thank you ladies for the positive vibes! Well today was better. We decided to do the move as soon as we can to get it out of the way and I am feeling better now that at least we have an action plan
I also cooked delicious food (cannelloni with spinach and sour cream in the over. Oh yeah, and tons of cheese) and was also considering a piece of tiramisu when The Toddler approached:
Toddler: "I want a bite"
Me: Sorry, it has coffee in it and a bit of chocolate and alcohol so it's not good for kids.
Toddler: MOOooooom! You can't eat it either! There is a baby in your belly.
Me: (leaves the spoon down, whispers to husband "I think we are raising an evil genius").
I loved reading the reaction of your little one toddmommy
When we told ours, she was really really excited and she was with us at the early scan too, but when she asked how big is baby and we told her like a grape, she was not impressed :/ She keeps doing this pretend game though, that she pretends to take milk from my breast with a spoon (she is breastfed still) and puts it on my belly button, for the baby to eat
I tried explaining the whole umbilical cord thing but at 2years 4 months she didn't really get it