October Bfp with #2 anyone with me?

Hey all. I have been feeling butterfly type moves. With my first I had an anterior placenta and hardly felt movement and it was way later. With my second I felt it about 11 weeks just like this time. AFM I have an ultrasound on Wed I can not wait to see baby again
I won't get an ultrasound for a while, but I finally have my first appointment coming up on the 22nd. We'll get to hear the heartbeat then.
All well at my appointment. :) Heartbeat at 150. Trace of protein in my sample but this happened to me with LO too and it was nothing. As I have no symptoms of a UTI they're letting it go for now but will sort it out if I have protein again at the next appointment, which is in MARCH :O - seems years away!

Amazing! What did your little girl think? Has anyone announced their pregnancies yet?
Ha, well I thought she wasn't really concentrating much - she seemed more interested in the fact that her chair had arms and mine didn't, and that there were two clocks in the room (one was actually the blood pressure monitor lol) - but when we got home, she picked up Daddy's bike light and put it on my belly and said she was using it to listen to the baby! So I guess she was interested after all! :D

I announced mine ages ago lol.
Thanks ladies! I feel alot less crazy.
I wont say the movement is super noticable but i can feel it mostly if i sit with my knees up.
Like its saying "Hey!! Gimme some room" lol!
Otherwise i dont feel it in regular everyday positions yet. But its definitely baby not gas.
I felt my first at about 16 weeks also.
Next scan isnt scheduled yet but will happen around 18 weeks.
A bit of a ways away yet
We havent announced yet..plan to gift everyone with scan photo ornaments on christmas day and wait for the phone calls to come rollin in lol. My mother is going to flip out. Lol
We havent announced yet..plan to gift everyone with scan photo ornaments on christmas day and wait for the phone calls to come rollin in lol. My mother is going to flip out. Lol[/QUOTE

Oh yeah you told us this before, I'm losing my mind ha ha I'm so forgetful at the minute!!
Same, it's AWFUL! They asked me OH's date of birth for some form at my appointment (his birthday is tomorrow) but I just went completely blank and literally sat there for about 20 seconds going 'Er ... errr ...' 8-[ :oops:
We've told a few friends, but no actual announcement yet. We'll be telling half our family this upcoming weekend. And the rest plus an online announcement on Christmas Day.
I'm so envious of everyone feeling movement! I think it was 15-16 weeks for my first. It totally changes things. So much anxiety and uncertainty melts away when you can actually feel your little one. Really hoping I feel something soon.

We've told our families and one or two close friends, but I won't make a larger announcement until probably January or February. I'll have to think of something clever.
How did everyone labour first time and how do you feel about a second birth? I had a very quick first labour (just over 4hrs from waters going to delivering) but ended up with an episiotomy and 3rd degree tear as my DD didn't fully turn and came out facing sideways resulting in surgery post labour for stitching. I lost 2 pints (1 litre) of blood. It never really bothered me and I healed very well and very quickly (amazing surgeon!). I had a consultant appointment today to discuss my birth plan and she said I should be prepared that this time round I'll probably labour even quicker and as soon as I start, to get straight to hospital. She even asked how far I lived from the hospital because of how quickly it could be! Whilst I'm happy for an even shorter delivery my fear is that I'll give birth somewhere random and won't get the assistance I should need of something were to go wrong again!
My first labour was really long and crappy. She decided to turn back to back with me, so I couldn't quite get to 10 cm, and after ages floating about miserably in the pool, they broke my waters and gave me syntocinon. I then took a walking epidural as I was exhausted and induced contractions are supposed to be agony. They threatened caesarean if I couldn't push her out within one hour, so once she'd finally turned from the heavy contractions and started moving down, I made a supreme effort, and had her out in 58 minutes. :D

I'm not yet worried about labour this time. I'm actually half looking forward to it in some way, as I know I can do it, and I know it's all worth it. However, I wouldn't want another posterior labour really, it just complicated things, when up until that point I felt like I'd breezed through it. And I'd hate to have to have a c-section because of all the hassle afterwards with the wound ... though if it was any type of emergency, I know I'd be begging for it straight away.

All in all, I feel quite positive about the prospect of the birth, which is unusual for me, though as the time draws near I will no doubt start shitting myself!
My first labor was nothing to complain about. My water broke naturally while i was switching the laundry. Hubby and i each had a shower, grabbed the bag and went to the hospital. Got there and they checked to confirm i was in labor. Then gave me a giant cup of water to drink and told me to walk..i walked for a hour or so, until i couldnt handle walking anymore with the progressing contractions.
I went from walking to strong contractions in the shower. I was in there for what felt like forever but was really only a couple hours lol. I got out asked for "the drugs" and it was too late...i was ready to push.
He was out in no time. I dont quite remember the timing.
He took 7 hours from water breaking to being out.
The nurses all had a bet to see if i would have him out by shift change that night. Missed shift change by 35min LOL!
I have zero fears or anxiety about this one. I dont want to deal with contractions again cause those hurt! Lol BUT i know i can and i know i can quickly. So whats to stress about :)
I've not felt movement yet. Only 10 weeks.

We have told close family, work and friends but official announcement will be at Christmas after DD knows.

My labour with DD was a slow burner (Started early hours and she was born close to midnight) that all of a sudden went serious. Had been pushing 2.5hrs so they used ventouse and I had an episiotomy. I healed relatively well but the piles were the worst bit! Couldn't sit down.
I has a pretty fast, easy labour and birth.
I was 41+1 and woke up in the middle of the night with contractions already 5 minutes apart. Waited about an hour then headed to the birth center. Went into the tub right away and 5 hours later he was born in the water with no medication. My water didn't even break until I started pushing.
With my first I was induced on my due date early in morning. 19.5 hours later at only 5cm dilated I was rushed to csection due to my blood pressure and her heart rate dropping
I had my little boy at 31 weeks due to a very bad untreated urine infection that cause me to contract. 48 hours of contractions which they were trying to stop I had an emergency csection at 6cm because he was breach and there was no stopping the contractions.

I'm hoping for an unmedicated VBAC this time, the pain last time never bothered me and I was able to sleep or take a paracetamol to get through it.
Congratulations! What do you have already? I have one little girl aged 2.5 :)

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