YAY for babies sleeping through the night!

Mine wasnt bad last night, slept 11pm-3:20am and then again from 4-7:30am!

Cant really complain for not even 4 weeks old yet! I cannot wait until I start getting 8+ hours though!
Re: TTC and birth control, definitely NOT for me! Hubby is going to get a referral for a vasectomy when we take Alora in for her shots... so no more babies for us! Two kids was always the limit for us, so we are done. It's sad to think I will never go through this again... but at the same time, its nice knowing that we are closing that chapter of our lives and can just enjoy the children we have, watch them grow... and clean out our house as they outgrow the baby stuff! My house looks like a flea market right now, with all the toys scattered everywhere!
And just to let you ladies know who may start TTC soon, my two kids are two years apart and its hard having them this close. I LOVE that they will be close in age, but its hard work. Having two in diapers...

... My oldest is very independant but she still needs LOTS of attention at this age.. its hard managing the two of them sometimes.

Lets just say, sometimes poor Alora just has to sit and cry sometimes when I can't get to her right away, and sometimes my oldest has to sit and wait too. There just isn't enough time in the day, and my time literally goes from feeding one child, to feeding the other... changing one diaper, to changing the other... it's rare to find "me" time right now. SOOO worth it, but hard. If I were to do this again, I would have had them a tad further apart I think.