but I got soaked!

:haha: It happened to me too. Imagine what's going to happen in a snow storm:blush::shrug:

Ordered our Christmas Cards today. click on my blog link (broken heart, mended fences) in my siggie to see it. I think it came out cute. :thumbup: Anyone else doing family Christmas Cards??
MA - it looks great and how very organized of you!! I'm jealous. I'll be lucky if I can get together some printed photos to slap inside the cards in time. Heck, let's be honest, I'll be lucky to even get cards sent out. I feel so disorganized, living in a state of pure chaos.

I'm going insane today.. lack of sleep coupled with the twins newest behavior which is to cry all the time unless sleeping or on the boob has driven me there. I used to get some relief when they had alert quiet times.. but those are just a distant memory the past few days. Even Libby who was always the more 'chill' baby is going into full rage the second I am not holding her or she is feeding. So frustrating!!
Little that sounds rough im sorry hope ts just a short phase kian is like that too and i go crazy with just one cant imagine two

Ma, cute christmas card! We just went to jcpenney for traditional xmas pics of the kids n made cards in october had a creative shoot done when he was 10 days old will use some photos to frame and gift here are those ones https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2472258924218.137958.1184755982&type=3

Was fun. I got pooped on twice and peed on a few times.

Poor baby got 3 shots. I am still shaken up I hate that. He is fussing bad too just gave Tylenol for pain. I hope it helps the poor baby.
Cute card MA!

Little stars, I hope this new phase ends quickly! We don't have much quiet alert time here either, he's usually asleep or wanting to be held. This year I am thankful for naps. :haha:
Lovely Christmas card MA :thumbup:

I am just writing regular Christmas cards, and popping a picture of Freya in her "Christmas dress" inside :haha:

Sorry to hear about the twins new behaviour, Littlestars. Freya has been like that since birth, so I know how you feel (but it much be so much harder with two of them!) :hugs:

Ack!!! It's snowing here!!!! Boo! DD1 is thrilled but me, not so much. I know it'll likely melt in a day or two but in the meantime...

Had a good conversation with my sister yesterday, her daughter who is 4 weeks weighed in at a very healthy 11.5 lbs!!! Oh my! hehe. Good thing I hadn't bought any clothing for her LO for Xmas yet.

BFing has bencome unbearable the past 24 hours. My nipples hurt sooooooooooo much (again). I feel like they are on fire and DD's have razor blade gums. Meh. I hope they heal up quickly, I'll have to be deligent with the Lanolin oil today and no more marathon sessions just for peace and quiet. 30 minutes and you're done girls!
Cute cards MA! I'm going to do the same thing - pcs of our new family then Shutterfly magic! Just have to remember to get pictures taken lol.

11.5lbs at 4 weeks? Damn!

Got my new wrap in the mail today!! So happy! Here's us in my first attempt:
Aww, Katerdid...ADORABLE! I like the color too.

Littlestars, so sorry things are slightly hard right now with the twins. I noticed this morning my nipples are REALLY dry and getting ready to crack too so I got the lanolin out. Worse case, you could alway do the nipple shields until they heal too.

WOWEE 11.5 lbs at 4 weeks. I guess Amelia was quite behind as she lost a pound from 8lbs 13ounces. A couple weeks she finally got to 8lbs 14 ounces. Her next appointment is Nov. 29th so hopefully she'll be at a nicer weight.

Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to the U.S. ladies.

Love to you all. :hug:
happy thanks giving US ladies.

loving the wrap and the colour. I am going to get a closer sling as everything is too big for Alana right now.
littlestars sorry it is tough with the twins. I have had Alana in her own cot and bedroom with an angelcare monitor since day one. I have the comfort of knowing she is breathing and safe but we get to sleep without her disturbing us all the time. Having said that she sleeps for 5-6 hours straight during the night so we are very lucky.

Has anyone found that dummies/pacifiers interfere with babies latch? today Alana will only latch on the nipple and last night we used the dummy to help get her to sleep instead of my breast.
Thanks for the Thanksgiving wishes :)

Eleven pounds??? Holy crap. I thought Cody was giant at 12lbs at 5.5weeks.
Well there was a reason that my nipples hurt so much. Thrush. Boo! On top of that last night one of the duct on the left side was blocked and causing quite the pain, it was on fire and unconformtable to sleep but after several excrutiating feedings the duct seems all better. Despite the duct feeling so much better the nipples were hurting so much I was crying when the babies were latching and sucking in the morning. I called my mom over to watch DD1 and off the twins and I went to the doctors office. It took him no more than a second to diagnos us even though it was minimally visble. My pain along with the slight white-ness of the tongues on the girls was enough to garner 3 prescriptions. One the bright side- I got to do a little stocking stuffer shopping for thw twins while we were waiting for the prescription.

Not sure how long it will take to feel relief but I am soooooooooo looking forward to seeing this pain go away.

Hope the americans are enjoying the turkey. I'm sad that my shows are repeats though. lol Y&R is getting really interesting now that Billy is back. Is it bad that I started watching a soap opera while pregnant and haven't stopped?

After all the babywearing conversation I dug out my old sling I had for DD1. I had made it myself though I did an awesome job I must say!! Anyway, hardly used it becasue she hated going in it but the twins seem to love it and are falling asleep in it seconds after getting in. Yay!

Okay enough babble from me.
Ooh, hope the thrush clears up soon little stars! When my boobs were really itchy they thought it might be thrush because Silas has a white tongue too. But the itchiness cleared up with hydrocortisone cream and nursing him never really hurt... I'm guessing his white tongue is just from milk?

Hippy, I noticed slight differences in his latch after starting a pacifier but not too bad. It was worse when I used a silicone pacifier, now I am using latex which is more flexible and more like my own nipples. Hope the latch improves!

Had a good thanksgiving here... Just nursing Silas to sleep then going back downstairs for pumpkin pie. Happy thanksgiving ladies!

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