October Bfp with #2 anyone with me?

Welcome to the Vast Club where all the members are uncomfortable. Here is part of my gigantic gut three days ago (couldn't fit the whole whopping thing in the picture) ... my girl wanted to show her sister one of the special stones we picked up on a beach in Scotland last July. :)


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Hey everyone.. pretty big and uncomfortable here as well, just getting over some kind of stomach bug (flu maybe) that took me down for a full 24 hours. 😣.
I am similar in size to when i was 30 weeks with my son. Maybe slightly larger. Lots more heartburn this time though, and back pain, pelvic issues. Its definitely been a rougher pregnancy.
Only a few weeks left and i havent started ANYTHING. So, Im a bit stressed out about that. Otherwise doing ok over here!
Your bumps all look awesome ladies!
How's everyone getting on? It's so much busier second time round!
I saw the midwife last week at 32 weeks (requested extra appointments as I'm a bit anxious) and I've gone from measuring perfectly, to measuring 2 weeks ahead so waiting for a growth scan date to come through!
My urine also showed protein and a trace of leukocytes so that was sent off and waiting to hear back!
Only 7 weeks left for me, it's flying by now!
I'm nearly 36 weeks now and my iron is a tiny bit low but I've decided not to do anything about it as it means yet another blood test, which I hate, and it's not causing me any significant problems.

Nesting in full force here. I've sorted all our old baby clothes into groups of different sizes, all the smallest ones have been washed, and we bought a wardrobe for the baby today. We have also bought a new car seat that goes from birth to 12 years and can rear face until 4! So I'm really delighted about that. I've put clean covers on the Moses basket (which was a huge ballache) and spent the evening trying to pick baby clothes to take to the hospital. I still haven't done my hospital bag

Feeling excited, but very angry and stressed. I am a horrible nester - I remember last time feeling like some enraged, psychopath ostrich, screeching at anyone who so much as looked in my direction. This time is no exception.
Ive been spending the last couple weeks in prep. This week i will be switching my son out of the nursery into a big boy bedroom and will prepare the nursery for our new arrival. I have decided to cloth diaper this one and finally have all that organized and ready (phew!)
I have yet to pack a hospital bag but thats ok, lots of time for that!
I am ready to be done being preggo thats for sure! Its exhausting 😄
I've been buying stuff to get ready for baby but Wil be nesting over the next few weeks to get house spike and spam for our baby shower May 27th. I am having a scheduled c section and baby Hunter will make his debut in on June 19th set to be there at 1030 and have him at 1230. So super excited to see his precious little face.
Anyone else taking a prenatal vitamin that gives you horrible reflux? Ive been in the habit of taking my prenatal before bed after a light snack (usually a banana or apple). I take it at night because it made me feel sick in the beginning and it was easier to sleep through it than deal with feeling gross on top of 1st tri stuff. Anyways, over the last month ive had wicked reflux and heartburn during the night. Like, wake up vomitting acid type of horrible. I skipped my prenatal for 2 nights and had no issues, took it again last night and was up all night, slept sitting up and suffered all day!
I am planning to skip the prenatal and take a different set of vitamins during the day but was curious if this is a common issue or if im a weirdo.

Hope all you ladies are feeling well!
Oily- I've been getting bad acid reflux lately, but I've never noticed it acting up from my prenatals. It's normally from acidic foods.
I seem to get it worst from eating ice ... which is currently my OBSESSION so I am living off ice and antacids and I refuse to stop. :D Since you are not craving the prenatal though lol, for sure drop it and try something different. Reflux is terrible! Mine isn't AS bad as it was though as baby is at least 2/5 engaged now so I've got a little more room for my internal organs to operate. :haha:
Ive been spending the last couple weeks in prep. This week i will be switching my son out of the nursery into a big boy bedroom and will prepare the nursery for our new arrival. I have decided to cloth diaper this one and finally have all that organized and ready (phew!)
I have yet to pack a hospital bag but thats ok, lots of time for that!
I am ready to be done being preggo thats for sure! Its exhausting 😄

Ooh sounds similar to us! We've just moved our 3 year old in to her big girl room and on with the nursery, although it was yellow anyway so doesn't need too many changes!
We're cloth bumming this time too, it's all a bit overwhelming though!

Our growth scan a week ago (34 weeks) put baby at an estimated 6lbs already so we are on track for another 8/9lb baby 🙈
I've just finished work too so now it's preparation! I've washed and dried all newborn/0-3 clothes and our hospital bags are packed.
I'm so physically tired though! I'm definitely ready in myself to have him, I'm struggling to get comfy and sleep on a night!
I wish the reflux was diet related! At least then i could stop eating whatever was causing it. Unfortunately its from my prenatal, so ive stopped taking that brand and started taking them in the day when i remember 😣
Boobee- clith diapering is a bit overwhelming to start isnt it! But im sure we will get the hang of it in no time!
Im starting to catch a spring cold and this baby kicking me hurts a lot now that its running out of room!
Im trying really hard to get our rooms ready and get prepared but i am soooo far behind, mostly because it hurts so bad to even just walk! Damn pelvic pain!
I am ready to birth this baby and be done with pregnancy forever! 😂
My first was 8lbs 10oz, but right now I'm measuring 2 weeks behind so I'm really curious if this guy will be smaller.
Good morning!! How is everyone feeling these days? The end is near and i look forward to all the newborn posts!
I am very ready for pregnancy to be over. But with this being baby#2 im a bit nervous about the birthing process...guess its because i KNOW what to expect lol but i am very very excited to find out the gender of our little one. 😊
I'm huge and uncomfortable. It's too hot and I'm due in 3 days but I just KNOW I'm going over again. I'm not feeling too scared about birth, but sort of feel like I've lost enthusiasm for it all a bit? That sounds awful, but my FIL died 2 days ago :( and it's sort of ruined things - NOT that I am blaming him at all, just wish it hadn't happened and he had a chance to meet our second girl. He was pretty unwell though and had been for some time so I am glad for him that he doesn't have to put up with that shit any more.
I am sorry to hear that meep! Thats terrible. Our family lost someone recently as well. It definitely puts a damper on the excitement plus going overdue makes us even more miserable. I still have about 4 weeks left but i feel this baby will come early. My first labor was 7 hours start to finish so im hoping its a bit shorter this time. Get it over with! 😄
I'm so sorry Meep.

I am ready for the end to be here. I've been having a fairly easy pregnancy, but I'm just so excited to meet him. Still have 6 weeks left. And I'm also expecting him to be late just like my first was.
Thanks girls. I do know when she gets here it will be different, but I feel so bad at the moment for just not really caring! My OH is so depressed and guilty and having all these horrible 'what if' and 'if only' thoughts. It sucks. I hope she will cheer him up a bit, but he really just wants his dad back, which can't happen. :(

Sorry you have lost someone too Oily, it's really difficult. :(

I'm hoping for swift and timely labours for all of us!!!
Oh no, how sad :( My FIL died last year and not long after we found out I was pregnant. Their life has ended but soon we will be bringing new life in to this world :) don't feel guilty about "not caring", grief can do the strangest things to us.

I'm 37+1 and ended up in hospital yesterday! I was in so much pain I genuinely thought it was labour, I could barely move without it feeling like I was being ripped open! After an hour of being checked it turns out I've a severe UTI and been given antibiotics and codeine for the pain. Cervix is intact so no labour (bit disappointed ha ha). Strangely I saw my midwife 2 days previously who tested my urine and said it was absolutely fine?!

Luckily my mum has taken my 3 year old for the weekend so I can rest up. We're having a heatwave here in the UK and I'm not coping too well 😂
Oh yuck, I had a UTI over Christmas - not nearly as bad as yours sounds but pretty rank all the same! Especially in this heat ... urrgh it's horrible with such a massive belly. Can't believe I am due tomorrow - still absolutely no signs whatsoever lol.

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