ladies. I know how you feel. I called my mom the other day at 9:30am and she was still in bed. I said a snarky remark "oh it must be nice!"... I didn't mean to sound nasty but it's hard not to get a little jealous and angry when other people get to sleep hours and hours, and we're up all night with our little ones.

It's worth it, and we're happy to do it... but at the end of the day, we're all exhausted and it sucks to see other people get sleep whenever they want.
Luckily my DH doesn't sleep when we can spend time together, but he does get a full nights sleep EVERY night as I'm the one who always gets up with Alora. And I've even asked him to get up on weekends to help me out, and he whines and complains that it will "mess up his schedule" when he goes back to work Monday.

And plus, he's a really heavy sleeper so he probably wouldn't hear her anyway and I would just end up getting up.

but it just sucks, to feel like we can't get any relief!
And sometimes... lets face it, men just don't get it.
Just remember, this phase doesn't last forever. Eventually these babes WILL sleep through the night (though all babies are different) and we WILL get some sleep! I remember with my first daughter, this phase felt like it lasted forever but it does start to get better, and then better and better. Now, my 2 year old sleeps 12 hours a night, not waking up at ALL unless she's sick or something.

So hang in there ladies.
I DO know how you all feel!