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****October Bumpkins 2010 - Parenting Thread****

Autumn, 2 weeks old today :cloud9:


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Well girls I've fiannly found time to post!

My little girl was born on the 22nd after 38 hours of labor (24 of which I did without and epidural but only progressed to 3cm which is why I chose to have an epi, after the epi I progressed to five and stuck there) and an emergency c-section. She came out weighing 8lbs 1.4oz and was 21 inches long. She's perfect! She's taken to breastfeeding like a champ and is getting into a routine. I'm healing okay but haven't been able to come completely off the pain medicine.

I'm loving being a mommy! I hope you girls are all doing great! I can't wait to get caught up on this thread... don't know if I'll be able to read all the previous posts but I'll try and catch up so I atleast know whats going on with everyone...
Awwww Autumn is gorgeous aurora. I have been trying to upload more pictures but it keeps saying upload of file failed. I've tried a variation of different photo's but it still says the same thing :( xx

Congratulations StonesWife and it's fantastic that everything is going well xx
serenity- its saying the same thing to me! frustrating!
serenity- its saying the same thing to me! frustrating!

Thank goodness it's not just me! It seemed like everyone else has been able to upload pictures and I can't :dohh: Wonder why it's not working for us :shrug:
Hmm, I don't think it could be that as I have managed to upload photo's before that were taken by the same camera as the ones I'm trying to upload now. I just don't get it :shrug: I even tried uploading ones that I've already uploaded on here but they still wouldn't work. It's a mystery to me, and I have also given up as it's really starting to annoy me now, lol.
Hey can you add me. I had Felicity on 26th October xx
Aw congrats to all the new mummys since i was last online :happydance: :cloud9:

here are some pics of my little girl Jasmine, gonna write up a proper birth story soon.

Bit anxious today as we have been referred to another consultant at a different hospital as Jasmine is believed to be tongue-tied... anxious as I really hope it will help with the bf issues we've been having... have had lots of tears from bubs and mum.... though having read some of the previous posts I understand there have been a few of us having problems with bf too, is it getting easier for anyone yet or had similar issues with tongue-tie?? :shrug:


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So my OH lost his job today, when firing him they used our 2 wk old as an excuse saying he was putting his baby before his job...duh of course he's going to! Now we're both jobless, ugh but my plans were to go back when he was 3 months. :(
So my OH lost his job today, when firing him they used our 2 wk old as an excuse saying he was putting his baby before his job...duh of course he's going to! Now we're both jobless, ugh but my plans were to go back when he was 3 months. :(

That is awful, what a terrible time for your OH to lose his job :hugs: Can they fire him if they have no reasonable grounds to do so? I mean them using your 2 week old baby as a reason to fire him isn't reason enough :shrug:
What the heck Casey, they can't use that as a reason. :(
Aw congrats to all the new mummys since i was last online :happydance: :cloud9:

here are some pics of my little girl Jasmine, gonna write up a proper birth story soon.

Bit anxious today as we have been referred to another consultant at a different hospital as Jasmine is believed to be tongue-tied... anxious as I really hope it will help with the bf issues we've been having... have had lots of tears from bubs and mum.... though having read some of the previous posts I understand there have been a few of us having problems with bf too, is it getting easier for anyone yet or had similar issues with tongue-tie?? :shrug:

Tristan is feeding well now, it just took time.

Try not to worry about the tongue tie, we see them a lot at work, it's good that you've found it young.

Is anyone else's baby going for a hip scan?

We had a terrible last night, poor littl boy is so snuffley, spent most of the night cuddling him again! I love him so so much, wish I could take the cold off him! I used the cream the Doctor gave me on a tiny patch on his face and it's worse this morning in that patch so I have decided to stop using it and let the rash heal itself!

Girls who are struggling with uploading, I've had the same, I can upload some but not others, maybe we should ask admin?
Added a thread for admin - https://www.babyandbump.com/forum-help-testing-area/452913-uploading-pictures.html#post7581648

Casey surely they can't fire him for that? Discriminating against him because he has a baby?
congrats to the new mummy's. They can't sack your OH for having a baby Casey - that's discrimination. Contact a laywer to see what they say. Bumblleberry, they're gorgeous photos. BB I'm glad the breast feeding is going well. I had my brother and his wife over today so Leo's now seen all the family except my dad who the docs say is not infectious anymore so we're going to visit him on sat. I'm so excited that finally Leo's met my side of the family!!!!
Little man had been diagnosed with acid reflux :( we are at the dr's on friday to get medication prescribed so hopefully he will start feeling better then :(

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