Little fattys!!
My Hubby has been brilliant since we have had Tristan but one thing that is really annoying me is the fact he comes home from work, has tea then falls asleep on the sofa, I try to wake him up but always fail, he ends up coming to bed in the early hours when he wakes up. It's making me upset. I barely see him because he's always asleep. Last night was the first night we've gone to bed together in a long time but that's only because we where at a wedding reception. When we first had Tristan he said he wanted to bath and put him to bed each night but he doesn't do it coz he is always asleep. I end up doing it.
I feel so stupid because I'm sat here close to tears, it's Sunday afternoon and we are stuck in because he's fallen asleep AGAIN! I know he works hard but what about me? I look after Tristan all day and night and am up various times a night. I'm knackered but I don't nap! Why am I getting so upset about bloody sleep!!!?