October Bfp with #2 anyone with me?

Urgh does anyone else hate the horrible blood tests?? Or is it just me who is a squinty, tense, wincing, la-la-la-ing mess??!

Not looking forward to the next one after my scan, but I'd rather know if there's any sort of trisomy risk, and at least I'll have the buzz of seeing the baby to hopefully keep me alive through it ...

I actually don't mind the bloodwork.
Im one of those weirdos that doesnt have to look away. Lol
Ugh! I have to lie down and block out any noise or I get dizzy!
I know how you feel. I used to have to lie down any time I had blood work or needles. Going through fertility tests and treatment with my son 5 years ago helped. This time I find I'm ok as long as I don't look. I can even sit up.

Anxiously counting down the days to our first scan on November 15th. Feels like a lifetime away.
Aw you've got yours the same day as me. Can't wait!
Congratulations Zoie, I have twins too! (Identical ones) which was also completely unexpected so I know how shocked you feel..! The excitement will take over soon, I promise!

I've been so poorly the last couple of days, can't believe I didn't have this problem in my other 2 pregnancies - I must've been reeeally lucky because this is awful!

We have a private Early scan booked for 12 November when I'll be 8+2 but I did have a sneaky quick scan at work yesterday (the perks of working in a hospital!), and saw a little bean with a lovely heartbeat. So that reassured me about all this sickness!
Fab news! Sorry about the sickness ... it hopefully shouldn't last TOO much longer. Mine is finally decreasing somewhat. It hasn't been nearly as miserable as last time, but it stopped dead on 9 weeks before, whereas now I'm 10 weeks and it's still there, just not AS bad. The end is in sight I think!
I hate the bloodwork too!! Midwives can never seem to get blood out of me!! The last time I got stuck 4 times before sending me to a specialist blood clinic!!.

It's not sunk in at all yet!!, I still can't believe we are having twins!!.

I'm so so so sick :( morning sickness is kicking my butt, I don't know what to do with myself it's constant, I'm even waking up during the night because my nausea is so bad!. I can't wait for the second trimester !!
My first appointment is on the 18th ... still two weeks away, and it feels like an eternity. I'm still not having many symptoms and it's so hard to feel like this pregnancy is "real." I have no idea if they'll give me a scan at the appointment, they just mentioned blood work over the phone, but I'm crossing my fingers, because until I see something I know I'll be stuck in this limbo.
Woooo got my dating scan through, December 8th. The weeks are going to DRAG 😩
Ooohhh I'm so behind...twins! That is so exciting!! Are they natural or were you doing fertility treatments? Sorry if you already said :blush:

Agreed that the time to get to these appointments absolutely drags!
Completely natural!!. We were trying to not get pregnant the month too :haha:
Anyone else's symptoms coming and going? My nausea is easing off a bit during the day but getting worse around bedtime!
Feeling really shit today. Dizzy and cold and really sick. Just when you think it's going away, it comes back worse. Mine is definitely hunger related, but today, not even forcing food down has helped. :(
Boobee- mine came and went for 3-4 days and now the nausea has been rare for about a week...hopefully yours will subside and you will feel better :flower:

Kitty that is so exciting! Hope you start feeling better soon :flower:

Meep I'm sorry :hugs: Maybe some toast or light soup? Anything that sounds slightly appealing....or won't hurt really bad if it comes up

My nausea is pretty much gone. I am having a heck of a time sleeping though. I am a stomach sleeper and my boobs are so sore that it is about impossible to sleep on my stomach and everything else just isn't very comfortable...and then when I do get to sleep the crazy and vivid pregnancy dreams usually wake me up several times per night haha. I am thinking I will be ordering a pregnancy pillow and hoping that will help me side sleep more comfortably
Sorry you're all feeling rubbish. :hugs:

Is it normal to still have cramps at 5 weeks? Can't remember. I've had it since 3w3 when I got my bfp.
I definitely still had them at 5 weeks. Now it's just RLP, mostly if I move suddenly or sneeze!
Definitely normal to have cramps early on!, I've had them with all of my pregnancies :).

I feel a bit more human today, still feeling sick a lot but I've not felt like I'm going to keel over :haha:
Ive been feeling icky now since before i had a positive on the frer lol. It is definitely on and off and worsens if i get hungry. Its starting to worsen at night now which is when i take my prenatal too. So the 2 combined is awful.
I am looking forward to the day this goes away.
As for the cramping, id say its normal. I have had alot of cramping the last few weeks and lately a bit of RLP as well.
Thanks ladies. I was just worrying because they are quite noticeable. X

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