October Bfp with #2 anyone with me?

I still cant believe our little group here is about to start delivering the babies! It seemed to go by so slowly yet so fast at the same time. I can feel my body preparing, doc says baby is super low in the pelvis now and he is thinking it may come early as well.
I hope it does BUT not toooo early. Lol. Give me another week or two! 😄
So sorry meep :hugs:

I definitely have the "ready to be done" feeling. I was doing great but have gotten pretty miserable in the last week or so as baby has started to drop. I just started a new job in the end of January so I don't have enough PTO and sick leave to cover my maternity leave which has me really wanting to work up until June 16th, that is the "magical" day for me haha, in my brain that is when everything will work perfectly :duhh: I have a pretty set return date for work so going into labor early means more time off which is great bonding time but not great for the pocket book haha BUT on the other hand I am done being pregnant. The uncomfortableness is making me crabby.
Been having some pretty awful nights. Lack of sleep really sucks right now. My 4.5 year old just doesnt understand why i am so irritable, why i cant play tag, soccer or go on long walks with him. I feel so bad for him cause he is so used to playing with his mom and my pelvic pain and back pain is just so awful. Its 25 degrees celcius here but feels like 400 degrees lol! Ive been nesting like crazy and got my stash of cloth diapers all prepped and ready to use, my son is officially out of the nursery and in a new big boy bedroom which he loves and im very happy the transition was easy.
The nursery has been cleaned and set up with the crib and change table again. It looks so weird! Lol.

I can not wait to hear all about your babies! Its coming up quick for all of us! 😁
Sounds like you're very ready, Oily.
I have everything we need, but still have to organize most of it- Have to wash all the clothes since it's been in storage for a year. Have to set up the pack n play in our room where he'll be sleeping for the first few months. Have to re-install the infant carseat. Have to start packing our birth center bags.
I need to get on things. 😃
I have a diaper bag prepared but no hospital bag. I dont have a carseat yet as thats hubbys job lol!
I have lower cramping like period type cramps and shocks in the hooha area. Feeling a bit icky and tired and have to rest a lot through the day because im so painful. Organizing is half done lol! my yard is full of waist high weeds though and my body is NOT into working on that at all.
I am ready to get this done and get this child out. Im scared about when its going to happen though. The unknown freaks me out and i labor so fast and easily that im worried i wont make it to the hospital this time around...especially if we have to wait for a sitter lol
Well ladies, my baby finally made her appearance in the early hours of June 5th at 40+8!

She was born in the birthing pool about 2 hours after we arrived - all in all, labour was quick and relatively easy for me this time. :) She weighed 8 lb 8.5 oz.

I don't like to identify my daughters in posts as their names aren't the most common and could give me away should anyone choose to Google, but her middle name is for her Grandad, who I think would have liked her very much. :)


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My Doctor just told me that my swab came back positive for strep B 😣
Not sure what to do about that now. It makes me very worried...all i have for info is google. And we all know how scary google can be 😂
Congrats Meep!
She is so cute. Hope you're all doing good. :) What does big sister think?
Congrats Meep!
She is so cute. Hope you're all doing good. :) What does big sister think?

She loves her luckily. :haha: She likes to give her a 'cuddle' (squash her half to death) when she is crying. They look so similar - they even have the same single dimple in one cheek, only my first's is on the left and the baby's is on the right. :cloud9:
My Doctor just told me that my swab came back positive for strep B ��
Not sure what to do about that now. It makes me very worried...all i have for info is google. And we all know how scary google can be ��

I may be wrong, but they'll give you antibiotics during labour I think? It's really rare there are any complications from GBS. Especially where you are, I would imagine, as you are screened for it. We aren't - and as it happens, a friend of mine's first daughter was one of the very, very few who got quite ill at birth from it. She's heading for 11 now though, and absolutely fine, with no lasting effects.
Well ladies, my baby finally made her appearance in the early hours of June 5th at 40+8!

She was born in the birthing pool about 2 hours after we arrived - all in all, labour was quick and relatively easy for me this time. :) She weighed 8 lb 8.5 oz.

I don't like to identify my daughters in posts as their names aren't the most common and could give me away should anyone choose to Google, but her full name is in my signature. Her middle name is for her Grandad, who I think would have liked her very much. :)

Aghhhh congratulations!!!! I can't believe they're all arriving!
I've had a rough week or so. After my afternoon in hospital with the UTI I was taken back in on the Monday with fever and flu like symptoms & ended up staying in for 5 days! They originally suspected viral meningitis, so spent the entire time on an IV with ultrasounds & a CT scan. Luckily they think it was a combination of some rogue virus and the UTI (whilst being 9 months pregnant!) that sent my immune system in to complete overdrive.
Baby was absolutely fine the entire time so they decided not to induce and let me go naturally (39 weeks tomorrow and no signs yet!)
I'm definitely ready now though, I think he's working his way down as it's only the past week that I've started having to get up in the night to pee (EVERY HOUR 😫) and I'm feeling pretty swollen and heavy down there.
I had my daughter at 38+5 though so we're past that point now!
Hopefully it won't be long for everyone else :)
Oily I also tested positive for gbs. Dr didn't say anything to me but I got to see my paperwork.

When my doc tested for gbs he said if it came back positive not to worry they would just do antibiotics during labor and all would be well :)

I had an ultrasound yesterday as they wanted to see how big she is, she is measuring just shy of 8 pounds so I am doubtful that they will let me go another two weeks. DS was quite large and got pretty badly injured so they are trying to make sure they induce before baby gets too big this time. I have an appointment on Monday and should find out the plan then, I'm hoping that I will go into labor over the weekend though haha

When my doc tested for gbs he said if it came back positive not to worry they would just do antibiotics during labor and all would be well :)

I had an ultrasound yesterday as they wanted to see how big she is, she is measuring just shy of 8 pounds so I am doubtful that they will let me go another two weeks. DS was quite large and got pretty badly injured so they are trying to make sure they induce before baby gets too big this time. I have an appointment on Monday and should find out the plan then, I'm hoping that I will go into labor over the weekend though haha

I wish they would do this with me! My daughter was 8lb at 9 days early and this baby is measuring to be be around 9lbs and I've got 6 days until due date!!! I saw my midwife last week and she said she won't see me until 40+3 and won't induce until 41+1?!?!? I had a severe tear with my daughter too so I'm really surprised they'll let me go so far over! I have to see my consultant next week so I'm going to mention it then :(
Oh wow boobee that is surprising that they won't induce even knowing that baby is going to be that big. I would be mad! Although at this point I feel cranky and irritated 24/7 so that's not surprising :haha: Sooo ready for this baby to make her debut!
Well it makes me feel better knowing i have no real reason to worry about this strep B thing. Thanks ladies!
Oh man, my son was 8lbs when he was born and that was definitely big enough.. i feel for you ladies with 9+ lb babies. Eek.

I have been up every hour to pee for weeks already, baby is quite low and i can feel the shocks as it moves around. Lots of discharge these days too. I am hoping this means baby will be here soon.
Any early "signs" and "symptoms" you guys feel like sharing just for fun? 😁
Aw, the measurements aren't an exact science. I've been scared both times of having a big baby, but my first was 8 lb 15 oz and this one was 8 lb 8.5 oz and both came out without a hassle. I had two tiny stitches on a labial graze the first time and nothing with the second, so it can be done!

If you can, try labouring on your hands and knees? Gravity is your best friend. :)
I'm not as worried this time as I trust my doctor a lot more this time. I'm sure I will get very anxious once everything starts happening though. DS was 9 lb 7 oz. I wasn't the one that was injured, I actually didn't tear at all. But he got really stuck and ended up with injuries that landed him in the nicu with doctors telling me they weren't sure whether he was going to live and that I needed to prepare myself. I'm sure I am going to be reliving those moments once labor starts with this one but I will feel better knowing she shouldn't be quite as big as he was. It helps too that it is a different doctor and a different hospital this time since what happened with my son could have been avoided with the right person
Sorry, I should have quoted! My comment was aimed at boobee, who had a severe tear, but omg how terrifying for you and your son! :nope: I do hope he is ok now and has no permanent injury. Was it shoulder dystocia?

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