October Bfp with #2 anyone with me?

Can I join too please?! Got a surprise BFP a couple of days ago - big shock (not planned), only tested because AF was 3 days late and still didn't expect it to be positive! Thought it was just stress...

I think I'm between 4 and a half and 5 and a half weeks...
Anyway I'm very slowly getting my head around it, but I have an almost 1 year old baby plus 11 year old twins (all boys), so it's a bit scary..!

Definitely not real yet, I have forgotten I'm even pregnant most of the time - until I wonder why I feel so bloated, haha!
Hello all,
Just found out today that I am pregnant! There is a lot of emotions going on right now! My dd will be 3 in May. So there will just be over 3 years between them. I think my due date is June 26.
So, since we are all preggers here what are you planning to do for your announcement!? Im assuming MOST of us will be announcing around christmas time?
Im thinking about filling christmas ornaments with baby stuff and a little note saying im pregnant or if im lucky and have an scan photo i can shrink down and put into the ornaments that would be even better. Then i can give each person an ornament and wait for the phone calls to start 😂
As for the social media reveal im thinking something like a family photo saying "wishing you a happy new year. From the 4 of us" of course there is only 3 of us in the photo... yeah. Im thinking about this too much. Lol
What are your guys' ideas ?

We did elf on the shelf last year so one of the days this time I'm going to have the elf holding the scan photo!
I will quietly ask to join when really I'd like to shout it from the roof tops. Got a faint but beautiful BFP this afternoon. Been feeling really rough the past few days. Had to leave work today because of dizzy spells. Not sure what I'm going to tell people as hubby wants to keep quiet until we see the doctor after the blood test and they don't want to do the test until Monday.
Trying to be calm but excited and scared. I have 1 son who is 4 1/2 and I had 2 mmc before I had him. Hopefully all will go well this this little one.
Congratulations kitty cat and canadian lady! Very exciting!!
Welcome to the new members! :)

Had an early scan at 6 weeks today and we say a heart beat! The tech didn't even have to do it internally, so now I can relax at least a bit.

Any other scans coming up? I have to wait till the 19th of November for my next one so I will be stalking to see everyone else's till then :)
15th of bloody November for me. Found LO's heartbeat last time on a home doppler at 11 weeks (ish) so am hoping to be able to do the same this time. The uncertainty and waiting is a bit shit. Especially as my morning sickness has dropped right down for the last day or two. :/ Probably nothing, as it IS still there a bit and went at 9 weeks last time, but you know ... you just worry, don't you.

Great news about the heartbeat Coco! :D
Aw how lovely Coco!
We paid for a private Early scan last time as we just couldn't wait..! I was supposed to be 7+5 at the time based on period dates, and the scan made me 8+3 so it was nice to skip forward almost a week!

Would love to have another one this time around the same time - to be properly 'dated', and also to make sure everything is going as it should (and that there's only one in there!) - but I'm not sure we can justify the £70 cost... we became addicted to having private extra scans last time and spent a fortune, haha!
Haha. I had a 4D one for fun, which was great - she was soooo sweet, even then!
Hey all! I got an early but very dark BFP this am.
I am 9dpo today and am very excited to be back.
This is our second pregnancy and our DS is turning 4 on saturday.
Today was my EDD with #1 so its kind of a neat timeline :)
Anyways. Anyone else close in pregnancy wanna be buddies!? 😄

Hi there !! I also just got my bfp this morning at 9 dpo. This is baby #2 as well and my daughter is nearly 4 too lol
Hey all! I got an early but very dark BFP this am.
I am 9dpo today and am very excited to be back.
This is our second pregnancy and our DS is turning 4 on saturday.
Today was my EDD with #1 so its kind of a neat timeline :)
Anyways. Anyone else close in pregnancy wanna be buddies!? 😄

Hi there !! I also just got my bfp this morning at 9 dpo. This is baby #2 as well and my daughter is nearly 4 too lol

Its nice to see some other people with older kids just starting to have more. My DS was a horrible sleeper which quite literally traumatized me. So it took me alot longer to want to go for #2 :)
Hey all! I got an early but very dark BFP this am.
I am 9dpo today and am very excited to be back.
This is our second pregnancy and our DS is turning 4 on saturday.
Today was my EDD with #1 so its kind of a neat timeline :)
Anyways. Anyone else close in pregnancy wanna be buddies!? 😄

Hi there !! I also just got my bfp this morning at 9 dpo. This is baby #2 as well and my daughter is nearly 4 too lol

Its nice to see some other people with older kids just starting to have more. My DS was a horrible sleeper which quite literally traumatized me. So it took me alot longer to want to go for #2 :)

hahaha mine STILL is quite a bad sleeper, the only change is that now along with waking up 2-3 times per night to breastfeed, she decided it's time to drop her nap. The moment that the true exhaustion hits... well-played girl. Well-played...
Hi ladies! I got my BFP 2 days ago at 9dpo and my EDD is 7/05/2017. This will be my second baby (my husband's 3rd). Happy 9 months to all of you!!
I had a phonecall from my midwife yesterday, sooner than I expected. So I now have my pre-booking appointment when I'll be about 7 weeks and my booking appointment when I'll be about 9 weeks - starting to feel a bit more real now I have appointments...!
Hoping to have a private scan before then so I that can have an accurate Due Date at the time of my appointment, but will have to see if money allows it... Especially as I'm having a lot of lower back pain and lower abdo cramping (mainly on the left side) - but no bleeding or spotting at all, so don't feel like I can go to anyone about it :-(
Cramping early on is really common and normal. Please don't worry too much. I've been getting round ligament pain for a while now, first just on the left, but now on both sides. Exactly the same happened first time round too and all was fine. :)
My son will be 5 in January. We waited until he was 2 1/2 because we moved from Scotland to Canada (where I'm from ). Been trying since October 2014.
Has anyone had a scan around 6 weeks in previous pregnancies? If so, what was it like?
Last time I had one at what should have been 7+3 but I was actually 8+1 by scan measurements - so it was really clear, proper 'baby shaped' with a nice heartbeat.
I am thinking about booking a scan for next weekend but I'll only be 6+3 so I'm worried it'll be too early to see anything 'substantial' and it'll just be a little blob, maybe not even be able to see heartbeat yet...
There's a chance I may be further ahead again but if I'm not, I don't want to be disappointed as we can't afford to have another one a couple of weeks later, so don't know whether to just wait (easier said than done..!). I also really want to try out the Ramzi theory!
Would be interested to hear people's experiences :)
My first scan with my first was at 12 weeks. They rarely scan early unless you have no idea when your last AF was.
So far my nausea has backed off quite a bit now and made way for complete exhaustion! Im ready to go back to bed before noon most days. This weekend has been extra rough as dh is out hunting with his dad so i get to babysit 5 dogs. Plus my DS and 2 of my own cats 😂 its tiring.
Feeling pretty bloated without the gas, having weird feelings on my left side almost like a popping feeling and i get a wicked pain/cramp/pinch on the left side when i get out of my car. Or out of the chair. Back pain is lingering also. Thinking about getting into yoga but i am too tired to think about that today. I look forward to DH returning home and my early bedtime! :)
I paid for a private one last time, that's why it was earlier than the standard 12 weeks :)
Will be doing the same this time, just feeling very impatient and not sure I can hold out another 2 weeks..!
Has anyone had a scan around 6 weeks in previous pregnancies? If so, what was it like?
Last time I had one at what should have been 7+3 but I was actually 8+1 by scan measurements - so it was really clear, proper 'baby shaped' with a nice heartbeat.
I am thinking about booking a scan for next weekend but I'll only be 6+3 so I'm worried it'll be too early to see anything 'substantial' and it'll just be a little blob, maybe not even be able to see heartbeat yet...
There's a chance I may be further ahead again but if I'm not, I don't want to be disappointed as we can't afford to have another one a couple of weeks later, so don't know whether to just wait (easier said than done..!). I also really want to try out the Ramzi theory!
Would be interested to hear people's experiences :)

I just had one at 6 weeks because of a chemical in June and it was abdominal (so not internal, but I am skinny and the tech said that's way she was able to do it that way). We saw a tiny bean and a heartbeat :) The tech said that officially they can detect heartbeat from 5weeks 4 days, but you have to be sure how far along you are, to avoid disappointment. Best of luck!

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