Hello ladies!
Serenity, I'm sorry to hear your baby is ill.

I know it must be tough. I'm always scared to death of when my baby is going to get ill for the first time. :S Hope she feels better soon!
I'm trying to play catch up on this thread... I have 12 pages to read

We'll see how many pages my baby girl will let me read before she wakes up.
It stinks that my internet got cut off the day I went into labor, so I have to go to a cafe to get onthe internet. I need to get it hooked back up so that I can share pictures and keep up with you ladies!
Anywhos.... My baby is doing great!

She is turning into a little chunky monkey!
But she seems to cry soo much since she's been born if someone isn't holding her when she is awake. The only way you can put her down is if she is in a deep sleep or so tired she just doesn't care anymore if you put her to sleep, but most nights in order for me to be able to put her down to sleep, I have to lay beside her and let her breast feed while she lies down. :/She screams bloody murder when I change her diaper, or if I put her down and try to avoid picking her up. It's hard being a single mom, I can't always hold her 24/7.
I was strolling her around the store the other day and she would scream every time I put her in her in the stroller. You can imagine what I looked like trying to hold a baby, push a stroller around and buy food... I ended up not buying any food. and we went home.
But she has been sleeping a good 3-4 hours through the night. YAY!
She used to wake every hour and a half to feed. I'm so proud of her.
She is already a month old! Where has the time gone! Wow... That is so crazy.
She can now put on the biggest smile in the world. It melts my heart! She used to just smile in her sleep, now when you give her a kissy she puts on a big gummy smile and squints her eye's. Soo precious, I love her so much. I could never imgine my life without her. I can barely leave her with my mom for more than an hour and a half before I start feeling frantic to get back to her. :S
She also get's hiccups at least once a day. She gets soo mad at them.

After every hiccup, she will yell "AH" as if she is fussing at them to go away.

She is a pretty demanding baby not only to me but her hiccups.

I'm taking it she is going to be a leader when she grows up.
You can also tell when she is about to sneeze. She will make a noise like "Ah-Goo" then a few seconds later sneeze. I used to think she was trying to talk, but then started to notice a sneeze after everytime she would say it.
She's also a kicker! She's probably going to be a soccer player! Lol, she nearly kicked me off the bed last nightwhen I was trying to change her diaper.

Her legs are so strong, if I hold her up, and if she's in the mood, she can hold her weight when I hold her up on the bed. I joked with my fiance and said she was going to be able to walk before she can crawl.
She absolutely HATES tummy time. She will work herself up so much in less than 5 minutes to a howling scream and end up turning herself over onto her side. So we don't get to do much tummy time. :/
But she loves being up on her feet! The first day we learned she could hold her weight, she wouldn't even let me put her in the sitting position. I had to hold her up on her feet.

I guess she enjoyed her new found skill.
Even though it is exhausting, it is a real joy and exciting having a baby. You never know what they are going to do next.
Well I can't wait to read these 12 pages to see how all of you ladies and your babies are doing!